
(00005788, 00005787)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID Companion_Barrett
Race Human Gender Male
SF-skill-Starship Engineering 4.png

Starship Engineering 4
Ship system repair is 20% faster.
SF-skill-Particle Beam Weapon Systems 3.png

Particle Beam Weapon Systems 3
15% increased Ship-Based Particle Beam Weapon Damage and Recharge speed.
SF-skill-Robotics 2.png

Robotics 2
25% more damage to robots.
SF-skill-Gastronomy 1.png

Gastronomy 1
The companion will occasionally give you food.
RefID 00005788 BaseID 00005787
Other Information
Faction(s) AvailableCompanionFaction, COM_PersonalCrimeFaction_Barret, ConstellationFaction, CurrentCompanionFaction, LodgeInvisibleDoorsFaction, MQ101MinerFaction, PlayerAllyFaction

Amundsen Barrett, who typically goes by Barrett, is a member of Constellation and a potential companion. He is largely responsible for setting the events of the game in motion by having unearthed multiple artifacts. On his last commissioned dig, he encounters the Player and entrusts them to rejoin Constellation.

Before joining Constellation, Barrett worked as a United Colonies physicist. To the recommendation of Sarah Morgan and former chair Aja Mamasa, he would join Constellation in 2305, where he would meet his late husband Ervin Madani. Ervin died in the Colony War. Unsatisfied with the information relayed to him, Barrett developed a long-running fixation on the circumstances of his death and would later attempt to discover the truth through various means. Two years prior to the events of the game, he discovered Artifact SIGMA in the Constellation archives and received a vision from it. He then commissioned Argos Extractors to excavate two other artifacts, one on Ka'zaal and one on Vectera. Both digs were supervised by Lin.

Barrett is an eccentric, intelligent man with a pronounced sense of humor. He is scientifically minded but approaches most situations with a laid-back if not carefree attitude. His oddness is often referenced and appreciated by other members of Constellation. Beyond his surface level antics, he frequently demonstrates a degree of grief over the loss of his husband and struggles to come to terms with his death. He is remarkably at ease with dangerous situations and familiar with risk. With few exceptions, he is rarely caught lacking for a response to what he encounters and is generally excited when discovering new things.

As the previous captain of the Frontier, he attracted the attention of the Crimson Fleet. Following the dig on Vectera, he entrusts command of the ship to the Player, providing them with their first ship and companion in the form of Vasco.

Like all members of Constellation, Barrett wears a unique version of the Constellation spacesuit with his skill patches sewn onto the left shoulder. He uses a modified Eon as his weapon but does not have any weapon-specific skills. His set of skills makes him more suited as ship crew than field operations. When asked, he will provide various food items at regular intervals.

Related MissionsEdit

Player ConversationsEdit

First Companion ConversationEdit

Barrett thanks you for the "daring rescue".

  • Barrett dislikes it if you ask for credits.

Any of several answers lead to your first chance to flirt with him.

  • Barrett likes it if you choose "I put my trust in people, not an organization", then select "Mutual trust".
  • Barrett dislikes it if you ask "Who's Ervin", but that leads to his deeper backstory.
  • Barrett likes it if you ask for a memory of Ervin.

Affinity changesEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Into the Unknown, Barrett likes it if you, tell Matteo "Got you beat. Three artifacts to your zero." then say, "I agree with Noel and Andreja."
  • Into the Unknown, Barrett dislikes it if you, tell Matteo "Got you beat. Three artifacts to your zero." then say, "I'm at my best when someone else is trying their hardest to win."
  • Starborn, Barrett dislikes it if you say, the Starborn could be human.
  • Further Into the Unknown, Barrett likes it if you say, "Noel's Right. We can't abandon who we are now."
  • Further Into the Unknown, Barrett dislikes it if you say ay "I'm starting to wonder if this is all worth it. Myself" or "You two better stop before we all drown in seriousness."

Faction MissionsEdit

Ryujin IndustriesEdit

  • Back to the Grind, Barrett likes it if you, try to persuade Tomo to stand down.
  • Back to the Grind, Barrett likes it if you, promise Tomo to not kill him when you are sent by Ryujin to kill him.
  • Top Secrets, Barrett likes it if you, tell Simon that you are not going to kill Malai for him.
  • Top Secrets, Barrett likes it if you, tell Malai that you are about to safe her life.
  • Background Checks, Barrett likes it if you, tell Dalton that he does not have to worry about casulties while you infiltrate Ryujin Tower.
  • Guilty Parties, Barrett likes it if you, indicate that you don't think Imogene is guilty, while talking to Dalton.

Wants to TalkEdit

  • Temple conversation, Barrett likes it if you say, "It was unlike anything I've ever experienced... so strange." or "It was like old ruins. I'm not an archaeologist, I don't know."
  • Temple conversation, Barrett dislikes it if you say, "It was a religious experience. It truly was a temple."
  • Temple conversation, Barrett likes it if you say, "I got powers, I'm awesome now."

New Game PlusEdit

Should the player opt to replay the main quest in NG+, Barrett will be found as usual in the mission Back to Vectera. If the player chooses to skip the MQ and immediately reveal they are Starborn, the mission will also be skipped and Barrett will be found waiting at the moon's Mining Outpost where he may be recruited.

Barrett's quest Worlds Apart may also be started early with a Starborn-specific dialogue option. While this quest guarantees access to an extra tier of the power Parallel Self, Temple Sigma may also be part of the NG+ rotation and can be found naturally or by asking Vlad for temple locations. As such, it is optional to fulfill Barrett's quest to level up this particular power in NG+.


  • "You know what I hate about these pirates? Completely resistant to my otherwise irresistible charm." --Barrett's remark hints at his ongoing conflict with the pirates, although it falls short of escalating to the point where they engage in immediate hostilities. His statement implies that he typically relies on his charismatic nature to navigate such encounters, making him surprised by the unexpected resistance shown by the pirates. It underscores his confidence in interpersonal skills while expressing his bewilderment at the pirates' uncharacteristic response.


Barrett and WalterEdit

Hey, Walter! Did you follow up on that investment tip?
Well, Mr. Stroud? Did you investigate that company I mentioned?
So, Walter. That tip I gave you. Panned out, didn't it?
It appears you may have provided information that Stroud-Eklund could profit from in the future, yes.
You know very well I don't publicly disclose my investment strategies. But.... yes, it looks very promising.
It's possible that I may have found your information useful.
Told you!
Ha! I knew it. You didn't believe me, but I was right.
Ha ha! No need to thank me, Walter. Just slip a few credits under my pillow when you can.
All right, where exactly do you get your sources? I have to know!
You can gloat all you want, so long as you tell me how you came by that information in the first place.
Barrett, seriously, how do you find these things out?
Oh, I know a guy. And he knows a girl, and she went to a conference in Neon. We all had a few drinks, traded some stories, and here we are.
Bumped into a fellow in Paradiso. He was there on vacation, I was running a lead. We got to talking. Turns out he's got connections. I guess I do, too.
Why, Walter! I'm offended. What kind of man do you take me for? You have your methods, I have mine.

Barrett and VascoEdit

Barrett: "Vasco, quick! Top three one-liner moments!"
Vasco: "Yes, Barrett. Number three: Your retort to the Crimson Fleet raiders on Leonis III."
Barrett: "Yes. Classic."
Vasco: "Number two: Your wisecrack about the Ashta and the miner to the patrons of the Stoneroot Inn."
Barrett: "I was on a roll!"
Vasco: "Number one: Your counter to the demands of the Ecliptic captain in orbit around Tau Ceti V."
Barrett: "Hmm. That was a good one, but I'm not sure it's the top."
Vasco: "That is the list you provided to me, in the exact order you dictated. Shall I update the listing?"
Barrett: "Let me think on it, buddy. I'll get back to you."
Barrett: "Vasco, I asked you to remind me about something... what was it?"
Vasco: "There are fifty-eight items on the reminder list, starting from the top..."
Barrett: "Wait! Uh. Just the most recent thing then."
Vasco: "The most recent request was to remind you that you should cut back on spicy food. You said this while you were eating an entire tray of Spicy Chunks. So I was instructed to remind you before the next time."
Barrett: "Mm... yeah. I mean no, not that one. What did I say before that one?"
Vasco: "You said remember to check on the experiment. The one that might explode."
Barrett: "Oh yeah, no. That exploded already. What about the one before that?"
Vasco: "You showed me a picture of a planet with multiple trajectories associated with orbiting bodies. You said this planet might hold the key to understanding the nature of---"
Barrett: "That's it! I remember what it was now! But where am I going to find that many Spicy Chunks?"
Vasco: "Barrett, I must remind you---"
Barrett: "Not now, Vasco. This is science."
Barrett: "Vasco, we haven't run a deep diagnostic on you in a while, have we?"
Vasco: "I do not know. Sweetie."
Barrett: "Uh... what did you call me?"
Vasco: "I did not formally address you, honey."
Barrett: "Vasco, can you repeat what you just said? "
Vasco: "I did not formally address you, handsome."
Barrett: "Let me just... run a couple of tests..."
Vasco: "Understood. I will prepare my system to begin the diagnostics. This will run as a background process, honey bundles of joy."
Barrett: "Good grief. Who did this to you, Vasco?"
Vasco: "I do not know what you mean, Mr. Muscles."
Barrett: "I mean, it is kind of nice though."
Vasco: "What exactly are you referring to, my precious pumpkin?"
Barrett: "Uh. Nevermind. Vasco, please quarantine any recently modified code relating to communications."
Vasco: "Yes, sir."

Barrett and MatteoEdit

Hey, Barrett. We're just doing some scans on the, uhh, the artifacts. Have you seen the, uhh... the thing?
I was just going to do some scans, and I was looking... for, y'know, the thing.
Hey Barrett, I can't find the... The thing, for scanning. Have you seen it?
You're going to have to give me a little more to go on, pal. Which thing are you looking for?
Matteo, we've got, like, several dozen 'things' that might be useful. Can you narrow it down a little bit?
I would love to help you, but I'm going to need just a bit more information.
You know, the... the thing. The one with the, uhh, the prongs? Is that what they are? The bit that sort of sticks out, with the... you know...
Oh, come on, you know what I mean, right? The thing! The one that has the screen, with the dials...
Ah, right. Well, it's the one with the plugs, and the little probe things that you clip on, and... uhh...
You have no idea what you're looking for, do you.
No, I do not.
Not a clue. Noel told me, and I have forgotten.
No, but I have good intentions. That should be enough, right?
I will find you something to play with.
Okay, don't worry. I'll track something down for you.
All right, I will find and bring you an array of devices that may or may not serve your purpose. Sound good?

Barrett and SamEdit

Barrett: "Hey, Sam! What do you think you're doing, just hanging around here? Don't you know you're wasting Walter's hard-earned credits?"
Sam: "Hey buddy, you're hanging around just as much as I am!"
Barrett: "I know. Pretty nice to take a load off for a bit, huh?"
Sam: "You won't hear me complain."
Barrett... Don't you still owe me 100 credits?
What? No, I paid you back two weeks ago!
Are you kidding me? Matteo said he'd cover me!
No, no, you've got it all wrong! Don't you remember - you told me it was your treat, that I didn't have to pay you back!
What? That's what you said last week! Come on!
That is not at all how I remember it.
Come on, seriously! You've gotta pay me eventually.
Okay, okay... Remind me again next week, will you? I'll get you back.
All right, you got me. I'll scrape something together for you... Next week, maybe?

Barrett and SarahEdit

You may recall that very recently, while on mission I have been both rendered unconscious and kidnapped. I thought being here might be a nice change of pace.
Spending some extra time in the Lodge, are we?
Yes, ma'am. Noel's not the only one with a scientific background, you know.
There is only so much universe to explore, boss. I've got to pace myself.
Fair enough. Carry on.
Well, I do insist that we sit down and catch up properly sometime soon.
Let's just keep the hijniks [sic] to a minimum, shall we?
Hey, Sarah. You holding up okay? Can't be easy being in charge of all this.
I didn't exactly need a reminder, but I'm doing fine. Unless, of course, you're suggesting you'd like to take over?
Barrett, expressing actual, honest concern? I am shocked! I don't suppose you're after the job, are you?
You needn't fear, Barrett. Possibly the biggest mystery in history rests on our - my - shoulders, but I'm sure it will be fine. Why, would you care to take the reins for a while?
We both know I am the last person that should have that kind of responsibility. But hey, you know where to find me if you ever need anything, okay?
Oh, no thank you! I am quite content with my lot. I am glad to know you're all right, though.
Not a chance! I'm glad I dodged that bullet! We're all here for you if you need us. Remember that.

Barrett and CoraEdit

Barrett: "Hello Cora. What are you reading these days?"
Cora: "I'm reading a book about plants written by somebody from Constellation a hundred years ago! He wrote about this experiment with some xerophytes that he found on ten different planets! It's amazing! He made a brand new kind of plant! Like he did it all himself. It's so wow!"
Barrett: "Wow that sounds really... Wait. What's the author's name?"
Cora: "Like, Marvin Madani or something."
Barrett: "From a hundred years ago, huh."
Cora: "I'll put the book back when I'm done, don't worry!"

Barrett and NoelEdit

Barrett: "Noel, whenever you're bored I've got a seat in the ship with your name on it."
Noel: "I don't know... I have a lot of work to do."
Barrett: "What are you working on, if you don't mind me asking?"
Noel: "Analyzing some of Sarah's recent data from the field. We're going to collaborate on a study."
Barrett: "She doesn't know you're working this hard, does she?"
Noel: "I've always worked hard. That was the only way that I could get here. My work is all I have... no wealth, no connections, and my timing is all wrong."
Barrett: "You've earned the right to be here, Noel."
Noel: "Maybe I'll take you up on that seat sometime... after I get some more work done."

Barrett and MatteoEdit

Barrett! The book I left for you in your room is about the commonality of spiritual beliefs... did you have a chance to read it?
My friend... I sent you a wonderful discussion about old Earth religious beliefs the other day.
Did you have time to listen to it? I found it to be very enlightening.
Oh... Barrett, have you already read that text I sent you on the nature of the human soul?
Yes, Matteo. I'm aware of those philosophical stances already.
I must have missed it... but it's okay, Matteo. I'm reasonably aware of these philosophies.
Matteo, I mean this sincerely my friend... I don't think I need more information to understand the gist.
I find it to be truly fascinating how so many beliefs have so much in common. Don't you?
It is so interesting to me that all sorts of people came to similar conclusions.
I love how similar themes about the goodness of humanity shine through in so many of these texts.
Yet so much differs between the philosophies... surely that is also significant?
Commonalities do not correlate to actualities, my friend.
Seekers prefer the mathematical union of all beliefs... I prefer the intersection... the shared humanistic foundations.
The differences in thought are situational based on the history of the people whose lives it enhances.
I think about that too, but things involving humans may be flawed in translation, don't you think?
I prefer to consider the intention of the beliefs rather than the precision.
All of the data points should be considered, even or especially the ones that do not quite fit.
If the conclusions are significantly derivative, there's probably a flaw in the hypothesis.
If the methodology leads to alternative conclusions, perhaps the premise itself is flawed.
I have the perfect text for you... it clears it all up. I'll leave it in your room when I have a moment.
You are asking for a mathematical formula that creates hope, dreams, and love.
I understand why you say that, but I think it is my own fault for not explaining better.
All right, Matteo. We'll have to pick this up another time.
Matteo, I love you my friend, but we'll have to continue this another time.
You're a kind person, Matteo.
Maybe next time we should talk about sports instead, though.

Andreja and BarrettEdit

Hey, Andreja. I hope all is well with you?
Andreja. Everything going okay?
Andreja! Hey. Having a good day, I hope?
Aha! Andreja. Are you doing all right?
It is.
I am.
Good, good. So, I've got some new board games... Vasco and I could use another player if you're interested?
Good, good. So, once a month or so we like to have a movie night around here... you can pick the next movie if you want?
Good, good. So I was thinking about cooking a big meal for everybody... if you're interested, I'd love an extra hand?
Good, good. Noel and I are going to set up an experiment to artificially simulate metallic hydrogen under extreme pressure. You in?
I am not.
I decline.
I do not want to be involved.
No worries, no worries. Maybe another time, right?
No worries, no worries. Hey it's okay, we do this a lot. Maybe next week instead?
No worries, no worries. That's quite all right. Maybe another time then.
No worries, no worries. If you feel up to it later, let me know.
I will not change my mind about this.
I doubt it.
No. I do not think so.
I appreciate the attempt to pull me into your activity. But no.


  • Barrett is voiced by Barry Wiggins.
  • Barrett mentions that Sarah Morgan convinced him to join Constellation but precedes her own membership by 15 years.
  • He likes to buy chocolate at Jemison Mercantile, although Vasco has repeatedly informed him that it is a significant factor to his overweight.
  • The patches on Barrett's uniform are incorrect, showing Aneutronic Fusion instead of Starship Engineer. Vasco is the companion with Aneutronic Fusion as a major skill.
Editor ID LC165_Lodge_Barrett
Race Human Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 0010A3D6
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