Proprietor |
Planet | |||
Jemison | |||
System | |||
Alpha Centauri System | |||
Location | |||
New Atlantis, Commercial District |
Outland is an equipment shop in New Atlantis popular with trackers.
Location ScenesEdit
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02 |
- Hello, Cornelius.
- Ms. Morgan!
- About that spacesuit order... I must apologize again. The faulty recirculating pumps were clearly a manufacturing defect...
- Relax. Constellation's been buying from Outland for what, a decade? I know you're good for it. I'm just here to shop.
- Yes, of course... of course. Take your time. We do appreciate your - Constellation's - business.
- Sarah Morgan's scene with Cornelius Townard never runs. COM_Convo_SarahMorgan_Trigger_NA02_Ref [00011BD1] is around the desk (only small area in front), and should be triggered by player? Sarah never leaves the doorway, and does not enter the trigger. (details)