Starfield:Hostile Intelligence
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Official Summary[edit]
"Hadrian and Percial have formed a plan on how to stop the Terrormorphs - remove them from human worlds by either hunting them down using creatures called "Aceles" or wiping them out with a microbe. In order to prove out either plan, though, they'll need some raw materials. And the place to collect those - Londinion.\n\nThe player, Hadrian, Percival, and Kaiser head to Londinion to collect those materials, but discover a plant - the Lazarus Plant - that might've been used to trigger the attacks on New Atlantis and Tau Ceti. The player and Hadrian then discover a lead to who might've known about the plant - Hadrian's father, Vae Victis."
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Hadrian.
- Travel to Toliman II.
- Gear up at Forward Base 441.
- Enter the city.
- Go through the processing facility.
- Fight two terrormorphs at the train station.
- Collect three aceles samples at the train station.
- Go into the steam tunnels and learn the origin of terrormorphs.
- Fight the final terrormporph at the spaceport to collect a sample.
- Talk to Percival.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Planning on Mars[edit]
When you return from Niira to Red Devils HQ Kaiser is welcomed back by Hadrian and Dr. Walker. While Dr. Walker begins to overhaul and arm Kaiser Hadrian suggests two possible solutions to the Terrormorph threat: Reintroduction of Aceles into the worlds of the settled systems as a slow but safe method, or an aerosolized microbe that would be designed to kill anything with terrormorph dna as a faster, even more efficient, but riskier method.
Percival thinks that the microbe has minimal risks as he would encode safeguards against mutation in the agent's genetics so the microbe wouldn't harm anything but terrormorphs. But as the microscophic world is fundamentally unpredictable a certain risk of mutation would remain.
After you stated you prefered method, if you so wish, Hadrian explains that you will have to go to Londinion as this will be the fastest way to collect necessary data on terrormorphs and aceles. The UC maintains Forward Base 441 in the outskirts of Londinion. You will accompany Hadrian, Percival and Kaiser there and meet base commander Saira Hatoum. As Londinium is terrormorph territory Hadrian suggest you arm up accordingly, and she recommends you check in with Lt. Gualter Azevedo here at the Red Devils HQ before you depart for Toliman II.
Forward Base 441[edit]
After you geared up you travel to Toliman II where you will be hailed by an UC patrol that warn you of the dangers of Toliman II. When you land at Forward Base 441 you are just a few steps to the north of the base proper.
Approach the base and a UC Marine will call out and direct you to command at the end of the compound where Saira Hatoum expects you. The gunfire you hear comes from a shooting range to your left, nothing to worry about.
Command is on the west side of the square with the aceles statue, on your right, in a former TerraBrew store. As you introduce yourself to commander Hatoum Hadrian, Percival and Kaiser arrive. Hatoum gives you free choice of the gear you find at the base and uploads municipal unlock codes to Kaiser. She also makes clear that she will not provide backup if you get in trouble in the city. Finally she advises you to make for a field cache in the city.
The plan is for Percival to hook into the coms tower to provide directions and intel while you, Hadrian, Kaiser and you companion enter the city to collect data samples.
Then it's time to gear up. You may take anything in the command center, including things behind locks. The armory is the fenced off building outside at the south end of the square. You can pick up some more weapons and ammo at the shooting range at the north end of the square.
Inside the armory a United Colonies Agent will hand you a Microgun and ammo. Don't miss out on the UC AntiXeno, UC AntiXeno Space Helmet and UC AntiXeno Spacesuit on a cabinet next to the Agent. In here you may take everything you like, even from the lockers, with the exception of the locked weapon rack in the south-eastern corner of the lower floor. If you pick it's lock in sight of the UC Marine you will get a United Colonies Bounty. If you want the weapon inside you need to crough down and hide in the corner of the room. The upper level has some gear too. On the roof of the armory you can find Percival handling the FB 441 :: Communications Array. Behind the building, in front of a ontime chunks store, Commander Hatoum uploads coordinates into Kaiser and then return to her post at Command. Go through the Chunks store. Hadrian and Kaiser are waiting for you at a gate leading into the city.
Processing Facility[edit]
Talk to Hadrian who will check in with Kaiser and Percival, and Kaiser will unlock the gate. Flip the switch at the bottom of the stairs to open the gate and go through it. Percival will locate an aceles sample at an old shipping yard past a processing plant. Go through the storage area heading south and hit the swith on the far side to open another gate.
You are now in Londinion proper, and thus will be attacked by some creatures. Hadrian recognizes that these creatures are dominated by a terrormorph, so you will have to find and kill it.
Cross the square heading south west and go into the building ahead of you. This is the processing plant Commander Hatoum mentioned earlier where the marines have established a field cache. After you have cleared the facility of creatures Percival will radio in and give coordinates to containers with aceles samples in a shipping yard ahead of you. He also reminds you of the field cache, wich is in a small room on ground level in the south east corner of the facility.
On a workbench on the upper level you can find a data slate containing a cry for help added to a foreman's log from the colony war. The corpse of the first of the four workers lies a bit to the north west next to some pipes.
To leave the processing facility you have to go through the field cache and leave through the door to the east. At the corner of the building to your right you can find the second of the four workers mentioned in the slate. The shipping yard is to the south, behind a security wall.
Shipping Yard[edit]
There are two terrormorphs here. Try to avoid fighting them at the same time.
An Albino Terrormorph on the lower level to the west, on your right hand side if you cross the center catwalk.
A Cloaked Terrormorph at the far side of the eastern catwalk which will try to dominate you.
Aceles Samples[edit]
There are three samples to collect.
Aceles Gene Sample (Alpha) is on the lower level on the east side, between the two catwalks, in the yellow storage container on the center train track. Inside the container is an equipment storage, take the sample out of it.
Aceles Gene Sample (Beta) is in a container suspended from a beam on the south-east side of the trainyard. The yellow storage container is between the two bridges. There is a small carriage you can jump on, the sample is inside in an equipment storage.
Aceles Gene Sample (Gamma) is on the lower level on the west side in the yellow storage container on the center train track. There is some debries in front of it, you have to open it from the back. Again you find the sample in an equipment storage inside the container.
Give the samples to Kaiser once you have collected them all. Percival radios in, he has located a calid terrormorph sample in the spaceport. Unfortunately the direct path is not available, but Kaiser suggests to go through some steam tunnels below the city. Both Percival and Kaiser are surprised that Kaiser knows about this, but as no better option is available everyone agress to go through the tunnels.
The trainyard control room mentioned in the slate is at the south side of the trainyard on the upper level. Inside you can find an message and the corpse of another worker.
To reach the steam tunnels you have to go back towards the processing facility. Go north over on of the catwalks and through the security wall. Go to the yard east of the facility, the door you came out of earlier is to your left. Go past some containers to your right and keep right, and you will come to a door with a glaring light above it that leads to the Londinion Steam Tunnels.
Steam Tunnels[edit]
Climb down the stairs into the tunnel where you will find strange tubers growing from the ground which Hadrian will identify as lazarus plant. Follow the tunnel eastward to the end, then turn south and go up the stairs. The room at the top of the stairs has some heatleeches, and Hadrian wonders how these can survive down here. The room has two doors on each side, you need to go through the southwestern one, on you far right. The corridor turns left, and you will end up in front of a big glass window. Approach that window.
Hadrian will marvel at the lazarus in bloom on the other side of the window while a heatleech creeps in view and, absorbing all the lazarus spores, mutates into a terrormorph. That heatleeches develop into terrormorphs is obviously a terrible discovery, as heatleeches are practically everywhere humans live and, so far, have not been consideres more than a nuisance. Hadrian concludes that what you just witnessed must be an alternative growth method induced by lazarus plant that is far more accelerated than the common growth method that takes about seventy years.
She also concludes that this instant growth of a heatleech into a terrormorph may have been used to execute the attack on New Atlantis: Someone brought unsuspicious heatleeches to the spaceport and induced the mutation through lazarus plant. So it was a planned attack not a random disaster! Also someone would have to know about all this to implement such a plan! Percival interjects that it would be helpful to hunt and analyze the newly mutated terrormorph.
So leave through the door to the west, follow the corridor left and go through a door to the right. The terrormorph will be waiting for you on the other side.
The Culprit[edit]
Kill the terrormorph and collect a metamorphed tissue sample from it's corpse. Kaiser has samples from the Tau Ceti and New Atlantis terrormorphs, so you give him the new sample to compare. It is a match and thus it's highly probable that lazarus plant was used to trigger attacks at Tau Ceti and New Atlantis. Now it's all but proven that these attacks where deliberately planned and executed. You and your companions tie more leads together and end up with two questions: Who could pull this off and why? Percival radios in to remind you that you may find a better time and place for this discussion, and that the final terrormorph sample is still needed. Kaiser heads off to unlock the entrance to the spaceport, but is unable to provice sufficient power for the locking mechanism. You need to head to the security office on the other floor, as local power was controlled there.
On the lower level you can find the fourth of the unlucky workers who left behind the cry for help. The security office is on the upper level all the way to the south. Go through the orange door and up the stairs. At the top of the stairs turn left, go across the room and keep a bit left. The panel for utility controls is on the wall facing north. Flip the switch and the power will come back on, but a control system reboot is required. The system reboot control is to your right from when you were facing the utility controls. After the system restores power to the spaceport hatch it detects an emergency recorder message and plays it.
It's a conversation between Colones Akulov and Admiran Francois Sanon, also known as Vae Victis. The recording shockingly reveals that Vae Victis was not only on-site when he ordered the bombing of the Londinion spaceport, but that he witnessed the lazarus induced transformation of a heatleech into a terrormorph. HE recognized the lazarus plant's potential as a weapon and, to confine this information to himself, ordered the bombing of the Londinion spaceport while making sure his remainig soldiers under Colones Akulov, the only witnesses to the transformation, would be among the casulties.
Grab the londinion transcription from the emergency recorder next to the system reboot control and discuss with Hadrian what you just learned.
There are four locked lockers in the office. You can find a contraband locker key in a shelf close to the system reboot control and the emergency recorder.
Go back down the stairs where Kaiser will open the door to the spaceport.
The Final Sample[edit]
Leave into the Londinion spaceport. As you westward, along the indentation int the center of the spaceport, notice the building to your left. As you leave the indention notive a similar building to your right. When you come close to the west end of the spaceport a Terrormorph Anomaly will attack you. This is a very powerful terrormorph variant that will be supported by a couple of dominated thrall creatures. Both of the buildings you noticed before have a switch inside that you can use to break the terrormorph's control over his thralls. Kill the terrormorph, collect an Anomalous Sample from it's corpse and give it to Kaiser.
Return to Forward Base 441[edit]
Hadrian asks Percival for a private conversation, so you head back to Forward Base 441. A passage in the north side of the ice wall surrounding the spaceport leads back to the base. If any of the terrormorph's thalls survived the battle they will go in there and end up wandering aimlessly around. Follow the path and find Percival on a balcony overlooking the base.
During your discussion you have another opportunity to reveal that Vae Victis is alive, if you have not done so perviously. Hadrian, Percival and Kaiser will now head back to Red Devils HQ to analyze the collected samples. You will go to see if you can get some information about the situation out of Vae Victis. Thereafter everyone will meet at MAST's cabinet chambers to report to the cabinet.
Companion Affinity[edit]
There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.
Affinity | Stage | Andreja | Barrett | Sam Coe | Sarah Morgan |
⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) ▲ Likes (+25 Affinity) ▼ Dislikes (-15 Affinity) ⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity) | |||||
The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them, killing them over time (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the Aceles option.[affinity 1] |
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The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the microbe option.[affinity 2] |
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The player suggested that the Freestar Collective might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they hate the UC.[affinity 3] |
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The player suggested that the United Colonies might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis themselves because they want to use the Lazarus Plant as a weapon.[affinity 4] |
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The player suggested that House Va'ruun might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they're "the worst."[affinity 5] |
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The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player calls him a monster.[affinity 6] |
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The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player says he was just a commander making a hard decision.[affinity 7] |
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The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player calls Vae Victis "someone who thought keeping the plant secret would save more lives."[affinity 8] |
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- ↑ The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them, killing them over time (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the Aceles option.
- ↑ The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the microbe option.
- ↑ The player suggested that the Freestar Collective might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they hate the UC.
- ↑ The player suggested that the United Colonies might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis themselves because they want to use the Lazarus Plant as a weapon.
- ↑ The player suggested that House Va'ruun might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they're "the worst."
- ↑ The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player calls him a monster.
- ↑ The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player says he was just a commander making a hard decision.
- ↑ The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player calls Vae Victis "someone who thought keeping the plant secret would save more lives."
Mission Stages[edit]
Hostile Intelligence (UC08) | ||
Stage | Finishes Mission | Mission Entry |
1 | (DEBUG: Get Hadrian and the player in the right place and kick off their scene.) | |
2 | (DEBUG: Get everyone to Londinion) | |
3 | (DEBUG: Post-Hatoum scene. Direct the player to collect their gear.) | |
4 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to leaving the compound with the team) | |
5 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to heading out to collect the Aceles samples) | |
6 | (DEBUG: Jump player and crew to the steam tunnels) | |
7 | (DEBUG: Jump player and crew to the transformation) | |
8 | (DEBUG: Jump player and crew to the transformed Terrormorph) | |
9 | (DEBUG: Move the Transformed Terrormorph into place) | |
10 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to the queen sequence) | |
11 | (DEBUG: Jump the player and Hadrian to the utility panel) | |
12 | (DEBUG: Jump the player and Hadrian to accessing the utility panel) | |
13 | (DEBUG: Jump player to the final scene with Jakob) | |
14 | (DEBUG: Turn on the Agent) | |
19 | (DEBUG: This stage always gets set) | |
100 | (P1: OBJ: THE PLAN: Quest begun. Throw objectives and get Hadrian walking.) Hadrian says she has a plan for dealing with the Terrormorphs. I should follow her to find out more. | |
110 | (P1: OBJ: THE PLAN: Hadrian reached her scene mark. Unlock it.) | |
111 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player hit second player dialogue choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
112 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player hit third player dialogue choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
113 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player hit fourth player dialogue choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
114 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player hit fifth player dialogue choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
116 | (P4.5: Unlock the Aceles to start its patrol) | |
120 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player asked "Why Londinion". Changes up dialogue option at the end of the scene.) | |
121 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player asked "how do you know human's transmitted Terrormorphs". Opens up another TL at the end of the scene (though eventually this will be on by default once the quest is over after pass three)) | |
125 | (P2: DIA: THE PLAN: Player told Hadrian they're afraid of the mission. Unlocks a new set of options.) | |
150 | (P3: OBJ: THE PLAN: Scene complete. Direct the player to Londinion.) The plan is to remove the Terrormorphs from human worlds - by either bringing back their natural predator or releasing a microbe to deal with them. But first, we'll need some raw materials. And the only place to collect those? Londinion. I'm to speak to Commander Hatoum on the only base on the planet. | |
151 | (P4.5+: Player spoke to Lt. Gualter or reached FB441. Clean up the objective to speak to him.) | |
155 | (P2: DIA: Set from SQ_GuardShips_Toliman. Player has finished the scene with the guard ships. No need to start that up anymore.) | |
160 | (P2: FB: Player hit trigger 160 outside the front of the base. Get the guard shouting.) | |
165 | (P2: FB: Player's inside the barrier. Direct them to the Commander) | |
166 | (P4: Get the NPC at the gun range to stop shooting.) | |
168 | (P3: Hatoum started up her rundown scene. This stage is used to get back to that if the player somehow bails.) | |
170 | (P2: DIA: HATOUM: (NOT SURE THIS IS USED ANYMORE). Player hit the right part of Hatoum's scene. Get Hadrian/Percy/Kaiser strolling in.) | |
171 | (P2: DIA: HATOUM: Player made their first selection in Hatoum's scene. Get Hadrian, Kaiser, and Percival in place and heading into their spots.) | |
172 | (P3: Player made a wise-crack to Hatoum in their intro. She then gets clarification in the following up scene, which this stage unlocks) | |
173 | (P2: DIA: HATOUM: Player finished 1st player dialogue option. Restart scene at that point if player didn't reach 2nd choice.) | |
174 | (P2: DIA: HATOUM: Player reached 2nd choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
175 | (P1: OBJ: HATOUM: Hatoum's done. Player's now talking with Hadrian and crew. Update objs.) Commander Hatoum's finished her briefing. We're going to be on our own out there. Hadrian has a couple remaining things she wants to discuss. | |
176 | (P2: DIA: PRELOND: Player hit only player choice in the scene.) | |
177 | (P2: HATOUM: Have Hadrian step forward during Hatoum's scene (and stay there from that point on)) | |
178 | (P2: HATOUM: Player started Hadrian/Percy's post-Hatoum scene for the first time and exited it. Set this stage to turn on the proper introduction.) | |
179 | (P2: PRELOND: Kaiser hit the trigger inside the Chunks. Don't try and teleport him at this point) | |
180 | (P3: Player hit the 1st player dialogue line in Hatoum's final scene. Unlock the updated reentry line.) | |
181 | (P3: Player hit the trigger outside the airlock. Get Kaiser moving (and teleport him if he hasn't teleported already).) | |
200 | (P1: OBJ: HATOUM: Scene complete. Direct the player to collect their gear.) Briefings complete. I can either head to the armory to collect my gear or speak to Hadrian about moving out. | |
210 | (P1: GEAR: Anti-Xeno helmet collected. Check to see if they've collected the rest.) | |
220 | (P1: GEAR: Anti-Xeno pack collected. Check to see if they've collected the rest.) | |
230 | (P1: GEAR: Anti-Xeno suit collected. Check to see if they've collected the rest.) | |
240 | (P1: GEAR: Anti-Xeno weapon collected. Check to see if they've collected the rest.) | |
244 | (P3: Player has spoken with the Agent early. Set from his early hellos. Changes up his dialogue) | |
245 | (P3: Player has spoken with the Agent. Give them their weapon and ammo from the Cabinet) | |
250 | (P1: OBJ: GEAR: Player collected all the Anti-Xeno items. Direct them to speak to Hadrian and Kaiser) All gear collected. Time to check in with Hadrian. | |
255 | (P2: STG: PRELOND: Player tripped the scene with Kaiser and Hatoum. Play that out and get them moving along.) | |
256 | (P2: DIA: PRELOND: Kaiser/Hatoum scene complete. Get them both moving to their destinations) | |
290 | (P2: PRELOND: Finished kick-off scene with Hadrian. Close out her scene and proceed from there.) Into Londinion we go. | |
291 | (P3: Player convinced Hadrian things are going to go all right in Londinion. Give her her booster perk and throw the message for the player) | |
295 | (P4: Player finished the intro scene with Hadrian. Update the objective to inform them to stay put for a minute.) | |
300 | (P1: OBJ/FOLLOW: ACELES: Player has spoken to Hadrian. Get her following the player into the city.) | |
310 | (P1: ACELES: Player and crew hit the first scene trigger. Get Hadrian and Jakob talking.) | |
311 | (P4.5: Radar sweep sound go!) | |
314 | (P-Late: Percival's First Scan scene's done. Used to fire off Scene 320 from stage 315 if they player killed all the thralls early) | |
315 | (P2: OBJ: ACELES: Percival finished first scan. Direct the player into the Aceles plant.) Percival's found us our first materials in a nearby shipping yard. We're heading there now. | |
316 | (P-Late: Player killed all the Thralls early. Kick off Hadrian's scene, turning off the lines that don't make sense anymore (this stage is used to condition them)) | |
317 | (P3: Player aggro'd the 1st thrall. Have Hadrian throw a line.) | |
318 | (P3: Player aggro'd the interior thralls. Have Hadrian shout and change up the objectives.) Our path through the plant's blocked! We need to deal with these creatures! | |
319 | (P3.5: Scene 317 finished completely. used to change up the line in scene 318.) | |
320 | (P3: Player killed all the creatures in the Aceles plant. Update the objectives and point the player back to Hadrian and Kaiser.) | |
321 | (P3: Kaiser unlocked the cache door.) | |
325 | (P3: Player was directed inside the cache) The processing plant's been cleared and it appears there's a field cache in here. We should check it out to recharge. | |
329 | (P3: Player hit the trigger around the shipping yard. If they haven't already been directed here, do so now.) | |
330 | (P2: ACELES: Player hit the trigger inside the Aceles plant. Start that scene.) | |
331 | (P3: Player was directed to the collect the samples in the shipping yard.) Kaiser's pinpointed the location of the Aceles cells in the shipping yard. Just need to find them, collect them, and not get eaten in the process. | |
333 | (P3: Morphs were aggro'd. Have Hadrian let everyone know.) | |
335 | (P2: OBJ: ACELES: Direct the player to follow Kaiser as he collects the manifest. Turn off the NPC's follower state here.) Kaiser's going to try and find us location of this first sample using the shipping yard's computers. I should follow him. | |
336 | (P2: ACELES: Kaiser "gave" Hadrian the manifest. Have her switch her package (and stay in that until the player collects it).) | |
337 | (P2: SCN: ACELES: Get Kaiser marching back to Hadrian) | |
340 | (P2: OBJ: ACELES: Hadrian's offered the player the manifest) Kaiser's found something and Hadrian says its got the info we're looking for. I should speak to her to see for myself. | |
341 | (P2: ACELES: Player hit the first player choice in the "how to collect manifests" scene. Get the player back there.) | |
342 | (P2: ACELES: Have Hadrian give the player the 1st manifest) | |
345 | (P2: ACELES: Player told Hadrian/Kaiser to stay behind while they go collect the manifest) | |
346 | (P2: SKILL: YARD: Player used Cyberrunner option to restore the manifest. Direct them straight to the sample and change up the resulting dialogue.) | |
350 | (P3: OBJ: YARD: Player (and possibly the crew) are headed out to collect the first sample and the) | |
355 | (P2: ITM: YARD: Manifest 02 collected. Remove it from the ref collection) | |
360 | (P2: ITM: YARD: Manifest 03 collected. Remove it from the ref collection) | |
365 | (P2: OBJ: MAJ: YARD: Sample collected. Direct the player to back to the Aceles plant (or have Hadrian direct them if she's with them).) | |
366 | (P2: YARD: Hadrian was present when the player collected the sample. Used to skip the intro of scene 367.) | |
367 | (P2: YARD: Player reentered the Aceles plant after collecting the sample. Either kick-off the scene to proceed, or direct the player to speak to Hadrian. Set from 1 of 2 scripts on trigger 367 alias (in case we need to be looking for other aliases or not)) | |
368 | (P2: YARD: Player wrapped up Hadrian's turn-in scene. Close that out.) | |
369 | (P2: OBJ: Player's been directed to hand the first sample over to Kaiser.) Hadrian's directed me to hand over the sample to Kaiser for safe keeping. | |
370 | (P2: OBJ: UNDER: Direct the player into the underground.) | |
371 | (P2: UNDER: Player handed over sample to Kaiser. Take first sample from player and kick off the scene directing the crew into the underground.) | |
372 | (P2: UNDER: Kaiser's blocking hello taking the first sample is compelte. Turn it off.) | |
375 | (P3: Player collected Aceles sample Alpha. Check to see if the others have been collected to advance things.) | |
376 | (P3: Player collected Aceles sample Beta. Check to see if the others have been collected to advance things.) | |
377 | (P3: Player collected Aceles sample Gamma. Check to see if the others have been collected to advance things.) | |
378 | (P3: All Aceles samples collected. Direct the player to hand them over to Kaiser.) | |
379 | (DEBUG: Player entered trigger in front of the Underground door. Teleport Hadrian and Kaiser there) | |
380 | (P1: UNDER: Kaiser approached the underground door. Get him in his scene to crack it open.) | |
381 | (P3: Hadrian's still engaged in combat. Throw the objective to clean up the remaining creatures.) All samples collected! Now I just need to take care of these hostiles! | |
382 | (P3: All creatures in the shipping yard dealt with. Have Hadrian direct the player to hand over the samples.) All samples collected! Now I just need to hand them off to Kaiser. | |
383 | (P3: Remove all the Aceles cell samples from the player. Set from Kaiser's stage 382 blocking hello.) I've handed over the Aceles samples to Kaiser. Now we just need to figure out where we're heading next. | |
384 | (P4: Have Kaiser play his unlock sound) | |
385 | (P3: UNDER: Kaiser blew open the door. Unlock it and update the objectives) Looks like the path to our next sample leads through the Londinion steam tunnels. | |
386 | (P3: Start the "Aceles samples collected" scene.) | |
390 | (P1: UNDER: Kaiser unsealed the door. Direct the player inside the tunnels) | |
400 | (P1: UNDER: Crew walks by the Lazarus plant. Play Hadrian and Kaiser's scene.) | |
405 | (P1: UNDER: Hadrian walks through the Heat Leeches. Get them scattering.) | |
410 | (P1: UNDER: Hadrian enters the transformation room. Start her scene.) | |
412 | (P4: Get the transformation Leech sauntering in) | |
413 | (P4.5+: Leech has absorbed the pollen. Turn it off.) | |
415 | (P1: OBJ: UNDER: Hadrian finished her intro to the Heat Leech. Tell the player to watch.) Hadrian's spotted a Lazarus Plant in bloom - a real rarity, she says. I should go take a look. | |
420 | (P4: UNDER: Player's looking at the plant. Start the sequence.) | |
421 | (P4: Heatleech transformation complete. Turn on the Terrormorph.) | |
424 | (P4.5: Update the Morph to head out of the transformation room) | |
425 | (P1: UNDER: Get the Morph headed up to its combat location) | |
426 | (P2: OBJ: UNDER: Transformation scene complete. Direct the player to speak to Hadrian. Currently set from stage 425.) We just watched a Heatleech... become a Terrormorph. I should talk to Hadrian about what this might mean! | |
427 | (P3; Player asked what a Heatleech is. Used to set the appropriate global and keep that line present) | |
428 | (P2: UNDER: Player finished "What We Saw" scene. Proceed to the follow-up.) | |
429 | (P4: Have Kaiser play his unlock sound) | |
430 | (P4: UNDER: Have Kaiser unlock the door.) | |
431 | (P3: Player hit the 1st player dialogue loop in the "transformation reveal" scene. Get the player back there if they drop out.) | |
432 | (P3: Player hit 2nd player dialogue in Heatleech reveal scene. Get 'em back there if the player drops) | |
450 | (P1: OBJ: UNDER: Scene's done. Direct the player to catch the Terrormorph) We need to track and kill the Terrormorph... or Heatleech... and kill it and figure out if this might have something to do with the attacks! | |
460 | (P1: OBJ: UNDER: Transformed morph is dead. Direct the player to collect a sample.) We took care of the Terrormorph. I just need to collect a tissue sample. | |
465 | (P1: UNDER: Player collected the TT sample. Play Hadrian's scene) | |
470 | (P1: OBJ: UNDER: Hadrian directed the player to hand over the sample to Kaiser) I need to hand over the sample to Kaiser and we can get to the bottom of the transformation we witnessed. | |
475 | (P1: UNDER: Player handed off the sample to Kaiser. Play his and Hadrian's scene.) Kaiser's got the sample. Time to get to the bottom of this. | |
480 | (P1: OBJ: UNDER: Kaiser's analysis is complete. Direct the player to speak to Hadrian.) The sample we just found is a match for the ones from New Atlantis and Tau Ceti. This means someone most likely coordinated those attacks. I need to discuss this with Hadrian. | |
481 | (P2: UNDER: Player hit second player choice in Attack Reveal scene. Get 'em back there if the scene starts over.) | |
482 | (P2: UNDER: Player hit third player choice in Attack Reveal scene. Get 'em back there if the scene starts over.) | |
483 | (P3: Player suggested it was VV that triggered the attacks. Hadrian will remember this later (changes up dialogue in later scenes)) | |
484 | (P3: Player suggested VV could've been involved in the attacks. Opens up new lines from Hadrian later on.) | |
490 | (P2: OBJ: UNDER: Hadrian's follow-up scene is complete. Direct the player to follow Kaiser to the exit.) Our conclusion is the Terrormorph attacks may well have been triggered. But by who? And why? Regardless, our current task is still worth finishing. Time to find that final sample. | |
495 | (P2: PORT: Player is inside the trigger near the spaceport entrance. Okay to now kick off Hadrian's scene (this stage used to pace that flow)) | |
500 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Send the player up to turn on the power upstairs in the security office.) The door out to the spaceport - and the final sample - has lost power. There should be a power control board in the Security Office upstairs. | |
505 | (P2: PORT: Player approached the panel. Start Hadrian's scene to take a look.) | |
507 | (P3: Player threw the power switch. Play the scene directing them to start the reboot) We restored the power to the room, but the system needs a reboot. Must be a reset button around here somewhere. | |
508 | (P4.5: Hadrian found the reboot system. Throw the QT and get her pointing at it) | |
510 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Player threw switch. Start VV reveal scene.) I triggered a system reboot. I should listen in to see if it fixes things. | |
513 | (P2: PORT: Player hit the trigger around Kaiser. Have Hadrian yell at him.) | |
515 | (P2: PORT: Door's open. Update the objectives and get Kaiser following the player again.) | |
520 | (P1: PORT: Player hit trigger in spaceport entrance. Have Kaiser mention what he's detecting - the Queen.) | |
521 | (P3.75: Player triggered the Queen reveal. Kick off that scene. (Previously set one the queen's aggro'd)) | |
525 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Someone aggro's the queen. Change the objectives and player Hadrian's scene) The final sample is inside a Terrormorph! We need to take it down! | |
526 | (P3.75: Player heard Percival's "signal" scene. Give the new optional objectives for the signals) It sounds like Percival's got a way for me to nullify the anomaly's connection to its thralls! Powering up the radar dishes around the spaceport should do the trick! | |
528 | (P4.5+: Anomaly is dead. This stage triggered by its "onDying" event from an alias script and triggers its scream) | |
529 | (P3.75: All radar switches thrown. Complete the objective.) | |
530 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Queen's downed. Kick off the scene for Kaiser and Hadrian to collect the sample.) We've taken down the Terrormorph containing our final sample. Time to collect it and get out of here. | |
531 | (P3: Player collected the sample from the Queen. Direct the player to hand that off to Kaiser.) All right. Sample acquired. Just need to store it in Kaiser. | |
532 | (P3: Player handed over Queen sample to Kaiser. Direct them to blow le popstand) | |
533 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Queen sample collection scene complete. Direct the player to the exit) Sample secure. Time to blow this icicle stand and debrief with Percival back at the base. | |
535 | (P2: PORT: Player hit the trigger on the way out the door. Have Kaiser unlock it.) | |
540 | (P1: PORT: Player's outside the main building. Trigger Hadrian's scene mentioning the damage.) | |
550 | (P1: PORT: The player and crew have reached the containment chamber. Play Kaiser's scene.) | |
560 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Kaiser and Hadrian's containment scene has completed. Direct the player down to the generator.) | |
570 | (P1: PORT: Player hits trigger in front of Utlity panel. Have Hadrian play her scene and start inspecting it.) | |
580 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Hadrian's power scene ended. Direct the player to the fuel tanks.) | |
590 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Player threw the right switch. Direct them back to Hadrian.) | |
600 | (P1: PORT: Player returned to Hadrian after activating the fuel tanks. Start her scene.) | |
605 | (P1: PORT: Failsafe to throw the utility switch if the package can't.) | |
610 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Vae Victis' portion of the final scene has started playing. Update the objectives.) It sounds like Vae Victis was here just before he ordered the bombing of the spaceport. I should listen in. | |
615 | (P1: PORT: Hadrian's section of VV's reveal scene. Get her in a package that has her staring at the player) | |
616 | (P4.5: Set from the VV scene. Used to get Hadrian looking at the player instead of the intercom.) | |
617 | (P3: Direct the to collect the physical copy of the audio slate.) The recording we just heard... it sounded a lot like Vae Victis knew about the Lazarus Plant. I should grab the transcription and speak to Hadrian about what we learned. | |
620 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Vae Victis' scene completed. Direct the player to speak to Hadrian.) I've got the recorder log documenting that Vae Victis was here and knew about the Lazarus Plant. I should discuss what I've learned with Hadrian. | |
621 | (P2: VV: Player hit the second player dialogue choice. Unlock the dialogue action to get them back there if they drop out.) | |
622 | (P2: VV: Player hit the third player dialogue choice. Unlock the dialogue action to get them back there if they drop out. This isn't available if the player already knows VV is alive.) | |
623 | (P2: VV: Player hit the fourth player dialogue choice. Unlock the dialogue action to get them back there if they drop out. This should only be available if the player knows VV is alive.) | |
624 | (P3: Set from UC08_620a_Hadrian_ReturnfromVVReveal starting up. Used to shut down the UC07 VV quest and get the player back to the right part of UC08) | |
626 | (P3.5: Companion learned that VV is alive in VV is alive scene. Used to have them not immediately comment on VV again in that same scene) | |
629 | (P2: VV: Used to track that the player has reached the section of the VV reveal scene where he might've been involved (main scene is in UC07_HadrianVVRevealQuest)) | |
630 | (P2: OBJ: PORT: Scene with Hadrian complete. Direct them back down to speak with Kaiser.) Vae Victis knew about the Lazarus Plant and likely blew the spaceport to pieces trying to cover it up. But we've got work still to do. Time to collect that final sample and get out of here. | |
640 | (P1: PORT: Player returns to Kaiser. Start his scene to pop the door.) | |
645 | (P1: PORT: Kaiser pops the door.) | |
650 | (P1: OBJ: PORT: Kaiser door opening scene complete. Direct the player inside.) | |
660 | (P2: WRAP: Set from set 535. Updates the objective marker to Percival, gets him in place for the final scene and unlocks it.) | |
661 | (P2: WRAP: Player hit first choice in 1st scene. Get 'em back there is they restart.) | |
662 | (P2: WRAP: Player the VV reveal option. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
663 | (P2: WRAP: Player told Percy VV's alive and Hadrian knew too. If they drop out, get 'em back to that sequence.) | |
665 | (P2: WRAP: Player told Hadrian NOW that VV's alive. Mark the global and make sure we return only to this scene) | |
666 | (P2: WRAP: Player dropped out of telling Hadrian about VV at the very end of the quest. Get them back into that convo.) | |
667 | (P2: WRAP: Player didn't reveal VV's alive AND Hadrian doesn't know and the player got to that scene path. Get the player back there.) | |
668 | (P2: WRAP: Hadrian doesn't know. Player didn't tell. Player hit choice in that scene. Get 'em back there if they drop.) | |
670 | (P2: WRAP: Player reached final scene after Hadrian knowing (or learning) about VV. Get 'em back there.) | |
700 | (P1: OBJ: WRAP: Player arrives back at base. Direct them to speak to Jakob.) We've returned to base. Time to discuss what we've uncovered. | |
710 | (P1: OBJ: WRAP: Take the samples from the player.) |
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering
setstage UC08 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission usingresetquest UC08
