
(000059A9, 000059A7)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID Companion_Andreja
Race Human Gender Female
SF-skill-Stealth 4.png

Stealth 4
Follower gains a Chameleon-like effect when motionless and sneaking.
SF-skill-Particle Beams 3.png

Particle Beams 3
Particle Weapons do 30% more damage.
SF-skill-Energy Weapon Systems 2.png

Energy Weapon Systems 2
10% increased Ship-Based Energy Weapon Damage and Recharge speed.
SF-skill-Theft 1.png

Theft 1
The companion will occasionally give you credits.
RefID 000059A9 BaseID 000059A7
Other Information
Faction(s) AvailableCompanionFaction, COM_PersonalCrimeFaction_Andreja, ConstellationFaction, CurrentCompanionFaction, LodgeInvisibleDoorsFaction, PlayerAllyFaction
Andreja at New Atlantis spaceport
Editor ID LC165_Lodge_Andreja
Race Human Gender Female
RefID N/A BaseID 0010A3DA

Andreja is a navigator, astronomer and former House Va'ruun smuggler. She is currently a member of Constellation and a potential companion whom the player meets during the events of the Main Quest.

Andreja grew up on the fringes of the settled systems. She has strong ties to House Va'ruun but rarely chooses to elaborate on them. Her line of work involved clandestine operations, such as smuggling. She joined Constellation in 2328, two years before the events of the game. Upon joining, Vlad gave her his room at the Lodge before moving to the Eye full-time. She is a reserved woman with a somber demeanor, who is clearly at odds with the common customs and habits of the settled systems. Many of her interactions with the other members of Constellation revolve around her social inadequacies and misunderstanding of innocuous aspects of life, from turns of phrases to various traditions. Due to her education and past life, she is cold and practical. As a companion, she frequently directs the player to loot corpses for valuables. In spite of her pragmatism, she is nonetheless welcoming of support and strives to be a better person.

Andreja wears a unique Constellation spacesuit. Of the four main companions, she is the most readily suited for stealth gameplay. Since her default weapon is a Va'ruun Inflictor, which is a late game weapon, she also provides considerable help in early combat encounters. When asked, she will provide the player with credits as a gift on a regular basis.

Related MissionsEdit

Affinity changesEdit

Main QuestEdit

  • Into the Unknown, Andreja likes it if you tell Matteo "Got you beat. Three artifacts to your zero." then say, "I agree with Noel and Andreja."
  • Into the Unknown, Andreja likes it if at the end say, no one can know.
  • All That Money Can Buy, Andreja likes it if you, tell Slaton the authorities should deal with the thief.
  • Further Into the Unknown, Andreja likes it if you say, "Noel's Right. We can't abandon who we are now."
  • Further Into the Unknown, Andreja dislikes it if you say ay "I'm starting to wonder if this is all worth it. Myself."

Faction QuestsEdit

Ryujin IndustriesEdit

  • Top Secrets, Andreja likes it if you tell Malai that you are about to save her life.


  • Digger Zemin, Andreja likes it if you, give him 1000 credits.
  • Supply Line, Andreja dislikes it if you, agree to do a second shift at Xenofishery for Yannick.

Ebbside StrikersEdit

  • Showdown, Andreja likes it if you, tell Briggs you're not going to kill innocents.

Wants to talkEdit

  • First conversation, Andreja likes it if you say "It wasn't a big deal" or "It was clearly important to you that I not say anything."
  • First conversation, Andreja dislikes it if you say, "When this is over, we're all going to be rich".
  • Second conversation, Andreja likes it if you say, "Getting by on your own is admirable."
  • Second conversation, Andreja dislikes it if you say, "That sounds like a terrible way to live."
  • Third conversation, Andreja likes it if you say, "I'm here for you if you need me."
  • Third conversation, Andreja dislikes it if you say, "Don't let this affect the mission."
  • Temple conversation, Andreja likes it if you say, "We've only gotten so far by working together".
  • Starborn conversation, Andreja likes it if you say, "No one is going to stop us. We've come too far."


  • Second time she wants to talk: Say, "You have a lot going for you."

New Game PlusEdit

Should the player opt to skip the Main Quest, Andreja will be found in the Lodge once all the artifacts have been completed as part of Among the Stars. She can be recruited as a companion from there on.


Andreja and BarrettEdit

Hey, Andreja. I hope all is well with you?
Andreja. Everything going okay?
Andreja! Hey. Having a good day, I hope?
Aha! Andreja. Are you doing all right?
It is.
I am.
Good, good. So, I've got some new board games... Vasco and I could use another player if you're interested?
Good, good. So, once a month or so we like to have a movie night around here... you can pick the next movie if you want?
Good, good. So I was thinking about cooking a big meal for everybody... if you're interested, I'd love an extra hand?
Good, good. Noel and I are going to set up an experiment to artificially simulate metallic hydrogen under extreme pressure. You in?
I am not.
I decline.
I do not want to be involved.
No worries, no worries. Maybe another time, right?
No worries, no worries. Hey it's okay, we do this a lot. Maybe next week instead?
No worries, no worries. That's quite all right. Maybe another time then.
No worries, no worries. If you feel up to it later, let me know.
I will not change my mind about this.
I doubt it.
No. I do not think so.
I appreciate the attempt to pull me into your activity. But no.

Andreja and SarahEdit

Andreja, do you read much?
Do you read often, Andreja?
How do you feel about books, Andreja? Enjoy reading much?
Finding the time is sometimes difficult, but yes, I do enjoy it.
It is perhaps not the primary way I choose to spend leisure time, but I do not have anything against reading.
I find I need to concentrate to be able to focus on a book, and that takes effort. But I do sometimes enjoy it, yes.
Noel and I sometimes share books. Bad ones, honestly, more often than not. You could join us, if you liked.
I've started something of an impromptu book club with Noel. Nothing serious, just for fun. Think you'd be interested?
You know, Noel and I will occasionally find a bad novel to read, and then joke about it after. We'd love to get another opinion, if you wanted to join us.
I... might enjoy that. I will let you know.
That sounds... fun? I appreciate you asking.
You would want me to be part of this? That is kind of you. I will consider it.
No pressure, it's just something to take our minds off all this. You're always welcome.
Okay. Just say the word, and you're in.
All right, I'll be sure and have an extra copy just in case.

Andreja and SamEdit

Sam will ask Andreja about Zealots:

Sam: "Hey, Andreja. Had another run-in with Zealots, huh?"
Andreja: "Indeed I did."
Sam: "Guess you handled it all right, since you're here and not at Reliant Medical."
Andreja: "I did what I needed to do."
Sam: "I'm sure you did."

Andreja will offer to train Cora:

Andreja: "Sam, I do not know if you recall my suggestion, but if Cora ever needs self-defense training..."
Sam: "Oh, yeah. I remember all right. Very aware of the offer."
Andreja: "Well, I am still available if you are interested."
Sam: "Okay, uh-huh. Sure. Got it. Thanks again."

Andreja and MatteoEdit

Matteo asks Andreja about her past
We were talking that one time, and you said you were from... where? I can't remember.
Hey, I forget... Where in the Settled Systems did you say you grew up?
So, Andreja... Where did you say you were from?
Andreja refuses to answer
I have never discussed that.
Where I grew up has never been a subject of discussion.
I have never mentioned that. Ever.
Matteo apologizes
No? Huh. I must have mis-remembered. Well, if you ever did want to talk about it, I'd be happy to lend an ear.
Ah, my fault. Bit of a mixup, then. Well, if you ever want to sit down and laugh about the good old days...
Oh, okay... Sorry, must've confused you with someone else. If you ever want to swap stories, though...
Andreja turns Matteo down again
I do not think so. But thank you for your interest.
No thank you. But I appreciate your... curiosity.
Thank you, but that is not a subject I wish to discuss.
Matteo ends the conversation
Mmm-hmm. Some other time, then...
Right, then. I'll just... go.
Okay. Gotcha. Good talk.

Matteo and SamEdit

Matteo will voice his concerns about Andreja to Sam:

I got nothing, Sam. Nothing! She won't tell me!
No luck, Sam! I can't get it out of her!
She still won't tell me, Sam!
That's one way to start a conversation. So... who is this mysterious "she"?
Hang on. I think you're missing a noun there. Who is "she"?
Absolutely. Totally. Uhm, who are you talking about?
I have asked where Andreja comes from, like a hundred times, and she just will not even give me a hint!
Come on, you know... I've asked Andreja where she came from, and she just won't tell me. At all. I can't take it!
Andreja. I keep asking where she's from, and she keeps dodging the question. It's driving me crazy!
She's one of us, Matteo. No need to give her the third degree.
Again with this? Matteo, you've... You've gotta let this go. It's getting unhealthy.
With tack like yours, it's a wonder she hasn't told you all her secrets by now.
Come on, seriously. She's beyond secretive. It's weird!
I'm just saying... We don't really know a lot about her. It's weird, right?
No, I just... Something about her story just doesn't add up for me.
If she didn't have secrets, that would be even weirder. Give her space. Vladimir and Sarah both brought her in, and have never had a bad thing to say. So she likes to keep her distance - her prerogative. Just relax.
We all got a past here. Constellation works because everyone respects each other and let's the good ol' days stay in the good ol' days. From everything I've seen she's been a pure positive for Constellation. Heck, Sarah vouched for her. Good enough for me.
You gotta let this go. Everybody's got things they'd rather keep to themselves. Vladimir has vouched for her time and time again, and she's come through for us every time. It's okay to not know every little thing but still trust someone.
Yeah, I suppose. I'll try to not let it bother me... But no promises.
Okay, yeah. You're right. I'll try and let it go.
Yeah, I guess you're right.


  • Andreja is voiced by Cissy Jones.
  • Andreja is an Eastern European or Slavic name. It is originally pronounced "And-rey-uh", but Constellation members mispronounce it.
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