Starfield:Cora Coe

Cora Coe
(0029D489, 0000D653)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID COM_CoraCoe
Race Human Gender Female
RefID 0029D489 BaseID 0000D653
Other Information
Faction(s) ConstellationFaction, LodgeInvisibleDoorsFaction, Allied, CoeEstateDoorFaction
Cora Coe at The Lodge
Cora Coe
Editor ID MQ401g_CoraCoe
Race Human Gender Female
RefID N/A BaseID 0004BCE8

Cora Coe is a member of Constellation, and the daughter of Sam Coe and Lillian Hart. She is an adventurous young girl with a passion for reading. Cora's favorite book is Journey to the Center of the Earth.


Cora accompanies her father. When Sam is at the Lodge, she will reside there as well. When he is your active companion or part of your crew, she will take up residency on your home ship. She does not count as a passenger or crew member, and will not leave the ship except as required by missions, and rarely in safe ports.

Related MissionsEdit

Constellation ScenesEdit

Andreja and Sam about CoraEdit

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo15_SamAndreja
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene15


  • Sam, I do not know if you recall my suggestion, but if Cora ever needs self-defense training...


  • Oh, yeah. I remember all right. Very aware of the offer.


  • Well, I am still available if you are interested.


  • Okay, uh-huh. Sure. Got it. Thanks again.

Barrett and CoraEdit

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo23_BarrettCora
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene23_BarrettCora


Hello Cora. What are you reading these days?


I'm reading a book about plants written by somebody from Constellation a hundred years ago!
He wrote about this experiment with some xerophytes that he found on ten different planets!
It's amazing! He made a brand new kind of plant! Like he did it all himself.
It's so wow!


Wow that sounds really...
What's the author's name?


  • Like, Marvin Madani or something.


  • From a hundred years ago, huh.


I'll put the book back when I'm done, don't worry!

Noel and CoraEdit

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo08_CoraNoel
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene08


  • Hey kiddo. How's the life of an adventurer?
  • Hi Cora. How's it been, traveling with your dad?
  • Hey, Cora. How's it going? Enjoying planet hopping with your dad?


  • Dad says "there's rarely a dull moment." Then I remind him he's not the one who gets left on the ship.
  • I guess it's fine. I wish I didn't always have to stay on the ship, though.
  • Ehh, it's okay. Kinda wish I got to do stuff outside the ship more often.


  • Well, it's gotta be tough for your dad too. He wants you with him, but he's trying to keep you safe.
  • Yeah, I hear you. But your dad's just trying to take care of you as best he can, without leaving you here at the Lodge all the time.
  • I think it's pretty great that you get to go with him. But he's still your dad, and so he worries about you. Wants to make sure you're safe.


  • Yeah, I guess.
  • No, I know.
  • I know. It's not all that bad, I guess.


  • Trust me, kiddo. You've got a dad who loves you very much, and that's a really big deal.
  • Just don't ever forget that he loves you, okay? Being close to your family is a really wonderful thing, even if it means a little more time on the ship than we might like.
  • Just remember that he loves you a lot. And try and give him a hug every now and then, okay?

Walter and CoraEdit

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo06_WalterCora
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene06_WalterCora


  • Hey Mr. Stroud, got a second?
  • Can I ask you something, Mr. Stroud?
  • Mr. Stroud, I've got a question.


  • Of course, Miss Coe.
  • By all means, Miss Coe. Ask away.
  • Hmm? What can I do for you, Miss Coe?


  • You're rich, so you own a lot of stuff. Like, a lot, a lot. What's your favorite thing?
  • Since you have your own company and you're rich, you must own a lot of things. Do you have a favorite?
  • You're the richest person I know. Do you have a favorite thing that you own?


  • That's an interesting question. I'm afraid I don't really think about it too much in terms of what specific things I own, though.
  • I hate to disappoint, but I tend to not dwell on material possessions any more than necessary.
  • Well, I... I don't really look at it like that. My success has allowed me a great many experiences, which I value more than possessions.


  • Oh. That's too bad. I thought maybe you'd say, like, a moon or something.
  • Really? Huh. If I was rich I'd have a list of my favorite things.
  • Not even, like, a spaceship, or a giant vault full of gems? Huh.

Notable interactionsEdit

  • As of the May 2024 update, players can now give Cora books[1]


  1. while not in the patch notes, this is the update that added this functionality
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