Starfield:Warner Connell

Warner ConnellSurgery
(0019A5C3, 0019A5C4)
Location SF-mapicon-Surgery.svg Enhance! (map)
Editor ID UC_NA_WarnerConnell
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 0019A5C3 BaseID 0019A5C4
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction
Warner Connell

Warner Connell runs the Enhance! branch in New Atlantis on Jemison. He can normally be found behind the front desk.

Warner wears a Enhance Service Uniform. He carries a Solstice for protection, alongside 1.5kV LZR Cartridge ammo for it. He also has Credits and a Med Pack on his person.

When you speak to him for the first time, he will have a unique greeting that prompts the reveal that he has lost confidential Enhance! records:

"Hey, hi! Welcome to Enhance!. Thanks so much for stopping in today. I'm sure my staff and I can accommodate your every need. If you're here to try something new on a whim, or to replicate a look you've seen and loved elsewhere, or just want to love your reflection in the mirror a little bit more, we've got you covered. All of our services and records are private and confidential, so no need to worry!"

He has various greetings on repeat visits:

"You look great, but if you'd like to look better, you're in the right place!"
"Enhance! is here for you, no matter your needs!"
"How can I help you be the best "you" possible?"
"All of our services are designed to minimize pain, and maximize happiness!"
"How can I help you Enhance! yourself today?"

If you stop speaking mid-conversation, he will say:

"So, were you interested in Enhance!-ing yourself today, or..."
"The choices are nearly limitless, but... you do still need to make a choice."
"Still ready to help, whenever you've made a decision..."

He will end conversations by saying:

"If you'd ever like to make a change, we're up to the task."
"Come back any time."
"Enhance! will be here, any time you'd like a different look!"
[Pay <Global=EnhancePrice> Credits] I'd like to make use of your services.
"All of our services are at your disposal."
"Okay, what can we do for you today?"
"You're going to love the results. I guarantee it. Well, I mean, not like as an official representative of the company or anything, but... uhh, let's see what we can do for you!"
"Of course, of course! Happy to assist."
"I'm afraid our services are a little out of your reach right now. Don't worry, though. We're not going anywhere, and we'll be here when you've got the credits!"
Is all this safe?
"Oh yeah, of course! Sure! Enhance!'s proprietary, registered technology is absolutely the best in the Settled Systems. There's a reason we've been the number one most-trusted brand for reconstructive and plastic surgery for two decades running!"
What kind of reasons bring people in here?
"Well, I'm not at liberty to disclose any of our patient's personal motivations or services. You understand, of course. But, gosh, it could be anything really. Something simple, or a total reconstruction. Why you're here doesn't really matter to me. It's just important that you're satisfied when you leave."

Related MissionsEdit

Beautiful SecretsEdit

If you comment about his mention on patient confidentiality, he will confess, and you will have the opportunity to help him:

I'm glad that you take patient confidentiality seriously. A breach of information could be a major problem for your business.
"Oh my god, you certainly put things bluntly, don't you?"
I guess, but it sounds like you take your patients' confidentiality seriously, so you have nothing to worry about.
"I did... No, I do! I take it all very seriously. *Sigh* Sorry, you just took me a little off-guard. To tell you the truth, I made a bit of a slip-up."
Didn't mean to scare you, I just meant that it's important for places like these to build trust with their patients.
"You just took me a little bit off-guard. It's like you read my mind or something... You see, I've run into a bit of an issue. A teensy little issue. I may have lost a data slate containing the confidential information of numerous patients. Little things. You know, like payment information, procedures done, age, birthdays, mailing addresses... Oh no... who am I kidding? This is so bad! If that information gets out, my business and reputation could be destroyed! No patient will trust me again!"
Well, that certainly isn't good.
"It's not! Peoples' private information is at stake, ready to be taken by any bad actor that finds that damn slate. And worse, my reputation and business is on the line!"
Sounds like you're irresponsible and bad at your job.
"Oh come on, don't be like that. No need to hit someone when they're down!"
Why did you just tell me all that? What's stopping me from spreading this info around?
"Because, I sense a kind of aura around you. An air of nobility. Also, it all just spilled out. I couldn't hold it in anymore! Please, I'm begging you, you have to find the slate!"
Alright, I'll find it. Where have you visited recently?
"Yes, thank you! And let's see... I frequent the TerraBrew nearby, as well as Whetstone. I also stopped by the Valberg building recently. Thank you for doing this, you're a lifesaver. Please come back as soon as you have the slate! Oh and, don't read anything on it. It's confidential stuff, remember?"
That's not my problem.
"*Sigh* You're right... but please, if you ever grow a heart, reconsider."
I changed my mind. I'll find your missing slate.
"Oh, thank you, thank you! You're saving my life here. Let's see, I usually hang around the TerraBrew nearby, and Whetstone. I also stopped by the Valberg building recently. Maybe you can check there and see what you find? Oh, and if you find it... please don't read it. It's confidential info, remember?"

After finding it, you can return the slate:

I found your data slate. Here it is.
"You found it! Oh my god, thank you so much. I don't know what to say. You have helped a humble businessman. You've saved me and my business, and I'm so grateful for that. Thank you so much, and I hope this hasn't tainted your perception of my wonderful facility. If you need any work done, I'll always be here!"