Moara Otero![]() (00015DF3) |
Location | Broken Spear (map) | ||||||||
Editor ID | Crew_Elite_MoaraOtero | ||||||||
Race | Human | Gender | Male | ||||||
Skills |
RefID | N/A | BaseID | 00015DF3 | ||||||
Other Information | |||||||||
Faction(s) | AvailableCrewFaction, faction for captives - friends with everyone, CrewElite_PersonalCrimeFaction_MoaraOtero, CurrentCrewFaction, PotentialCrewFaction |
Moara Otero is a member of the UC Vanguard stationed in the Sol System, and a potential companion. He ends up in extreme danger while dealing with Spacers and Ecliptic Mercenaries. You end up pursuing him as part of your Main Mission due to him coming into position of an Artifact, which he is using as a decoration in his ship.
When ordering him to wait, he will have multiple response:
Wait here a moment.
- "Sure, just give me a shout when you need me again."
- "All right, I'm not going anywhere."
- "No problem, Captain."
- "You got it."
- "Sure, I'll wait for you here."
- "I won't move a muscle."
- "Can do, Captain."
- "Can't complain about an order like that!"
- "You got it."
- "Won't move an inch, boss."
After killing enemies, he will say:
- "That one's finished!"
- "He's not moving!"
- "I've got your back, Captain!"
- "Took one out!"
- "That's a hit!"
- "Got one!"
- "Got him in one shot!"
- "That one's mine!"
- "That one's out of commission!"
- "Took that one down!"
When you pickpocket someone in front of him, he will say:
- "I don't want to know how you got so good at that."
- "We should get out of here."
- "Careful, you can get locked up for stuff like that."
- "Hope they won't miss that..."
- "Practicing your sleight of hand?"
- "Hope security didn't see that."
- "You shouldn't make a habit out of that."
- "Didn't take you for a pickpocket."
- "Desperate times, desperate measures, huh?"
- "I saw that..."
If you fire your weapon in public, he will say:
- "What the hell? Put that away!"
- "Don't start any trouble, boss."
- "Put it away, this isn't a firing range."
- "Careful, you're scaring people."
- "You trying to get arrested?"
- "Stop it! You're putting people in danger."
- "Not the place, boss."
- "Watch it, there are civilians around."
- "Whoa, get a handle on that trigger finger."
- "Hey, careful with that!"
- "Lots of history here..."
- "Some Vanguards spend a lot of time here. Personally, the place kinda creeps me out."
- "Good thinking, it's about time we came by HQ."
- "I would've loved to see this place back in the day."
- "Who knew one of the things I'd miss most about Mars was the red dirt. Nothing else like it in the galaxy."
- "*Chuckles* I don't think anyone in the galaxy hates Cydonia more than the Marines stationed here."
- "*Sigh* Home again...And it's just as run-down as ever."
- "I did a stint in the mines in my 20s. Leaving to join the Vanguard was the best decision I ever made."
- "Feels nice to be back in a place where most folks know my name."
- "Jane's Goods has all the basics we might need to stay out in space awhile lowipnger."
- "I've seen almost as many body bags come out of the mines of Mars as people..."
- "Same old Cydonia...Seems like nothing ever changes here."
- "Let's stop by The Broken Spear. It'd be nice to see some familiar faces."
- "It's good to be back in the Sol system."
- "With all the dangerous creatures here, it's no wonder the hospitals on Akila are so well-maintained."
- "Just once I'd like to see what's outside Akila City's walls..."
- "I better keep my history with the Vanguard quiet while there are so many Rangers around."
- "Ah, the smell of dust in the air reminds me of home."
- "Let's grab a bite somewhere. Ship food's killing me!"
- "We should stop by the Laredo factory. Can't beat their firearms, if you ask me.
- "I wonder if it's really as dangerous as they say outside the city walls."
- "I wish I could have a beer with Solomon Coe. That man must've had some amazing stories."
- "Akila's not exactly the type of place a UC Vanguard usually hangs out..."
- "I know it's not a popular opinion, but I don't mind how dusty it is in Akila. Reminds me of home."
- "Miind if we pop by Ryujin Tower? I've heard it's really something."
- "You have to wonder how different Neon would be if Volii were a UC system."
- "It'd be a crime to sleep on the ship tonight when there are such upscale hotels in Neon!"
- "If you think Cydonia's run down, you should see Neon's sleepcrates."
- "*Inhales* Ugh...Yup, we're in Neon alright."
- "Not a lot of love for the UC Vanguard in Neon, that's for sure."
- "As far as big cities go, I'm more of a New Atlantis man myself."
- "I can't think of a place more opposite of Cydonia than Neon."
- "I think we can afford to take a night off in the big city. I could really use a drink!"
- "I wonder if there's any vice you can't indulge in Neon..."
- "Even the spaceport here in New Atlantis has more going on than most places in the galaxy."
- "My mom was born in New Atlantis. I think she always hoped I'd end up settling here someday..."
- "Can't think of a single settlement in the Sol system that holds a candle to New Atlantis."
- "I thought the waterfall in New Atlantis was just a story until I saw it for myself!"
- "I should probably check in at MAST at some point. Let them know I'm still kicking."
- "For a kid from Cydonia, visiting New Atlantis was always the dream growing up."
- "What do you say we hit the Viewport? I could use a cold drink."
- "Can we stop by Jemison Mercantile? I need to pick up a couple things."
- "If you compare New Atlantis to Cydonia, it's easy to see which city is the UC's favorite..."
- "Seeing MAST against the New Atlantis skyline makes me proud to be a Vanguard."
- "It'd be suicide to head out there without our suits."
- "We've got a non-breathable atmosphere here! We'll need the suits if we're headed out."
- "This atmosphere's nasty. I don't think we'll get far without our suits."
- "Ah, nothing like the taste of recycled suit air to wake you up in the morning."
- "Man, that's one toxic atmosphere. I think it's time to suit up.
- "We gotta make sure our suits are sealed up tight. This place looks nasty."
- "Exploring this area without our suits is just asking for trouble.
- "You checked your suit for damage? Wouldn't want to spring a leak out there!"
- "We're definitely going to need our spacesuits to stay safe out here.
- "I could do without EVA walks, to be honest with you."
- "Let's hope the mineral content around here is more interesting than the view."
- "I don't think we'll have to worry about finding parking here, eh? *Laughs*"
- "You sure about this stop? I'm not sure we'll find much here.
- "Almost as quiet out there as it is in space, huh?
- "And I thought Mars was run-down..."
- "This place makes Cydonia look like a bustling metropolis!
- "Might find some valuable minerals if we do a bit of digging."
- "I bet a miner would be right at home here. Nothing around but rocks."
- "No signs of life out there..."
- "Nothing but a whole lot of rocks out there."
- "Wonder if we'll find any settlers out there..."
- "Hey, nice pick! There'll be plenty of organic materials to collect out there."
- "Exploring places like this makes me glad I left the Sol system."
- "We shouldn't head out there unarmed. Never know what you'll find in a place like this."
- "Looking good, Captain. Scanner's showing signs of life."
- "I bet we have a good chance of scoring a lot of organic materials here."
- "Man, what a cool place! I'd settle down here in a heartbeat."
- "This'll be a decent place to search for organic materials."
- "You sure don't get flora and fauna like this in the old neighborhood!"
- "Scanner's showing signs of life! Wonder what we'll find out there."
After rescuing him, his greetings will be:
- "Hey, good luck with that... whatever it is. Hope it's what you were looking for."
- "Next time you're in Cydonia, hit me up."
- "Thanks again for the rescue. Don't know what I would've done if you hadn't jumped in."
Related MissionsEdit
- The Old Neighborhood: Take a trip around the Old Neighborhood.
Mission-Related EventsEdit
You first pick up on the trail of Moara thanks to one of Sarah Morgan's contacts, John Tuala. He tells you he is posted in the Sol System, and has a "fancy metal ornament" matching a description of the Artifacts you are hunting. From there, your next stop is Cydonia, where you learn part of his patrol route included Venus. You find a recording saying he is going to scavenge from a lunar space station:
- "This is Vanguard Moara. To all UC affiliated ships, I'm heading to the Nova Galactic Staryard orbiting Earth's Moon. Yeah, I know, that whole place is decommissioned, but I need parts for emergency repairs. Hopefully it hasn't been picked clean yet."
In lunar orbit you finally find a slate he created deliberately antagonizing his enemies into following him to Neptune. When you find him, this attempt proved to be too successful, and his ship has been hijacked.
You will need to disable his ship to rescue him and obtain the Artifact. Although you can attack his engines and board it that way, lowering its health to a minimum also works.