Starfield:Matteo Khatri

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Matteo Khatri
(000059A1, 0000599F, xxBaseID)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID Constellation_MatteoKhatri, LC165_Lodge_MatteoKhatri
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 000059A1 BaseID 0000599F
Other Information
Faction(s) AvailableCompanionFaction, ConstellationFaction, LodgeInvisibleDoorsFaction, Allied
Matteo Khatri

Matteo Khatri is a member of Constellation. He is a Universal theologian who believes there is life outside the Settled Systems.

Related Missions[edit]

  • SF-qico-Constellation.svgUnity: Unravel the ancient mystery of the Unity.


  • "Built by an intelligence outside the settled systems." --After retrieving the artifact, Matteo's excitement leads him to ponder the existence of life beyond humanity's established territories. This statement implies a sense of uncertainty among humans regarding non-human forms of life while hinting that the conflicts waged in space were primarily among human factions rather than against extraterrestrial adversaries.

Constellation Scenes[edit]

Andreja and Matteo[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo03_AndrejaMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene03


  • So, Andreja... Where did you say you were from?
  • Hey, I forget... Where in the Settled Systems did you say you grew up?
  • We were talking that one time, and you said you were from... where? I can't remember.


  • I have never mentioned that. Ever.
  • Where I grew up has never been a subject of discussion.
  • I have never discussed that.


  • Oh, okay... Sorry, must've confused you with someone else. If you ever want to swap stories, though...
  • Ah, my fault. Bit of a mixup, then. Well, if you ever want to sit down and laugh about the good old days...
  • No? Huh. I must have mis-remembered. Well, if you ever did want to talk about it, I'd be happy to lend an ear.


  • Thank you, but that is not a subject I wish to discuss.
  • No thank you. But I appreciate your... curiosity.
  • I do not think so. But thank you for your interest.


  • Okay. Gotcha. Good talk.
  • Right, then. I'll just... go.
  • Mmm-hmm. Some other time, then...

Barrett and Matteo[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo13_BarrettMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene13_BarrettMatteo


  • Hey, Barrett. We're just doing some scans on the, uhh, the artifacts. Have you seen the, uhh... the thing?
  • I was just going to do some scans, and I was looking... for, y'know, the thing.
  • Hey Barrett, I can't find the... The thing, for scanning. Have you seen it?


  • You're going to have to give me a little more to go on, pal. Which thing are you looking for?
  • Matteo, we've got, like, several dozen 'things' that might be useful. Can you narrow it down a little bit?
  • I would love to help you, but I'm going to need just a bit more information.


  • You know, the... the thing. The one with the, uhh, the prongs? Is that what they are? The bit that sort of sticks out, with the... you know...
  • Oh, come on, you know what I mean, right? The thing! The one that has the screen, with the dials...
  • Ah, right. Well, it's the one with the plugs, and the little probe things that you clip on, and... uhh...


  • You have no idea what you're looking for, do you.


  • No, I do not.
  • Not a clue. Noel told me, and I have forgotten.
  • No, but I have good intentions. That should be enough, right?


  • I will find you something to play with.
  • Okay, don't worry. I'll track something down for you.
  • All right, I will find and bring you an array of devices that may or may not serve your purpose. Sound good?

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo25_BarrettMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene25_BarrettMatteo


  • Barrett! The book I left for you in your room is about the commonality of spiritual beliefs... did you have a chance to read it?
  • My friend... I sent you a wonderful discussion about old Earth religious beliefs the other day.
    Did you have time to listen to it? I found it to be very enlightening.
  • Oh... Barrett, have you already read that text I sent you on the nature of the human soul?


  • Yes, Matteo. I'm aware of those philosophical stances already.
  • I must have missed it... but it's okay, Matteo. I'm reasonably aware of these philosophies.
  • Matteo, I mean this sincerely my friend... I don't think I need more information to understand the gist.


  • I find it to be truly fascinating how so many beliefs have so much in common. Don't you?
  • It is so interesting to me that all sorts of people came to similar conclusions.
  • I love how similar themes about the goodness of humanity shine through in so many of these texts.


  • Yet so much differs between the philosophies... surely that is also significant?
  • Commonalities do not correlate to actualities, my friend.
  • Seekers prefer the mathematical union of all beliefs... I prefer the intersection... the shared humanistic foundations.


  • The differences in thought are situational based on the history of the people whose lives it enhances.
  • I think about that too, but things involving humans may be flawed in translation, don't you think?
  • I prefer to consider the intention of the beliefs rather than the precision.


  • All of the data points should be considered, even or especially the ones that do not quite fit.
  • If the conclusions are significantly derivative, there's probably a flaw in the hypothesis.
  • If the methodology leads to alternative conclusions, perhaps the premise itself is flawed.


  • I have the perfect text for you... it clears it all up. I'll leave it in your room when I have a moment.
  • You are asking for a mathematical formula that creates hope, dreams, and love.
  • I understand why you say that, but I think it is my own fault for not explaining better.


  • All right, Matteo. We'll have to pick this up another time.
  • Matteo, I love you my friend, but we'll have to continue this another time.
  • You're a kind person, Matteo.
    Maybe next time we should talk about sports instead, though.

Noel and Matteo[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo01_NoelMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene01


  • Hey, have you been up to The Eye recently?
  • When's the last time you went up to see Vladimir?
  • Have you talked to Vladimir recently? Face-to-face, I mean?


  • Huh. Guess it's been a while. Why?
  • I haven't needed to go up there in a bit. Why?
  • Haven't gone up there recently. Is everything okay?


  • Oh, I just don't know how he does it. Up there all alone for so long.
  • He just goes weeks without seeing anyone. It'd drive me crazy.
  • I just wonder if it bothers him, being up there all alone. I sure couldn't do it.


  • Some people love that kind of space. Pun intended.
  • I'm sure he's fine, but you could always give him a call if you're really worried.
  • Aww, I wouldn't worry about it. He really loves it up there.

Sam and Matteo[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo09_SamMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene09


  • She still won't tell me, Sam!
  • No luck, Sam! I can't get it out of her!
  • I got nothing, Sam. Nothing! She won't tell me!


  • Absolutely. Totally. Uhm, who are you talking about?
  • Hang on. I think you're missing a noun there. Who is "she"?
  • That's one way to start a conversation. So... who is this mysterious "she"?


  • Andreja. I keep asking where she's from, and she keeps dodging the question. It's driving me crazy!
  • Come on, you know... I've asked Andreja where she came from, and she just won't tell me. At all. I can't take it!
  • I have asked where Andreja comes from, like a hundred times, and she just will not even give me a hint!


  • With tack [sic] like yours, it's a wonder she hasn't told you all her secrets by now.
  • She's one of us, Matteo. No need to give her the third degree.
  • Again with this? Matteo, you've... You've gotta let this go. It's getting unhealthy.


  • No, I just... Something about her story just doesn't add up for me.
  • I'm just saying... We don't really know a lot about her. It's weird, right?
  • Come on, seriously. She's beyond secretive. It's weird!


  • You gotta let this go. Everybody's got things they'd rather keep to themselves.
  • We all got a past here. Constellation works because everyone respects each other and let's [sic] the good ol' days stay in the good ol' days.
  • If she didn't have secrets, that would be even weirder. Give her space.


  • Vladimir has vouched for her time and time again, and she's come through for us every time. It's okay to not know every little thing but still trust someone.
  • From everything I've seen she's been a pure positive for Constellation. Heck, Sarah vouched for her. Good enough for me.
  • Vladimir and Sarah both brought her in, and have never had a bad thing to say. So she likes to keep her distance - her prerogative. Just relax.


  • Yeah, I guess you're right.
  • Okay, yeah. You're right. I'll try and let it go.
  • Yeah, I suppose. I'll try to not let it bother me... But no promises.

Walter and Matteo[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo04_MatteoWalter
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene04


  • Well, Khatri? Pilfered any priceless antiquities lately?
  • Stolen any sacred relics recently?
  • So, Matteo. Swiped any new religious texts?


  • Very funny, Walter. You know Constellation's been keeping me busy.
  • Haha, I don't have much time for that kind of thing anymore. So much to do around here, you know?
  • You really aren't going to let it go, are you? I'm so busy with our work here that I don't think about it much these days.


  • I know you too well to believe that. You've got to have a line on something.
  • Right, sure. You're telling me you haven't been on the lookout at all?
  • I wasn't born yesterday, you know. I'd bet you have your eye on something.


  • If you must know, there's rumors of an 18th century English translation of the Bhagavad Gita I was following up on.
  • Well, okay... fine. I had heard that Buddha's Tooth may still exist. Was trying to find out if there's any truth to it.
  • All right... There's a chance that a 15th-century edition of Aquinas' Summa Theologica is out there. I've been asking a few questions in my spare time.


  • Ha! I knew it. Well, best of luck.
  • Maybe this one will turn out better than the last time, eh?
  • Let me know how it turns out...


  • Matteo Khatri is voiced by Carlos Valdes.
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