Starfield:Sam Coe

Sam CoeFollower
(0029D488, 00005999)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID Companion_SamCoe
Race Human Gender Male
SF-skill-Piloting 4.png

Piloting 4
+30% Top speed, +1 engine power.
SF-skill-Rifle Certification 3.png

Rifle Certification 3
Rifles do 30% more damage.
SF-skill-Payloads 2.png

Payloads 2
Ship cargo holds have 10% more capacity.
SF-skill-Geology 1.png

Geology 1
The companion will occasionally give you geology related items.
RefID 0029D488 BaseID 00005999
Other Information
Faction(s) AvailableCompanionFaction
Sam Coe
Sam Coe
Editor ID LC165_Lodge_SamCoe
Race Human Gender Male
RefID N/A BaseID 0010A3D2

Sam Coe is a member of Constellation and a potential companion. He is the son of Jacob Coe, the ex-husband of Lillian Hart, and the father of Cora Coe. Both he and Cora reside at the Lodge.

Before joining Constellation in 2327 (three years before the events of the game), Sam served in the Freestar Rangers. He was recruited there by Lillian after being caught smuggling, and nearly dying in a ship battle against 7 Crimson Fleet ships. As ship crew, Sam will automatically provide one free bar of reactor power to engines and increase speed by 30%. As long as he is your companion or assigned to your ship as crew, his daughter Cora will stay onboard.

Sam wears a unique Constellation suit with his skill patches sewn onto the left shoulder. His rifle skills allow him to perform well as a combat-focused companion in the field. By default, he uses a (non-inventory) companion variant Lawgiver. He quickly self upgrades to a modified Tombstone with 11mm Caseless (or sometimes Equinox with 3kV LZR Cartridge), ammunition that never depletes. He will ask for and use upgraded weapons. Occasionally, he provides a geological sample.

Related missionsEdit

New Game PlusEdit

In NG+, should the player opt to skip ahead of the Main Quest Sam Coe will be found at the Lodge upon retrieving all of the artifacts in the mission Among the Stars. Retrieving the final artifact and completing the armillary is not necessary for him to appear.

Wants to talkEdit

While Sam is a follower, he will from time to time ask to talk. These talks each have an opportunity to change his affinity.

For players with the Empath trait, choosing answers that he likes will temporarily improve your combat and persuasion. Instead of flirting, it is usually better to choose these answers. This will also increase affinity more quickly.

There are additional options depending on career, skills, and starborn status.

Key Meaning
⏫︎ +50 affinity
+25 affinity
-15 affinity
⏬︎ -35 affinity
🗣︎ talk more, loop
X End and Exit scene
[QB###] set quest flag ### before beginning
[QE###] set quest flag ### after ending
[Q:###?] quest flag ### is set?
[¬Q:###?] quest flag ### is not set?
[condition?] condition is set?
[¬condition?] condition is not set?

First conversationEdit

"So, how much of a thrill has it been traveling with the one, and only, last descendant of the great Solomon Coe?"
"Is it everything you imagined?"
... Player Response
[Starborn?] It feels like we've been traveling together forever. I don't know whether to be flattered or concerned.
I think you're doing your family proud. Haha. Well, that's a first.
Such an honor. You should see my diary. Yeah, but no autographs, OK?
It doesn't matter to me you're a Coe. Ha. You're something else.
X I'd like to pick this up later. Oh, bad time? Got it. Later, then.
🗣︎ The last Coe? What about Cora? And your father? Ain't you ever heard sarcasm, friend?
So how is it traveling with one of the great Coes? That better?
"I gotta say, it's a relief being with you... So many people hear "Coe" and they expect me to pull some miracle out of a hat."
"Time has a way of just building on itself. Solomon was a good man. A great one, even."
"But if he ever heard all the bullshit being talked about him these days... Well, he'd flat out deck them."
... Player Response
[Professor?] Solomon Coe was remarkable. But his legend outstrips his documented accomplishments. So that's just your fancy way of saying he ain't all cracked up what he's supposed to be?
But fully deserved or not, the Coe name carries weight.
It sounds like you aren't happy being related to Solomon. I am, and I'm not.
Well, then, I want my miracles. It appears I left them in my other jacket. Sorry.
But... for some people. It ain't a joke. They have serious expectations.
🗣︎ Why do they revere Solomon so much? There's books about him. Lots of them.
A couple high notes: He was one of the first grav jump explorers, back when they had no idea of the dangers...
First solo jump out of Sol system: all him. He explored all the planets in Cheyenne and settled Akila. Plus he formed the whole Freestar Collective with Volii.
So as you can see - the name's got serious heft.
"There was a time, well, before Cora... Where it really weighed on me."
"It felt like every little thing I did or didn't do was a reflection on our "great legacy." It's enough to drive you crazy."
"Now, I just hope I can help Cora to... I don't know."
... Player Response
Every parent wants their children to learn from their mistakes. [QE105] Well, then Cora's going to get a five star university education from me.
That's some serious parenting thoughts there, Sam. [QE110] Yeah, yeah. See if you can do better with her. Some days I think she's half feral.
How you raise Cora is none of my business. [QE115] No judgment, I appreciate it.
Cora's great. You're doing a good job. [QE120] Your kind words are appreciated.
"For my father, Cora, and me everything starts and ends with Solomon Coe. He looked out at the stars, and he dreamed a way to get there."
"Imagine being the first person to jump to a new system and set foot on a new world? Well, I get it. That's powerful stuff."
"And now... I'm just getting sappy. You're a bad influence, you know that?"
... Player Response
I'm the worst. Heh. That's what I like about you.
There's hidden depths to you. Aww, now you're going to make me blush.
You really do have the heart of an explorer. You say the damnedest things.
[Flirt] Oh, I have my wiles, Mr. Coe. I believe that might be the most honest thing you've ever said. *chuckle*
"Well, I hope the comic book they make up about our adventures is better than that rag on Solomon."
"The stuff they publish is just downright embarrassing."

Second conversationEdit

"Sorry, I plain forgot what I wanted to talk with you about."
"That girl. If Cora leaves her tools out one more time."
"I mean, I love her more that life itself but I can only say the same damned thing so many times."
... Player Response
Kids know how to push all the right buttons. That's Cora to a T.
Go easy on her. Oh, next time I see her I'll paste on a smile and ask her ever so nicely to pick them up. Again.
If she keeps doing it, it could be a real hazard. I know, I'm on it. Trust me, it won't get in the way when it counts. *sigh*
X Now isn't a good time. Got it. We can get into this later.
"I mean, this is between me and you, but Cora wasn't exactly planned."
"I don't know if I mentioned, but I served a spell in the Freestar Rangers."
"Had a partner, Lillian Hart... We were like fire and ice, but... Well, that wasn't all bad."
... Player Response
[Starborn?] I wondered when you'd get around to talking about Lillian. Wait... You know about her? Small galaxy, I guess. Anyway.
Whether you wanted to be a Dad or not, you seem to have taken to it. It wasn't always like it is now...
Must've been tough juggling being a Ranger and a father. Understatement of the century.
[Flirt] You had a partner before? I'm jealous. If anything I think she should be jealous of you. Maybe some other time I'll get into the whole Lillian chapter.
Cora being unplanned is a hell of a thing to lay on me. Is it? Shit. Sorry.
But... what I'm talking about doesn't make sense if you don't, well, know that.
🗣︎ How did you wind up being a Ranger of all things? It wasn't by choice - and it was a lousy fit. Maybe some day I'll get into it.
I'm just happy I found Constellation. Best damned organization in the Settled Systems, if you ask me.
🗣︎ [Ranger?] How come I haven't seen Lillian at the Rock? She's one of their top Rangers, so they keep her in the field a lot.
That's how she likes it.
"When Cora was born, I was completely out of my depth."
"For the first few months I kept thinking what a colossal mistake I made. Me, a father?"
"But one late night, early morning, whatever, little Cora gave me my first smile. And I knew I'd do anything for that girl."
... Player Response
Cora's lucky to have you. It sure don't feel like it.
I knew you were a big softy. Yeah, yeah - big old mean Sam Coe loves his daughter. Alert SSNN. *chuckle*
I can't imagine having kids. People say it changes everything, and it does.
And no matter how much you think you are prepared... Haha.
🗣︎ Where was Lillian during this? Well, Missus Lillian Coe was right there with me. And as bad as I had it, with nursing at all hours...
I know I had it comparatively easy, but that don't mean those first few months were "good" by any stretch of the imagination.
  • [Q:105?] "Something you said to me... About parents wanting children to learn from their mistakes."
    "Now that Cora's getting older... That's what haunts me." [or]
  • [Q:110?] "I really appreciate you trying to keep it light, and cheer me up about Cora."
    "But with her getting older. Well, I'm scared she may take after me too much." [or]
  • [Q:115?] "You said it's none of your business what I do with Cora. "
    "You know us both, though, better than anybody. I know she takes after me, but maybe too much?" [or]
  • "You said Cora's great - and I think so, too."
    "But I see so much of myself in her."


"I've... I've done things I'm not proud of. Said things even worse."
"I try to be better for Cora, but is she going to fall into the same traps?"
... Player Response
[Empath?] You've given Cora a solid foundation. You don't need to worry about this particular problem. That's... really reassuring. I do the best I can by her.
You should talk to her about all this. ...Maybe. When's she's older.
I have a feeling she'll find her very own mistakes. Well isn't that a drop of sunshine.
You worry too much. Enjoy it, she'll be grown up before you know it. And that's the truth there.
🗣︎ Is your past really that bad? Well, it's bad enough, let me put it that way.
"I know it seems crazy towing her across the stars. But I'm not exactly swimming with options here."
"Her mother... Like I said, another story, another time."
"And what, have her raised by Jacob? My dad? I'd sooner ship her off to Vladimir."
... Player Response
I think Cora is thriving growing up with Constellation. [QE205] You think? Well, she does say the damnedest things.
Might be good to have a place she can go if things get dangerous. [QE210] I'll think about it. But for now, she's happy. You know, she just goes on and on about you?
X I really don't know if her being on my ship is a great idea. [QE215] I have all the faith in the world in you, you'll keep us safe.
And trust me, I'll make sure Cora is fine, too.
🗣︎ There really isn't anyone else that could take her? No, not really. Lillian and me don't have any siblings.
We'd have to start looking into really extended family for other relations.
I... I wouldn't want to any way. Looking after Cora... Well, that's not something I want to pawn off on someone.
"And if she just learned to pick up after herself she just might live until she's 13."

Third conversationEdit

"Sorry if I'm a little out of it. Didn't get much sleep last night."
"Lillian and me... Well, I tried talking with her and I lost my cool."
"Got a little heated. I know I woke Cora up. *sigh*"
... Player Response
On a small ship, everyone hears everything. That statement's going to keep me up at night. Everything, everything?
Just so you know there's a long, uh, proud tradition of singing in the shower.
I hope Cora didn't hear anything. No. I'm careful about that.
I mean, I try and not put down Lillian within earshot - which... well, isn't that hard, really.
X Sorry, I'm busy right now. I'll be here when you're ready.
🗣︎ How does Cora feel about all this? Up until a few years ago, she kept hoping we'd get back together.
I mean, Lillian and I stayed married longer than we should've for Cora's sake.
But we weren't really doing Cora favors there.
"Lillian. She's an incredible woman, truly."
"But it is always, and I mean always, about the job. When she bleeds Freestar colors spill out."
"Back when I was a Ranger, we were quite the team."
... Player Response
[Freestar?] I'm still a little in awe of Rangers. I heard so many stories about them growing up. I was, too. It's one of the things that kept me going, longer than I probably should've.
There must be a story behind why you stopped being a Ranger. I'm meant to be on my own exploring the great beyond.
It calls to me. Maybe it's Solomon saying "hello."
I bet you were good at being a lawman. I could do the job, sure. That wasn't the problem.
Traveling, exploring, seeing new crazy things. It calls to me.
[Flirt] I don't know, I think we're quite the item, too, Sam. Oh, don't worry. You're in a category all your own.
Where was I?
🗣︎ Did you like being a Ranger? I never had much passion for law enforcement. But there were days I was damned proud to wear the uniform.
And others... Too messy, I mean, we always walked the line well. Lillian is good that way.
But some laws I think are horseshit. Ruining lives because some bar room brawl got out of hand.
That never sat well with me.
"But one day... I was just done. No particular reason, it had been building a long time."
"I tried to convince Lillian to leave it behind come with me."
"She shot me down, hard. Hurt my pride. More than a little. But she was probably right."
... Player Response
If you were that unhappy, you did the right thing. We were making each other miserable. And that wore on poor Cora, too.
I feel bad for Cora. *sigh* Separation ain't known to be kind on little ones.
🗣︎ She didn't even consider it? Not for a second. And she's right.
Lillian is where she's meant to be. She always wants to fight the good fight, the Rangers are lucky to have her.
"It's funny, our latest argument started because Lillian thinks I'm putting Cora in too much danger traveling with you."


  • [Q:205?] "I told her what you told me, that Cora's just blossoming with all this. With Sarah, you, heck, even Walter..."
    "I just know Cora has futures I could never dream of."
    "But Lillian - not so much of a fan of you. That kinda set me off." [or]
  • [Q:210?] "I mentioned the idea you had... About maybe Cora staying with Lillian if things got too dangerous."
    "Suddenly she was all excuses. She's always going on that she doesn't see Cora enough."
    "And then I try to take her up on that... Yeah, fireworks." [or]
  • "After you told me the same thing... well, I asked if it was even possible for Cora to live with her for a time."
    "Not saying I'd do it, just seeing if it were an option."
    "And then she just went off on me. I fought hard to keep custody, and suddenly changing my mind. "
    "The argument got messy and complicated fast."
... Player Response
I'm sorry I caused an argument. Don't be. It's always something.
If I met Lillian, I have a feeling I wouldn't like her. You are getting one very biased half of it. I'm sure her friends feel the same about me.
And Lillian loves that girl fierce. But...
Separation sounds like so much fun. Yeah, they should have t-shirts for it and everything.
I mean, Lillian loves Cora. To pieces. But...
🗣︎ Why did you even get together with Lillian in the first place? Late night stakeouts, shootouts with a lot of left over adrenaline.
Well, we were never lacking in chemistry. Compatibility on the other hand...
"Cora's been stood up a time or two by Lillian."
"Always for the best of reasons, last time I think Lillian got a medal for it."
"But at a certain point Lillian's excuses don't matter. Poor Cora cried for a week. I don't want to put her through that again."
... Player Response
Lillian's part of her life. It's not healthy to keep them apart. [QE305] You are just too damned wise for your own good.
Well, something to think about.
Tell Lillian that. Give her a chance, but make her understand she has to follow through. [QE310] If I do that, you all might want to invest in some industrial strength ear plugs.
I think Cora's better off with us. [QE315] That's what I think, too.
I'm sorry things are so complicated for you. [QE320] Sorry to vent. But, you're... a good friend. It really helps to talk it out.
"For now, Lillian's going straight to the voice mail. So everyone can sleep easy."

Fourth conversationEdit

"Traveling with you has been something else. But the best part is when we're charting course for the next jump."
"I never feel at home planetside. How about you?"
... Player Response
[Terra Firma?] I spent most my life in plus G. Space does a number on me. And you join Constellation in spite of that? That takes guts.
[Spaced?] Being planet bound really messes me up. I was born and bred in the stars. Then for you - being in a ship must be like being home.
They both have their charms. How noncommittal of you.
[Flirt] I like anywhere as long as I'm with you. Now that's the right answer there. Ha.
Space is the only home I need. I figured you were a kindred spirit.
I don't give it much thought. Suit yourself.
X Actually, I can't do this right now. Whenever you get a chance, then.
"The people I don't get are the ones who never go anywhere. They stay in their own home town and just live and die there."
"There is a whole galaxy full of wonder and things you could never imagine."
"How can they be satisfied with one tiny sliver of it?"
... Player Response
People have different priorities. That doesn't make them wrong. I mean, you're right but...
Not everyone gets the opportunity. There are unfortunates that have little to no choice in anything. They have my sympathy.
But there are so many people that think it's out of reach, when it isn't.
If they only knew what they were missing. I mean, right?
"I think everyone should at least get out once. And go someplace, meet people."
"Get out of your comfort zone so you can really see that the worlds are more than just little issues and bickering."
"There is a mess of ugly out there, but my god, there is grandeur, too."
... Player Response
I never knew you were that poetic. Space. That great void. That's the stuff for me.
New cultures, new experiences can be deeply enriching. It helps you understand how this crazy place fits together.
I think you're getting a little carried away. Haha. Maybe a little.
If they don't come, it leaves more of the galaxy for the two of us. I never thought of it that way.
"I want to be the Coe that finds something deep out there. Solomon got us here, in a big way."
"I'd like to discover something that... Moves people. Makes them feel just a bit of what I feel when I jump systems - not knowing what's next."
... Player Response
You always surprise me. Always keep them guessing.
That's what Constellation is all about. Exactly!
Be real careful what you wish for. Haha. Fair point there.
[Flirt] I could listen to you talk like that for hours, handsome. Then you are a glutton for punishment. *chuckle* But I do love the way you listen.
"It's funny, as much as Jacob, my dad, cashes in on the family name - he's got no adventure in him."
"And I get it. It's dangerous, sometimes scary out there. But that's what exploration is."
"Going off the map and seeing if there truly be dragons."
... Player Response
Here's to discovery, Sam. [QE450] I couldn't ask for better company.
We should get back to it. [QE450] On it.
🗣︎ Jacob has none of that Coe family spirit in him, then? [QE450] Not one drop. He's always been about making deals, keep goods moving.
Despite his many, many flaws I think deep down he is trying to do good for Akila City.
But if you're going to be name dropping Solomon all the damned time, you should act a little more like him.

Fifth conversationEdit

"I know I yammered on about my... unfortunate past. But really, this isn't about me."


"I don't have many friends, and I figure I have to level with you."
"My past keeps showing up. I should get ahead of it before I get behind it."
"Oh, hell, this is tougher than I thought it was going to be."
... Player Response
Just take the leap and start talking. Right, right.
No matter what happened, Sam, I'm in your corner. That... That means a lot.
Uh oh. I don't like the sound of this. Oh good, now I'm not nervous at all. *sigh*
X Now is not a good time. Maybe later. Of course, of course. When you have a chance, then.
"When I turned 18, my dad used one of his many connections to get me my first real job."
"That plus the magical "Coe" family name meant I was shipping freight out of Akila. If there is a way to take the wonder out of space it was working for that outfit."
"Every milligram of Helium-3 accounted for, timetables down to the second, too busy to ever really appreciate anything or even look up. Ugh."
... Player Response
That sounds truly terrible. And the pay... Well, it paid for my apartment - but that's about all I could say for it.
For a first job you could do a lot worse. That's the way Dad looked at it. On paper, I see your point. But it was rough.
All the charm of accounting wrapped up in bureaucracy. Joy. Haha. That's about the size of it.
"So, an opportunity comes by from the boss man - run this job, don't ask questions, and there's a bonus."
"Hell, I was still just a kid. I jumped on it."
"I knew what I wasn't shipping some dried mangos, but... suddenly, God help me, it was fun."
... Player Response
Oh, this will not end well. Haha. You think?
I could see the appeal. And you're a hell of a lot smarter than I was.
🗣︎ What was fun about it? Up until then I tried my best to be the dutiful son, hated it, but man I tried. But this...
It was a rush, a thrill. Lying through my teeth to customs, even that shady delivery guy.
It felt like I was finally truly living.
"So more jobs started coming. And everywhere I went suddenly dangerous people were much better armed."
"I'd hear about armed conflicts and civilian casualties... Innocent casualties... And I'd pretend that wasn't me."
"Maybe I wasn't smuggling weapons. Maybe I was carrying something else."
"As long as I never opened the boxes, I could keep pretending."
... Player Response
[Gangster?] That's the way they rope you in. Don't think, get rich. All too soon you're in over your head. Yes. Exactly. I'm glad I'm not alone.
You know you didn't kill those people. Not directly. And I'd tell myself, they'd get guns from someone else.
But in my heart, I knew blood was on my hands.
Go on with your story, Sam.
What you did was reprehensible. I'm shocked. I was young, I was stupid. Anything you say... Anything you feel...
I feel all that and more. *sigh*
"Soon the boss man's relying on me, and the pay... was nice. We also started partying a lot together. Hard. There are whole weeks that are blank."
"Never had a lick of trouble, until I did."
... Player Response
Sounds like your boss took advantage of you. Yeah, but it takes two to tango.
You can't keep playing with fire without getting burned. You're right, of course.
🗣︎ Didn't you know you were walking a very dangerous path? I had booze enough and drugs enough to never really have to look too hard in the mirror.
I knew if I did, I wouldn't like what I saw or where it was going.
🗣︎ Were you that good at it? At the time I thought I was the bee's knees. But looking back, a lot of it was dumb luck.
I swear my damned name got me out of trouble most of the time.
"Oh, you're a Coe? Like Solomon?" Then they'd just wave me through.
"To this day I don't know what I was running that last job, but it was tasty enough a whole mess of Crimson Fleet jumped me at the rendezvous."
"A sane man would've been scared, but I looked at my pissant trading skiff's dual cannons and shouted, "Oh, this is on!""
"I blew up one of the pirates before they realized that I was out of my gourd. I managed to get them down to two left before every system I had was fried. I was done."
"That should've been the end. But that's when the Rangers showed up."
... Player Response
[Ballistic Weapon Systems?] Taking out Fleet vessels with a skiff's cannons is impressive as hell. I don't even know how I did it. Pure instinct. But it wasn't enough.
You must've been incredibly relieved. *chuckle* You think?
I could absolutely see you doing that. *chuckle* Well, I don't flinch from living life on the edge a little. Anyway.
You are crazy. Literally crazy. Hey, I'm not proud of it, OK? I'm not that same punk anymore. *sigh*
🗣︎ With those odds, why did you even try? It just felt right. Like this, this is what I was meant to be.
And I was young, no care in the world, and I thought - what, there's only 7 of you? I like those odds.
"And then, dependable and straight as an arrow, Lillian Hart came on the comm, and well... it was like hearing the voice of an angel."


"The Rangers took them out, no problem. All of that's fuzzy, though, see I passed out and when I came to Lillian was there. Seems the Rangers were impressed with me."
"Offered me a job. By all rights it should've been a prison cell, but Lillian... She saw something in me. I took the job."
"And that's it. All my cards are on the table."
... Player Response
You aren't that kid anymore. You're probably a better person for it. [QE505] After I hit bottom, I learned a lot. Fast.
That was some real stupid stuff you did. [QE510] I know, I know.
If you haven't done anything you're ashamed of once or twice, you haven't really lived. [QE515] That. Well, that.
🗣︎ And Lillian knew you were a smuggler? Officially my cargo was destroyed by the Fleet.
Unofficially, hell yes, she knew - she jettisoned it herself.
I do not know why she did it, but she stuck her neck out for me.
And after she helped sober me up, and put the mess I was back together.
🗣︎ So that's it? Nothing more? Look, I'm guilty as hell of smuggling who knows what. And there are people I dealt with, bad people, and would recognize me.
But I swear I did more questionable stuff for the Rangers, under orders mind you, than I ever did as a smuggler.
"But the thing that scares me... Is Cora. I mean, I gotta tell her some day."
"Sometimes the way she looks at me... I'm not worthy of that. But to see that look gone..."
... Player Response
When she's older, and the time is right, you have to tell her. *sigh* Well, ain't that something to look forward to.
⏫︎ She thinks the world of you. It'll be fine. That's easy for you to say.
That's a toughie. Understatement of the year.
[Flirt] Just know I'm here for you, Sam. With all my heart. Always. That means a great deal to me.
"Just so you know, all this, this is why Lillian is... something else."


  • [Q:305?] "I know you're right, I need to let her into Cora's life in a big way."
    "I just need to get up the nerve to talk with her." [or]
  • [Q:310?] "And I really need to own that, and have a tough talk with Lillian. "
    "Tell her about that follow through you mentioned. Cora's at an important age right now, every visit really counts. You can't flake on her." [or]
  • [Q:315?] "You were saying Cora's better off traveling with us, but Lillian knows me - the good, the bad, and the really ugly."
    "When she calls bullshit, it's hard to fight back." [or]
  • "I know, I know - more Sam Coe and his 'complications' as you put it."


"Well, for now, let's do something more cheery."
"Like getting a root canal."

Sixth conversationEdit

"I'd appreciate your advice."


  • [Q:505?] "After our last talk... Well, I just feel a little more at peace. A little more whole." [or]
  • [Q:510?] "After our last talk, even though you called me out on being a fool."
    "I still feel better for opening up. And worse, too." [or]
  • "After our last talk, I was really worried what you'd say. But I always feel better. Thank you."


"Cora's grandpa, good old Jacob, well he just will not stop pestering me to see Cora."
"And that's complicated."
... Player Response
You don't talk much about your father. He's not my favorite topic of conversation.
Cora's got a lot of people that care for her. Can you blame them? She's something else.
But things with my Dad...
Jacob's a real ass. Good to know I'm not alone thinking that.
X We can talk about this later. For now, I'm busy. Right you are.
"My early years... They weren't good."
"My mother died when I was 7. Some people have such strong memories from their early life."
"Me, I mean I remember her. I have some pictures, I remember the feelings. But just a few clear memories."
... Player Response
[Starborn?] There may be a version of us out there somewhere where she lived. I wonder what that's like. Odd thought. I just... can't imagine what that would've been like.
I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Oh, it's all right. Ancient history.
I bet that changed things at home. You better believe it.
🗣︎ What do you remember? She had these truly ancient cameras. Like caveman type of things.
Had a room with a red light, she'd develop pictures she took in this chemical bath.
I remember sitting on a stool, looking up at them slowly fade in, and it was like alchemy to me, then.
That's all I have. Just glimpses like that.
🗣︎ What happened to her? She banged up her knee real good in an accident. So she went in for knee replacement.
Supposed to be routine, but that damned anesthesiologist dropped the ball.
One day, Mom's fine and then after the damned doctors take her away... *sigh*
"So Jacob raised me on his own. And... shit, maybe I don't give him enough credit."
"I mean, I know how tough it is. But he was strict, hard."
"Dad was a long time civil servant, a big man in government. And he had a future all laid out for me. Man could he get his hooks into you... he was scary good at that."
... Player Response
[Freestar?] Most people in the Freestar Collective would hate working in government, too. Exactly. If we wanted big, bloated government we'd head over to the UC.
He was my Dad, though, and I was a young pup...
And let me guess, that future wasn't for you. You know me too well.
He probably did it out of love. Maybe. But, it was tough to live up to his exacting expectations.
🗣︎ What exactly did your Dad do? At his height he was some sort of trade minister. A very prominent man in Akila City.
After I came along, he stepped down to a lower posting - but still had a finger in trade all over the Collective.
I can't deny, he sacrificed a lot to be closer to Mom and me.
"But I tried. I felt the weight of legacy, I wanted to do him proud."
"He said I had to learn the business. Run some freight, see how the credits flow, speak the language."
"Meanwhile he was working some angle for a government job for me after. And that sounded even more miserable than what I was doing."
... Player Response
He should've asked what you wanted. I know, right?
If you were somebody else, it may not have been that bad a deal. Probably. Credits, power, prestige... I mean, you're right.
[Flirt] I wish we'd met a long time ago. We have to seriously make up for lost time. Imagining you around back then... Let's just say you would have been... distracting.
But I had a point... If I could remember it.
🗣︎ Did you ever tell him you didn't want it? I started to many, many times.
He'd always steer the conversation away, or just use logic to dissect every little point.
Once I held my ground and he said I was an ungrateful child, not worthy of what he was doing.
"Even after I joined the Rangers, Dad just always was needling - angling for me to join the government."
"By then I knew myself more. And I could stand up to him. Lillian, well, she helped."
"If I let Jacob into Cora's life, he'll dream up some big future for her and tie her into knots like he did with me. That man could teach a master class in manipulation."
... Player Response
Jacob might surprise you. He seems to really love Cora. [QE605]
  • [Q:305?] You are just dead set on all of us being one big happy family, aren't you?
    Well, maybe it's worth trying. For Cora's sake. [or]
  • [Q:310?] So set up some ground rules, like you said I should do with Lillian?
    I don't think it would work. But... It might be worth trying. [or]
  • Hmmm. I suppose. Stranger things have happened.
If he does anything like that, I'm sure you'd shut it down fast. [QE610]
  • [Q:505?] Like you said, I've taken a lot of hard knocks - learned a thing or two.
    Yeah, I might be able to make sure Jacob stays a good doting grandad. Or else. [or]
  • [Q:510?] I don't know. Sometimes I still feel like that stupid kid - like you said.
    I'm not sure I'm up for tussling with Dad. [or]
  • I would try, that's for damned sure. No guaranteeing I'd succeed.
It should be up to Cora, otherwise you're making her choices for her. [QE615] But she's only twelve and... Hell, I see what you did there.
If I just flat out say no, I'm a hypocrite, right? *sigh*
Jacob's bad news. I think you're right to keep Cora away from him. [QE620] Cora's too young to understand just how twisted up things could get.
I wish I could just snap my fingers and make things better for her.
🗣︎ Have you seen any evidence of that? Well, no. But he hasn't had much opportunity.
And he's a sly one, I'm not sure I'd be able to spot anything.
🗣︎ Is your father really that much of a problem? I mean, I can't prove it, but I'm pretty sure that freight company was silently partnered with good old dad.
And the smuggling? I wouldn't put it past him to be involved. Very involved.
But he always did a good job of keeping that side of the business hidden from everyone. Especially me.
"I guess I got more to think about."

Seventh conversationEdit

Sam: "We need to find Cora and talk with her. She made it sound like it's 'life or death.'"


Sam: "Thanks for grabbing me. Cora wanted something, and I was hoping you could humor her. For me."
Sam: "Cora? Cora!"
Sam: "So what's so important that you needed us?"
Cora: "Thank you for talking to me. I got something super important."
Cora: "Something's wrong with Mom."
Sam: "You're just figuring this out?"
Cora: "No. She's in trouble. It's been too long since she's written me."
Sam: "Wait, you write each other?"
Cora: "Focus. We need to find Mom."
Cora: "You believe me, right?"
... Player Cora
This may be serious. Very serious.
I'm sure Lillian's just fine, Cora. No. No. No.
🗣︎ How do you know she's in trouble? We were reading the Count of Monte Cristo together, and she hasn't got back to me.
She's a slow reader, but it's been too long - even for her. She always sends a message when she's finished.
But I haven't heard anything...
Sam: "Listen, trust me Lillian Hart is not in trouble, she eradicates trouble. That's her thing."
Cora: "This is not normal."
  • Sam: "I don't even know where she's stationed, gumdrop." [or]
  • Sam: "I don't even know where she's stationed, sweetie." (never said?)
Cora: "Daaaad. She's on Neon."
Sam: "I know this is a whopper of a favor to ask... But there will be no end to this until we see Lillian and clear this all up."
... Player Sam Cora
I have a bad feeling about this, Sam. Ugh, you, too? Listen. I will not forget you doing this for me.
Cora's just worried.
Don't even get me started about the time she thought ghosts were in the reactor core.
I was five, Dad. Five.
If it'll make Cora feel better, no problem. *sigh* Thanks.
You being willing to do this... It means a lot.
Bring all your guns and armor and stuff. It's going to get serious.
You owe me for this one. Like I said: I know this is a massive favor for me. And Cora.
Sam: [QE650] "Lillian will be at the Ranger Outpost on Neon. That's Jaylen... Pryce's office - so if she's out he should be able to help."
Sam: "This should be easy, Cora sees Lillian and everything will be back to normal."

Temple conversation (MQ104A)Edit

"Where to begin... That... temple? What the hell was that?"
"I have been from one end of the Settled Systems to the other, more times than I could count."
"But I have never, and I mean never, encountered something like that."
"Who built it? Why? So many questions."
... Player Response
[Starborn?] Don't worry, it'll all work out. The answers will come in time. I don't need some Matteo philosophical navel gazing here. These questions are big.
I am still stunned at what we discovered. That's a good word for it.
It's our job to make sense of it. Yeah, no pressure.
I don't mind admitting I'm scared. Both of the experience and what it means. I think that just means you're sane.
🗣︎ Do you think the Temple is proof of sentient alien life? Maybe? For centuries we've been looking for something definitive that says we're not alone out here.
I just can't see the UC, Freestar Collective, or House Var'ruun building... that thing. The temple.
Or maybe it's just some crazy gazillionaire's party temple. The ultra-rich do some seriously crazy things.
But I somehow doubt it.
"And what you can do? I am not a scientist, not in the least..."
"But that... ability? Power? It's just plain scientifically impossible."
... Player Response
[Master Technology Training?] I know what our tech is capable of. This is lightyears beyond it. You'd know better than I.
Impossible or not. I can do it. And there you have it.
It's got to be just advanced technology. Just beyond what we know. Then who is capable of something like that? *shudder*
It almost feels magical. Just don't say that back at the Lodge.
Some of them would blow a gasket if you suggested that.
"Forget about me. How are you?"
"Whatever happened... it could have deep physiological affects. I hope not mental."
"And even if everything's perfect there... still... I can't imagine what's going through your head."
... Player Response
I want to stay focused on what we do next. Not how I feel. Smart. Staying focused.
I am so rattled, I don't know what's going on with me. Don't worry. We'll get through it. Together.
Actually. I feel good. Maybe too good. That's... not disturbing. No, not at all.
I have this powerful craving now. For... human brains. Brains. Kidding. *laughs* You... Haha. Same old you.
"The other Constellation members are going to lose their mind once they hear about this."
"Assuming they even believe us."

Starborn conversationEdit

  • "The universe is vast. It's arrogant to think we've seen it all."
  • "I can hardly believe it. And I was there."
  • "I agree. They didn't feel exceptionally 'Alien'."
  • "That certainly sounds possible. That could be it, Sam."

Constellation ScenesEdit

Andreja and SamEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_SamCoe01
Scene: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_Barrett01Scene01


  • Sam, I know you have explained it, but I am still having trouble.
  • Sam, could you explain it one more time?
  • Sam, I apologize for bringing it up once more...


  • Oh my gosh, this again?
Still can't wrap your head around it, can you?
Ha! I saw it on your face last time. Knew we'd be doing this again.


  • I do not wish to be a nuisance. I just do not understand.
  • I hope it is not annoying. It just does not make sense to me.
  • I have tried to understand it, but I just do not "get it."


  • Don't know what to tell you, kid. It's pretty simple.
  • I don't know how else I can phrase it for you.
  • Okay, let's try it one more time.


  • All I'm saying is that, given a choice, I'd much rather talk my way out of a fight than slug it out.
  • Some of us prefer avoiding a fight if we can talk our way out of it. That's it.
  • I just consider it a victory, however minor, if I can use my mouth to get me out of a fight instead of into one.


  • But fighting is so much easier.
  • But it is so much simpler to demonstrate strength through force.
  • But why would you wish to avoid a fight?


  • Oh, you. Don't ever change, Andreja.
  • Hey, you do whatever works for you.
  • Okay. We'll do this again some time, I'm sure.

Quest: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_SamCoe02
Scene: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_SamCoe02Scene


  • Sam, have you considered what kind of combat training your daughter might require?
  • You know, it is never too early for Cora to learn some basic combat tactics. Have you discussed it with her?
  • Has Cora ever mentioned what kind of type of weapons she might prefer? A particular fighting style, perhaps?


  • Uhh, no... Because she's twelve.
  • Oh, wow, you're actually being serious. No, that has not come up.
  • Ha, no. That won't be an issue for a while. Maybe ever.


  • I trained at an early age. It has served me well over the years.
  • It is never too soon to begin training. Skills take time to develop.
  • She could make a very skilled fighter. The sooner she begins learning, the better.


  • Are you... offering to train her?
  • Just so I'm clear what's happening right now: You are offering to train Cora to be a.... what? Warrior? Soldier?
  • This is one of the weirder conversations I've had lately.


  • I would be happy to show her a few things.
  • I believe some of the things I have learned about close combat could be useful to her.
  • If she is willing, I would be pleased to work with her.


  • I will... consider that. Maybe. Thanks, I think.
  • Well, that's certainly something to think about. Thanks for the offer.
  • Okay, that's an interesting idea. Let's just keep that between us for now, and if the time comes, I know where to find you.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Andreja01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AndrejaScene01


Sooo... craziest bar fight?


Three spacers got the drop on me. Flipped a table.
Found a good use for a butter knife. Dull, but surprisingly effective.


Haha. Was on an outpost and then a predator burst in. It was all jaws and fur and spit.
Everyone freaked out. Two shots and I went back to my sandwich.


Nice. But still... Butter knife?


Yeah... You win this round, Andreja.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Andreja02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AndrejaScene02


Sarah Ms. Perfect Morgan. I swear, she must have radar.


What do you mean?


Every single time I make a mistake.
Before I can say "oops" she's there and very politely, and ever so patiently, telling me I made a mistake.
You know what I mean?


No, I do not.


Thanks, Andreja. Now I feel better. *chuckle*

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo14_AndrejaSam
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene14


  • Hey, Andreja. Had another run-in with Zealots, huh?


  • Indeed I did.


  • Guess you handled it all right, since you're here and not at Reliant Medical.


  • I did what I needed to do.


  • I'm sure you did.

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo15_SamAndreja
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene15


  • Sam, I do not know if you recall my suggestion, but if Cora ever needs self-defense training...


  • Oh, yeah. I remember all right. Very aware of the offer.


  • Well, I am still available if you are interested.


  • Okay, uh-huh. Sure. Got it. Thanks again.

Barrett and SamEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_SamCoe01
Scene: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_SamCoe_Scene


Sam. This is pretty serious, isn't it?


There's just no hope. I mean what can we do?


I don't know how it got this bad. I really don't.


They shouldn't have traded players. It was a bad move.


We traded our top player for two mediocre ones? Who makes that kind of deal?


Ugh. I can't talk about it, I'm getting all worked up.


We'll get through it together, buddy.

Quest: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_SamCoe02
Scene: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_SamCoe_SceneCOPY0000


Sam, buddy. Cora borrowed some of my things without asking... you wanted me to tell you if it happened again.


Oh good grief. What did she borrow?


  • A stack of my old physics books. Honestly, I'd rather she read some newer ones from Noel.
  • Some highly pressurized hydrogen locked in reverberating containment tube. Noel is going to need that soon for one of her experiments.
  • A sample of a unique mineral that displays some life-like qualities. Been in a box for years. Not a big deal.


*sighs* I'll talk to Cora. She knows she has to ask.


She's a smart kid, Sam. A really smart kid.
You're in trouble, you know.


Trust me, it's all I ever think about.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Barrett01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_BarrettScene01


All right, Barrett. You ready to play.


"I was born ready."


I set you up there. That was an "oldie but a goodie."


*chuckle*"A rolling stone gathers no moss."


Wait. That's a saying? No way.


From Old Earth. Got the slate to prove it.


"I may be drunk, sir, but in the morning you'll still be ugly."


*laugh*Where's that from?


Some guy named Churchill. Later, friend.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Barrett02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_BarrettScene02


I'm thinking next time we're in New Atlantis we are overdue...


I got the playoff game recorded. I can grab some Chunks. It was a hell of-


No, no, no. No spoilers. Jesus, I've stopped watching SSNN because I don't want to know who won.


You might want to avoid looking at the New Atlantis billboards, then.


We need to watch that game soon. Before I go crazy.

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo16_SamBarrett
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene16


  • Hey, Sam! What do you think you're doing, just hanging around here? Don't you know you're wasting Walter's hard-earned credits?


  • Hey buddy, you're hanging around just as much as I am!


  • I know. Pretty nice to take a load off for a bit, huh?


  • You won't hear me complain.

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo17_BarrettSam
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene17


  • Barrett... Don't you still owe me 100 credits?


  • What? No, I paid you back two weeks ago!
  • Are you kidding me? Matteo said he'd cover me!
  • No, no, you've got it all wrong! Don't you remember - you told me it was your treat, that I didn't have to pay you back!


  • What? That's what you said last week! Come on!
  • That is not at all how I remember it.
  • Come on, seriously! You've gotta pay me eventually.


  • Okay, okay... Remind me again next week, will you? I'll get you back.
  • All right, you got me. I'll scrape something together for you... Next week, maybe?

Matteo and SamEdit

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo09_SamMatteo
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene09


  • She still won't tell me, Sam!
  • No luck, Sam! I can't get it out of her!
  • I got nothing, Sam. Nothing! She won't tell me!


  • Absolutely. Totally. Uhm, who are you talking about?
  • Hang on. I think you're missing a noun there. Who is "she"?
  • That's one way to start a conversation. So... who is this mysterious "she"?


  • Andreja. I keep asking where she's from, and she keeps dodging the question. It's driving me crazy!
  • Come on, you know... I've asked Andreja where she came from, and she just won't tell me. At all. I can't take it!
  • I have asked where Andreja comes from, like a hundred times, and she just will not even give me a hint!


  • With tack [sic] like yours, it's a wonder she hasn't told you all her secrets by now.
  • She's one of us, Matteo. No need to give her the third degree.
  • Again with this? Matteo, you've... You've gotta let this go. It's getting unhealthy.


  • No, I just... Something about her story just doesn't add up for me.
  • I'm just saying... We don't really know a lot about her. It's weird, right?
  • Come on, seriously. She's beyond secretive. It's weird!


  • You gotta let this go. Everybody's got things they'd rather keep to themselves.
  • We all got a past here. Constellation works because everyone respects each other and let's [sic] the good ol' days stay in the good ol' days.
  • If she didn't have secrets, that would be even weirder. Give her space.


  • Vladimir has vouched for her time and time again, and she's come through for us every time. It's okay to not know every little thing but still trust someone.
  • From everything I've seen she's been a pure positive for Constellation. Heck, Sarah vouched for her. Good enough for me.
  • Vladimir and Sarah both brought her in, and have never had a bad thing to say. So she likes to keep her distance - her prerogative. Just relax.


  • Yeah, I guess you're right.
  • Okay, yeah. You're right. I'll try and let it go.
  • Yeah, I suppose. I'll try to not let it bother me... But no promises.

Sarah and SamEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_SarahMorgan01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_SarahMorgan_Scene01


Sam, oh last month... Did you explore that system I asked about? I was expecting a report.


Well, I meant to, but then I caught an SOS and it led to this whole goose chase-


So did you do it?


No, I mean... I meant to. But then it became this whole thing. An ambassador was involved.


How about I just assign it to someone else, then?


That... That may be best.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_SarahMorgan02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_SarahMorgan_Scene02


Oh, hi, Sam.


Ms. Morgan.


*sigh* Sarah, please. Good work dealing with those merchants in Freestar space.


Oh yeah? And...?


What, I read your report. They sent thanks. Good job.


Good job, that's it?




Oh, okay. You're welcome.


Although, you might want to run your reports through a spell check first. But that's all.

Quest: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_SamCoe01
Scene: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_SamCoeScene01


So Sam, have you given any thought to what I asked regarding Cora?


You mean keeping her in the Lodge like a prisoner, instead of letting her roam free? The answer is still "no."


You know I didn't mean it that way.
I was merely suggesting that you allow Matteo look after her... perhaps even have him continue Cora's education.


Being out there with me is a better education than any book could hope to provide.
Haven't you ever considered how she feels about the matter?


We both want the same thing, Sam. We want her to remain safe.


The only way I can be sure Cora's going to be safe is if she stays with me. Sorry, Sarah... I'm not changing my mind.

Quest: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_SamCoe02
Scene: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_SamCoeScene02


All right, Sam. Now that we have a moment, it's time to figure out the details of our little bet.


Oh come on, Sarah. Not this again. I'm telling you, there's no point in setting up that wager.


So you intend to stick with the ridiculous notion that the beer served at the Hitching Post is better than Jake's?


Better than Jake's, better than Madame Sauvage's Place in Neon, better than anywhere. Hands down.


Hmm. You must have banged your head on a console during that last grav jump. No one in their right mind would make a claim like that.


Look, if you want to throw your money away, I'll be happy to take it. Otherwise, let it go already.


One day, we're going to system-hop and test your theory. I just hope you're ready for some serious disappointment.

Location ScenesEdit

Akila CityEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCityScene01

Daniel Blake:

Well, I'll be. Sam Coe?
I don't suppose you've decided to come back into the fold?

Sam Coe:

*chuckle* The Rangers are better off without me.


You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.


My heart's with Constellation.


Our loss is their gain. You take care.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaScene02

Belle Rowland:


Sam Coe:



It is you, Sammie!


You know I go by Sam now.


C'mon, we have history. One of the perks is I can call you what I like, Sammie.
I don't suppose you're seeing-


Listen, I'm very busy. Constellation business. I got to go.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity03
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaScene03

Tom Starrett:

Well, well, well. Sam Coe.

Sam Coe:

Mr. Starrett.


The Trade Authority has followed your career with great interest.
You're working with... the UC now?


Constellation. Not the UC.


Still, I was thinking-


I have nothing more to say to you.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity04
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaScene04

Ahnjong Sinclair:

Mr. Coe.

Sam Coe:

Ahnjong. So tell me the damage.


139 credits.


What? What kind of books is Cora buying?


It's not so much the price tag as the volume.


Well, here you go.


Keep the tab open?


Yeah, but she's cut off at a 100 credits. Steel your heart.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity05
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AkilaCity05Scene

Amira Wolf:

Mr. Coe. I wanted to thank you for all your assistance.

Sam Coe:

Akila's my home. Seems there's more hard cases every time I visit.


Sadly true. We just got some more Colony War vets that landed.


Listen, I can't spare much this time... but here.


Sincerely, thank you.
I don't suppose you could convince your father to help?


Haha. You do not know Jacob.


*sigh* I had to try. But you take care.

Eleos RetreatEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_EleosRetreat
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AndrejaScene01COPY0000

Sam Coe:

Wait. I know you. Didn't I bust you?

Monika Blum:

If you're Ranger Coe, then, yeah, I believe we've had the pleasure.


No "Ranger" anymore. Just "Coe." So, uh, how are you...?


Making the best of what I've got. I joined a cult! You'd love 'em. Called "The Eleos Retreat."


I hope you understand I was just doing my job.


You... don't need to do that. I've come a long way since we last met.
And this place... we're going to help others do the same.


I'm glad to hear it. Sincerely, good luck turning a new leaf here.


Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Neon01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NeonScene01

Yannick Legrande:

You. No Blend. No service. No nothing.

Sam Coe:

Yannick. Still sore about that bust?


I do not know what you are talking about. I just don't like the look of you.


You know, we never were able to prove your involvement.


Alleged involvement. I am a totally legitimate legal businessman. Pillar of the community.


A pile of crap is what you are.


Your friend here, welcome. You... You are not.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Neon02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NeonScene02

Owen Dexler:

Mr. Coe. Nice to see you. You here on Ranger business?

Sam Coe:

No longer with them, Dexler. With Constellation now.


The... uh... explorers? That's an odd career path.


It's better for everyone.


Well, if you see Mrs. Coe tell her I might have a lead for her.


She goes by Ms. Hart now. And I'll... pass it along.


Very sorry to hear that. Mrs - Ms. Hart is something else.

New AtlantisEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01

Nadia Muffaz:

Sam Coe.

Sam Coe:

Oh no, not you. Nadia?


You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.


My heart's with Constellation.


I need an off-the-record confirmation on some old business dealings your father engaged in.


I will under no circumstances be an anonymous source. I don't know how to make that clearer.


Jacob Coe's crimes, alleged, put your checkered past to shame. You have a duty-


We're done here. Permanently.

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02

Sam Coe:

Hello, Mr. Hollifeld.

Landry Hollifeld:

Mr. Coe. A pleasure to see you.
I assume you're here about your...


Yeah, I got my payment. What that leaves three left?


That's right. Listen, you've been so good about getting caught up - that the Bank's happy to offer you more credit.
If you need another ship upgrade, or what-not.


No, I'm trying to clean out all my debt. Every last bit.


Good for you!


Abandoned Military SiteEdit

  • My favorite kind of military installation: abandoned.
  • Militaries don't abandon places like this without a good reason. Hmmm.
  • Wonder why the grunts left here?
  • Hopefully we don't find a pile of bodies. Occupational hazard exploring bases like this.
  • You find a lot of empty and abandoned exploring. The stories are sometimes heart-breaking.
  • I wonder which side set this military base up?
  • Might be some unmanned defenses, but this base seems safe enough now.
  • Hope all the grunts made it out of here in one piece.
  • Sometimes you find some stray ordinance in a place like this. Usually, it's picked clean though.
  • There's got to be a reason they left a perfectly good base like this. Probably a sad reason.
  • Whoever was here, left in a hurry... Or never left at all.
  • Sadly common sight. Dead military bases.
  • There's so much space out there... I don't know why we can't get our act together and live in peace. We shouldn't need places like this.
  • Having lived in the UC for many years, soldiers are all the same, really. I hope whoever lived here made it out okay.
  • Might be some decent salvage here. Military bases can be good that way.

Abandoned ShipEdit

  • Derelicts litter the Settled Systems.
  • My greatest fear is one day Cora and I wind up in a boat like this. Just floating. Forever.
  • There's a million reasons a ship can wind up like this. Seldom pleasant.
  • Derelicts always make me think we're just one really tiny hunk of metal away from a tragedy like this.
  • Never, ever take space for granted. When you do: that's when you wind up like this ship.
  • Usually there's good salvage on derelicts. If you can stomach it.
  • Wonder what got this ship?
  • Derelicts like this are like the tombs of space. Space tombs. That sounds cool, right?
  • We're all just one accident away from a fate like this. You're welcome for the cheery observation.
  • I've come across boats like this more times than I can count. *sigh*
  • No signs of life. Empty.
  • Wonder what took the ship out?
  • Just once I want to explore a place like this and in the last room: surprise! "Happy Birthday, Sam!" And cake. The cake is a must.
  • Since the very first days of us launching hunks of metal into space, a certain percentage wind up just like this.
  • Space is a harsh mistress.

Abandoned SiteEdit

  • Looks like we're the first folk that have been here in a good spell.
  • Seems empty. For a long time, too.
  • You find places like this abandoned all over.
  • Nobody around. Might be able to find some salvage about.
  • Hello? Anyone? Yeah. Nobody.
  • We got ourselves some good old fashion quiet.
  • No signs of humans about. Should be safe. Boring maybe, but definitely safe.
  • Space is dangerous. All sorts of places had to be abandoned for one reason or another.
  • I wonder how long it's been that someone's set foot here?
  • I always wonder when I find a place like this, what happened?
  • There's a kind of serenity to an abandoned place like this.
  • I hope whoever lived here long ago got out okay. Usually they don't. But hey, a man can hope.
  • Empty as the grave. Hopefully not literally.
  • Nobody about. Except ghosts, if you believe in that malarkey.
  • Sometimes I let Cora explore places like this. The kid's got sharp eyes.

Alien SiteEdit

  • Wonder what sort of critters live here?
  • Wonder how friendly the lifeforms are here?
  • Life's all over the Settled Systems.
  • Something lives or lived here. Might be some good organic compounds we can harvest.
  • Something's nesting here. Might pay to be careful.
  • After dealing with Ashta, alien life forms don't scare me much.
  • Wonder if we got the friendly type of beasties here or the other kind?
  • That... aroma. That means some critters live here. Some very fragrant critters.
  • Even friendly critters don't like humans in their territory.
  • You never can tell what you'll find in a critter lair.
  • Cora loves it when I take pictures of alien nests and such. I guess, whatever floats your boat.
  • Doctors go crazy for critter parts. All sorts of applications.
  • Another day, another nest.
  • This is something's territory. Hopefully small bunnies. That would be nice for a change.
  • Wonder what sort of beasty lives here?

Being RescuedEdit

  • I was just taking a siesta.
  • Oh, that was... not good. Thanks.
  • Sincerely and truly: thanks.
  • Oh thank god.
  • I figure I'm supposed to be the one rescuing you.
  • Whew. Good to be up again.
  • I owe you one.
  • Whew. Thanks. Don't mention this bit to Cora. She worries enough.
  • That was too close.
  • Aww, you shouldn't have. Actually, you really should've. Thanks.

Boarding ActionEdit

  • Ready for some close combat, Captain?
  • All right, all right. Boarding time.
  • These close quarters boarding actions can really get your juices flowing.
  • And we're boarding. It's better this way than the other.
  • And we're in. Let's hit them hard before they dig in.
  • We got their back up against the wall, careful.
  • Things are going to get up close and personal.
  • All right. No idea of the layout, so stay alert.
  • Think they'll just give up? Hey, it's got to happen one day.
  • The enemy crew may not like visitors.

Bounty HuntersEdit

  • Hope you don't got a mark on you.
  • Never much cared for bounty hunters.
  • As a matter of practice, I try and give bounty hunters plenty of space.
  • Damned bounty hunters. Keep an eye out.
  • Bounty hunters are a necessary evil.
  • Too many times I've seen bounty hunters hurt or kill innocents.
  • There are some, very few, decent bounty hunters. The rest are glorified murderers.
  • You never can tell what a bounty hunter will do.
  • I wish the Freestar Collective would outlaw bounty hunters. Let the Rangers take care of it.
  • Bounty hunters sometimes have some good loot around. Just saying.
  • The difference between spacers and bounty hunters is all too often non-existent.
  • Great. Bounty hunters.
  • Bounty hunters are the scum of the Settled Systems.
  • The Trackers Alliance should be flat out illegal.
  • Let's do what we need to and get gone. Bounty hunters are never good news.

Cargo FacilityEdit

  • Look at all the containers. Might be something good around here.
  • Wonder what sort of cargo they store here?
  • Some sort of supply depot. Or storage.
  • Usually there's a computer around places like this that says what's what.
  • Might be some security around. Usually is in a cargo facility.
  • I hope no one minds we take a look-see.
  • Usually cargo facilities are full of boring stuff. But you can get lucky.
  • If the stars align, I have been known to... explore... places like this.
  • Wonder what they stored here?
  • Just once I want to find a cargo facility filled to the brim with Single Malt Bourbon. Once I find it, that's it - I'm retiring. It won't get better than that.
  • There's got to be some sort manifest around. Or we can just blindly open things. That works, too.
  • Cargo. That means security of some flavor. Or, it's just free candy lying around.
  • I wonder who's storing what here.
  • Nice little cargo facility here. Might be worth a look.
  • Don't get your hopes up. Most cargo facilities are full of boring stuff. Like ball bearings.


  • Me and my buddies used to spelunk in my misspent youth. Is that a word?
  • A good empty cave can be fun. Keyword there: empty.
  • Cora was big into rock collecting when she was... 8? Not so much any more.
  • Caves can be a real good place to hole up.
  • As long as there aren't any beasties, a cave can be an explorer's best friend.
  • If we get ourselves a nice cozy campfire, you can have a good time in a cave.
  • I hope this place is tectonically sound...
  • I wonder if we're alone in here.
  • I keep wondering if one day some explorer's going to find alien writing in a cave like this.
  • Smugglers use caves like this everywhere. Sometimes you get lucky and find the damnedest things around.
  • You might be able to break out those mining skills in a cave like this. Show me what you got.
  • We should bring Cora back here some time. Tell ghost stories. I think she's still into that.
  • You like caves? I like caves. Honestly, I might love caves. Is that weird?
  • I wonder if there's anything in here?
  • Spelunking can be a lot of fun. Nature can be just beautiful.


  • Where'd you learn to do that?
  • Bet you can't make a tuba.
  • You must save a fortune making things by yourself.
  • Look at you go.
  • You're handy.
  • Glad you're making it instead of me. The only A I'd get is for effort.
  • You can do wonders with a schematic.
  • That looks pretty useful.
  • Whatcha making?
  • Is there anything you can't do?

Crafting ArmorEdit

  • My size is medium. Just in case you were wondering.
  • That looks nice and... defensible?
  • Every ounce of survivability is priceless.
  • So can all Vectera miners do... all that?
  • And you make armor, too. Of course you do.
  • Fine work. Bet it'll stand up to some punishment.
  • The best offense is a good... Yeah, you know the drill.
  • Never even tried making that. Impressive.
  • If you're making armor, don't forget your buddy. That's me. Good ol' Sam.
  • I always wondered how armor was made.

Crafting WeaponsEdit

  • Being able to trick out your own gun is a valuable skill.
  • That gun's looking fierce.
  • You're quite handy with those tools.
  • Whoa, that's looking really... dangerous.
  • That's a good trick. Might try it one day myself.
  • You might want to... no, you already thought of that. Good work.
  • I wouldn't want to be on the other side of that.
  • That's looking really good.
  • You can never go wrong putting some more TLC into your main weapon.
  • I have been known to tinker with my own sidearm from time to time.

Crimson Fleet SiteEdit

  • Great. The Crimson Fleet. My favorite people. Totally. Pick up on the sarcasm?
  • Crimson Fleet's been marauding through here. Great.
  • I know you're all buddy buddy with the Crimson Fleet, but it doesn't mean I gotta like it.
  • I mean I feel for the original Crimson Fleet. They were just prisoners trying to get free. But now...?
  • Crimson Fleet. And I bet not a single one has a parrot. Or an eye patch, even.
  • I just wish the Crimson Fleet were the good kind of pirates. Sea chanties and walkin' the plank. Instead, murderous scum.
  • Only a matter of time before SysDef clears the last of the Crimson Fleet. Thanks to you.
  • Watch your back, the Crimson Fleet's in town.
  • Great. The Crimson Fleet. Need I say more?
  • Great job, UC. Put all of the worst criminals in one basket. What could go wrong?
  • Crimson Fleet's in town. Just great.
  • I've dealt with the Crimson Fleet enough for three lifetimes.
  • I still can't believe you work with the Crimson Fleet. *sigh* Well, must be happy your "buddies" are around.
  • Crimson Fleet's bad news. Just about the worst.
  • You can tell from the stink and just... everything... damned Crimson Fleet's around.


  • You've got more patience for building than I.
  • You'll turn this into a second home in no time.
  • I confess I usually just build fuel depots. Not as ambitious as you.
  • Not bad at all. You got a gift.
  • Remind me to tell you the story of the first time I let Cora work on an outpost. *chuckle*
  • This place is really shaping up.
  • That's looking really nice.
  • Whatcha building now?
  • You'll make this New New Atlantis in time.
  • When you're out beyond civilization, an outpost'll save your life.


  • Good times.
  • Haha. Enjoy.
  • Whoever first figured out booze needs a memorial. Heck, a whole theme park.
  • I might have one later. Just one.
  • It's always 5 o'clock somewhere, right?
  • That's good for what ails you.
  • Cheers!
  • Sometimes you just gotta let off steam.
  • If you have any extra...?
  • Down the hatch.

Dropping ItemsEdit

  • Shame to see that go to waste.
  • Hey you dropped... And you meant to do that. Okay.
  • How's it go? Waste not, need not?
  • Now we're just throwing things away. Great.
  • You sure you don't need that?
  • You know there are scavengers in Neon that would kill for that.
  • Hey, that looks useful.
  • Never know when you'll need that.
  • And you're just dropping it? You know that's worth something, right?
  • Hey, you dropped... Wait, you meant to do that?

Ecliptic SiteEdit

  • Whew boy. Ecliptic's around. Watch out.
  • I've had plenty of fire fights with Ecliptic. They're tough customers.
  • Wonder what Ecliptic's doing here. Nothing good, that's for sure.
  • Ecliptic's bad news. Well-armed, usually veterans. And they love to shoot first.
  • Ecliptic are around. Guaranteed.
  • Sarah says Constellation shouldn't provoke Ecliptic. I know why, but we got to defend ourselves, right?
  • I know a friend who's convinced Ecliptic's someone's cat's paw. The question is... who?
  • Ecliptic. Expect heavy resistance.
  • You can just tell Ecliptic's here. Stay frosty.
  • When I was younger and way, way dumber Ecliptic tried to recruit me. Thank god, I turned them down.
  • Ecliptic are just... terrible. Rotten, murderous...
  • Maybe let's not tell Cora about the Ecliptic here. She worries about me sometimes, bless her.
  • I can't think of a single nice thing to say about Ecliptic.
    • sigh* Ecliptic. They are dangerous.
  • Well, Ecliptic are based here. They have some serious goodies if you can take 'em out.

Fall DamageEdit

  • That was a hell of a thing to see.
  • You're okay, right?
  • I just got to ask... why?
  • The answer to the question: "If you're friend jumps off a cliff, would you?" "No, no, sir, I wouldn't."
  • Gravity's a bitch, don't let anyone tell you different.
  • Ouch. That didn't go well.
  • Mind if I take the long way?
  • Was that some sort of stunt gone wrong?
  • Most folk prefer the jetpack?
  • Now that looked... painful.

Firing Out of CombatEdit

  • Save that for the bad guys.
  • You celebrating something? *chuckle*
  • Easy there. No bad guys around. Wait, no one's around right?
  • Whoa. Sorry, startled me.
  • Hahaha. Reminds me of the time I was half out of my gourd in HopeTown.
  • Well, whatever you were aiming at is so dead it's like it never was there.
  • Bit of a hair trigger there.
  • Please tell me that was target practice.
  • Might be I've done that a time or two. *chuckle*
  • Did you get it? Whatever it was.

Found ValuableEdit

  • If I may... *clears throat* Cha-ching.
  • Thank you for your deposit to the Cora Coe book fund.
  • I could always use some more of that.
  • And some times things just go your way.
  • Looks valuable. Happy to help shoulder this one. Or not. Heh.
  • Finding valuable stuff like this, for some reason, never gets old.
  • Thank you very kindly.
  • More this and less pew pew.
  • Just goes to show you that sometimes the good guys come out ahead.
  • Every time I see something like this I think tuition, down payment on a home one day... Man, I'm getting old.
  • Looks like things are going our way.
  • Who doesn't like loot? Am I right?
  • Moments like this are too few and far between.
  • Jack. Pot. Yes.
  • If you're too tired to pick up those valuables, I will happily help out. I know, what a guy, right?

Freestar SiteEdit

  • Freestar Collective's about. No doubt about it.
  • We got friendlies here. My kind of friendlies.
  • Wonder what the Freestar are doing here?
  • We can keep our guns holstered. Freestar Collective turf means we won't need it.
  • We took a beating in the Colony War, but the Freestar's still standing.
  • Wonder who lives here? Freestar for sure, though.
  • Just call me Solomon around here. Sometimes Freestar get downright embarrassing about meeting a Coe.
  • Now this is my kind of people. Freestar.
  • Constellation's supposed to be neutral, but I'm always happiest in Freestar territory.
    • deep sigh* Nice to come across good folk for once.
  • Sometimes it feels the deck is stacked against us Freestar. But we're fighting for something we believe in. Unlike the UC.
  • Got to love the Freestar Collective. Am I right?
  • Freestar Collective turf, definitely.
  • I think the Freestar Collective bounced back from the Colony War better than the UC.
  • You'll find Freestar Collective folk like this all over the place. We're survivors.


  • Hope you find the good stuff on there.
  • Glad you're doing that not me.
  • You, uh, doing the thing. Hell, I have no idea how hackers speak.
  • Everything going good?
  • I tried hacking once. Still have the scar from it.
  • Don't look at me. Hacking and me don't mix.
  • Anything good in there?
  • Whatever you're doing, well, looks impressive.
  • Careful of the security systems.
  • I never could get the hang of hacking.


  • Never know what you'll find foraging.
  • Foraging is serious work.
  • A lot of explorers turn their nose at skinning and foraging, but they're leaving credits on the table.
  • You don't have allergies, do you?
  • Looks like you found some useful stuff.
  • Constellation: Exotic Gardening at your service.
  • Ah, berry picking time.
  • If you know what you're looking for, exotic plants can make some mean credits.
  • Is it weird I'd rather gut an animal than berry pick?
  • Be careful handling that. Sometimes you can get a nasty rash.

Hostile BoardingEdit

  • Boarders. Boarders!
  • Boarders. Life just got interesting.
  • Board me will you, oh, it's on.
  • We got boarders, Captain!
  • Board us, huh? Big mistake.
  • That's it, we're breeched!
  • Oh, you come on to my ship? Hell no.
  • Boarders! Gotta hide Cora.
  • We're being boarded. Boarded!
  • Aww, dammit. We got company!

Industrial SiteEdit

  • That's the smell of industry there.
  • Wonder what they're building here.
  • Industrial operations like this often have security.
  • Usually places like this are bankrolled by some corrupt corporation or another. I have no problem hurting their bottom line.
  • Pretty typical factory type dealio.
  • Odds are good there's some sort of security. Corporations don't like people playing with their toys.
  • And the factories keep churning. They're reliable that way.
  • Usually industrial complexes like this are worth rummaging through.
  • I wonder what flavor of corporate greed this is catering to?
  • Nice little operation they got here. If you want to explore, I certainly won't object.
  • What you think they make here?
  • Sometimes I wonder if there are more machines than humans out here.
  • That there is the steady, relentless, soul-crushing hum of industry. Yay.
  • I am 100% on board purloining anything we need from here.
  • I just hope Cora don't wind up working for a corporation churning out factories doing who knows what. Nah, she's too smart for that.

Location CommentsEdit

  • I think I have some outstanding parking tickets. They don't care about that, right? Right?
  • I cannot believe I'm on a SysDef command ship. Yaaay.
  • These are the good guys, right? Please tell me SysDef are the good guys.
  • Being here on the Vigilance... I feel literally queasy.
  • SysDef. So much fun.
  • Smell that? I would bottle that up if I could. Musty old books, a bit of motor oil, and... history?
  • It's good to be back.
  • Exploration still lives as long as the Lodge is still standing.
  • I wonder how much Walter pays in property tax on this baby?
  • I sometimes still can't believe I got my own room here.
  • I keep expecting they'll one day say it was all an elaborate practical joke.
  • So much history in these halls. And if we're lucky, we'll be adding some more.
  • This here is the closest thing Cora has to home. Not bad, right?
  • Constellation. It's always nice to come home.
  • I'm not a fan of the UC. But this here... is a little patch of heaven.
  • Home sweet home.
  • The fact you came here... voluntarily... that's it: you win the Nerves of Steel Award.
  • Thank god Cora isn't here. Who am I kidding? That girl would probably love it here. She's crazy that way.
  • The Key is just about the most dangerous place in the galaxy. Well, maybe a black hole. But the Key is second.
  • The Key. I cannot believe I'm here. I don't want to believe I'm here.
  • If it's all the same to you, let's leave the Key as soon as we can.
  • Let's put all the Settled Systems on one planet. What could go wrong?
  • There's a lot of history here. And not the good kind.
  • Come to the Key, you said. It'll be fun, you said. Riiight.
  • My father always said I'd wind up in a place like the Key. I guess he was right.
  • Yeah, just ignore me. I am so a pirate. Yar? That's what they say, right?
  • You can find farms like this all over the Freestar Collective.
  • This is where Barrett found you, right? Welcome home, I guess.
  • I never, ever imagined I'd be in the heart of the Crimson Fleet.
  • You can feel the misery already.
  • House Va'ruun leveled this place. It's never really recovered.
  • The Clinic's a bit of a legend in the medical field.
  • Trident Luxury Lines. They ain't cheap, but underneath all the gold inlay they make really good ships.
  • Taiyo. *chuckle* The mecca for folks that prefer style over substance.
  • Don't tell Walter, but his company can make a hell of a ship.
  • Don't much care for HopeTech ships. Some people swear by them, though, really rugged.
  • Oldest Staryard still in business. Always pumping out ships for the UC to keep the colonies under their thumb.
  • It'll be good to see Vladimir. Wonder if he's found anything.
  • A lot of smart folk graduated here. I feel... out of place.
  • Please, please tell me you aren't going to run the Red Mile.
  • The Red Devils. Lots of stories, terrible stories, about these guys. Of course you ask a UC patriot and they're all heroes.
  • We here for some much deserved R&R? Paradiso certainly lives up to its name.
  • I've always wanted to visit here. I've heard it's, well, charming.
  • To think one man made all of this. Nothing was here until Ron Hope.
  • We've been mining this rock since time immemorial.
  • This is something! You hear about explorers finding old girls like this out there.
  • What is this place? It's not on any surveys I know of.
  • This place has a... colorful history. People here are tough as nails.
  • If you haven't tried some of the wine here, you are missing out.
  • This place looks awfully prosperous.
  • I have to admit it, I missed the old girl. New Atlantis.
  • Been stationed here for years now, and I'm always finding something new.
  • I will say this, New Atlantis is a good place to raise kids.
  • We here for the Lodge?
  • I barely ever visited here before I joined Constellation.
    • sigh* Neon's got nothing on New Atlantis.
  • I don't want to like it, but I gotta admit... New Atlantis is classy.
  • Would you look at that? This place is something else.
  • New Atlantis is gorgeous. But it's all built on lies.
  • The public face of the United Colonies.
  • There's no way in hell I'm letting Cora land here.
  • Lights, glitter, and a whole lot of sin.
  • Neon's got an energy to it like no other.
  • Personally, I think Neon's the heart of the Freestar Collective.
  • If you've got a thirst for something, Neon can deliver.
  • I don't know what's wrong with me, but Neon might be my favorite place to visit.
  • Look out for gangs. Actually, the gangs should look out for us.
  • I don't know if I could ever live in a place like this, but Neon's great to visit.
  • Neon's dangerous, but man can it be a lot of fun.
  • Neon. Where every vice can be indulged, and they make up new vices every Thursday.
  • Look at all those soldiers. Makes you wonder how happy people are if you need that much military to keep it pacified.
  • This place and its history, well, gotta admit it's impressive.
  • You can feel the age and history here.
  • Mars would be a whole lot better to visit if you could just bulldoze this place.
  • Everyone clamors over New Atlantis, but a place like this... This is what the UC is really all about.
  • Cydonia is about as UC as you get. That ain't a compliment.
  • All the soldiers around here, bad place to start trouble.
  • This is where it all began. Where we first started colonizing more than Earth.
  • Being in UC territory always makes me nervous.
  • This place is just dripping with that good ol' United Colonies flavor.
  • Yeah, Akila City. Let's make this quick.
  • I wonder why Solomon named this place Akila? You'd think I know the answer to that. But I don't.
  • Just promise me we ain't going to visit Jacob, all right?
  • Keep your sidearm handy, parts of town can get rough.
  • I spend so little time here these days, I *groan* kind of miss it.
  • Good ol' Akila City. One thing I'll say is it's better than the UC.
  • I hope no one recognizes me here.
  • I wonder what Solomon would think of this place now?
  • Spent most of my life trying to escape this place.
  • Home, sweet home.
  • Just because we can't breathe it, don't mean other things can't.
  • Let's not stay out here too long, space-walks can be dangerous.
  • Well, not every rock is swimming in Nitrogen and O2.
  • Smugglers use world like this to stay off the grid.
  • One little rip and it's all over. So be careful.
  • You wear the suit enough and eventually you don't even notice it.
  • Lemme see, yeah, definitely keep the helmet on here.
  • Could be predators here that can breathe this junk. So eyes open.
  • All that stands between us and certain death is a little fabric. Good feeling, right?
  • Suits reporting all things green. Let's roll.
  • Another dead rock. Plenty of them in the Starfield.
  • Makes you realize how precious life is.
  • There's a certain quiet wonder to planets like this.
  • No organics near here at all.
  • This place... it's a little boring.
  • It's got a certain charm to it.
  • Listen. We're all alone here.
  • Not much to see around here.
  • No life signs nearby. Just another dead rock.
  • Minerals can be good on planets like this.
  • Landing on new planets like this never gets old.
  • I think I set up an outpost on a planet like this once...
  • As wonderful as living worlds are... look out for predators.
  • You never know what you'll find. This place is... *sigh*
  • Some people go their whole life without... This...
  • The first step on a new world full of life and the unknown. Mmm...
  • Looks like organics aren't going to be a problem here.
  • Planets like these are my favorite.
  • Life in all its many colored glory.
  • Breathe that in. Planets like this are precious.


  • And.. bingo. Let's see what we got.
  • Every time I see a lock I wonder, what are you hiding?
  • Locks must hate you.
  • Why do they even bother locking it?
  • Hope you find something good.
  • And... you did it.
  • You make that look too damned easy.
  • You are seriously handy with those locks.
  • And you're in.
  • Cha-ching.


  • All you.
  • Grab everything useful.
  • Better we get it than someone else.
  • Waste not, need not.
  • We do what we must, right?
  • Grisly, but part of the job.
  • To the victor goes the spoils. I said it right, right?
  • Well, they don't need it.
  • Take the good stuff, leave the rest.
  • Looting the dead ain't glamorous, but it sure is profitable.


  • I bet this takes you back.
  • If all miners are like you, then I am going to watch my step around here.
  • Looks like this is your home turf. Eh, dusty?
  • Mining's a hard life. It's... Well, you would know better than I.
  • So if you've been ready to bust out your encyclopedic knowledge of mining: now's your chance.
  • There can be very, very good money in mining.
  • Pretty big mining operation here. Right?
  • I bet you never, ever miss this life. Or do you?
  • Is it dangerous down here? You're the expert.
  • If you brought your cutter, go ahead and show me your moves, dusty.
  • I don't know how stable it is down here. But, well, be careful.
  • It takes an insane amount of resources to keep the Settled Systems going. So places like this are never going away.
  • I wonder how much it costs to set up a mining operation like this?
  • Cora's not much into geology. She's more into astrophysics. Well, today, at least.
  • Might be some valuable, lightly defended minerals around. Just saying.


  • Nice. That looks good.
  • You're really handy with that.
  • If you want to fly, you got to mine.
  • Good haul with that one.
  • You were a miner before all this, right? It shows.
  • Most folk swear by harvesters, but I like getting my hands dirty.
  • Sometimes you just got to get the minerals yourself.
  • That looks promising.
  • The number of rocks I've pulverized... I deserve an award.
  • You must've been one hell of a miner.


  • Don't let Cora see you like this.
  • If you're expecting me to travel in the buff, you're mistaken.
  • Careful you don't catch a chill.
  • I think you're forgetting something... You know, pretty standard. I mean clothes, all right. Clothes.
  • Haha. Well, all right - we're going au natural.
  • Didn't know traveling with you was clothing optional.
  • Clothes are still customary around these parts.
  • You might want to, I don't know, put something on?
  • Bold fashion choice.
  • For some people walking around like that's a nightmare...


  • Is all that junk really necessary?
  • Are you training for some sort of weight lifting competition?
  • You know they have cargo holds for all that?
  • You got to drop some of that.
  • Please, just drop some of that. I'm hurting just watching you.
  • Sure, just keep grabbing everything. What could go wrong?
  • How do you even manage to carry all that?
  • Do you need all of... that?
  • You could stand to drop a few pounds. And I don't mean a diet.
  • You might want to stow some of that? Just a suggestion.


  • This... it's a crime, you know?
  • You really like living dangerously, don't you?
  • This... is not what I signed up for.
  • I hope whatever you found was worth the risk.
  • If you get caught, you'll be in a heap of trouble.
  • How'd you even do that?
  • Are you for real? Picking pockets?
  • There are laws against... this.
  • What? That's crazy. And impressive.
  • Are you doing what I think you're doing?


  • The board's green, ready for what comes next.
  • This is where I belong.
  • Where to next?
  • I bet Cora has already finished the pre-flight checklist. That's my girl.
  • We're ready for take off, Captain.
  • Love the smell of getting back into the harness.
  • Nice to be back.
  • You doing all right, gumdrop? We're home.
  • Time to tell Cora we're back.
  • Home, sweet home.

Research FacilityEdit

  • Most labs you come across aren't bad. Lots of good science out there.
  • Labs like this are like an amusement park for Cora.
  • I never had a head for science. I have no idea where Cora got her smarts.
  • What flavor of science do they do here?
  • Sarah and Barrett love to geek out about places like this. Not my style.
  • It's kind of reassuring, no matter how much we figure out - there's still so much unknown out there.
  • We got ourselves a nice little lab here.
  • We're probably trespassing. So, there's that.
  • Hopefully they won't mind us poking around at their science... stuff.
  • So many labs around doing all manner of good and ill.
  • You can't stop progress. Science always marches on.
  • We are one powerfully curious species. Kind of endearing.
  • Labs like this usually have security. Just a heads up.
  • Cora's got the brains to work in a place like this. Not sure if she will, though.

Returning from JailEdit

  • It's good to have you back. But, try not to make a habit of it.
  • No judgments here. Been there, done that.
  • I assume you're all rehabilitated now. Yes? No?
  • Word to the wise: if you're breaking the law, don't get caught.
  • I'm glad I'm not you. If Sarah finds out she's gonna be so pissed.
  • I take it you didn't get my cake with the nail file.
  • Welcome back, jailbird. Have a good visit?
  • Maybe play it a little safer next time.
  • We've all done a spell or two in jail. Welcome back.
  • You should've paid the fine. Just saying.

Robot SiteEdit

  • Should be plenty of mechanical parts around.
  • Robots about, for sure.
  • I hope the robots are the friendly Vasco kind. Instead of running battle programming.
  • A robot's only as useful or friendly as its programming.
  • We got some ace programmers in the Freestar. They can do some amazing things with robots.
  • We should've brought Vasco here for a family reunion.
  • Some robots work around here. Signs are everywhere.
  • Robots can be incredibly handy to have around.
  • I used to pretend to be a funny robot for Cora when she was young. Mr. Beep. Used to crack her up.
  • Wonder what flavor of programming the robots around here are running.
  • Robots are only as friendly and helpful as they're programmed to be.
  • Whoever programmed Vasco did a bang up job. Most robots are boring, really.
  • Wonder what sort of robots are scurrying around here?
  • I like robots. Unless they're shooting at me. Then I like them less.
  • Robots are around. You can always tell.


  • Scanner pick up anything fun?
  • What do we got?
  • What's the read out?
  • Find anything?
  • Hope you find what you're looking for.
  • You picking up something?
  • The scanner is Constellation's best friend.
  • And a-scanning we go.
  • See if you can get any vid reception? I'm missing my stories.
  • Got a bead on anything?

Searching Alien CarcassesEdit

  • Never let a carcass go to waste.
  • Life in all its messy gooey splendor.
  • Hope you don't mind I let you skin that one?
  • The smell's part of the job.
  • Glad to see you don't mind getting your hands dirty.
  • Don't let anything go to waste.
  • Gonna use that for crafting or profit?
  • You can make a mint off animal parts sometimes.
  • It may stink to high heaven, but all part of the job.


  • Got an opening over there.
  • Wonder where this leads?
  • Might be a shortcut over here.
  • Some sort of opening.
  • Might be a more discreet way through here.
  • And where do you go, my little opening friend?
  • Another way through here.
  • Might be some goodies or a short cut through here.
  • Spotted you. Another path over there.
  • In my experience, it always pays to go in through the side passage.
  • You catch that passage?
  • And where do you go?
  • Not sure what that connects to. Maybe a super secret Chunks branch.
  • This side passage might lead someplace interesting.
  • Got another option with the passage over there.

Smuggler SiteEdit

  • Smuggler's are about. Might be some goodies about.
  • Smugglers don't take too kindly with folk poking around their turf.
  • A lot of smugglers are just down on their luck. So maybe a little live and let live?
  • All different types of smugglers. Some ain't half bad. Some are little better than Crimson Fleet.
  • Wonder what sort of contraband these smugglers are running?
  • Smugglers are as common as fleas.
  • Smugglers about. Sometimes they're friendly. Or close to it.
  • Smugglers would be wise to not tangle with us.
  • Looks like a smuggler den. Warren? Nest? Whatever you call it, smugglers are near.
  • Some smugglers are not bad folk. Just trying to make a living, really.
  • I knew quite a few smugglers back in the day. They know how to party. *chuckle*
  • I wonder what flavor of smuggler lives here. Maybe cherry vanilla?
  • Smugglers have been known to defend their turf hard. So, let's not get too careless.
  • Given everything I've dealt with, smugglers just don't scare me.
  • Even smugglers might take a shot at you if you invade their turf.

Spacer SiteEdit

  • Spacers. Great.
  • Spacers are total scum.
  • Well, Spacer's are near. Usually means loot, and blood.
  • It takes a certain type of person to go Spacer. Usually psychotic.
  • I heard that Spacers were a problem even back in Solomon's day.
  • We got ourselves a damned Spacer nest.
  • Expect more Spacers. Because you can't swing a stick without hitting those bottom feeders some days.
  • The only saving grace with Spacers is they ain't organized. Like, at all.
  • You can almost smell Spacers before you see them.
  • Only positive about Spacers is they usually have loot. Just don't think too hard on where they got it from.
  • We got Spacers nearby. Happy times.
  • As threats go, Spacers aren't even close to top of the list. But they are responsible for all manner of miseries.
  • It's Spacers. It's always Spacers.
  • We got a Spacer infestation. Call the exterminator. Hmm... That's us, right?
  • Unless I'm very much mistaken, Spacers are about. And I'd seriously love to be mistaken.

Starborn SiteEdit

  • Just look at it. Who exactly built this? I mean, did the Starborn build it?
  • This mean you're going to get a new cosmic power? How about getting Cora to go to sleep at her bedtime? Naw. Too powerful.
  • I can't wait to see what happens. It's all kind of... well, amazing.
  • This whole temple... It just blows my mind. Truly.
  • I could spend years, literal years, digging into the Starborn. The secret of the century. Hell, millennia.
  • Wonder what we'll find in this temple?
  • How long have these ruins been here? Millennia? So much we don't know.
  • If I didn't know any better I'd say this is a sign of alien life. Hell, it may still be a sign of that.
  • One of these times I'm bringing Cora. I just have to.
  • This temple... This is really the heart of what Constellation is all about.
  • You ever get the feeling you're living through history? Our time here -- you better believe there will be novels about it.
  • I just can't get over how... stunning... just stunning these Temples are.
  • We know more -- a lot more -- than we did. But looking at the Temple... just so many more questions.
  • So top super power you're hoping for? Me: teleportation. Could get out of a lot of scrapes with that one.
  • I don't think this right here could ever get old.


  • That's not ours, you know?
  • What? You're stealing?
  • If you get caught...
  • Nothing good can come from this.
  • Oh please, can we lay off the light fingers?
  • That's not yours.
  • Oh so we're stealing now. *grunt*
  • Oh please don't get caught.
  • What? That's, uh, you know illegal?
  • Wait. You know that's not ours?


  • Swim time it is.
  • A little swim never hurt.
  • And I left my bathing suit on the ship. Oh well.
  • Cora is going to be jealous.
  • Marco?
  • I wish the ship had a pool.
  • Hope nothing's in the water.
  • Don't mind if I join you.
  • Too bad Cora's not here.
  • I could go for a swim.

Syndicate SiteEdit

  • Whew boy. Seokguh Syndicate's here. Watch your back. And your front. Pretty much everywhere.
  • Damned Syndicate is about. I'm so sick of them.
  • Syndicate's a big problem in Neon. But they've been spreading like a rash.
  • Shit. We got the Syndicate around. Total scum.
  • Seokguh is about. Damn it. I think I'm still on their shit list. Old history.
  • Seokguh is about. Rangers should be told about it.
  • The Freestar Collective needs to get into gear and take care of the Seokguh Syndicate before they become a big, big problem.
  • If we don't have to be here, we should leave. Tangling with the Seokguh can go sideways fast.
  • No, no, no. Seokguh's here.
  • We got Seokguh here. Not good.
  • If Benjamin Bayu did a god damned thing, Seokguh would've been dealt with long ago.
  • Well, bad news is the Seokguh are about. Good news is, we might be able to end some of the bastards.
  • Syndicate's here. That takes me back. Not in a good way.
  • I don't know what's worse... Seokguh or the Crimson Fleet. They both... suck.
  • This is Seokguh Syndicate turf. They're vicious and dangerous.

UC SiteEdit

  • UC territory. At least they'll be friendly.
  • I always expect the UC to gun for me just because I'm a Coe.
  • Sarah would love this. She's just a happy little UC clam. Not me, though.
  • Look at all that order. Means the UC live here.
  • I wonder what type of UC drones live here?
  • Before Cora and I moved to New Atlantis, I... well... hated the UC. But they ain't all bad.
  • UC's about. I can smell the bureaucracy. Hope your permits are in order.
  • Friendly territory. Sort of. UC.
  • I don't get why people would live under the yoke of the UC.
  • UC territory. Safe. Safe and boring.
  • We have wandered into UC turf. So the greatest threat are paper cuts. You know, from the bureaucracy? Yeah, I could tell that was a stretch.
  • It's funny how Cora thinks the UC's just fine. Maybe we should spend more time in Akila City.
  • Looks like UC territory. So, we should be safe at least.
  • Looks like the UC. Not really a fan, but there's far, far worse out there.
  • I still can't believe the Freestar stood toe-to-toe with the UC.


  • Another upgrade? Show off.
  • Cora's going to lose her mind when she sees what you built.
  • If you ever have a chance, I'd love some of your handiwork on my ship.
  • One day, when all of this is over, you got to show me how you do that.
  • You keep this up and your ship will be the envy of all.
  • Whatcha doing now?
  • You're always tinkering, aren't you?
  • You do know there are Staryards for that, right?
  • Now you're just showing off.
  • The stuff you build. Amazing.

Using ChemsEdit

  • Well, whatever floats your boat.
  • Man, I sometimes miss the partying.
  • Recovery's a bitch. So... just be careful?
  • Just don't do that around Cora, please.
  • I've done all manner of drugs in my time. Words of wisdom - it's not worth it.
  • Reminds me of some my long haul days.
  • Haha. Someone's having a good time.
  • Just take it easy, okay? Everything's fun in moderation.
  • Man, I miss the good ol' days of partying all night.
  • In moderation, partying can be a whole lot of fun.

Using EnhanceEdit

  • Got to look our best for Constellation.
  • If I had only bought stock in Enhance!, I'd be sitting pretty. Well, prettier.
  • I barely recognize you.
  • Now you're looking sharp.
  • Those machines are amazing.
  • Might be I had some work done back in the day.
  • Looking good.
  • I think you looked good before.
  • Cora keeps saying I need some work done. Kids.
  • Looking good, looking good.

Using PowersEdit

  • You are... one of a kind.
  • The stuff you can do... Whew.
  • Remind me to stay on your good side.
  • That really happened, right?
  • That's simply... whew.
  • That.. is something else.
  • You're still... human, right?
  • Nobody's going to believe me if I tell them you could do that.
  • How on earth do you do that?
  • Holy... I ain't never getting used to that.

Waking UpEdit

  • Time to earn our paychecks. Wait, why don't we get paid?
  • I'm feeling good now, you feeling good?
  • All right, let's get back to it.
  • The galaxy ain't gonna conquer itself.
  • Another day, another credit as my daddy liked to say.
  • You awake? Good.
  • The mighty hero awakens. Let's go.
  • Did I hear snoring? *chuckle*
  • Up and at 'em.
  • Hope you got better sleep than I did.
  • I feel like a million credits. *chuckle*
  • I am a lucky, lucky man.
  • How'd I ever get so lucky?
  • I could be like this with you forever.
  • I know we have to get up, but do we have to get up right now?
  • Don't know about you, but... this... It's the best.
  • You look like an angel when you're sleeping.
  • Morning, love.
  • Aww, we're getting up.
  • Morning, sunshine.

Waking Up (Romanced)Edit

  • You are wonder of nature, love.
  • Can't wait for tomorrow night. I've got some ideas.
  • Last night: totally worth the bruise.
  • Hopefully I did Constellation proud.
  • I could get very, very used to this, love.
  • Aww, we're done? I could go for round four.
  • With all the fun we had, you manage to get any sleep?
  • You are... With the legs, and the arm... How's that even possible?
  • Right here with you is a little patch of heaven.
  • Last night was truly something.

Zealot SiteEdit

  • Oookay. Zealot territory. Not good, the very opposite of good.
  • Zealots are scary customers. Fanatical and well-armed.
  • What is Var'ruun doing here? Who the hell knows.
  • Everyone's scared of House Var'ruun. For damned good reasons.
  • Unless we have to, have to be here we should leave. Zealots.
  • Zealots and why they do what they do is one mystery I don't even want to touch.
  • Great more blather about the Great Serpent this, and the Great Serpent that.
  • What is wrong with Zealots? Like seriously, what?
  • We should just leave. There's never a good reason to tangle with the Zealots.
  • Closest I've ever come to dying was fighting a Zealot. Not keen on a repeat.
  • The Zealots are mean customers. And crazy. I mentioned that, right?
  • Constellation is theoretically neutral with House Var'ruun. Not that that helps us one god-damned bit in the field.
  • I ain't afraid to say it: the Zealots scare me.
  • I just wish Var'ruun would leave us the hell alone.
  • We got to be careful. Veeery careful with Zealots about.


  • Long-term Zero-G has it's drawbacks, short term: it's a blast.
  • You spend much time weightless? It's a blast.
  • There's something almost magical about zero gee.
  • I could float like this for hours.
    • laugh* I don't know why, sometimes when the weight drops off it tickles.
  • And... we're floating.
  • I spent almost a year in Zero-G once. It was hard getting used to gravity after.
  • Nothing like the Zero-G 100% weight diet.
  • Zero-G is... pretty amazing, right?
  • You see what happened to my gravity? Might be in my other pair of pants.

Affinity ReactionsEdit

Main Mission ReactionsEdit

Mission Reaction Event

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has the Raised Enlightened trait and talks about their background with the House of the Enlightened. Player says they were rebelling and the Enlightened gave them a place to be themselves.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is talking to a House Va'ruun Zealot about the beliefs of House Va'ruun. Player jokes that the Zealot looks lonely.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player is talking to a House Va'ruun Zealot about the beliefs of House Va'ruun. Player argues that a cosmic snake is a poor answer to the universe's problem.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has the Serpent's Embrace trait and tells the Va'ruun Zealot about their own belief in the Great Serpent. The player talks about finding the Great Serpent in the cold of space.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has the Serpent's Embrace trait and tells the Va'ruun Zealot about their own belief in the Great Serpent. Player says the received a vision from the Great Serpent directly.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Player and Keeper Aquilus talk about the nature of divinity. Player says gravity is a miracle just like life itself.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Keeper Aquilus talk about the nature of divinity. Player argues that the Unity is greater than any natural force.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Keeper Aquilus talk about the nature of science vs belief. Player argues that the benefit of science is that thoughts can be tested.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Keeper Aquilus talk about the nature of conviction vs belief. Player says they won't find answers if they doubt themselves.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Walter Stroud has just asked the player to go with him to Neon, where he intends to purchase an Artifact from a thief. Player uses their Neon Street Rat trait to say this will end in backstabbing and death.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is challenging Issa Eklund, Walter Stroud's wife, about the rampant poverty on the streets of Neon. Player demands she use her wealth to help.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is challenging Issa Eklund, Walter Stroud's wife, about the rampant poverty on the streets of Neon. Player says "Self-awareness doesn't make you right. People are suffering below."
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player is challenging Issa Eklund, Walter Stroud's wife, about the rampant poverty on the streets of Neon. Player concedes that Issa has a point that she's not personally responsible.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Walter Stroud's wife Issa has just revealed that Walter secretly likes to recite the famous speech's of Constellation's founder, Sebastian Bank. Player jokes that they need to hear Walter recite it.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Nicolaus Slayton, the ruthless business leader of Slayton Aerospace, asks the player to decide the fate of a thief. Player says they will let the thief go free.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Nicolaus Slayton, the ruthless business leader of Slayton Aerospace, asks the player to decide the fate of a thief. Player says the authorities should deal with the thief.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Nicolaus Slayton, the ruthless business leader of Slayton Aerospace, asks the player to decide the fate of a thief. Player says Slayton clearly wants the thief dead.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just killed Nicolaus Slayton, the ruthless business leader of Slayton Aerospace.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player decides to let Musgrove, the thief, go free.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player decides to send Musgrove, the thief, to jail.
 All That Money Can Buy

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player decides to kill Musgrove, the thief.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player decides to let Musgrove, the thief, go free.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player decides to send Musgrove, the thief, to jail.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player demands that Musgrove, the thief, tell them where all the money is.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Walter reflect on the mission in Neon. Killing was kept to a minimum, so the conversation is more light-hearted. Player says the city of Neon is full of terrible people.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Walter reflect on the mission in Neon. Killing was kept to a minimum, so the conversation is more light-hearted. Player Walter and his wife are cute together.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and Walter reflect on the mission in Neon. Walter is upset that cold-blooded murder was employed. Player says getting the Artifact is all that matters.
 All That Money Can Buy

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and Walter reflect on the mission in Neon. Walter is upset that cold-blooded murder was employed. Player says life goes on.
 No Sudden Moves

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Player uses Sam's companion check option to try to talk their way into the ship.
 No Sudden Moves

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is stopped by one of the guards on the Scow and chooses to attack them.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player successfully speech challenges one of the Scow guards to not attack them.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player talks to one of Petrov's guards and picks the neutral response.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player talks to one of Petrov's guards and picks the joking response.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is in Captain Petrov's vault, about to steal an Artifact. Player tells Petrov he doesn't deserve the Artifact's power.
 No Sudden Moves

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is in Captain Petrov's vault, about to steal an Artifact. Player chooses to attack Petrov.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is in Captain Petrov's vault. He refuses to hand over the Artifact and the player has no choice but to take it from him. Player warns Petrov they will take the Artifact if they need to.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After a fight, Captain Petrov surrenders to the Player.
 No Sudden Moves

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After a fight, Captain Petrov surrenders to the Player. Player lets Petrov go and apologies.
 No Sudden Moves

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

After a fight, Captain Petrov surrenders to the Player. The Player decides to kill Petrov anyway.
 Infinity's End

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The Hunter tells the player he needs to kill Keeper Aquilus. The player agrees to do it.
 Infinity's End

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The Player is working with the Hunter and has just killed Keeper Aquilus.
 Infinity's End

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is working with the Hunter but let Aquilus go instead of killing him.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Companion and the player are ambushed by a group calling themselves the Starborn. They demand the Artifact the player has in their possession. Player says them mean them no harm.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. Player says they might have the greater right to the Artifacts.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. The player says they'll somehow get the Artifact back.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player sides with Sam's theory about who the Starborn are. Barrett disagrees. "I'm with Sam. That starship design could easily be human."

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player uses Diplomacy to agree with everyone (Barrett, Sam, Matteo) about their Starborn theories
 In Their Footsteps

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Emissary and the Hunter tell the player they foresee the player tipping the scales in their eternal conflict over the Artifacts. Player responds neutrally.
 In Their Footsteps

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Emissary and the Hunter tell the player they foresee the player tipping the scales in their eternal conflict over the Artifacts. Player says they won't help the Hunter since he murdered the player's friend.
 In Their Footsteps

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and the Starborn Hunter argue about whether killing is morally right when collecting the Artifacts. Player says murder isn't justified.
 In Their Footsteps

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and the Starborn Hunter argue about whether killing is morally right when collecting the Artifacts. Player agrees they won't hesitate to murder the Hunter and take his Artifacts.
 In Their Footsteps

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and the Starborn Hunter argue about whether killing is morally right when collecting the Artifacts. Player ignores the question and demands to know more about the Unity.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player apologizes for being rude to Cora earlier.
 The Empty Nest

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is still upset that Cora Coe is coming with them on the mission
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is nice to Cora when they first meet.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player meets Cora for the first time, and says they're glad to see young people taking an interest in space.
 The Empty Nest

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player meets Cora for the first time and is mean to her.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player meets Cora Coe for the first time, and is nice to her.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player meets Cora Coe for the first time, and is happy to see a young person interested in space.
 The Empty Nest

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Player meets Cora Coe for the first time, but says they're uncomfortable taking a kid into danger.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player succeeds in persuading Sam to open up to them about Jacob.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player convinces Sam to open up to them about who Jacob Coe is.
 The Empty Nest

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player convinces Sam to open up about who Jacob Coe is, but challenges him about bringing Cora along.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player meets Jacob Coe after he and Sam argue. The player defends Constellation.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player picks the option to let Sam talk for them.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player opts to go with Sam's plan to distract Jacob.
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player asks Sam if he's okay after his fight with Jacob.
 The Empty Nest

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player insists on asking Cora to help with Jacob.
 The Empty Nest

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player goes to Cora and asks her to go to the Coe Estate to help with Jacob
 The Empty Nest

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player succeeds in persuading Locke to let them go.
 High Price to Pay

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Player just rescued Sam and was kind
 High Price to Pay

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player just rescued Sam but was stern.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player has just killed both the Hunter and the Starborn Emissary

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player convinces both the Emissary and the Hunter to surrender the Artifacts peacefully.

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player has just killed the Starborn Emissary

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Companion is with the player when they kill the Hunter.
 Back to Vectera

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Lin is telling the player how Barrett faced the pirates on his own, risking certain death. Player jokes that they would've run away.
 Back to Vectera

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player finds Heller at a crashed ship. Player uses their Medicine skill to diagnose his injuries.
 Back to Vectera

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player finds Heller at a crashed ship. Player offers to help patch him up.
 Further Into the Unknown

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Matteo and Noel are debating whether the continued hunt for the Artifacts is worth the cost. Player agrees with Matteo that it might not be worth it.
 Further Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Matteo and Noel are debating whether the continued hunt for the Artifacts is worth the cost. Player says that we can't abandon the quest for discovery now.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player meets Vladimir Sall for the first time. Player is amazed with Vladimir's muscles.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Vladimir asks the player to look for Andreja. Player agrees.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player refuses to take sides.
 Into the Unknown

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Matteo and agrees that a little friendly competition helps everyone perform better.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Noel and agrees that a competition within Constellation would cause people to undermine each other.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player takes no sides.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player enters the center and is given an Artifact Power.
 Into the Unknown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player demonstrates their new powers. Player says they need to keep the existence of this secret.

Freestar Mission ReactionsEdit

  • Deputized, Sam likes it if you tell Emma you want to join the Freestar Rangers.
Mission Reaction Event
 Shadows in Neon

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Confronted by an informant who has vital information, but is clearly fishing for a favor in return, the player threatens to use force to get the information.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronted by an informant who has vital information, but is clearly fishing for a favor in return, the player offers a bribe to get the info.
 Shadows in Neon

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

When Marshal Blake suggests that the player, a Freestar Ranger Deputy, is making good progress in an investigation, the player can respond by saying "I think I've earned a promotion." At only halfway through the quest line, this could be seen as presumptuous and greedy, or it could be viewed as assertive and ambitious.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player, as a Freestar Ranger Deputy, is on Neon confronting a loan shark who's been threatening an information. In this choice, the player used the Bargaining perk to resolve the situation peacefully by pointing out if that if the loan shark cooperates, the Freestar Rangers will owe him a favor in the future.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player, as a Freestar Ranger Deputy, is on Neon confronting a loan shark who's been threatening an informant. In this choice, the player offered to pay the debt owed by the informant, which shows great generosity and charity.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is a Freestar Ranger Deputy confronting a starship thief on Neon. The thief has information the player needs to solve a case, and in this choice the player used the Persuasion perk to try to appeal to the thief's conscience, avoiding a more violent route.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is a Freestar Ranger Deputy confronting a starship thief on Neon. The thief has information the player needs to solve a case, and in this choice the player used the Intimidation skill to scare the thief into submission.
 Shadows in Neon

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is speaking to Ranger Jaylen Pryce on Neon. Jaylen just told the payer, a newly-minted Ranger deputy, not to cause trouble because the law is more flexible on Neon. The player agrees not to cause trouble
 Shadows in Neon

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player is speaking to Ranger Jaylen Pryce on Neon. Jaylen just told the player, a newly-minted Ranger Deputy, not to cause trouble because the law is more flexible on Neon. The player says the law is absolute, not flexible
 One Riot, One Ranger

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The player has been doing a ton of Ranger jobs. The Senior Ranger asks why. Here the player says they did it to help.
 One Riot, One Ranger

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has been doing a ton of Ranger jobs. The Senior Ranger asks why. Here the player says they did it to further their career.
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronting a smuggler baron who tries to make a make a deal with the player the player uses their bargaining skill to make a counter offer, agreeing to let the smuggler baron go if they stay out of Freestar space.
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronting a smuggler baron who tries to make a make a deal with the player the player refuses the deal and demands the information they're looking for, taking a hard-line stance against the criminal.
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronting a smuggler baron who tries to make a make a deal with (IE bribe) the player, the player chooses the attack prompt and begins combat
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After running the dangerous Red Mile the player says it was a cake walk, expressing bravado and confidence.
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After running the dangerous Red Mile the player says they barely got out of there alive, expressing worry and fear
 On the Run

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When the player hears the description of how Red Mile works (people bet on whether runners will survive - most don't survive), the player says "That's barbaric," indicating disapproval and judgement

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player just said they want to join the Freestar Rangers

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just joined the Freestar Ranges as a Deputy. Upon hearing about a farmer being threatened by thugs, the player said "Time for some rough justice," implying violence. The ranger the player is talking to then chastised them for it, saying violence is a last resort for Rangers.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After a firefight with some bandits, the player is asked "Are you okay?" by the Freestar Ranger who's doing the player's field evaluation. In the first response, the player said "It's not my first firefight, indicating previous combat experience and displaying cool confidence.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just said "I thought we were dead for sure" after a gunfight. This could be viewed as a lack of faith or a statement of cowardice.
 Where Hope is Built

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player used the soldier perk to explain that they know another soldier when they see one. How does the companion feel about the player being a soldier?
 Where Hope is Built

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Asked how they dealt with some mercenaries, the player boasted about killing them, showing a preference for violence.
 Where Hope is Built

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player states they were not paying attention while on duty, showing they don't care much about being a Ranger Deputy, or take the job very seriously.
 Where Hope is Built

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player just called the Council of Governors, which is the ground that governs the Freestar Collective, a clique of wealthy elites.
 Where Hope is Built

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player promises to help Ron Hope, which could be seen as sucking up or being obsequious, or as taking their duty to the Freestar Collective very seriously
 Where Hope is Built

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player says they don't give a damn about Ron Hope's position of authority, which a rebellious statement and might show disrespect for the Freestar Collective as a whole
 Where Hope is Built

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player confidently offers to help by destroying the pirate ships that ambushed Nia, asking nothing in return
 Where Hope is Built

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player offers to help Ranger Nia Kalu by destroying the pirate ships that ambushed her, but asks for a favor in return. In response to the this, Nia says "Rangers help each other, always."
 Where Hope is Built

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Ranger Nia Kalu asks the player to take on the pirate ships that ambushed her, the player agrees, but asks for some credits, which is very mercenary since the player is also a member of the Rangers.
 The Hammer Falls

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player chose to let Ron Hope off the hook for the sake of his employees, who'd be out of work with the probably collapse of HopeTech if the player had chosen to expose Hope's scheme against the farmers of the Freestar Collective. This demonstrates that the player is so compassionate toward the workers that they're willing to place their fates above justice, letting Hope off the hook so his workers and their families won't suffer. It also shows great principles, since the player turned down a bribe to keep Hope's secret, but kept the secret anyway out of concern for the employees.
 The Hammer Falls

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Confronting the villainous Ron Hope at the culmination of the quest line, the player turns down a large bribe that Hope offers in exchange for the player's silence. Instead the player says Hope is going to face justice. This is a big moment at the end of the quest line.
 The Hammer Falls

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player just accepted a bribe from Ron Hope, agreeing to help cover up Hope's crime of stealing farm land for use in his plot to cut costs. This occurs at the culmination of the quest line and is a big moment. The player is letting the main antagonist off the hook here.
 Surgical Strike

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player acts impatient and a little rude to a Freestar Ranger, saying they don't want to waste time having to explain something.
 Surgical Strike

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Talking to an old woman in a hospital to gather information, the player impatiently says "Enough about the husband!" to shut her up. (She's been talking constantly about her husband, who's she's unhappy with for supposedly abandoning her)
 Surgical Strike

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player accepts a bribe from a data thief and promises not reveal that she's a criminal, or to do anything about it.
 Surgical Strike

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player rejects a bribe from a data thief, and says they're going to tell the local Freestar Ranger about her.
 Surgical Strike

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player is trying to get information from a medical patient who is not being cooperative. The player employs intimidation, saying "You'd better tell me everything."
 Job Gone Wrong

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The player used Diplomacy perk to offer to end a hostage situation with diplomacy
 Job Gone Wrong

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Confronted with a hostage situation the player said "The time for negotiation is over. You know what needs to be done." This implies the player is willing to use violence and kill the hostage-takers.
 Job Gone Wrong

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player used the soldier perk and promised to clear out the enemies before they know what hit them. This is very risky because the enemies have hostages.
 Job Gone Wrong

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The companion reacts to the player having just persuaded some hostage-takers to release their hostages and surrender peacefully.
 Job Gone Wrong

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronted with a kidnapping situation, the player just said "If people are in trouble, I want to help."
 First to Fight, First to Die

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Confronting Major Paxton Hull of the first, the player chooses to arrest him, saying "I'm bringing you in." (The other option was to kill him on the spot, making this the more merciful choice.) Notably, Paxton Hull replied to this choice by saying "Don't bother," implying he does not plan to come quietly. Violence might be imminent.

Ryujin Mission ReactionsEdit

  • Top Secrets, Sam likes it if you tell Malai that you are about to safe her life.
  • Top Secrets, Sam dislikes it if you don't negotiate a deal with Malai.
Mission Reaction Event
 Guilty Parties

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Dalton told the player if Imogene tries to resist, it must mean she's guilty of being the mole and a traitor to the company so the player needs to kill her. The player agrees, saying "Understood. We can't allow a traitor to run free."
 Guilty Parties

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Dalton told the player if Imogene tries to resist, it must mean she's guilty of being the mole and a traitor to the company so the player needs to kill her. The player agrees, saying "If Imogene is guilty, she'll pay with her life."
 Guilty Parties

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

When being asked to choose a side between the current CEO Masako or Ularu, who has framed Imogene and obviously has a larger unhanded plan to get rid of Masako and take her place, the players states that they only care about who is paying them the most credits.
 Guilty Parties

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player officially agrees to help Ularu in both framing Imogene and getting rid of Masako as CEO. It's using underhanded tactics to get what she wants rather than finding legit ways to do it.
 Guilty Parties

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player has tricked Ularu into confessing she is the "mole" and is now going to make sure she doesn't get away with it.
 Background Checks

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is asked to infiltrate Ryujin and not kill anyone since they are fellow employees. The player has said they'll be careful.
 Background Checks

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is asked to infiltrate Ryujin and not kill anyone since they are fellow employees. The player has said they can't guarantee anyone's safety and they better stay out of their way.
 Background Checks

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Nyx is asking the player to get information on a co-worker named Camden Cho. The player says no problem. Just a quick stop along the way. Information is for Bayu that could be used against Cho.
 Background Checks

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

When Nyx discovers that all things point to Imogene being the mole, the player's immediate reaction is to look forward to killing her.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player has sided with Ularu and is going to make sure the other Board members vote out Masako, the rightful and great CEO, and make sure no one votes to acquire Infinity LTD to save the jobs of thousands. But siding with Ularu will make Ryujin even more powerful/profitable but have zero morals when it comes to getting what she wants.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is saying they have every intent on using Manipulation skill to force the Board members into ousting Masako and not buying Infinity LTD.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is refusing to use the Internal Neuroamp again, based on how it controls another person and removes their free will.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is to try and convince Alexis to vote yes on acquiring Infinity LTD in order to save jobs and gain public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Alexis' desire to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD to save jobs.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using the Internal Neuroamp to force Alexis into voting YES on Internal Neuroamp production.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Alexis' desire to vote NO on continuing Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using Manipulation to force Alexis to vote Masako out as CEO and put Ularu in charge.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Alexis' belief that Masako should remain CEO vs Ularu.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using Manipulation to force Dalton to vote YES on continued Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Dalton's decision to vote NO on continued Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Dalton's decision to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD, so everyone there will lose their job.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Dalton's decision to vote YES on acquiring Infinity LTD which will save thousands of jobs and gain public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is trying to convince Dalton to vote Masako out as CEO and put Ularu in charge.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Dalton's decision to keep Masako as the current CEO vs Ularu.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using Manipulation skill to force Genevieve to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD which means thousands of people would lose their jobs.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Genevieve's decision to vote YES on acquiring Infinity LTD to save thousands of jobs and gain public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation to force Genevieve to vote NO on keeping Masako as CEO.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Genevieve's decision to vote YES on keeping Masako as CEO.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player solidified Genevieve's decision to vote YES on continued Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using Manipulation to force Genevieve to vote NO on continued Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is using Manipulation to force Genevieve into voting YES on acquiring Infinity LTD to save thousands of jobs.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Genevieve's decision to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD to save thousands of jobs and avoid public backlash.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is solidifying Linden's decision to vote YES on keep Masako as CEO. Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is swaying Linden to vote NO on keep Masako as CEO. Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player solidified Linden's decision to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD and saving jobs.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation to force Linden to vote YES on acquiring Infinity LTD, saving thousands of jobs and gaining public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation to force Linden to vote NO on Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player used the Manipulation on Ularu to vote YES on acquiring Infinity LTD, saving jobs and gaining public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player solidified Ularu's decision to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD so people will lose jobs.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation on Ularu to force her to vote NO on continued Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Ularu's decision to vote YES on Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is solidifying Veena's decision to vote YES on the Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is attempting to get Veena to vote NO on Internal Neuroamp research and production.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is swaying Veena to vote YES to keep Masako as CEO. Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is swaying Veena to vote NO on keeping Masako as CEO in favor of Ularu.Masako is a great CEO who cares about Ryujin and prefers to avoid killing people.Ularu cares about Ryujin, but has no morals when it comes to ensuring success. She'd have people killed and is the one that ultimately got Lucas Drexler to go down the path of illegal human trials and hiring Ecliptic to wipe out a station of innocent miners and researchers in the first place.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is swaying Veena to vote YES to acquiring Infinity LTD which will save jobs and gain public faith.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is swaying Veena to vote NO on acquiring Infinity LTD which will result in thousands of jobs lost.
 Executive Level

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player told Masako they live for corporate espionage jobs: stealing, hacking, bribing, lying, etc.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player told Masako the job isn't for them. Not really into stealing, hacking, bribing, lying, etc.
 Executive Level

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player told Ularu they live for these types of jobs: stealing, hacking, killing people.
 Executive Level

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player isn't sure the life of corporate espionage is for them. Assuming they are against stealing, hacking, killing, etc.
 Top Secrets

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is saying their job at Ryujin is right up their alley, meaning they must be enjoying the corporate espionage lifestyle.
 Top Secrets

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is saying being a Ryujin operative is their dream job, meaning they must be enjoying the corporate espionage lifestyle.
 Top Secrets

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is saying they prefer more legitimate work, rather than the corporate espionage lifestyle.
 Top Secrets

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Simon asked the player to kill a bounty hunter that's after him to waive his fee for the info the player needs. The player responds with: Finding people is my speciality. Consider her disposed of.
 Top Secrets

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Simon asked the player to kill a bounty hunter that's after him to waive his fee for the info the player needs. The player responds with: I'm not going to kill someone for you.
 Top Secrets

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Simon asked the player to kill a bounty hunter that's after him to waive his fee for the info the player needs. The player responds with: Fine. If that's what it takes.
 Top Secrets

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player chose to attack Malai on her ship (rather than speech challenge or skill check their way out of it), after she announced her intent to never give up her gun and kill the player

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation (the Internal Neuroamp) to control someone for the first time and loved it. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player used Manipulation (Internal Neuroamp) on someone for the first time and said it was too easy, and the tech should be banned. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, pay with his life.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, is put behind bars.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player tells Masako they never used the Internal Neuroamp (mind control) on their assignment because they weren't going to force people to do things against their will.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player suggests that Ryujin Industries buys Infinity LTD so no one loses their job.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player doesn't think Infinity LTD deserves to be saved due to their terrible CEO running illegal human trials and hiring mercenaries to wipe out a mining station, but the employees themselves had no knowledge of this.
 The Key Ingredient

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player discovered Sean and Dr. Lane were performing illegal human trials, but were also led to believe that they'd get approval any day from Infinity LTD. They are hoping the player will not expose them, but instead the player says, Tough. Enjoy prison.
 The Key Ingredient

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player discovered Sean and Dr. Lane were performing illegal human trials, but were also led to believe that they'd get approval any day from Infinity LTD. They are hoping the player will not expose them and the player says, "If you stop now, I can find a way to keep your names out of this."
 The Key Ingredient

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player discovered Sean and Dr. Lane were performing illegal human trials, but were also led to believe that they'd get approval any day from Infinity LTD. They are hoping the player will not expose them, but instead the player says, Corporations can't be trusted. Congrats on learning the hard way.
 The Key Ingredient

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player discovered Sean and Dr. Lane were performing illegal human trials, but were also led to believe that they'd get approval any day from Infinity LTD. The player agreed to help not expose them, but now changes their mind, saying they were just kidding.

UC Vanguard Mission ReactionsEdit

Mission Reaction Event
 The Devils You Know

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The player has been asked by Vae Victis - a once executed war criminal - to kill another that's fled trial. The player told Vae Victis' they're not going to kill him - they're going to bring him in to justice.
 The Devils You Know

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has been asked by Vae Victis - a once executed war criminal - to kill another that's fled trial. The player told Vae Victis' they will kill this criminal for him.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them, killing them over time (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the Aceles option.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Player and Hadrian are discussing how the UC should proceed dealing with the Terrormorph menace. There are two options on the table: using a natural predator (Aceles) to wipe them out (the natural way) or to introduce a microbe into the Terrormorph environment that will essentially sterilize them (the science path). This isn't the actual final choice. In this instance, Player is favoring the microbe option.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player suggested that the Freestar Collective might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they hate the UC.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player suggested that the United Colonies might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis themselves because they want to use the Lazarus Plant as a weapon.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player suggested that House Va'ruun might've triggered the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis using a rare plant because they're "the worst."
 Hostile Intelligence

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player calls him a monster.
 Hostile Intelligence

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and Hadrian are discussing the fact that Vae Victis very likely knew about the Lazarus' plant's use as a weapon and covered it up by killing his own men. The player says he was just a commander making a hard decision.
 War Relics

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Hadrian just asked the player how they feel about becoming a UC citizen. The player said "Feels good" and Hadrian responded "it should. You earned it."
 War Relics

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Hadrian just asked the player how they feel about becoming a UC citizen. The player said they're not thrilled about being associated with a group like the UC. Hadrian acknowledged the UC's got some skeletons in its closet.
 War Relics

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player and Kaiser are deciding on approaches to deal with Unit 99, who is in the hands of the hostile merc group Ecliptic, who may be planning to use the creature as a weapon. The player has decided to go in guns blazing and kill everyone - Unit 99 (the xenoweapon) and the Ecliptic mercenaries (jerks).
 War Relics

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player and Kaiser are deciding on approaches to deal with Unit 99, who is in the hands of the hostile merc group Ecliptic, who may be planning to use the creature as a weapon. The player has requested Kaiser attempt to wipe Unit 99's control interface without killing the creature. Kaiser agreed.
 Grunt Work

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and their companion have just killed the Terrormorph that wiped out a settlement on Tau Ceti. There are a variety of methods by which this could've happened, but anyone killing a Terrormorph on their own is a big deal.
 A Legacy Forged

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in securing the plant from being used, as it'll prove the UC isn't trying to hide anything.
 A Legacy Forged

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in securing the plant from being used, as the UC doesn't have a great track record and this will ensure good behavior - from the UC and the FC.
 A Legacy Forged

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that they should destroy any trace of the plant to ensure it can never be used to perform more attacks.
 A Legacy Forged

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in destroying the plant to prove the UC has no bad intentions.
 A Legacy Forged

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player's made the final choice in the UC questline - whether to deploy a microbe to wipe out the Terrormorphs or to deploy a large creature called an Aceles to hunt them down and eliminate the species in a more natural way. The player chose the Aceles.
 Friends Like These

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

A member of the UC Diplomatic Corp stated "Claiming to understand how House Va'ruun members think is quick way to earn yourself to a private psych eval." The player agreed, stating House Va'ruun are madmen.
 Friends Like These

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The House Va'ruun ambassador has asked the player to ensure the knowledge they're collecting from the Armistice Archives - a repository of banned weapon knowledge - is used for good. The player has informed the ambassador they needn't just take the player's word - there will be independent observers ensuring good behavior.
 Friends Like These

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has assured the House Va'ruun ambassador that they will ensure the knowledge they're collecting from the Armistice Archives - a repository of banned weapon knowledge - is used for good.
 Delivering Devils

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Oktai Enbayar, ruthless head of the Martian Trade Authority office asked the player to collect the money that Percival Walker, his former employee, owes them. The player tells him "I'm not your bill collector" and demands to know where Percival is, which disappoints Oktai.
 Delivering Devils

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Oktai Enbayar, the ruthless head of the Martian Trade Authority office asked the player to collect the money that Percival Walker owes them. The player said they'll think about it. This pleases Oktai.
 Delivering Devils

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Someone has asked the player if they're planning to help out Percival Walker with his debt. The player threatened that person to get information about Percival's location.
 Delivering Devils

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Someone has asked the player if they're planning to help out Percival Walker with his debt. The player said "yes" they plan to help him out.
 Delivering Devils

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Hadrian just told the player about her background - she used to run the UC Xenoweapons group before the practice was banned. The player responded "I don't care what you did, so long as you're trying to do right now."

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Hadrian told the player about her father - Vae Victis, who was executed for war crimes after the end of the Colony War - and told the player that one of the reasons she wants the player present as they speak to the heads of the UC is so that those leaders aren't just thinking about her father the whole time. The player responded sympathetically.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Hadrian told the player about her father - Vae Victis, who was executed for war crimes after the end of the Colony War - and told the player that one of the reasons she wants the player present as they speak to the heads of the UC is so that those leaders aren't just thinking about her father the whole time. The player responded by saying "Not sure I can really blame them. You and your "father" don't sound like you're paragons of virtue."

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When asked by the President of the UC if they should open the Armistice Archives - the repository of all the technology banned after the Colony War - the player said yes. If attacks like the one that happened on Tau Ceti could happen elsewhere, it was worth granting the request.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

When asked by the President of the UC if they should open the Armistice Archives - the repository of all the technology banned after the Colony War - the player said yes. The player states correctly that the Terrormorph Xenoweapon project failed, so that there's minimal risk to accessing the Archives.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

When asked by the President of the UC if they should open the Armistice Archives - the repository of all the technology banned after the Colony War - the player said they're not qualified to make that call.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

When asked by the President of the UC if they should open the Armistice Archives - the repository of all the technology banned after the Colony War - the player said no. The things in the Archives are sealed for a reason.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player, Hadrian, and the Companion just took down the last remaining Terrormorph menacing the New Atlantis spaceport. This is a big moment - they all just saved the city.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player just made a smart ass remark to the President of the United Colonies after she apologized to Hadrian and the player for not believing them sooner.

Crimson Fleet Mission ReactionsEdit

Mission Reaction Event
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is speaking to Breyson Bayu, Benjamin's brother. Benjamin is horrible to Breyson, sticking him in a job that's impossible for him to do and altogether being mean to him. Player is suggesting ways that Breyson could stick it to Benjamin. Companion is reacting to the severity of the suggestions.
 Absolute Power

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The Player is speaking to Breyson Bayu, Benjamin's brother. Benjamin is horrible to Breyson, sticking him in a job that's impossible for him to do and altogether being mean to him. Player is suggesting ways that Breyson could stick it to Benjamin. Companion is reacting to the severity of the suggestions.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is speaking to Breyson Bayu, Benjamin's brother. Benjamin is horrible to Breyson, sticking him in a job that's impossible for him to do and altogether being mean to him. Player is suggesting ways that Breyson could stick it to Benjamin. Companion is reacting to the severity of the suggestions.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player has made a choice here of who to "throw under the bus" when speaking to Benjamin Bayu about who is profiting from the virus. Player lies and takes the blame.
 Absolute Power

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The Player has made a choice here of who to "throw under the bus" when speaking to Benjamin Bayu about who is profiting from the virus. Player lies and implicates Breyson Bayu (Ben's brother) which is a jerk move since Breyson is being oppressed by Benjamin all the time and isn't that bad of a guy.
 Absolute Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to Estelle Vincent, the CF Captain in charge of Neon. Since Benjamin Bayu discovered her virus in the system, she's now up to her neck in debt (the virus cost a lot of money). She asked the Player to offset the cost. In this version, Player paid, but not very much.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to Estelle Vincent, the CF Captain in charge of Neon. Since Benjamin Bayu discovered her virus in the system, she's now up to her neck in debt (the virus cost a lot of money). She asked the Player to offset the cost. In this version, Player paid, a decent break-even amount.
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to Estelle Vincent, the CF Captain in charge of Neon. Since Benjamin Bayu discovered her virus in the system, she's now up to her neck in debt (the virus cost a lot of money). She asked the Player to offset the cost. In this version, Player paid, more than they needed to (very generous).
 Absolute Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to Estelle Vincent, the CF Captain in charge of Neon. Since Benjamin Bayu discovered her virus in the system, she's now up to her neck in debt (the virus cost a lot of money). She asked the Player to offset the cost. In this version Player refused to chip in, which is crappy to a fellow CF pirate (maybe Companion liked that?)
 Absolute Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Rook Meets King

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player destroyed a defenseless ship carrying medical supplies for New Homestead on Naeva Mora's order as a test to get into the Crimson Fleet.
 Rook Meets King

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player was ordered to attack a defenseless ship for New Homestead by Naeva Mora as a test to get into the Crimson Fleet. On the ship is a man named Austin Rake, a former Fleet member who Naeva wants dead.
 Rook Meets King

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Ragana was destroyed, killing everyone on board. Kibwe Ikande from UC SysDef has just reprimanded the player, saying they need to be better than the pirates. The player responds by saying they have no choice.
 Rook Meets King

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Ragana was destroyed, killing everyone on board. Kibwe Ikande from UC SysDef has just reprimanded the player, saying they need to be better than the pirates.Player says, You knew who I was when you brought me on. Don't act surprised now. Kibwe says he gets that but you agreed to abide by UC SysDef rules going forward
 Rook Meets King

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Kibwe applauds the player for finding a way to spare the crew of the Ragana, despite being ordered to destroy it. Player says they didn't want to kill anyone
 Rook Meets King

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player shows off their knowledge of starstations here to Naeva who rolls her eyes.
 Rook Meets King

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player talking to Naeva takes a jab at the UC
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is aboard the starliner and speaking to a woman (Swist) who is having an affair with an absolute jerk named Dumbrosky (who, in turn, is a manipulative embezzler). Player is asking why have an affair with a man like that. Companion can respond in various ways. In this one, Player used their Empathy to notice how enraged Swist is.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is aboard the starliner and speaking to a woman (Swist) who is having an affair with an absolute jerk named Dumbrosky (who, in turn, is a manipulative embezzler). Player is asking why have an affair with a man like that. Companion can respond in various ways. In this case, Player threw an insult saying she's as bad as he is.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Whew. The notion of tampering with the life support me worried for a moment there, but it sounds like you know what you're doing.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is aboard the starliner and along with Captain Rokov, hatch a plan to get all of the passengers into their quarters, so the Player can safely skulk about. The plan involves tampering with the ship's life support to cause a false positive alarm. The scary part is messing with the life support at all. Prompts differ, so check them out how the Companion might react.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player decided to honor his deal with Rokov by at least cutting him in for some of the pay from the job, evem though Player didn't recommend he join the Crimson Fleet. It was honorable for the Player to not welch on that part of the deal.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Breaking the Bank

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 The Best There Is

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Huan Daiyu has just told the Player they will be flying into UC space and to let her do the talking. Player used the Introvert trait to say they are good at staying quiet. Huan says "That'll serve you well here. Some people mistake silence for weakness, or at worst, compliance. But to me, it's the loud ones who leave themselves vulnerable."
 The Best There Is

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Huan Daiyu has just told the Player they will be flying into UC space and to let her do the talking. The player just said they will be silent as cargo. / Huan replies "Good. Say nothing and let their minds fill in the gaps."
 The Best There Is

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player says "I'd never take the lives of my fellow soldiers." Kibwe says Honor, loyalty, and valor are attributes we look for in a SysDef soldier. Undercover or not, you have them."
 The Best There Is

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player says it was tricky going through that whole station without getting caught. Kibwe says "But you did it with grace and aplomb. You'd make a fine spy, if we were still at war."
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is speaking to a Trade Authority representative in Cydonia. They're trying to sell an Aurora shipment (that was given to them by UC SysDef as a "buy in") to get into the Crimson Fleet. Player is using all the leverage they can to convince her to point them the right way. In this case, the Player was clever and talked her into it using Industrialist skill. Very clever.
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is dealing with Adler Kemp, the person that can get them into the Fleet. He said he'll help, but in typical CF fashion, he wants a favor first (taking advantage). This is the only way Player can get into the CF. The favor is to get an owed debt from a drunk. The Player agrees to help in different ways. In this version, the Player mentions his Bouncer past and how he can deal with drunks.
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is dealing with Adler Kemp, the person that can get them into the Fleet. He said he'll help, but in typical CF fashion, he wants a favor first (taking advantage). This is the only way Player can get into the CF. The favor is to get an owed debt from a drunk. The Player agrees to help in different ways. In this version, the Player offers to pay off the drunks debt at that moment (before even confronting him).
 Deep Cover

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Player is dealing with Adler Kemp, the person that can get them into the Fleet. He said he'll help, but in typical CF fashion, he wants a favor first (taking advantage). This is the only way Player can get into the CF. The favor is to get an owed debt from a drunk. The Player says he'll just kill the drunk and take the money off his corpse. Harsh!
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Deep Cover

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Deep Cover

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Echoes of the Past

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The Player is aboard the Key after they successfully made it through the Lock. They are speaking with Mathis, who accompanied them on the journey. During the mission, they told Delgado Mathis was no help at all. This reflected badly on him, and he was booted from the Fleet. Now, Mathis is in Player's face and Player responds in various ways. In this version, Player said Mathis should take his best shot, antagonizing him further.
 Echoes of the Past

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Player is aboard the Key after they successfully made it through the Lock. They are speaking with Mathis, who accompanied them on the journey. During the mission, they told Delgado Mathis was no help at all. This reflected badly on him, and he was booted from the Fleet. Now, Mathis is in Player's face and Player responds in various ways. In this version, Player is flippant and turns it into a joke, saying it was "nice of Mathis to see them off"
 Echoes of the Past

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Echoes of the Past

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.

Miscellaneous ReactionsEdit

  • Sam loves it if you give Cora 50 credits when she asks for book allowance.
  • Sam loves it if you donate 100 credits to Amira Wolf in Akila.
Mission Reaction Event
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Companion - Sam Coe

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Dead Stop

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has found Kilman - a kidnapped construction worker from the Eleos Retreat - and was extremely empathic towards him (should get better results from kind-hearted companions).
 Dead Stop

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has found Kilman - a kidnapped construction worker from the Eleos Retreat - and was compassionate towards how shaken up the young man is.
 Start-Up Stopped

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player just successfully negotiated with Ecliptic mercenaries to work out a beneficial deal for everyone involved. The player gets Jane's ship and pilot back, and the Ecliptic mercenaries get to lie to their client about the ship being destroyed, and they get paid anyway.
 Start-Up Stopped

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Combat's about to start, so this should be real quick. The player decided to attack the Ecliptic mercenaries and take the ship back by force.
 Starsap Tours

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has just taken a tour of New Homestead with Bill Starsap, a friendly and knowledgeable, but long-winded tour guide. The player enjoyed the tour and just gave Bill an extra 100 credit tip.
 The Showdown

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player has just agreed to betray the Strikers for a lot of credits. The Strikers are a gang - so they're not good guys, but the Disciples are psychopaths - so this is deciding to make the situation for Neon's poor worse for personal gain.
 The Showdown

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Striker gang is offered a chance to go legit and given a real job. It's a little shady, but undoubtedly better than what they were doing. Here the player urges them to take the job.
 Red Tape Runaround

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has completed a task for Governor Hurst, and told him they destroyed his ship for him. But, they've also discovered why Hurst wanted it destroyed. the player found a note from Hurst to the pirates, that implicates that he originally hired the pirates to destroy the ship and his mistress in an attempt to cover up both the fact that he has a mistress and that she stole his government-issued ship, which obviously looks bad for the Governor of Cydonia. Now, the player is blackmailing Hurst.
 Final Thoughts

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player says "sorry for your loss" when returning an audio log of a widow's dying husband. (shows sympathy)
 Final Thoughts

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player says "It sounds like he loved you and your son very much" when returning an audio log of a widow's dying husband. (shows empathy)
 Final Thoughts

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player says "you need to be strong now" when returning an audio log of a widow's dying husband. (shows toughness and grit, could also be read as a little callous... but also just a "keep a stiff upper lip" kind of advice)
 Last Resort

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player managed to successfully convince Akachi Blum via speech challenge to release a shipment of air purifier parts to the player instead of following protocol and doing the proper paperwork, which would have forced the player to wait around for a day for the computer system to be fixed. The companion is addressing the player here.
 Last Resort

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has used their Security skill to fix a computer issue for Akachi Blum, and thus bypassed the need to wait a day for a technician to fix it.
 Debt Forgiveness

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Addressing the player. The player just donated a bunch of credits to pay off Janet Yang's debt to Paradiso, a very generous action. Then again, Janet has had a pretty sour attitude up until now, so maybe this is unwarranted.
 Debt Forgiveness

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Addressing Oliver Campbell. The player has successfully negotiated with Oliver to release Janet Yang from her debt to Paradiso. The player made the case that this would be better for everyone involved, because Janet is so unhappy, she may actually be a liability. Oliver has agreed on the condition that the player not tell any other of the ECS Constant colonists about this one-time deal.
 Operation Starseed

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Operation Starseed

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Operation Starseed

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player has chosen to wipe out a whole settlement full of clones. Some of the clones are pretty nasty (like Genghis Khan) - but the player is choosing to kill nice people, too, like Amelia Earhart. This is a pretty extreme response - the player could easily have chosen to just leave them alone.
 Operation Starseed

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has chosen to help Amanirenas in the Civil War
 Operation Starseed

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is helping FDR in a Civil War. She doesn't specify why.
 Operation Starseed

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is helping FDR in a Civil War because she believes Genghis is just dangerous
 Operation Starseed

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

PC is supporting Genghis Khan in the Civil War.
 Top of the L.I.S.T.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player talks about their past and independent living saying about it: "No hand outs. No taxes. No one but your own conscience telling you what to do. Life on your terms."
 Top of the L.I.S.T.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player describes background of living a rugged independent life, saying: "It's hard. But rewarding. You're beaten down until everything but the real you is stripped away."
 Top of the L.I.S.T.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player describes background of independent living, getting in touch with nature saying: "It's a beautiful life. Clean, serene, prefect. Get's you in touch with nature and your own soul. "
 Supply Line

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

After getting caught by Benjamin Bayu, the player is still game to create more drugs for Yannick (and now Benjamin Bayu).
 Supply Line

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After getting caught by Benjamin Bayu, the player is done making drugs for Yannick and now Bayu.
 Drinks on the House

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player has been asked to deal with squatters in a section of the Well in New Atlantis. These squatters have already put one acquaintance in the hospital, and are occupying a space that a questgiver needs to expand her business. Rather than attempt to engage in diplomacy, the player has elected to jump straight into combat. Interjection should be short, as a fight is imminent.
 Juno's Gambit

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player tells Juno that they believe it to be a person, with its own thoughts and desires.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Addressing the player. The player has just managed to convince Frank to cut some of the more expensive luxury components out of his design proposal, which will help reduce the cost of the ship and lead it towards more of a sensible design outcome. Frank has been established as a pretty stubborn guy, so the player's negotiation skills are impressive.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Addressing Jules. The player has just managed to convince Jules to go back to the board and advocate for a bigger budget, which and lead the ship design towards more of a versatile/ostentatious design outcome. The player could use some backup here, or some criticism.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player solved the budget issue by going around Jules' back and hacking into the Stroud-Eklund system, then approving a much higher budget than originally planned. This should not be known by Jules, so the companion should not out the player or mention the hacking specifically.
[[Starfield:[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]|[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and someone else are debating whether the Eleos Retreat - a facility built to help the incarcerated turn their lives around - is something worth supporting. The player has put forward an excellent argument that the other person actually agrees with the purpose of the Retreat and just doesn't realize it (this is the best outcome of the scene).
[[Starfield:[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]|[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player and someone else are debating whether the Eleos Retreat - a facility built to help the incarcerated turn their lives around - is something worth supporting. The player has put forward the argument that just throwing people in prison doesn't help them fix their lives. The other person disagrees.
[[Starfield:[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]|[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]]]

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and someone else are debating whether the Eleos Retreat - a facility built to help the incarcerated turn their lives around - is something worth supporting. The player agrees with the other person that this place is a bad idea. People who commit crimes should be punished, not pampered.
[[Starfield:[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]|[Dialogue for the Eleos Retreat]]]

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to a retired pirate who now rehabilitates other former convicts. The player has stated they would like to be a pirate.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Rivkah is a miner in Cydonia. She ran away from her father, who had become controlling and manipulative. She punched him out and stole his ship, so he put a bounty on her and she disappeared. Natan is Rivkah's father. The player failed to convince Natan and decided to attack him. This should be a very short line since combat is about to start, and should have a consequence with the companion.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player convinced Natan to reconcile with Rivkah. This is the best, most diplomatic, empathetic ending.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player failed to convince Natan of anything, and Natan is now calling Security. The companion may be impressed that the player is sticking to their promise with Rivkah.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player agreed to tell Natan where Rivkah is. This is the opposite of what Rivkah wanted, and it will be bad for her.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player convinced Natan to leave Rivkah be via diplomacy, but then threatened Natan, just to make sure.

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has been sent to deal with a group of bounty hunters harassing a retreat trying to reform the incarcerated. The player chose to try and talk to them, rather than just attacking them.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has been sent to deal with a group of bounty hunters harassing a retreat trying to reform the incarcerated. The player chose to attack them, rather than try and talk to them.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player and Starborn are discussing the destruction of Earth. Player says that sacrificing Earth wasn't worth having Grav-Drive technology.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player and Starborn are discussing the destruction of Earth. Player says that sacrificing Earth was worth it since the Grav-Drives allowed humanity to go out into the stars.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player and Starborn are discussing the Artifacts. The player agrees with the Emissary that they need to only be in the right hands.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player and Starborn are discussing the Artifacts. The player agrees with the Hunter that the only rule is who gets them first.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Player and Starborn are discussing the Artifacts. The player disagrees with both the Emissary and the Hunter and says it's time someone else made a decision on them.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The Hunter and the Emissary demand the player choose sides. Player sides with the Emissary.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The Hunter and the Emissary demand the player choose sides. Player sides with the Hunter.
[[Starfield:[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]|[Holder Quest for Earth Dialogue]]]

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The Hunter and the Emissary demand the player choose sides. Player sides with neither of them.
 Display of Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has been caught gang tagging by a corrupt Security Guard. In this option, the player refuses to back down (which will probably mean combat).
 Display of Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has been caught gang tagging by a corrupt Security Guard. In this option, the player is a former Gang Member and intimidates the guard.
 Display of Power

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Display of Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is willing to fight in a gang war, but balks at hurting any innocents.
 Display of Power

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player is eager to get involved in a gang war - and is OK if there is some collateral damage.
 Late Bloomer

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player lies to Nadia, telling her that House Varuun will attack and hurt people if Nadia doesn't upload a radio broadcast to SSNN. This is an illegal action, and it bypasses having the player do it themselves.
 Late Bloomer

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player tells Nadia Muffaz the truth about what's happening with a tree, and gets her to broadcast the radio broadcast that will save the tree. This bypasses having the player do it themselves, which is technically illegal.
[[Starfield:[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]|[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has told this former mech pilot - who wants to interview her fellow former pilots for a book - that they'd love to read her book.
[[Starfield:[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]|[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]]]

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has suggested this former mech pilot - who wants to interview her fellow former pilots for a book - is trying to glorify slaughter.
[[Starfield:[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]|[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]]]

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

A UC military recruiter has asked the player to pass out some recruitment materials for her. The player said they're happy to lend a hand.
[[Starfield:[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]|[Gagarin Settlement Dialogue]]]

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

A UC military recruiter has asked the player to pass out some recruitment materials for her. The player said they're not interested.
 Fishy Business

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

In this version, the player is being very apologetic to Bayu's threat.
 Fishy Business

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

In this version, the player throws Yannick under the bus to Bayu's threat. This isn't as cowardly or bad as you might think. Yannick was being reckless and full of himself. The player could've said as much before, and so this is a big "I told you so."
 Mantis UNSET
 The Audition

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Beggar asked for a tip after giving Player info - Player said yes and gave generous tip.
 The Audition

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Beggar asked for a tip after giving Player info - Player said they refuse and they do have enough money.
 Failure to Communicate

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player has been working with a shady character named Alban, a possibly reformed conman. In this choice the player is willing to kill Alban to avenge someone he took advantage of.
 Failure to Communicate

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has been working with a shady character named Alban, a possibly reformed conman. In this choice the player is completely unwilling to assassinate Alban.
 Failure to Communicate

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has been working with a shady character named Alban, a possibly reformed conman. In this choice the player is willing to kill Alban to avenge someone he took advantage of. In this version the player is doing it for the greater good, not credits.
 Out On a Limb

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

After a successful speech challenge, the player tells a shady character to hand over an important data slate. Normally, if the player failed this speech challenge, they'd have to do something illegal for it.
 Out On a Limb

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player agrees to do something shady and illegal for a man named Emilio in order to get a data slate from them. The player might not know for sure what they're supposed to do just yet, but they know it's shady.
 Out On a Limb

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

If the player wins the speech challenge, Emilio will offer the player more money to do something illegal for them, and he seems a bit desperate.
 First Contact

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has just told Oliver Campbell that he is going to help resettle the ECS Constant colonists to Paradiso, but this is going to effectively turn them into indentured servants, forced to stay until they work off their debts. While this does solve the problem, it's not ideal. There is no perfectly ideal solution here, though, given the alternatives: Buying the Constant a grav drive, but relegating them to searching for a new home, or blowing up the ship. The companion probably has an opinion about the player's choice, or they might just say "Well, at least you're not blowing them up..." (which is still technically an option).
 First Contact

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

The player has just told Oliver Campbell that he is going to help outfit the ECS Constant with a grav drive at their own expense. While this does solve the problem, it's not ideal because the Constant has to give up on their home and go searching endlessly through space for a new one. There is no perfectly ideal solution here, though, given the alternatives: resettling the Colonists on Paradiso but turning them into indentured servants, or blowing up the ship. The companion probably has an opinion about the player's choice. Maybe they think it's generous. Maybe they see the actual problem with it, or they might just say "Well, at least you're not blowing them up..." (which is still technically an option).
 First Contact

⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

The player discreetly asked Oliver how they could go about making the ECS Constant disappear (blow up). The companion likely has an opinion on this, since it's kind of sociopathic for the player to even consider as an option.
 Rough Landings

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just arranged for a smuggler to have the equivalent of a fake ID and papers to freely smuggle things into Akila City. This is to ostensibly help her poor family who really, really need it, though.
 Space Frog from Outer Space

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

The player just finished helping a little girl, Renee, put up cute pictures of her character, Space Frog, around Cydonia in order to help cheer people up. The player was glad to help and didn't expect anything in return, but Renee gave them a reward anyway.
 Space Frog from Outer Space

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just finished helping a little girl, Renee, put up cute pictures of her character, Space Frog, around Cydonia in order to help cheer people up. In this scenario, the player greedily asked for a reward for helping, even though Renee is just a kid. She did end up giving the player something, but she was disappointed that the player asked.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to BorealUS (a DJ) in Neon, who is lamenting about all the crowds she has to deal with that demand autographs and don't appreciate her music. Player responds that she should be flattered that she has so many fans (trying to make her feel better).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to a shopkeeper who is lamenting that they're overhead is so high due to their shop location and it's financially distressing them. Player responds that he has a nice shop and he should be making a fortune (trying to be complimentary).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is in Madame Sauvage's Place (a bar) on Neon, and the owner has just stated the "rules" of the establishment. The Player responds that they completely understood the rules, and won't be any trouble.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is in Madame Sauvage's Place (a bar) on Neon, and the owner has just stated the "rules" of the establishment. The Player responds that they don't like being told what to do.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the tough owner of a weapon's shop who has a Model A for protection. He refers to the Model A as his "complaint department" and the Player responds they prefer dealing with humans and don't like speaking to emotionless robots.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to a shopkeeper on Neon who claimed that they're closed, there's something bothering her and she doesn't want to talk about it. Player uses the Empath trait to sympathize which shortcuts into her spilling the beans (otherwise Player comes back the next day if they want).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to a shopkeeper on Neon who claimed that they're closed, there's something bothering her and she doesn't want to talk about it. Player uses the Leadership trait to sympathize which shortcuts into her spilling the beans (otherwise Player comes back the next day if they want).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to a shopkeeper on Neon who claimed that they're closed, there's something bothering her and she doesn't want to talk about it. Player uses the Diplomat trait to sympathize which shortcuts into her spilling the beans (otherwise Player comes back the next day if they want).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the Trade Authority vendor in Neon. They clearly allude that they'll deal in stolen goods. Player responds by saying that buying and selling stolen goods is illegal.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the Trade Authority vendor in Neon. They clearly allude that they'll deal in stolen goods. Player responds that stolen goods are their specific area of interest (saying they dont mind crime).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the co-owner of a food place in Neon. He's been complaining about the corruption that runs rampant in the city saying that Bayu makes it hard for honest people to earn a living. The Player says something should be done about Bayu (in heavy agreement).
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the co-owner of a food place in Neon. He's been complaining about the corruption that runs rampant in the city saying that Bayu makes it hard for honest people to earn a living. The Player suggests he gets the Freestar Rangers involved.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the co-owner of a food place in Neon. He's been complaining about the corruption that runs rampant in the city saying that Bayu makes it hard for honest people to earn a living. The Player can say that "maybe honest people shouldn't work here" (which is rude)
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the person in charge of security at the Neon Starport entry who explains that the transport of Aurora is illegal (it has to stay in the city). It's just a warning, explaining the situation, but Player responds that they wouldn't dream of transporting Aurora.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the person in charge of security at the Neon Starport entry who explains that the transport of Aurora is illegal (it has to stay in the city). It's just a warning, explaining the situation, but Player responds that only use it for medicinal purposes, being flippant. Companion may or may not be amused.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the person in charge of security at the Neon Starport entry who explains that the transport of Aurora is illegal (it has to stay in the city). It's just a warning, explaining the situation, but Player responds that the security people have no right to dictate what can and can't be transported.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Player is speaking with a shopkeeper in Neon who runs a very high-end boutique, who comes off as a bit snotty and rude. He is complaining that a gang member constantly comes into his place and harasses him. Player says that the shopkeeper should kill the gang member.
Neon Main Dialogue

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Player is speaking with a shopkeeper in Neon who runs a very high-end boutique, who comes off as a bit snotty and rude. He is complaining that a gang member constantly comes into his place and harasses him. Player says that the shopkeeper should learn to defend themselves (not as aggressive as "go kill the guy")
 False Positives

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player just shook down a Security Guard for a bribe to conceal her making a robot to screw up some Ashta research to please her boss. It's kind of a shitty thing to do, and companions might care (or even approve - hey more credits).
 False Positives

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

A guard has put people in danger to help out her boss and agitated the dangerous Ashta in Akila. The player says they won't do anything if they are bribed.
 False Positives

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

A guard has put people in danger to help out her boss and agitated the dangerous Ashta in Akila. The player says they will cover up her mistake.
 The Akila Run

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has just agreed to smuggle an unknown item from HopeTown to Akila City from an extremely shady character named Mr. Sood. Who knows what's being transported.
 Defensive Measures

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player seems willing to commit some serious mischief to help a scientist test something that could help Akila City out.

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player has just finished dealing with two bounty hunters who were harassing a retreat to help the formerly incarcerated and was asked by its silent founder "What do you think could've been done to prevent this?" The player then replied "I think letting criminals run around in a place like this is a terrible idea."
 Distilling Confidence

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

 Distilling Confidence

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Captain's Bounty

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

A Tracker thinks the player is Captain Faheem and has asked the player to give up. In this case, the player tries to bribe the Tracker off to avoid a fight.
 Red Tape Reclamation

 Likes (+25 Affinity)

Hank stole the new mining equipment because he was pissed at how the other miners treated him. He led the player to his ship out in the Martian wilds and proceeded to turn a gun on them. The player successfully talked Hank out of killing them. Now the player can choose to convince Hank to turn himself in to security (GetStageDone 860) or they can tell Hank they'll lie for him and paint Hank as a hero who found the stolen goods (GetStageDone 830).
 Red Tape Reclamation

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Hank stole the new mining equipment because he was pissed at how the other miners treated him. He led the player to his ship out in the Martian wilds and proceeded to turn a gun on them. The player successfully talked Hank out of killing them. Now the player can choose to convince Hank to turn himself in to security (GetStageDone 860) or they can tell Hank they'll lie for him and paint Hank as a hero who found the stolen goods (GetStageDone 830).
 Red Tape Reclamation

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Hank stole the new mining equipment because he was pissed at how the other miners treated him. He led the player to his ship out in the Martian wilds and proceeded to turn a gun on them. The player has chosen to either attack Hank instead of trying to talk him out of it (GetStageDone 840 == 1) or failed their speech challenge and Hank attacked the player (GetStageDone 840 == 0). In either case, the player has just killed Hank.
 Missed the Mark

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The player and a kidnap victim are in the process of confronting their captor. The captor has asked the player to leave and let the captor kill the victim in exchange for a pile of credits. The player has refused, siding with the victim.
 Missed the Mark

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player and a kidnap victim are in the process of confronting their captor. The captor has asked the player to leave and let the captor kill the victim in exchange for a pile of credits. The player has agreed, siding with the captor and allowing the captor to kill the victim.
 Matters of the Hart

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Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Matters of the Hart

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
Cora's dialogue when Sam is a companion

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity)

Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
 Keeper Aquilus Return

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Keeper Aquilus and the Player are discussing the fact that Aquilus and the Hunter are versions of the same person. The player says their head hurts with all this multiverse alternate versions of people talk.
 Keeper Aquilus Return

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Keeper Aquilus asks the player if they'll keep hunting the Artifacts and eventually enter the Unity. Player says yes they will.
 Keeper Aquilus Return

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Keeper Aquilus asks the player if they'll keep hunting the Artifacts and eventually enter the Unity. Player says they don't want to, but they can't let the Starborn get them all either.
 Keeper Aquilus Return

 Dislikes (-15 Affinity)

The player recognizes that Keeper Aquilus, who previously asked the player to talk to all the major spiritual groups, did so to teach them a lesson about the Unity. Player says they learned that Aquilus was teaching them there are multiple perspectives on the Unity, just like the spiritual groups have perspectives on life.
 Keeper Aquilus Return

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The player recognizes that Keeper Aquilus, who previously asked the player to talk to all the major spiritual groups, did so to teach them a lesson about the Unity. Player cracks a joke about wise people never answering direct questions.
 Escape from the Endless Voyage

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Addressing Captain Diana Brackenridge. The player just traded a sack of potatoes to Captain Brackenridge to make up for the temporary loss of food production that the ECS Constant would face by letting Janet Yang go off by herself. Janet is now free to go. This was a generous, though strange deal. There's also the issue that the fragility of the ship's ecosystem: if letting one person go would impact them so much.
 Escape from the Endless Voyage

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Addressing Captain Diana Brackenridge. The player has successfully negotiated with Captain Brackenridge to allow Janet Yang to leave the ECS Constant, even though she insists that none of the other colonists leave the ship. Brackenridge is young and inexperienced, so letting her know she made the right choice here might help her.
 Wanted Guest

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Addressing the player. The player has successfully convinced a belligerent hotel guest to leave Paradiso peacefully via speech challenge instead of using violence.
 Wanted Guest

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Addressing Jiro. The player has returned to Jiro after helping him with a belligerent hotel guest. In this case, the player has subdued the guest through violence. There are two potential paths that led the player here. In this case, the player attacked first without trying a more diplomatic approach first. The companion might be upset with the player's approach especially since Jiro told them not to make a scene, but they might appreciate that at least the player didn't kill the guest.


  • Sam Coe is voiced by Elias Toufexis