Starfield:New Atlantis
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On the planet Jemison, in the Alpha Centauri System. | ||
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New Atlantis is the capital city of the United Colonies, located on the planet Jemison, in the Alpha Centauri System.
The city itself is a melting pot of every race, creed, and ethnicity of humanity.[1]
The city is divided into five main districts: the Spaceport, The Well, the Commercial District, the MAST District, and the Residential District. Each district, except the Well, feature the New Atlantis Transit which acts as transport for the players to move in between districts.
To learn more of New Atlantis and its history, see the lore article.
Commercial District[edit]
To edit this section: Commercial District People
MAST District[edit]
To edit this section: MAST District People
New Atlantis Spaceport[edit]
To edit this section: New Atlantis Spaceport People
Residential District[edit]
To edit this section: Residential District People
The Well[edit]
To edit this section: The Well People
Related Missions[edit]
A Break at Dawn: Help recover a stolen ring for UCSEC.
A Parting Gift: Deliver an old woman's letter to her penpal.
A Shipment for Salinas: Pick up a package for Vicente Salinas in order to do business with him.
A Tree Grows in New Atlantis: Help Kelton Frush recover his tree sensors.
Alternating Currents: Help Louisa confront Zoe at the Trade Authority about the brownouts.
An Invitation: Invite prior visitors of Sanctum Universum to return.
Beautiful Secrets: Find Warner's misplaced data slate.
Coffee Run: Get Donna Rain a cup of coffee.
- Diplomatic Immunity: Talk to Representative Chisolm
Distilling Confidence: Help Nyssa Marcano retrieve her shipment from the impound.
Drinks on the House: Help Nyssa find a missing friend who was scouting new locations for her business.
Gem Jealousy: Resolve a dispute between two collectors of antiques.
Keeping the Peace: Pick up a package from a dead drop.
Late Bloomer: Help Kelton Frush calm the tree and save the citizens of New Atlantis.
Liquid Assets: Find investors for Nyssa's growing business.
Olive Branch: Help a man in the Embassy District plant a symbol of peace.
Out On a Limb: Continue to help Kelton Frush with the trees by retrieving some data from a co-worker.
Primary Sources: Interview residents of the Well for SSNN.
Reliable Care: Retrieve some research notes for Nurse O'Shea
Search and Seizure: Investigate Yumi's suspicions of smugglers in the spaceport.
Spreading the News: Help Tommy Bitlow become a better reporter.
Suspicious Activities: Prevent a robbery at UC Surplus.
Tapping the Grid: Help Louisa Reyez investigate a power drain in the Well.
Terror Brew: Retrieve coffee beans from a wild predator
The Art Dealer: Pick up some artwork for Samson Cebrail.
The Boot: Dispose of some allegedly cursed boots.
The Kindness of Strangers: Do a good deed for the Enlightened.
Two Tales, Two Cities: Track down a vandal for Sergeant Yumi in the MAST District.
Location Scenes[edit]
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis01Scene |
- Well, Miss Andreja. It's nice to see you on your feet. Much better than the last time you were here.
- Yes. Thank you again for your assistance.
- I'm just glad I was able to help. A stab wound like that, I would've expected you'd have gone to Reliant Medical. Far more resources there.
- No, it is fine. Your medical care was more than adequate.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis02Scene |
- Ah, she returns! It is so good to see you again.
- Please, I have told you I do not want a fuss...
- Nonsense! You have a gift, and it must be celebrated! I gave your suggestion to the chef, and the panache is so, so much better for it. I cannot make it fast enough.
- I am glad, but you do not need to mention it every time I come in.
- I will thank you until the stars themselves burn out, my dear. Truly, you have a gift.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis03 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis03Scene |
- Hey, Andreja! How did those knives work out for you?
- Disappointing, Antonio. The blades chip too easily. Tend to get stuck in bones.
- Yikes. That's... Uhh, that's too bad.
- Agreed. I would talk to your supplier, if I were you.
- Right, well... You know how it is. No real "supplier" here, just whatever I can scrounge up. But I'll keep it in mind.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis04 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis04Scene |
- Miss Andreja, back again. Just window shopping?
- Yes. I just like to see my options, especially if there is anything new.
- Oh, I know. You're more than welcome to look around, and if anything new does come in, I'll be sure and tell you.
- Thank you.
- More than welcome. I always appreciate a customer who knows what they want, even if they look more than they buy.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis05 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis05Scene |
- You. What'd I tell you last time?
- ...To stop breaking your customers arms?
- Yeah, something like that. Bad for business.
- It was only the once. Okay, no, twice. Still, I did not start it.
- Yeah, yeah. Just... Quit it.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01 |
- Sam Coe.
- Oh no, not you. Nadia?
- You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.
- My heart's with Constellation.
- I need an off-the-record confirmation on some old business dealings your father engaged in.
- I will under no circumstances be an anonymous source. I don't know how to make that clearer.
- Jacob Coe's crimes, alleged, put your checkered past to shame. You have a duty-
- We're done here. Permanently.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02 |
- Hello, Mr. Hollifeld.
- Mr. Coe. A pleasure to see you.
- I assume you're here about your...
- Yeah, I got my payment. What that leaves three left?
- That's right. Listen, you've been so good about getting caught up - that the Bank's happy to offer you more credit.
- If you need another ship upgrade, or what-not.
- No, I'm trying to clean out all my debt. Every last bit.
- Good for you!
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01 |
- Sarah! It's been a while. You back to sort out some requisition issues for Constellation?
- I'm hurt. For all you know, I'm here to spend time with an old friend and reminisce about days gone by.
- Oh, no you don't. You're trying to take advantage of our friendship so I'll cut you a deal. *Chuckles*
- I never could fool you, Wen. *Laughs*
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02 |
- Hello, Cornelius.
- Ms. Morgan!
- About that spacesuit order... I must apologize again. The faulty recirculating pumps were clearly a manufacturing defect...
- Relax. Constellation's been buying from Outland for what, a decade? I know you're good for it. I'm just here to shop.
- Yes, of course... of course. Take your time. We do appreciate your - Constellation's - business.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis03 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene03 |
- If it isn't Sarah Morgan. And here I was having such a nice day.
- Still bitter, Zoe? I thought the Trade Authority had nothing to do with that hauler full of mech components.
- Oh it's nothing to me, but I'm sure someone lost a lot of credits on that mess.
- It's a shame you had to go and get security involved.
- I might not have, but someone used a stolen Constellation clearance code to try and bypass contraband scans.
- Barrett spent two days in custody while I sorted it out..
- Mmm-hmm. Not the first or last time for him, I'm sure. You do keep such interesting company these days.
- Anyway, nice to see you.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis04 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene04 |
- Sarah Morgan! You know, I was just mentioning you to someone...
- Not this again, Nyssa. I'm fine. I really am.
- I'm just saying...
- None of those rocks you spend time digging up are going to keep you warm at night! I'm just looking out for you!
- I'm... warm enough, but thank you.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis05 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene05 |
- Sarah. Good to see you. Listen, I smoothed over that incident between Matteo and Rosa at the Sanctum.
- I'd hardly call it an "incident." More of a debate, really. But I appreciate it just the same.
- Not a problem. In the meantime, maybe you could tell him to take it down a notch?
- Can do. Thanks again, Sergeant.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis06 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene06 |
- How's business, Amoli?
- Sarah. Hi. Oh, you know... not as good as it should be, but I'm hoping that it picks up soon.
- Really? I feel like I see customers in here all the time.
- Yeah, but Gerhard says we're not coming out ahead. I guess I should just be glad he keeps a close eye on the books.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis07 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene07 |
- Sarah Morgan. It's been a while. How's the arm?
- It hasn't been the same since the war, but I can live with it. Thanks to you.
- Nonsense. If you're still experiencing a bit of pain, then let me at least prescribe you some medication.
- You know what, Doc? I like the pain, it reminds me of the past and things that should never be forgotten.
The generic population of New Atlantis has numerous comments they may make.
- The city put out a bulletin - they want everyone in town on the lookout for Leeches. Spread the word.
- Gotta run soon. I'm late to a meeting.
- Wouldn't want to live anywhere else!
- Nothing good comes from the Well.
- Dawn's Roost has the best food in the Settled Systems!
- Hope you're not agoraphobic.
- New Atlantis sure is... shiny.
- This place always surprises me.
- Always wondered what the inside of the Lodge looks like...
- Word of advice: Steer clear of the Well.
- Hope New Atlantis has been treating you well.
Under Attack[edit]
- Are we under attack? What's going on?
- Did you hear that commotion? I hope nobody is hurt...
- Maybe... maybe UC Security's just... doing a training exercise. That must be it.
- Was there... some kind of accident or something? No one's willing to talk.
- Had to cancel my meeting at the spaceport. Wonder what's going on.
- Did you hear that explosion earlier? Hope every one's all right.
Residential: Park Comment[edit]
- Resident 1: "So... what's the point?"
- Resident 2: "Of what?"
- Resident 1: "This? Is it some sort of art? A zen garden? What?"
- Resident 2: "It's a communal art installation. It's supposed to... look nice."
- Resident 1: "I guess. But I'm just saying you could have a whole batball field, or some food stands. Something useful."
- Resident 2: "It's always something with you."
Residential: Apollo Home Buyers[edit]
- Home Shopper 1: "Last stop. Apollo."
- Home Shopper 2: "My favorite."
- Home Shopper 1: "And we can afford it? Mercury is much cheaper."
- Home Shopper 2: "Got the mortgage approval signed and ready with GalBank. Apollo's got the best view of the city. And it's closer to NAT."
- Home Shopper 1: "Like by 30 feet!"
- Home Shopper 2: "Like I said, it's closer."
Residential: Athena Date Night[edit]
- Resident 1: "Last minute check. Breath?"
- Resident 2: "Check."
- Resident 1: "Shower? Hair?"
- Resident 2: "Check and double check."
- Resident 1: "Lucky shirt?"
- Resident 2: "It's never let me down."
- Resident 1: "You are ready for some shock and awe, girlfriend. He won't know what hit him."
Residential: Sad Picnic[edit]
- Old Man: "Shayla would be 40 now."
- Old Woman: "You got to let her go. We got the other children, grandkids, too."
- Old Man: "But Shayla had such fire in her, she could've been anything."
- Old Woman: "I miss her, too, but... after the accident. It's a mercy she went the way she did."
- Old Man: "Even an extra day or two with her... That would've been the blessing."
Residential: Picnic at the Well[edit]
- Resident 1: "Nice day for a picnic."
- Resident 2: "I love it here."
- Resident 1: "Shame about Sam."
- Resident 2: "The Well's no place to raise your niece. I mean, if they pitched in a little we could buy them a small two bedroom... Maybe even three?"
- Resident 1: "Dennis is... Dennis. If we give him any money at all, it'll be gone who knows where before you could blink."
- Resident 2: "*sigh* A real shame about Sam."
Residential: New Job[edit]
- Resident 1: "Your first day tomorrow?"
- Resident 2: "Yeah, I officially passed my certificate. You're looking at a genuine spaceport technician."
- Resident 1: "Fancy! You making the large stacks of credits now?"
- Resident 2: "Oh, the largest."
- Resident 1: "Looks like we're eating at Dawn's Roost tomorrow night."
- Resident 2: "I was thinking maybe... Chunks?"
- Resident 1: "Be still my heart."
Residential: Roost Drink[edit]
- Patron 1: "I wonder if the Roost's dreamed up some new cocktail to try."
- Patron 2: "I might just stick with something on tap."
- Patron 1: "What's the fun in that?"
- Patron 2: "Remember the "Crimson Surprise?" It was almost pure vodka."
- Patron 1: "That was one hell of a night."
- Patron 2: "Lucky you. I don't remember anything after the second glass. Not one bit."
Residential: Drug Deal[edit]
- Shady Woman: "So this is the good stuff. Straight from Neon."
- Shady Man: "It better be for the price you're asking."
- Shady Woman: "Security's tight. This might be all that's here in New Atlantis. And when it's gone, it's gone."
- Shady Man: "I don't know. Hmm."
- Shady Woman: "Just don't take all day."
Residential: Scenic View / Earth[edit]
- Resident 1: "New Atlantis is something else. The pride of humanity."
- Resident 2: "It's sad."
- Resident 1: "Sad? It's gorgeous, just look at it."
- Resident 2: "No, I mean... Yes. More that there was a time when Earth had dozens, hundreds of cities like this. Paris, DC, Shanghai. And now..."
- Resident 1: "My teacher said we lost billions when the Earth fell. And we really haven't fully recovered yet.
- Resident 2: "Maybe one day."
Residential: Nervous Patient[edit]
- Patient: "You know, I'm not feeling that bad."
- Husband: "We have an appointment, you're seeing the doctor. That's it."
- Patient: "I... Maybe some other time. I have that report that's due."
- Husband: "I talked to your boss, she agreed that you need to take care of yourself. I know it's tough, honey. But a lot of times the earlier they catch something the better it is."
- Patient: "You're right. I know you're right. I just wish they wouldn't keep us waiting so long."
Residential: Thrift Store[edit]
- Shopper 1: "With the consignment shop closed, I guess I have to go to EIT."
- Shopper 2: "What's wrong with that? EIT is the best."
- Shopper 1: "It's just full of trendy nonsense."
- Shopper 2: "Are you saying my wardrobe is nonsense?"
- Shopper 1: "Sorry, the prices are... very high."
- Shopper 2: "Well, at least your clothes won't smell."
Residential: Interceptor Review[edit]
- Resident 1: "That movie was epic."
- Resident 2: "Definitely better than the last Interceptor."
- Resident 1: "But why did they replace the Handler? I thought the actress was amazing."
- Resident 2: "She turned them down. She apparently signed on to do some Shakespeare film. King Lear, I think?"
- Resident 1: "How many damned versions of Shakespeare do we need? I mean after Kincaid's King Lear, why bother, right?"
- Resident 2: "Huh? You have hidden depths, my friend."
Residential: Tired Dads[edit]
- Parent 1: "So after an hour of whining they're finally out here."
- Parent 2: "They're just sitting on the grass! They should be playing."
- Parent 1: "Do you want to go another three rounds with them?"
- Parent 2: "*sigh* There's slides... like right there!"
- Parent 1: "At least they're outside."
Residential: Chunks Line Frustration[edit]
Customer One can say one of the follow:
- "There are so many options..."
- "What am I in the mood for today?"
- "Let me see... There's no peanuts in that... Hmmm."
- "I wish there was a value meal option."
- "Hmmm... How many calories is that...?"
The Chunks Employee will respond:
- "There are other customers waiting, sir?"
- "If you can't decide, maybe move to the side...?"
- "If I've answered each and every question, may I help...? *sigh*"
- "You really should decide. Please."
- "The nutritional information is that same for all Chunks, sir."
Commercial: Terrabrew Franchise[edit]
- Executive 1: "As you can see, traffic is good. The sales keep climbing."
- Executive 2: "And there are two locations in New Atlantis?"
- Executive 1: "Yes, and the sales in the first didn't dip at all when the second store opened."
- Executive 2: "Impressive."
- Executive 1: "Times change. But one thing's constant: people need coffee."
- Executive 2: "I need to report back, but... this is very encouraging."
Commercial: New Infinity Employee[edit]
- Employee 1: "Don't be nervous. You got this."
- Employee 2: "Easy for you to say, Top-of-the-Class."
- Employee 1: "Infinity is huge, like staggeringly huge. They need people like you. Even with your grades."
- Employee 2: "Yeah, I'm sure a Junior Assistant is vital."
- Employee 1: "It's your foot in the door. Show initiative, positive attitude, and the sky's the limit."
- Employee 2: "I could see how you made head cheerleader."
- Employee 1: "Goooo Timberwolves!"
- Employee 2: "*laugh*"
Commercial: Barron Fangirl[edit]
- Guard: "You can't go in. You just can't."
- Fangirl: "But David's my friend. He writes me."
- Guard: "I hate to break it to you, but his PA is the one who signs all those cards and headshots. Mr. Barron's a very busy and important man."
- Fangirl: "But I came all this way."
- Guard: "Aww... Listen, I might be able to hook you up with some merch. Maybe get you a ticket to a speaking gig he's got. That's all I can do."
- Fangirl: "You are the... BEST!"
Commercial: Gardener[edit]
- Gardener 1: "Just look at it. It took years to get it looking just like this."
- Gardener 2: "Whatever you say."
- Gardener 1: "I know you think this is a joke of a job. But keeping the grounds immaculate, you can take pride in it."
- Gardener 2: "Nobody cares. Nobody's looking at it."
- Gardener 1: "These greens are the heart of the Commercial District. And if it's clean, if it's thriving, so does New Atlantis."
- Gardener 2: "I'm just here for the paycheck."
- Gardener 1: "*chuckle* You'll come around. You'll see."
Commercial: Enhance Partygirl[edit]
- Resident 1: "Wow. You look completely different."
- Resident 2: "*laugh* It's me."
- Resident 1: "I mean, you look great -- but isn't it going to confuse him? He won't even recognize you."
- Resident 2: "I'll be mysterious. Oooh."
- Resident 1: "Zoey, you are one in a million."
- Resident 2: "Maybe for our third date, I'll be a red-head."
Commercial: Loan Pitch at GalBank[edit]
- Businesswoman: "Can we run through it one more time?"
- Businessman: "You can over rehearse. It'll sound canned. We got to keep it loose."
- Businesswoman: "But I keep stumbling over the third quarter projections."
- Businessman: "We've been over it a million times. They won't care about a flawless presentation. What they will care about is the projected P/L. And we got that covered."
- Businesswoman: "We're going to own this meeting!"
- Businessman: "That's the spirit!"
Commercial: Outland Trackers[edit]
- Tracker 1: "I feel... under dressed."
- Tracker 2: "*chuckle* Yeah, I don't know why they set up shop here. They'd be better off in Neon. But Outland's used to people like us."
- Tracker 1: "So the hardware's worth the trip?"
- Tracker 2: "Best in the Settled Systems. Expensive as hell, but once you are kitted out we can go after the big bounties."
- Tracker 1: "I just wish everyone wasn't staring at us."
- Tracker 2: "Screw them. Let's do some business."
Commercial: Burned Out[edit]
- Husband: "The kids miss you."
- Businesswoman: "The project has to be done this quarter. Our back is against the wall."
- Husband: "But surely you can take a day off. Everyone needs to recharge."
- Businesswoman: "It's not mandatory, but people notice who's there and who's not. We nail this and careers are going to change. And the bonus."
- Husband: "I know, I know. I just... hope it's worth it."
- Businesswoman: "I... I can stay for a little while longer. It's just three more days."
Commercial: Fancy Dinner[edit]
- Resident 1: "They'll have our table ready soon."
- Resident 2: "Did we have to come early? You know they'll be late."
- Resident 1: "It's a matter of courtesy."
- Resident 2: "We always wind up waiting forever, though."
- Resident 1: "There are worse fates than eating appetizers at the Whetstone, love."
- Resident 2: "*sigh* Well, I'll try to not fill up on their bread plate."
Commercial: Red Mile Fans[edit]
- Businesswoman: "That Neon fella... I missed it. How'd it go?"
- Businessman: "Barely made it off the starting line then WHAM. Dead."
- Businesswoman: "Haha. Looks like I didn't miss anything."
- Businessman: "That's the Red Mile for you, never can tell."
- Businesswoman: "I heard a rumor Donovan Rhys is gonna run again."
- Businessman: "I call bullshit. That rumors been circulating for months. He's retired."
- Businesswoman: "Too bad, his runs were the best."
- Businessman: "No argument here."
Commercial: Corpo Romeo & Juliet[edit]
- Businesswoman: "Were you seen?"
- Businessman: "It's not like we're doing anything wrong. Or illegal."
- Businesswoman: "If my boss found out I was dating someone from... you know."
- Businessman: "We never, ever, talk about work. Or any trade secret stuff. It's none of their business what I do in my personal life."
- Businesswoman: "Tell that to me when I get fired."
- Businessman: "So... this is it... You want to end it?"
- Businesswoman: "No, nonono. I just... worry."
- Businessman: "It'll be okay."
- "This is a colony war memorial." --As you approach an enigmatic eternal flame, a robot resembling the Type-A bipedal chassis developed by Lunar Robotics shares this poignant detail. The presence of such a memorial implies the occurrence of a significant and impactful conflict on New Atlantis, underscoring the importance of the battle that took place.
- Design Director Emil Pagliarulo described the city as "in a lot of ways... a true reflection of the future of our world".