Starfield:Dr. Alexei Lebedev

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Dr. Alexei LebedevAid
(00014E4B, 00012487)
Location SF-mapicon-Aid Vendor.svg Reliant Medical (map)
Editor ID UC_NA_DoctorLebedev
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 00014E4B BaseID 00012487
Credits Credit.png2,600 (Small)
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, FFRClinic01Faction, NewAtlantisFaction, Reliant Medical, Faction that turns on healing services top level dialogue
Dr. Alexei Lebedev

Dr. Alexei Lebedev is a doctor who works at Reliant Medical in New Atlantis. Talia O'Shea will ask you retrieve some notes from him.

He wears a standard Reliant Medical Uniform. He will carry a firearm with ammo for defense, along with some credits. He can also carry some type of food.

When meeting him for the first time he will say:

"Welcome to Reliant. If you're in need of medical assistance, or require supplies, I'm sure we can accommodate you."

If you are wounded, he will continue by saying:

"Well, judging by the looks of you, you're in need of some medical attention. We can certainly help."

You can speak to him about a few topics:

You must see a lot of patients.
"Of course! New Atlantis is a big place. Lots of people, which means no shortage of injuries, communicable diseases... But we're well-staffed and do our best to accommodate anyone who needs help."
Tell me more about Reliant Medical.
"Well, everyone knows Reliant. Largest medical provider in the Settled Systems. They've spent decades advancing medical science with their research division, and have built an entire supply network to keep us all healthy. I've always been quite proud to work here."

Related Missions[edit]

Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis07
Scene: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene07

Dr. Alexei Lebedev:

Sarah Morgan. It's been a while. How's the arm?

Sarah Morgan:

It hasn't been the same since the war, but I can live with it. Thanks to you.


Nonsense. If you're still experiencing a bit of pain, then let me at least prescribe you some medication.


You know what, Doc? I like the pain, it reminds me of the past and things that should never be forgotten.
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