Starfield:Tommy Bitlow

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Tommy Bitlow
(001829FB, 001829FC)
Location SF-mapicon-New Atlantis.svg New Atlantis Spaceport (map)
Editor ID RAD02_TommyBitlow
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 001829FB BaseID 001829FC
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction
Tommy Bitlow

Tommy Bitlow is an intern at SSNN in New Atlantis.

Related Missions[edit]


Key Meaning
🗣︎ talk more, loop
X End and Exit scene
[QB###] set quest flag ### before beginning
[QE###] set quest flag ### after ending
[Q:###?] quest flag ### is set?
[¬Q:###?] quest flag ### is not set?

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0025_TommyIntro
[QE10] "Hey! Hey you! You have a minute?"
"I need to talk to you!"


"You're the one that was on Vectera, right?"
"You flew in the... uhh... Frontier."
... Player Response
Yes. That's right. I knew it!
I have a different ship now. But that's accurate. Excellent, so glad I caught you.
It depends on who's asking and why.
"Tommy Bitlow, SSNN research... intern. Word is the Frontier was involved in an attack?"
"It's true, right? You saw some real action?"
... Player Response
Good people died and are injured. I'm so sorry. But, you're the first source I've ever met.
The Crimson Fleet attacked us, if that's what you mean by "action."
X Listen, I'm really busy. [QE25] Right, of course. This will take two seconds.
Just go to the SSNN building and talk to Nadia Muffaz, my boss.
She will pay you good money for an interview.
"This is great. Great! My boss, Nadia Muffaz, would kill to talk to you! An actual eyewitness."
"There's credits in it - for credible newsworthy information."
... Player Response
I could use the money. And easy money, too.
I'm not sure if I should be talking about this. Just share what you want then. All we want to know about is the attack itself.
🗣︎ Who is Nadia Muffaz? Everyone knows David Barron, the face and voice of SSNN, if you will.
But Nadia's in charge of all the research. All the best stories were written by her.
She's... really something.
"Just go to the SSNN building. It's not far."


[QE25] "Keep it up, Tommy! You're killing it."
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