
The Semi-Auto Eon outfitted with an extended magazine

Weapons are the most efficient way to deal with lifeforms and robots, hostile or otherwise. There are many different types of weapons in the Settled Systems to utilize and modify. Each weapon (excluding melee weapons and throwables) also has a damage type, which includes Ballistic, Laser, EM (electromagnetic) and Particle Beam.

Weapons differ from one another in 5 distinct ways: 1) Weapon Type, 2) Model, 3) Traits, 4) Modifications and 5) Tier Level.

Weapon TypesEdit

Unless playing in an Unarmed style, weapons are essential for delivering damage and prevailing over adversaries. That damage can be delivered through a variety of weapon types:

  • Pistols: examples are Eon, Sidestar
  • Rifles: Grendel, Maelstrom
  • Shotguns: Coachman, Pacifier
  • Heavy Weapons (grenade launchers, nail guns): Arc Welder, Cutter
  • Throwables (grenades, mines): Frag Grenade, Fragmentation Mine
  • Melee Weapons (daggers, swords): Combat Knife, Rescue Axe

Weapon TraitsEdit

Weapon traits are beneficial enhancements or buffs that are sometimes present on weapons the player acquires through looting, buying, stealing, or receiving as quest rewards. Traits appear randomly on spawned weapons, and unlike mods, are permanent and cannot be added or removed by the player.

Weapon traits belong to three categories or “slots”, and each weapon can have one trait from each slot, up to three total. Having three traits makes the weapon a “legendary”. Depending on how many traits appear on the weapon, it displays with a different color in inventory lists and containers:

  • 3 traits - Gold - “Legendary”
  • 2 traits - Purple - “Epic”
  • 1 trait - Blue - “Rare”
  • No traits - White - (no label)

Weapon traits are as follows:

Name Description ID
Slot 1 Anti-Personnel +10% damage against humans. 000FF442
Bashing Deals double damage when gun bashing. 000FEA07
Berserker Does more damage the less armor one has.
  • 0-49 Phys Resist - +50% dmg
  • 50-99 Phys Resist - +40% dmg
  • 100-149 Phys Resist - +30% dmg
  • 150-199 Phys Resist - +20% dmg
  • 200-249 Phys Resist - +10% dmg
  • 250+ Phys Resist - +5% dmg
Cornered Damage increases as health decreases.
  • 90%-100% (-1 health) health - +5% dmg
  • 80%-90% health - +10% dmg
  • 70%-80% health - +15% dmg
  • 60%-70% health - +20% dmg
  • 50%-60% health - +25% dmg
  • 40%-50% health - +30% dmg
  • 30%-40% health - +35% dmg
  • 20%-30% health - +40% dmg
  • 10%-20% health - +45% dmg
  • 0%-10% health - +50% dmg
Disassembler +20% damage against robots. 001625EB
Extended Magazine Doubles the base magazine capacity. 000FFA3B
Exterminator +30% damage against aliens. 0015DD18
Furious Adds +5% dmg boost per consecutive hit, maxing out at +30% dmg boost after 7 shots in a row. 000EA117
Instigating Deals double damage to targets with full health. 000F2013
Oxygenated Hold-breath time when aiming using a scoped weapon is increased. 00FAEAB
Space-Adept +30% damage while in space, and -15% damage while on a planet. 000F7321
Slot 2 Corrosive 8% chance (per shot) to apply corrosive status, with a cooldown of 12 seconds before it can occur again.

Corrosive deals an additional 15% of the target's max health as Energy Damage over 6 seconds and reduces Physical and Energy Resistance by 35% during those 6 seconds.

Crippling Deals +30% damage on the next attack after hitting a target's limbs. 000F2E39
Handloading Damage is randomized, with some rounds doing no damage and others doing more than double damage. On average, will deal 15-255 more damage than standard weapons. 000EA0BA
Hitman +15% damage while aiming. 00122F1C
Incendiary 8% chance (per shot) to apply incendiary status, with a cooldown of 12 seconds before it can occur again.

Incendiary deals and additional ~12% of the target's max health as damage over 6 seconds, then another 24% over 4 seconds.

Lacerate 8% chance (per shot) to apply bleed status, with a cooldown of 12 seconds before it can occur again (robots are immune).

Bleed deals 30% of the target's max health as damage over 6 seconds. Additional bleed effects do not stack but restart the 6 second timer.

Med Theft 5% Chance that humans drop two Med Packs on death. 000FFA3C
Poison 8% chance (per shot) to apply poison status, with a cooldown of 12 seconds before it can occur again.

Poison deals 30% max health as Energy Dmg over 10 seconds and reduces target speed by 40%.

Radioactive Randomly deals radioactive damage and demoralizes the target. 00EA13B
Rapid +25% increase in attack speed. 000FEA04
Staggering 8% chance (per shot) to apply staggered status, with no cooldown. Stagger temporarily (slightly over one second) stops the enemy from moving or doing any action. 000E8D64
Slot 3 Concussive 8% chance (per shot) to knock down enemies, with no cooldown. Knocked down enemies take approximately 6 seconds to stand back up. 000FBD3C
Demoralizing 8% chance (per shot) to demoralize the target, causing them to run away. 000FC884
Elemental Randomly deals Corrosive, Radiation, Poison, and Incendiary damage. 0031C0C5
Explosive Small to switch to explosive rounds. Explosive rounds have a slightly higher damage, small chance to stagger the enemy, and small AoE range. 000FA8D6
Frenzy Small chance to frenzy a target. 000FC8A4
One Inch Punch Fires 4 projectiles per shot (with no increase in ammo usage). Reduces range, fire rate, and accuracy by 50%. Each projectile retains the same damage and chance for other effects. 000F4CF0
Shattering +15% dmg boost and ignores 30% of all types of Dmg Resistance. 000F4557
Skip Shot Every fourth shot fires two projectiles at once. 0031C0C4
Tesla 20% chance (per shot) for projectile to have tesla effect, with no cooldown. Tesla effect is an AoE effect that does 4.5% of max HP over 4 seconds. 0031C0C6
Titanium Build Reduces weight of weapon by 95%. 000FFA3D
  • There are 3 unused weapon traits:
    • Lawful — A slot 1 trait. +20% damage to Spacer and Ecliptic enemies.
    • Chilling — A slot 2 trait. Chance to freeze target.
    • Swashbuckling — A slot 2 trait. Human enemies drop more credits.

Weapon ModificationsEdit

Weapon modifications (mods) are beneficial enhancements the player can install on their weapons at a Weapon Workbench to cause more damage, faster damage, better aim or to otherwise improve performance. Modded weapons can also appear in normal loot. Mods are grouped into slots: barrel mods, muzzle mods, grip mods, and so on. To install a mod, the player must first learn about that type of mod by completing research at a Research Laboratory. Higher levels of weapons mod research require assigning points into the Weapon Engineering skill. Once a certain class of mod has been researched, those mods can from then on be installed at a Weapons Workbench.

Weapon slots and their corresponding modifications include:

  • Barrel: Short Barrel, Standard Barrel, Extended Barrel, Long Barrel, Stabilizing Barrel, Tech Barrel.
  • Laser: Laser Sight, Recon Laser Sight, no mod.
  • Optic: Iron Sights, Glow Sights, Reflex Sight, Short Scope, Medium Scope, Long Scope, Recon Scope.
  • Muzzle: Compensator, Muzzle Brake, Suppressor, Stealth Lasers, Shock Charge Band, no mod.
  • Grip and Stock: Standard Grip, Tactical Grip, Standard Stock, Ergonomic Stock, Stabilizing Stock.
  • Magazine and Battery: Small Magazine, Standard Magazine, Large Magazine, Tactical Magazine, Small Battery, Standard Battery, Large Battery, Tactical Battery, Explosive Rounds, Armor-Piercing Rounds, Depleted Uranium Rounds, Penetrator Rounds, Whitehot Rounds.
  • Cover: Removed Cover, Standard Cover, Amplifier.
  • Internal: Hair Trigger, High Velocity, High Powered, Overclocked, Precision Tuning, no mod.
  • Receiver: Semi-Automatic, Binary Trigger, Burst Fire, Fully Automatic.
  • Skin: default skin.

Note: Not all mod variants are available on every weapon type. For example, melee mods don't appear as an option for ranged weapons, laser-specific mods aren't shown for ballistic weapons, some rifle barrels cannot apply to revolvers, etc.

Weapon TiersEdit

When the game spawns a weapon it does so with a quality tier, loosely correlated with player level. All tiers of a weapon look identical, but higher tiers have increased damage and monetary value. As the player progresses better tier weapons will naturally start to appear in-game.

Higher is better:

  • Tier 4 — "Advanced"
  • Tier 3 — "Refined"
  • Tier 2 — "Calibrated"
  • Tier 1 — The basic tier with no name mentioned.

Melee Weapons also have tiers of different names:

  • Tier 4 — "Quantum-Edged"
  • Tier 3 — "Honed"
  • Tier 2 — "Sharpened"
  • Tier 1 — The basic tier with no name mentioned.

The name of the weapon generally indicates what tier it is. For example an "Advanced Regulator" pistol is a tier 4 weapon which does approximately 100 PHYS damage per shot and has a weapon value above 11000, while a tier 1 "Regulator" pistol only does 35 PHYS damage and has a base value of 4450.

Most weapons have all 4 tiers available, however the Eon, Equinox, Rattler, and Sidestar, only have tiers 1-3 available. Other weapons only have the first tier available, for example the Novablast Disruptor.

Every weapon has its own set of tiers available for attachment. You can view a complete list on the Object Modificiations page.

Weapon Naming ConventionsEdit

Weapon names are formed by combining the name of the last-slotted Trait (if present), plus any Modifications, plus any Tier name, plus Model Name. (Last-slotted means visually in the list of traits: slot 3 trait if present, else slot 2 trait, else slot 1 trait, else none.)

Weapon Name = [Trait] + [Mods] + [Tier] + Model


  • Eon: No Trait, no Mods, basic Tier, model name.
  • Refined Eon: No Trait, no Mods, Refined Tier, model name.
  • Explosive Assassin's Equinox: Legendary (gold) because of 3 Traits: Anti-Personnel, Lacerate and Explosive; the final trait forms the prefix "Explosive." "Assassin's" because of suppressor and maybe other mods. "Equinox" because it's the model name.
  • Extended Mag Commander's Advanced AA-99 Rifle: Only one Trait (blue): Extended Magazine, so "Extended Mag" prefix. "Commander's" because of certain mods. "Advanced" because it is Tier 4 Advanced. "AA-99 Rifle" is the model name.
  • Lacerate Modified Calibrated Grendel: Two traits so Epic (purple): Extended Magazine and Lacerate which is last slot so "Lacerate". "Modified" because of the presence of several mods, which are not spelled out in the title. "Calibrated" because it is Tier 2 Calibrated. Grendel is the Model Name.

Weapon ManufacturersEdit


  • Advanced-level weapons will appear in stores many levels sooner than they would normally drop in-game. They will usually be expensive, and often worth it.
  • Some Advanced-level weapons like the Solstice, AA-99 and Urban Eagle can be found at abandoned structures (UC listening posts and Helium-3 mines) before you're high enough level to buy them.
  • Removing a mod from a weapon in Starfield actually destroys the mod, unlike in Fallout 4 where removing a mod will bank it for later reuse.

Weapon ModelsEdit

Name (ID) Type Ammo     Damage Manufacturer



11mm Caseless

  11mm Caseless
3.00 7865   17   Allied Armaments

Arc Might Plasma Cutter

Arc Might Plasma Cutter

3kV LZR Cartridge

  3kV LZR Cartridge
5.30 3065   18 Arc Might

Arc Welder

  Arc Welder

3kV LZR Cartridge

  3kV LZR Cartridge
4.200000 2450   16   Griplite



12.5mm ST Rivet

  12.5mm ST Rivet
4.500000 7640   112   Construx Manufacturing

Barrow Knife

  Barrow Knife
Melee 0.340000 1220   116



7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
2.80 4820   36   Combatech

Big Bang

  Big Bang

Heavy Fuse

  Heavy Fuse
7.00 12870   32 +   94   Combatech



15x25 CLL Shell

  15x25 CLL Shell
7.30 6780   109   Allied Armaments



40mm XPL

  40mm XPL
5.500000 8190   127   Laredo



Caseless Shotgun Shell

  Caseless Shotgun Shell
3.000000 1650   52   Laredo

Combat Knife

  Combat Knife
Melee 0.360000 505   16   United Colonies


Heavy 4.00 475   4   BRACE Corp

Drum Beat

  Drum Beat

11mm Caseless

  11mm Caseless
3.300000 2735   8   Combatech



7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
0.550000 883   12   Combatech



3kV LZR Cartridge

  3kV LZR Cartridge
3.000000 1720   13   Combatech



7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
2.650000 1275   3   Combatech

Hard Target

  Hard Target

.50 Caliber Caseless

  .50 Caliber Caseless
8.700000 14650   (?)   Combatech



7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
2.25 5632   13   Combatech



6.5mm CT

  6.5mm CT
1.000000 680   3   Crimson Fleet



.50 Caliber Caseless

  .50 Caliber Caseless
3.60 2395   31   Laredo



6.5mm CT

  6.5mm CT
4.15 1100   4   Crimson Fleet



6.5mm MI

  6.5mm MI
3.70 13560   71   Kore Kinetics



.50 MI Array

  .50 MI Array
3.90 17721   10   Kore Kinetics



.43 MI Array

  .43 MI Array
2.00 11380   53   Kore Kinetics



6.5mm MI

  6.5mm MI
9.55 27790   223   Kore Kinetics



.50 MI Array

  .50 MI Array
12.00 19129   9   Kore Kinetics



7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
11.40 13519   9   Allied Armaments



40mm XPL

  40mm XPL
10.00 21200   165   Allied Armaments

Novablast Disruptor

  Novablast Disruptor

Heavy Fuse

  Heavy Fuse
2.70 4750   100   Arboron



Light Fuse

  Light Fuse
1.35 4620   8   Arboron

Old Earth Assault Rifle

  Old Earth Assault Rifle


3.500000 9620   (?) Old Earth Weapons

Old Earth Hunting Rifle

  Old Earth Hunting Rifle


3.15 5264   33 Old Earth Weapons

Old Earth Pistol

  Old Earth Pistol

.45 Caliber ACP

  .45 Caliber ACP
1.100000 4350   (?) Old Earth Weapons

Old Earth Shotgun

  Old Earth Shotgun

12g Shell

  12g Shell
3.600000 2870   (?) Old Earth Weapons



3kV LZR Cartridge

  3kV LZR Cartridge
4.700000 3075   27   Allied Armaments

Osmium Dagger

  Osmium Dagger
Melee 2.700000 2395   28



15x25 CLL Shell

  15x25 CLL Shell
2.750000 4590   (?)   Allied Armaments



.27 Caliber

  .27 Caliber
0.85 942   10   Laredo



7.5mm Whitehot

  7.5mm Whitehot
2.30 5300   61   Laredo



.43 Ultramag

  .43 Ultramag
0.70 4450   35   Laredo

Rescue Axe

  Rescue Axe
Melee 1.400000 650   17


Melee 0.400000 365   12



Caseless Shotgun Shell

  Caseless Shotgun Shell
2.95 6140   55   Combatech



.27 Caliber

  .27 Caliber
0.650000 825   12   Allied Armaments



1.5kV LZR Cartridge

  1.5kV LZR Cartridge
1.30 1960   10   Combatech


Melee 0.450000 3075   40



11mm Caseless

  11mm Caseless
5.350000 8733   38   Laredo

UC Naval Cutlass

  UC Naval Cutlass
Melee 1.400000 935   (?)   United Colonies

Urban Eagle

  Urban Eagle

.43 Ultramag

  .43 Ultramag
1.750000 4800   53   Allied Armaments

Va'ruun Inflictor

  Va'ruun Inflictor

Heavy Fuse

  Heavy Fuse
3.75 22500   38 +   113   House Va'ruun

Va'ruun Painblade

  Va'ruun Painblade
Melee 1.80 11260   90   House Va'ruun

Va'ruun Starshard

  Va'ruun Starshard

Light Fuse

  Light Fuse
1.00 18250   26 +   80   House Va'ruun


Melee 1.350000 6140   49



.45 Caliber ACP

  .45 Caliber ACP
1.100000 8200   36

Unique WeaponsEdit

Name (ID) Type Ammo     Damage Variant of

Ace Sidearm

  Ace Sidearm

.27 Caliber

  .27 Caliber
1.70 13592   89 Sidestar

Acid Rain

  Acid Rain

7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
2.4 9079   3 Grendel



.43 Ultramag

  .43 Ultramag
2.4 18911   53 Regulator



Ashta Tamer

  Ashta Tamer

40mm XPL

  40mm XPL
6.70 33617   307 Bridger



6.5mm MI

  6.5mm MI
(?) (?)   (?) Magsniper

Blast Radius

Blast Radius
Big Bang

Boom Boom

  Boom Boom

Caseless Shell

Caseless Shell
3.75 (?)   50 Shotty

Brute Force

Brute Force




2.4 11130 Razorback



Despondent Assassin

Despondent Assassin
Old Earth Hunting Rifle

Eldritch Horror

Eldritch Horror



.43 Ultramag

  .43 Ultramag
1.0 (?)   66 Regulator


Laser Pistol

1.5kV LZR Cartridge

  1.5kV LZR Cartridge
0.550000 200   8 Solstice

Eternity's Gate

  Eternity's Gate
Particle Beam Rifle

Heavy Fuse

  Heavy Fuse
5.10 11249   17 +   50 Va'ruun Inflictor

Experiment A-7

  Experiment A-7

15x25 CLL Shell

  15x25 CLL Shell
6.90 14965   119 Breach




2.19 14555   21 Tombstone

Fiscal Quarter

Fiscal Quarter

Fortune's Glory

  Fortune's Glory
Melee (?) (?)   29 Osmium Dagger




5.15 33189   16 Old Earth Assault Rifle

Gallow's Reach

  Gallow's Reach


4.25 33189 Old Earth Assault Rifle

Head Ranger

Head Ranger

Heller's Cutter

  Heller's Cutter


4 712   4 Cutter

High Voltage

High Voltage





7.77mm Caseless

  7.77mm Caseless
5 16246 Beowulf

Jake's Hangover Cure

Jake's Hangover Cure
Big Bang





.43 MI

.43 MI
5.15 56046   177 Magshot

Live Wire

Live Wire

Long Distance Relationship

Long Distance Relationship
Hard Target


Urban Eagle

Memento Mori

  Memento Mori

.27 Caliber

  .27 Caliber
0.80 8041   102 Sidestar



.50 MI

.50 MI
6.9 48942   15 MagShear

N67 Smartgun

  N67 Smartgun


15.10 (?)   (?) Microgun




4.50 18947   17 AA-99

Peacemaker (Weapon)



(?) (?)   (?) Lawgiver

Pirate Legend

  Pirate Legend


5.5 9095   4 Maelstrom



.50 MI

.50 MI
12.5 45161   12 Magstorm

Power Beat

  Power Beat


4.1 9298   72 Drum Beat





15x25 CLL Shell

  15x25 CLL Shell
(?) (?)   (?) Breach

Reckless Bombardment

Reckless Bombardment


Va'ruun Inflictor



.50 MI

.50 MI
3.39 75716 MagShear

Riot Shotgun

Riot Shotgun

Scrap Metal

Scrap Metal
Arc Welder

Shattered Shock

Shattered Shock

Shipbreaker's Cutter

Shipbreaker's Cutter

Short Circuit

Short Circuit

Sir Livingstone's Pistol

  Sir Livingstone's Pistol

.45 Caliber

.45 Caliber
1.8 7612   37 Old Earth Pistol


Urban Eagle

Speachless Fire

Speachless Fire
Old Earth Hunting Rifle

Street Sweeper

  Street Sweeper


2,85 219   5 Kraken

Syndicate Enforcer (Weapon)

  Syndicate Enforcer
Melee (?) (?)   (?) Wakizashi



Terror Inflictor

Terror Inflictor
Va'ruun Starshard

The Buzzcut

  The Buzzcut


2.85 (?)   3 Grendel

The Cursed

The Cursed
Old Earth Shotgun

The Last Breath

The Last Breath
Hard Target

The Last Priest

  The Last Priest
Melee 1.80 20268   62 Va'ruun Painblade

The Mutineer

The Mutineer

The Prime

The Prime

The Spacer

  The Spacer
Particle Beam Pistol

Light Fuse

  Light Fuse
3.05 (?) Novalight

The Working Class

The Working Class

The Zapper

  The Zapper

.27 Caliber

  .27 Caliber
2.85 9284 Rattler



Unfair Advantage

Unfair Advantage

Unmitigated Violence

Unmitigated Violence

Unrestrained Vengeance

Unrestrained Vengeance

Vampire's Gift

Vampire's Gift

Vampire's Sidearm

Vampire's Sidearm
Old Earth Pistol

X-989 Microgun

X-989 Microgun

Complete Weapons ListEdit

Name FormID EditorID EquipType Weight Value Ammo Ammo Capacity
AA-99 0x002BF65B AA99 BothHandsLeftOptional 3 7150 11mm 25
Arc Welder 0x0026D965 ArcWelder BothHandsLeftOptional 4.2 2450 3kV LZR 100
Auto-Rivet 0x0026D964 AutoRivet BothHandsLeftOptional 4.5 7640 Rivet 10
Barrow Knife 0x0026F181 BarrowKnife BothHands 0.34 1220 0
Beowulf 0x0004716C Beowulf BothHandsLeftOptional 2.8 4850 7.77mm 30
Big Bang 0x0026D963 BigBang BothHandsLeftOptional 7 12870 Heavy Fuse 8
Breach 0x000547A3 Breach BothHandsLeftOptional 7.3 6780 15x25 CLL Shell 6
Bridger 0x0026D96A Bridger BothHandsLeftOptional 5.5 8190 40mm XPL 4
Coachman 0x0026D96B Coachman BothHandsLeftOptional 3 1650 Caseless Shell 2
Combat Knife 0x00035A48 CombatKnife BothHands 0.36 505 0
Cryo Mine 0x00389F34 CryoMine GrenadeSlot 0.4 575 0
Cutter 0x00016758 Cutter BothHandsLeftOptional 4 475 Cutter 30
Discarded Sidestar 0x002F413A FFNeonZ10_Sidestar BothHandsLeftOptional 0.65 790 .27 Caliber 17
Drum Beat 0x0018DE2C DrumBeat BothHandsLeftOptional 3.3 2735 11mm 30
Ecliptic Pistol 0x0026D96E OLD_Ecliptic BothHandsLeftOptional 1 45 11mm XPL 10
Ember 0x00295EFC RI03_Eon_MalaiLiskovaGun BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 200 7.77mm 12
Eon 0x000476C4 Eon BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 750 7.77mm 12
Equinox 0x0001BC4F EquiNOX BothHandsLeftOptional 3 1720 3kV LZR 20
Frag Grenade 0x000115EF FragGrenade GrenadeSlot 0.2 350 0
Fragmentation Mine 0x0004A41A FragMine GrenadeSlot 0.3 415 0
Grendel 0x00028A02 Grendel BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1275 7.77mm 50
Hard Target 0x000546CC HardTarget BothHandsLeftOptional 8.7 14650 .50 Caliber 5
Impact Grenade 0x0026D89F ImpactGrenade GrenadeSlot 0.2 450 0
Incendiary Grenade 0x0026F180 IncendiaryGrenade GrenadeSlot 0.3 480 0
Inferno Mine 0x00389F33 InfernoMine GrenadeSlot 0.4 510 0
Kodama 0x00253A16 Kodama BothHandsLeftOptional 2.25 5120 7.77mm 30
Kraken 0x0021FEB4 Kraken BothHandsLeftOptional 1 680 6.5mm 25
Lawgiver 0x0002D7F4 Lawgiver BothHandsLeftOptional 3.6 2395 .50 Caliber 6
Maelstrom 0x002984DF Maelstrom BothHandsLeftOptional 4.15 1100 6.5mm 40
MagPulse 0x00023606 MagPulse BothHandsLeftOptional 3.7 13560 6.5mm MI 20
MagShear 0x0002EB3C MagShear BothHandsLeftOptional 3.9 16110 .50 MI 75
MagShot 0x0002EB42 MagShot BothHandsLeftOptional 2 11380 .43 MI 6
MagSniper 0x0002EB45 MagSniper BothHandsLeftOptional 9.1 19850 6.5mm MI 12
Magstorm 0x0026035E MagStorm BothHandsLeftOptional 12 17390 .50 MI 160
Microgun 0x000546CD Microgun BothHandsLeftOptional 11.4 12290 7.77mm 300
Negotiator 0x0026D970 Rocketlauncher BothHandsLeftOptional 10 21200 40mm XPL 8
Novablast Disruptor 0x0026D968 Novablast BothHandsLeftOptional 2.7 4750 Heavy Fuse 5
Novalight 0x0026D967 Novalight BothHandsLeftOptional 1.35 3850 Light Fuse 12
Old Earth Assault Rifle 0x0026ED2A RussianAssaultRifle BothHandsLeftOptional 3.5 9620 7.62mm 30
Old Earth Hunting Rifle 0x0021BBCD RussianHuntingRifle BothHandsLeftOptional 2.7 3760 9x39mm 20
Old Earth Pistol 0x0026D96C M1919 BothHandsLeftOptional 1.1 4350 .45 Caliber 9
Old Earth Shotgun 0x00278F74 pumpshotgun BothHandsLeftOptional 3.6 2870 12g Shell 6
Orion 0x002773C8 Orion BothHandsLeftOptional 4.7 3075 3kV LZR 30
Osmium Dagger 0x0026D966 OsmiumKnife BothHands 2.7 2395 0
Pacifier 0x002953F8 Pacifier BothHandsLeftOptional 2.75 4590 15x25 CLL Shell 7
Particle Grenade 0x0026D89E ParticleGrenade GrenadeSlot 0.4 575 0
Rattler 0x00040826 Rattler BothHandsLeftOptional 0.85 785 .27 Caliber 12
Razorback 0x00000FD6 Razorback BothHandsLeftOptional 2.3 5300 7.5mm 6
Regulator 0x0002CB5F Regulator BothHandsLeftOptional 0.7 4450 .43 Ultramag 8
Rescue Axe 0x0004F760 RescueAxe BothHands 1.4 650 0
Ripshank 0x0026D95E Gutter BothHands 0.4 365 0
Shotty 0x0026D960 Shotty BothHandsLeftOptional 2.95 6140 Caseless Shell 12
Shrapnel Grenade 0x0026D89D ShrapnelGrenade GrenadeSlot 0.3 450 0
Sidestar 0x0026D95D Sidestar BothHandsLeftOptional 0.65 825 .27 Caliber 17
Solstice 0x0026D961 Solstice BothHandsLeftOptional 1.1 1400 1.5kV LZR 16
Stun Mine 0x003C23E3 SleepGasMine GrenadeSlot 0.4 605 0
Tanto 0x0026D8A3 Tanto BothHands 0.45 3075 0
Tesla Pylon 0x00389F37 TeslaMine GrenadeSlot 0.5 675 0
Tombstone 0x0002EB36 Tombstone BothHandsLeftOptional 3.85 4100 11mm 20
Toxic Gas Mine 0x003C23E4 ToxicGasMine GrenadeSlot 0.4 575 0
UC Naval Cutlass 0x0026D8A5 Cutlass BothHands 1.4 935 0
Urban Eagle 0x0026D96D UrbanEagle BothHandsLeftOptional 1.75 4800 .43 Ultramag 7
Va'ruun Inflictor 0x0026D8A0 InflictorRifle BothHandsLeftOptional 3.75 22500 Heavy Fuse 20
Va'ruun Painblade 0x0026D8A2 PainBlade BothHands 1.8 11260 0
Va'ruun Starshard 0x0026D8A4 InflictorPistol BothHandsLeftOptional 1 18250 Light Fuse 12
Wakizashi 0x0026D8A1 Wakizashi BothHands 1.35 6140 0
XM-2311 0x0024561C XM2311 BothHandsLeftOptional 1.1 8200 .45 Caliber 9
NO NAME 0x003CB56C crModelA_Security_HeavyLeftGun LeftHand 7 45 3kV LZR 600000
NO NAME 0x003CB56D crModelA_Security_HeavyRightGun RightHand 7 45 3kV LZR 600000
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Spit 0x003E35C0 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Spit CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Spit 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Vomit 0x003E35C1 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Vomit CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Vomit 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Spit AoE Hazard 0x003E3C3C CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Spit_AoE_Hazard CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Spit AoE 0
Creature Ranged Attack Head Spit AoE Hazard 0x003E9B8E CreatureRangedAttack_Head_Spit_AoE_Hazard CreatureHead 3 45 Creature Spit AoE 0
CCT_DummyRace Unarmed Weapon 0x003FA128 UnarmedDummyRace CreatureBase 0 0 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth ExplosiveCloud 0x003FA256 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_ExplosiveCloud CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Explosive 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth NoxiousCloud 0x003FA257 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_NoxiousCloud CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Noxious 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Oxygen 0x003FA258 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Oxygen CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Oxygen 0
NO NAME 0x000001F4 UnarmedHuman BothHands 0 0 0
GasTrap Dummy 0x000001F6 GasTrapDummy 0 0 0
Pulse Laser 0x000021C6 SWL_Laser_SpaceTurret_Gatling DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 20
Targeting Laser 0x00003C6D DefensiveLaserBatteryWeapon_DummyFire DefaultSlot 3 0 AmmoDefensiveLaserBatteryPulseLaserDummyFire 10000
Vanguard Tempest CE-13 Missile Launcher 0x0000424B SWA_Missile_Vanguard_Tempest_CE-13_UC01 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Vanguard Obliterator Autoprojector 0x0000424C SWA_Particle_Vanguard_Obliterator_Auto_UC01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 30
Vangaurd Hellfire Autocannon 0x0000424E SWB_Ballistic_Vanguard_Hellfire_Auto_UC01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 40
Vanguard Starseeker Pulse Laser 0x0000424F SWC_Laser_Vanguard_Starseeker_Auto_UC01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 15
Vanguard Ares Particle Cannon 0x00004250 SWC_Particle_Vanguard_Ares_Auto_UC01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 27
Mauler 104L cannon 0x00004543 SWA_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_104L_lvl04 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
UnarmedHopperA_Base 0x0000A1DA UnarmedHopperA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x00010C9D UnarmedModelA BothHands 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x00013D5C UnarmedModelS RightHand 0 0 0
UnarmedOctopedeA_Claw 0x000160E6 UnarmedOctopedeA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x000177E6 UnarmedCritter CreatureBase 0 0 0
Reza 45 GHz MW Pulse Laser 0x00018DE4 SWA_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_45_GHz_MW_Auto_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
Cannon 0x00018DF6 SpaceshipCannon01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 4
Pulse Laser Turret 0x00019562 SWL_Laser_SpaceTurret DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
Pulse Laser 0x0001BC22 SWL_Laser_Shinigami_800_3L3W3H_Turret DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 20
EM Cannon 0x0002318F SpaceshipEMCannon01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 4
PBO-300 alpha autoprojector 0x00025FB3 SWC_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-300_Alpha_Auto_turret_lvl34 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 24
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Turret 0x00025FB4 SWC_Particle_LightScythe_Obliterator_250MeV_Alpha_Turret_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 30
Marauder 115N railgun Turret 0x00025FB6 SWC_Ballistic_Horizon_Marauder_115N_Turret_lvl54 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 20
Dragon 261 SX Laser Turret 0x00025FB7 SWC_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_261_SX_Turret_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Fire 0x000297F6 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Fire CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Fire 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Ice 0x000297F7 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Ice CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Ice 0
Solar Flare Beam II 0x000307FC SWC_StarbornWeapon_SolarFlareBeam02_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 Beam ammo 25
Solar Flare Beam III 0x000307FD SWC_StarbornWeapon_SolarFlareBeam03_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 Beam ammo 25
Supernova II 0x000307FE SWC_StarbornWeapon_Supernova02_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 Supernova Ammo 0
Supernova III 0x000307FF SWC_StarbornWeapon_Supernova03_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 Supernova Ammo 0
CE-19 missile launcher 0x00030B30 UC01_SWA_Missile_Ballistic_CE-19 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
Grendel 0x00032D6A NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Grendel_Barrel_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
Grendel 0x00032D7A NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Grendel_Barrel_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
Orion NOT PLAYABLE 0x00035745 Orion_Hunter BothHandsLeftOptional 4.7 3075 3kV LZR 30
Scorch-S 80mw Laser Turret 0x000389CE SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Scorch-S_80mw_Auto_Turret_Experimental_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 12
NO NAME 0x00045EC5 UnarmedModelT RightHand 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Base 0x00050302 UnarmedQuadrupedA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Base 0x000547A0 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Base CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Rock 0
CreatureTailRangedAttack 0x0005638F CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Tail_Base CreatureRangedTail 3 45 Creature Rock 0
Grendel 0x00057196 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Breach_Receiver_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
Creature Floater Head Laser 0x0005817C CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Floater_Head_Laser CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 0
Creature Tail Grenade 0x0005817D CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Tail_Grenade CreatureRangedTail 16 100 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Electric Arc 0x00064981 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_ElectricArc CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Electric Arc 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth1 Pod 0x00064982 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Pod CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Pod 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth1 Quill 0x00064984 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Quill CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Quill 0
UnarmedFlyerA_Claw 0x00069F22 UnarmedFlyerA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedFlyerA_Head 0x00069F23 UnarmedFlyerA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
Creature Mouth Laser 0x0006D58F CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Mouth2_Laser CreatureRangedMouth2 3 45 0
CE-19 missile launcher 0x00076EDE SWA_Missile_Ballistic_CE-19_lvl44 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Gravity Torpedo 0x00087590 SWC_StarbornWeapon_GravityTorpedo02_lvl40 DefaultSlot 3 0 Gravity Torpedo 4
Supernova 0x00091151 SWC_StarbornWeapon_Supernova01_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 Supernova Ammo 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth1 Rock 0x00094D26 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Rock CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Rock 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Energy Orb 0x000B0AD0 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_EnergyOrb CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Energy Orb 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Sonic Blast 0x000B0AD1 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_SonicBlast CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Sonic Blast 0
Solar Flare Beam 0x000B2CCF SWC_StarbornWeapon_SolarFlareBeam01_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 Beam ammo 25
Disrupter 3340 alpha oscillator Turret 0x000C0A36 SWC_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3340A_Alpha_Auto_Turret_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 18
Eon COMPANION ONLY 0x000D0F70 Companion_Eon BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 100 7.77mm 12
Solstice COMPANION ONLY 0x000D0F71 Companion_Solstice BothHandsLeftOptional 1.1 1761 1.5kV LZR 16
Andreja's Inflictor 0x000D0F72 Companion_InflictorRifle BothHandsLeftOptional 3.75 8255 Heavy Fuse 20
Lawgiver COMPANION ONLY 0x000D0F73 Companion_Lawgiver BothHandsLeftOptional 3.6 2667 .50 Caliber 6
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Mouth 0x000ED3F1 UnarmedOctopedeA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
Allied Negotiator 0x000F8E7A crRocketlauncher_Hunter BothHandsLeftOptional 4.5 45 40mm XPL 8
Grendel 0x00100B8D NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Drumbeat_Internal_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
UnarmedMantidA_Tail 0x0010C3AE UnarmedHexapodA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Mouth 0x0010C3AF UnarmedHexapodA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Head 0x0010C3B0 UnarmedHexapodA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Claw 0x0010C3B1 UnarmedHexapodA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Base 0x0010C3B2 UnarmedHexapodA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Laser Cannon UC-10X 0x00128A08 DefensiveLaserBatteryWeapon DefaultSlot 3 0 AmmoDefensiveLaserBatteryPulseLaser 100000
Creature Mouth Laser 0x00136A3A CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Mouth1_Laser CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 0
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser Turret 0x00146D34 SWB_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_241_Turret_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Scorch-P 60mw Pulse Laser Turret 0x00146D35 SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Scorch-P_60mw_Auto_Turret_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 20
Jishaku Fe RF railgun turret 0x0014A8BF SWB_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Fe_RF_Auto_Turret_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 20
Eradicator-RF 75MeV neutron beam turret 0x0014A8C5 SWB_Particle_LightScythe_Eradicator-RF_75MeV_Neutron_Auto_Turret_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 33
Mauler 106T autocannon turret 0x0014A8CB SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_106T_Auto_Turret_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 33
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Turret 0x0014A8CD SWB_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3320_Neutron_Turret_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 20
KE-42 cannon turret 0x0014A8D5 SWB_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-42_Turret_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 20
PBO-100 auto neutron beam turret 0x0014A8D6 SWB_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-100_Neutron_Auto_Turret_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 27
UnarmedQuadrupedC_Tail 0x0014C1B5 UnarmedQuadrupedC_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedC_Mouth 0x0014C1B6 UnarmedQuadrupedC_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedC_Head 0x0014C1B7 UnarmedQuadrupedC_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedC_Claw 0x0014C1B8 UnarmedQuadrupedC_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedC_Base 0x0014C1B9 UnarmedQuadrupedC_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Jishaku Nd RF railgun Turret 0x001504FD SWC_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Nd_RF_Auto_Turret_lvl34 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 33
Blaze-P 2gw SX Pulse Laser Turret 0x00150500 SWC_Laser_LightScythe_Blaze-P_2gw_SX_Auto_Turret_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 33
Atlatl 280C missile launcher 0x00150501 SWC_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_280C_lvl54 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 2
Tsukisasu 40k missile launcher 0x00150502 SWC_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_50k_lvl72 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
PBO-30 electron autoprojector 0x0016DA51 SWA_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-40_Electron_Auto_Experimental_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 35
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth1 Shout 0x001710F6 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Shout CreatureRangedMouth1 16 100 Creature Shout 0
NO NAME 0x0017964A crTurretMiningLaser_Beam RightHand 3 45 3kV LZR 0
NO NAME 0x0017FB31 UnarmedFloater CreatureBase 0 0 0
UnarmedTerrormorph_Head 0x001941F6 UnarmedTerrormorph_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedTerrormorph_Tail 0x001AD455 UnarmedTerrormorph_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 1
UnarmedTerrormorph_Mouth1_Ranged 0x001AD73A UnarmedTerrormorph_Mouth1_Ranged CreatureRangedMouth1 16 100 Terrormorph Roar 0
Mauler 106S Shot-Cannon 0x001BBF34 SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_106S_Experimental_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 2
UnarmedTerrormorph_Claw 0x001C369E UnarmedTerrormorph_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedHopperA_Tail 0x001C7DF2 UnarmedHopperA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedHopperA_Claw 0x001C7DF3 UnarmedHopperA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmeHopperA_Mouth 0x001C7DF4 UnarmedHopperA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedHopperA_Head 0x001C7DF5 UnarmedHopperA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedTerrormorph_Mouth 0x001D3653 UnarmedTerrormorph_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x001D83B7 UnarmedLarva CreatureBase 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x001DC415 crModelA_CombatRightGun_Auto RightHand 7 45 7.77mm 1000
NO NAME 0x001DC416 crModelA_CombatLeftGun_Auto LeftHand 7 45 7.77mm 1000
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Base 0x001E4235 UnarmedFlyerA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x001E7431 crTurretLaser_Auto RightHand 3 45 3kV LZR 0
UnarmedMiniBotA 0x001E798F UnarmedMiniBotA CreatureBase 0 0 0
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EF5 SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EF6 SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret02 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EF7 SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret03 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EF8 SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret04 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EF9 SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret05 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EFA SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret06 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EFB SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret07 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EFC SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret08 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EFD SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret09 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Particle Beam Turret 0x001F1EFE SWL_Particle_SpaceTurret10 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 30
Old Earth Pistol ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F9583 Crew_Elite_M1919 BothHandsLeftOptional 1.1 4027 .45 Caliber 9
Sidestar ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F9584 Crew_Elite_Sidestar BothHandsLeftOptional 0.65 402 .27 Caliber 17
Lawgiver - ELITE CREW 0x001F9585 Crew_Elite_Lawgiver BothHandsLeftOptional 3.6 2667 .50 Caliber 6
Negotiator ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F965C Crew_Elite_Rocketlauncher BothHandsLeftOptional 10 7500 40mm XPL 8
Novalight ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F965D Crew_Elite_Novalight BothHandsLeftOptional 1.35 3271 Light Fuse 12
AA-99 ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F965E Crew_Elite_AA99 BothHandsLeftOptional 3 4329 11mm 25
Razorback ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F965F Crew_Elite_Razorback BothHandsLeftOptional 2.3 3876 7.5mm 6
Pacifier ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F9660 Crew_Elite_Pacifier BothHandsLeftOptional 2.75 2063 15x25 CLL Shell 7
Beowulf ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F9661 Crew_Elite_Beowulf BothHandsLeftOptional 2.8 2365 7.77mm 30
Cutter ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F9662 Crew_Elite_Cutter BothHandsLeftOptional 4 100 Cutter 40
Big Bang ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F96EA Crew_Elite_BigBang BothHandsLeftOptional 7 4933 Heavy Fuse 8
Breach ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F96EB Crew_Elite_Breach BothHandsLeftOptional 7.3 4027 15x25 CLL Shell 6
Urban Eagle ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F96EC Crew_Elite_UrbanEagle BothHandsLeftOptional 1.75 2365 .43 Ultramag 7
Rattler ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F96ED Crew_Elite_Rattler BothHandsLeftOptional 0.85 1006 .27 Caliber 12
Hard Target ELITE CREW ONLY 0x001F96EE Crew_Elite_HardTarget BothHandsLeftOptional 8.7 6929 .50 Caliber 5
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Tail 0x001FA112 UnarmedQuadrupedB_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Mouth 0x001FA113 UnarmedQuadrupedB_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Head 0x001FA114 UnarmedQuadrupedB_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Claw 0x001FA115 UnarmedQuadrupedB_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Base 0x001FA116 UnarmedQuadrupedB_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser Turret 0x00202F54 SWC_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_300_PHz_SX_Auto_Turret_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser Turret 0x00202F55 SWB_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_10_PHz_Auto_Turret_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
NO NAME 0x00207E89 UnarmedTerrormorph_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Creature Ranged Attack Mouth Base Secondary 0x00210BD1 CreatureRangedAttack_Mouth1_Base_Secondary CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 Creature Rock 0
Orion ELITE CREW ONLY 0x00215F41 Crew_Elite_Orion BothHandsLeftOptional 4.7 3271 3kV LZR 30
Kodama ELITE CREW ONLY 0x00215F42 Crew_Elite_Kodama BothHandsLeftOptional 2.25 4027 7.77mm 30
Tombstone ELITE CREW ONLY 0x00215F43 Crew_Elite_Tombstone BothHandsLeftOptional 3.85 3724 11mm 20
UnarmedBipedA_Tail 0x0021711E UnarmedBipedA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedBipedA_Mouth 0x0021711F UnarmedBipedA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedBipedA_Head 0x00217120 UnarmedBipedA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
Tatsu 501EM inverting suppressor 0x0021849A SWC_EM_Shinigami_Tatsu_501EM_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericEM 0
Tatsu 500EM Field Suppressor 0x0021849B SWC_EM_Shinigami_Tatsu_500EM_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericEM 0
Supaku 600gc stochastic suppressor 0x0021849C SWB_EM_Shinigami_Supaku_600gc_lvl62 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericEM 0
Supaku 250gc modulated suppressor 0x0021849D SWA_EM_Shinigami_Supaku_250gc_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericEM 0
Supaku 110gc suppressor 0x0021849E SWA_EM_Shinigami_Supaku_110gc_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericEM 0
Fulminator 8000 broadband suppressor 0x002184A1 SWC_EM_LightScythe_Fulminator_8000_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericEM 0
Firebolt 4000 stochastic suppressor 0x002184A2 SWB_EM_LightScythe_Firebolt_4000_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericEM 0
Nullfier 1750 modulated suppressor 0x002184A3 SWA_EM_LightScythe_Nullifier_1750_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericEM 0
Spark 750 suppressor 0x002184A4 SWA_EM_LightScythe_Spark_750_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericEM 0
EMP-1000 broadband suppressor 0x002184A6 SWC_EM_Ballistic_EMP-1000_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericEM 1
EMP-500 stochastic suppressor 0x002184A7 SWB_EM_Ballistic_EMP-500_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericEM 1
EMP-200 modulated suppressor 0x002184B7 SWA_EM_Ballistic_EMP-200_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericEM 1
EMP-80 suppressor 0x002184C1 SWA_EM_Ballistic_EMP-80_lvl08 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericEM 1
Reza 45 GHz MW laser 0x00220D47 SWA_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_45_GHz_MW_lvl12 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
Reza 30 THz IR Laser 0x00220D48 SWA_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_30_THz_IR_lvl44 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Tail 0x00223579 UnarmedQuadrupedA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Mouth 0x0022357A UnarmedQuadrupedA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Head 0x0022357B UnarmedQuadrupedA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedQuadrupedA_Claw 0x0022357C UnarmedQuadrupedA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedOctopedeA_Base 0x0022357D UnarmedOctopedeA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Reza 600 THz Laser 0x00226677 SWB_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_600_THz_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
Reza 10 PHz UV Laser 0x00226678 SWB_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_10_PHz_UV_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
Reza 300 PHz SX Laser 0x00226686 SWC_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_300_PHz_SX_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 0
Atlatl 290B Missile Launcher 0x00228D47 SWB_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_290B_Experimental_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 4
Tsukisasu 40k missile launcher 0x0022D1A5 SWC_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_40k_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
Atlatl 270C missile launcher 0x0022D1AB SWC_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_270C_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 2
Devastator 1510 missile launcher 0x0022D1AE SWC_Missile_Horizon_Devastator_1510_lvl84 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Devastator 1500 missile launcher 0x0022D1AF SWC_Missile_Horizon_Devastator_1500_lvl44 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
CE-59 missile launcher 0x0022D1B2 SWC_Missile_Ballistic_CE-59_lvl62 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 4
CE-49 missile launcher 0x0022D1B3 SWC_Missile_Ballistic_CE-49_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 4
Tsukisasu 33k missile launcher 0x0022D1B4 SWB_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_33k_lvl66 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Tsukisasu 25k missile launcher 0x0022D1B5 SWB_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_25k_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Atlatl 280B missile launcher 0x0022D1BD SWB_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_280B_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 4
Atlatl 270B missile launcher 0x0022D1BE SWB_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_270B_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 4
Hunter Mag-450 missile launcher 0x0022D1C1 SWB_Missile_Horizon_Hunter_Mag-450_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 10
Hunter Mag-350 missile launcher 0x0022D1C2 SWB_Missile_Horizon_Hunter_Mag-350_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 10
CE-39 missile launcher 0x0022D1C7 SWB_Missile_Ballistic_CE-39_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
CE-29 missile launcher 0x0022D1C8 SWB_Missile_Ballistic_CE-29_lvl22 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
Tsukisasu 19K missile launcher 0x0022D1C9 SWA_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_19K_lvl52 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 10
Tsukisasu 13K missile launcher 0x0022D1CA SWA_Missile_Shinigami_Tsukisasu_13K_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 10
Atlatl 280A missile launcher 0x0022D1D3 SWA_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_280A_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
Atlatl 270A missile launcher 0x0022D1D4 SWA_Missile_LightScythe_Atlatl_270A_lvl01 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 6
Infiltrator SC-02 missile launcher 0x0022D1D5 SWA_Missile_Horizon_Infiltrator_SC-02_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 14
Infiltrator SC-01 missile launcher 0x0022D1D6 SWA_Missile_Horizon_Infiltrator_SC-01_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 14
CE-09 missile launcher 0x0022D1DD SWA_Missile_Ballistic_CE-09_lvl08 DefaultSlot 3 0 Missile 8
Creature Grenade Launcher Mouth 0x0022EC27 CCT_Weapon_Ranged_Mouth_Grenade CreatureRangedMouth1 16 100 0
Obliterator-RF 250MeV alpha beam 0x0022EC3E SWC_Particle_LightScythe_Obliterator-RF_250MeV_Alpha_Auto_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 30
Exterminator-RF 160MeV helion beam 0x0022EC3F SWB_Particle_LightScythe_Exterminator-RF_95MeV_Helion_Auto_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 33
Eradicator-RF 75MeV neutron beam 0x0022EC40 SWB_Particle_LightScythe_Eradicator-RF_75MeV_Neutron_Auto_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 33
Vaporizer-RF 35MeV proton beam 0x0022EC41 SWA_Particle_LightScythe_Vaporizer-RF_35MeV_Proton_Auto_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 36
Ravager-RF 20MeV electron beam 0x0022EC42 SWA_Particle_LightScythe_Ravager-RF_20MeV_Electron_Auto_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 36
Disrupter 3340 alpha oscillator 0x0022EC43 SWC_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3340A_Alpha_Auto_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 18
Disrupter 3330A helion oscillator 0x0022EC44 SWB_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3330A_Helion_Auto_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 21
Disruptor 3320A Auto Neutron Beam 0x0022EC45 SWB_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3320A_Neutron_Auto_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 21
Disruptor 3310A proton oscillator 0x0022EC46 SWA_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3310A_Proton_Auto_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 24
Disruptor 3300A electron oscillator 0x0022EC47 SWA_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3300A_Electron_Auto_lvl10 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 24
PBO-300 alpha autoprojector 0x0022EC48 SWC_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-300_Alpha_Auto_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 24
PBO-175 auto helion beam 0x0022EC49 SWB_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-175_Helion_Auto_lvl60 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 27
PBO-100 auto neutron beam 0x0022EC4A SWB_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-100_Neutron_Auto_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 27
PBO-50 proton autoprojector 0x0022EC4B SWA_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-50_Proton_Auto_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 30
PBO-30 electron autoprojector 0x0022EC4C SWA_Particle_Ballistic_PBO-30_Electron_Auto_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 30
Obliterator 250MeV Alpha Beam 0x0022EC4E SWC_Particle_LightScythe_Obliterator_250MeV_Alpha_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 0
Exterminator 160MeV helion beam 0x0022EC4F SWB_Particle_LightScythe_Exterminator_95MeV_Helion_lvl60 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 0
Eradicator 75MeV neutron beam 0x0022EC50 SWB_Particle_LightScythe_Eradicator_75MeV_Neutron_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 0
Vaporizer 35MeV proton beam 0x0022EC51 SWA_Particle_LightScythe_Vaporizer_35MeV_Proton_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 0
Ravager 20MeV electron beam 0x0022EC52 SWA_Particle_LightScythe_Ravager_20MeV_Electron_lvl16 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericParticle 0
Disruptor 3340 alpha beam 0x0022EC54 SWC_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3340_Alpha_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 0
Disruptor 3330 helion beam 0x0022EC55 SWB_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3330_Helion_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 0
Disruptor 3320 Neutron Beam 0x0022EC56 SWB_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3320_Neutron_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 0
Disrupter 3310 proton beam 0x0022EC57 SWA_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3310_Proton_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 0
Disrupter 3300 electron beam 0x0022EC58 SWA_Particle_Horizon_Disruptor_3300_Electron_lvl06 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericParticle 0
PB-300 alpha projector 0x0022EC5B SWC_Particle_Ballistic_PB-300_Alpha_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 0
PB-175 helion beam 0x0022EC5C SWB_Particle_Ballistic_PB-175_Helion_lvl36 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 0
PB-100 neutron beam 0x0022EC5D SWB_Particle_Ballistic_PB-100_Neutron_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 0
PB-50 proton projector 0x0022EC5E SWA_Particle_Ballistic_PB-50_Proton_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 0
PB-30 Electron Beam 0x0022EC5F SWA_Particle_Ballistic_PB-30_Electron_lvl10 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericParticle 0
Blaze-P 2gw SX Pulse Laser 0x0022EC60 SWC_Laser_LightScythe_Blaze-P_2gw_SX_Auto_lvl34 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 33
Torch-P 250mw UV Pulse Laser 0x0022EC61 SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Torch-P_250mw_UV_Auto_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 20
Scorch-P 60mw Pulse Laser 0x0022EC62 SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Scorch-P_60mw_Auto_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 20
Flare-P 15mw IR pulse laser 0x0022EC63 SWA_Laser_LightScythe_Flare-P_15mw_IR_Auto_lvl12 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 25
Singe-P 4mw MW pulse laser 0x0022EC64 SWA_Laser_LightScythe_Singe-P_4mw_MW_Auto_lvl44 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 25
Dragon 261P SX Pulse Laser 0x0022EC65 SWC_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_261P_SX_Auto_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 20
Dragon 251P UV Pulse Laser 0x0022EC66 SWB_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_251P_UV_Auto_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 33
Dragon 241P Pulse Laser 0x0022EC67 SWB_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_241P_Auto_lvl18 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 33
Dragon 231P IR Pulse Laser 0x0022EC68 SWA_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_231P_IR_Auto_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 33
Dragon 221P MW pulse laser 0x0022EC69 SWA_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_221P_MW_Auto_lvl06 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 33
Reza 300 PHz SX Pulse Laser 0x0022EC6A SWC_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_300_PHz_SX_Auto_lvl64 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
Reza 10 PHz UV Pulse Laser 0x0022EC6B SWB_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_10_PHz_UV_Auto_lvl66 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 36
Reza 600 THz Pulse Laser 0x0022EC6C SWB_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_600_THz_Auto_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
Reza 30 THz IR Pulse Laser 0x0022EC6D SWA_Laser_Shinigami_Reza_30_THz_IR_Auto_lvl58 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericLaser 40
Blaze 2gw SX Laser 0x0022EC85 SWC_Laser_LightScythe_Blaze_2gw_SX_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWM_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 0
Scorch 60mw Laser 0x0022EC86 SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Scorch_60mw_lvl18 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 0
Torch 250mw Laser 0x0022EC87 SWB_Laser_LightScythe_Torch_250mw_UV_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 0
Flaire 15mw IR laser 0x0022EC88 SWA_Laser_LightScythe_Flare_15MW_IR_lvl06 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 0
Singe 4mw MW laser 0x0022EC89 SWA_Laser_LightScythe_Singe_4MW_MW_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_LightScythe_GenericLaser 0
Dragon 261 SX Laser 0x0022EC8B SWC_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_261_SX_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Dragon 251 UV Laser 0x0022EC8C SWB_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_251_UV_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Dragon 241 Llaser 0x0022EC8D SWB_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_241_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Dragon 221 IR Laser 0x0022EC8E SWA_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_231_IR_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Dragon 221 MW_Laser 0x0022EC8F SWA_Laser_Horizon_Dragon_221_MW_lvl01 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericLaser 0
Jishaku Nd RF railgun 0x0022F29C SWC_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Nd_RF_Auto_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 33
Jishaku Nd Railgun 0x0022F29D SWC_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Nd_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 0
Jishaku AlNiCo RF railgun 0x0022F29F SWB_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_AlNiCo_RF_Auto_lvl66 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 20
Jishaku AlNiCo railgun 0x0022F2A0 SWB_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_AlNiCo_lvl48 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 0
Jishaku Fe RF railgun 0x0022F2A1 SWB_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Fe_RF_Auto_lvl26 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 20
Jishaku Fe railgun 0x0022F2A2 SWB_Ballistic_Shinigami_Jishaku_Fe_lvl22 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 0
Dangan W RF Autocannon 0x0022F2A3 SWA_Ballistic_Shinigami_Dangan_38_Auto_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 20
Dangan W Cannon 0x0022F2A4 SWA_Ballistic_Shinigami_Dangan_38_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 0
Dangan 27 Autocannon 0x0022F2A5 SWA_Ballistic_Shinigami_Dangan_27_Auto_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 20
Dangan 27 Cannon 0x0022F2A6 SWA_Ballistic_Shinigami_Dangan_27_lvl08 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Shinigami_GenericCannon 0
Marauder 115N Auto Railgun 0x0022F2A7 SWC_Ballistic_Horizon_Marauder_115N_Auto_lvl62 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 20
Marauder 115N railgun 0x0022F2AA SWC_Ballistic_Horizon_Marauder_115N_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
Marauder 114ANC Auto Railgun 0x0022F2AB SWC_Ballistic_Horizon_Marauder_114ANC_Auto_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 20
Marauder 114ANC Railgun 0x0022F2AC SWC_Ballistic_Horizon_Marauder_114ANC_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
Mauler 107I autocannon 0x0022F2AD SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_107I_Auto_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 33
Mauler 107I cannon 0x0022F2AE SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_107I_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
Mauler 106T autocannon 0x0022F2AF SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_106T_Auto_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 33
Mauler 106T cannon 0x0022F2B0 SWB_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_106T_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
Mauler 105U autocannon 0x0022F2B1 SWA_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_105U_Auto_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 20
Mauler 105U cannon 0x0022F2B2 SWA_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_105U_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 0
Mauler 104L autocannon 0x0022F2B3 SWA_Ballistic_Horizon_Mauler_104L_Auto_lvl08 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Horizon_GenericCannon 20
MKE-9A Auto Gauss Gun 0x0022F2B6 SWC_Ballistic_Ballistic_MKE-9A_Auto_lvl72 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 40
MKE-9 Gauss Gun 0x0022F2B7 SWC_Ballistic_Ballistic_MKE-9_lvl44 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
MKE-4A Auto Gauss Gun 0x0022F2B8 SWC_Ballistic_Ballistic_MKE-4A_Auto_lvl34 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 40
MKE-4 Gauss Gun 0x0022F2B9 SWC_Ballistic_Ballistic_MKE-4_lvl30 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWC_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
KE-49A cannon 0x0022F2BA SWB_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-49A_Auto_lvl76 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 20
KE-49 cannon 0x0022F2BB SWB_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-49_lvl56 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
KE-42A cannon 0x0022F2BC SWB_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-42A_Auto_lvl38 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 20
KE-42 cannon 0x0022F2BD SWB_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-42_lvl32 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWB_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
KE-31A Autocannon 0x0022F2BE SWA_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-31A_Auto_lvl58 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 20
KE-31 Cannon 0x0022F2BF SWA_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-31_lvl46 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
KE-20 cannon 0x0022F2C0 SWA_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-20_lvl14 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 0
KE-20A cannon 0x00237555 SWA_Ballistic_Ballistic_KE-20A_Auto_lvl24 DefaultSlot 3 0 SWA_Ammo_Ballistic_GenericCannon 20
UnarmedBipedA_Base 0x00238152 UnarmedBipedA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x00238940 crModelA_Combat_Head_Armored MiddleHand 7 40 40mm XPL 600000
NO NAME 0x0023AF2C UnarmedParasiteA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
UnarmedMantaA_Base 0x0023F5B7 UnarmedMantaA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
UnarmedSwimmerA_Base 0x0023F5B8 UnarmedSwimmerA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
Vasco EquiNOX 0x0025220A Equinox_Vasco MiddleHand 7 45 3kV LZR 20
EquiNOX 0x002634C3 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Kodama_Grip_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 3 553 3kV LZR 20
EquiNOX 0x002634C4 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Kodama_Grip_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 3 553 3kV LZR 20
EquiNOX 0x002634C5 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Kodama_Grip_03 BothHandsLeftOptional 3 553 3kV LZR 20
Eon 0x002634C6 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Eon_Magazine_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 100 7.77mm 12
Eon 0x002634C7 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Eon_Magazine_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 100 7.77mm 12
Eon 0x002634C8 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Eon_Magazine_03 BothHandsLeftOptional 0.55 100 7.77mm 12
Grendel 0x002634C9 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Breach_Receiver_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
UnarmedMantidA_Base 0x0029EAED UnarmedMantidA_Base CreatureBase 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Tail 0x002A095C UnarmedMantidA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
RightArm_FireAuto 0x002AB1CD RobotModelS_Turret_FireSingle MiddleHand 3 45 9x39mm 0
RightArm_FireAuto 0x002AC975 RobotModelS_Turret_FireAuto MiddleHand 3 45 9x39mm 0
CombaTech EquiNOX 0x002C7D29 crModelA_Equinox MiddleHand 7 45 3kV LZR 20
Grendel 0x002C7EF6 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Drumbeat_Internal_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
Grendel 0x002C7EF7 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Drumbeat_Internal_03 BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
Hard Target 0x002C7EFC NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_HardTarget_OpticsSights_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 8.7 6929 .50 Caliber 5
Hard Target 0x002C7EFD NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_HardTarget_OpticsSights_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 8.7 6929 .50 Caliber 5
Hard Target 0x002C7EFE NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_HardTarget_OpticsSights_03 BothHandsLeftOptional 8.7 6929 .50 Caliber 5
Big Bang 0x002C7F02 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Sidestar_Muzzle_01 BothHandsLeftOptional 7 4933 Heavy Fuse 8
Big Bang 0x002C7F03 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Sidestar_Muzzle_02 BothHandsLeftOptional 7 4933 Heavy Fuse 8
Big Bang 0x002C7F04 NOCLUTTER_ResearchUI_Sidestar_Muzzle_03 BothHandsLeftOptional 7 4933 Heavy Fuse 8
Equinox 0x002CD599 DebugVorpalGun BothHandsLeftOptional 3 650 3kV LZR 20
UnarmedMantidA_Claw 0x002CE40D UnarmedMantidA_Claw CreatureClaw 0 0 0
UnarmedOctopedeA_Head 0x002D01CC UnarmedOctopedeA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Head 0x002D01CD UnarmedMantidA_Head CreatureHead 0 0 0
UnarmedMantidA_Mouth 0x002D01CE UnarmedMantidA_Mouth CreatureMouth 0 0 0
UnarmedOctopedeA_Tail 0x002D01CF UnarmedOctopedeA_Tail CreatureTail 0 0 0
NO NAME 0x002E088E crTurretBallistic RightHand 3 45 7.77mm 0
Gravity Torpedo 0x002F3F2A SWC_StarbornWeapon_GravityTorpedo01_lvl20 DefaultSlot 3 0 Gravity Torpedo 4
Gravity Torpedo 0x002F3F2B SWC_StarbornWeapon_GravityTorpedo03_lvl50 DefaultSlot 3 0 Gravity Torpedo 4
NO NAME 0x00316400 crSecurityCamera RightHand 3 45 0
crMiniBotRangedAttack_Mouth1_LASER 0x00343C01 crMiniBotARangedAttack_Mouth1_LASER CreatureRangedMouth1 3 45 0
Shotty ELITE CREW ONLY 0x00364E3A Crew_Elite_Shotty BothHandsLeftOptional 2.95 3724 Caseless Shell 12
Regulator ELITE CREW ONLY 0x00364E3B Crew_Elite_Regulator BothHandsLeftOptional 0.7 2063 .43 Ultramag 8
Grendel ELITE CREW ONLY 0x0036E6F5 Crew_Elite_Grendel BothHandsLeftOptional 2.65 1006 7.77mm 50
NO NAME 0x003B9AB2 crModelA_Crimsonfleet_RightGun_Auto RightHand 7 45 7.77mm 10000
NO NAME 0x003B9AB3 crModelA_Crimsonfleet_LeftGun_Auto LeftHand 7 45 7.77mm 10000
ModelATracker 0x003B9AB4 ModelA_LaserTracker MiddleHand 3.7 40 0
NO NAME 0x003BF755 crModelA_Crimsonfleet_FlameRightGun RightHand 7 45 600000
NO NAME 0x003BF756 crModelA_Crimsonfleet_FlameLeftGun LeftHand 7 45 600000
NO NAME 0x003BF757 crModelA_CrimsonFleet_ArmoredRightGun RightHand 7 45 40mm XPL 600000
NO NAME 0x003BF758 crModelA_CrimsonFleet_ArmoredLeftGun LeftHand 7 45 40mm XPL 600000