Starfield:Cornelius Townard

Cornelius TownardArmor
(0028FF87, 002A0EF3)
Location SF-mapicon-Armor Vendor.svg Outland (map)
Editor ID UC_NA_CorneliusTownard
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 0028FF87 BaseID 002A0EF3
Credits Credit.png5,000 (Large)
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction, Outland
Cornelius Townard
Cornelius Townard, full body

Cornelius Townard is a merchant running Outland of New Atlantis, a equipment shop popular with trackers. You can find him behind the counter of his establishment, waiting for customers.

He wears a formal slack suit, and carries a Solstice for self-defense.

He will greet you with a variety of comments:

  • "You're only as safe as your equipment out there."
  • "I would never dream of selling sub-standard gear. Outland has standards, and I uphold them."
  • "If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to ask."
  • "I can't imagine being stranded out there, in the middle of nowhere. No one should have to deal with that."

If you start a conversation but do not respond, he will say:

  • "I hope I haven't offended in some way."
  • "I'm terrible at reading people... Are you bored, or confused, or... ?"
  • "So, getting back to it..."

Cornelius will end conversations by saying:

  • "Good luck on all your adventures."
  • "Be careful out there."
  • "See you around."

When speaking to Cornelius, he will discuss his services, notably claiming to not use the equipment he sells:

"Welcome to Outland. We deal in only the finest, most reliable gear for whatever adventures may await you. All of our products come highly recommended by individuals who have devoted their lives to distant travel. And while I've never needed them myself, I stand by everything we offer."

I'm surprised you don't use any of the things you sell.

"I've never left the planet, so no. I do not."

So you just fly out there buck naked? I'm impressed.

"Hmm, no. No flying for me. Not... not my style."

That's not very reassuring.

"As I've said, I wouldn't sell anything that hasn't been recommended by frequent travelers. And, of course, if they're frequent, that means their equipment is working."

You've really never been to space?

"Goodness, no. I just couldn't. You're out there, millions of miles away from anything, and if something goes wrong... I can't stomach the thought. I prefer solid ground under my feet at all times. And preferably a hot, fresh coffee within reach. Can't get those in space, either."

After the initial conversation, you can ask to see what he is selling:

I'd like to see what you have for sale.

"Yes, by all means, have a look.:"


"Please do. I hope we have something that suits you. Get it?"

Location ScenesEdit

Quest: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis02
Scene: COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02

Sarah Morgan:

Hello, Cornelius.

Cornelius Townard:

Ms. Morgan!
About that spacesuit order... I must apologize again. The faulty recirculating pumps were clearly a manufacturing defect...


Relax. Constellation's been buying from Outland for what, a decade? I know you're good for it. I'm just here to shop.


Yes, of course... of course. Take your time. We do appreciate your - Constellation's - business.
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