Starfield:Wen Tseng
Wen Tseng![]() (001874B4, 00012489) |
Location | |||
Editor ID | UC_NA_WenTseng | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | 001874B4 | BaseID | 00012489 |
Merchant | |||
Credits | ![]() |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction, UC Distribution |
Wen Tseng works at UC Distribution in New Atlantis on Jemison. She is technically an employee of the United Colonies, selling surplus supplies for the government.
She occasionally sends people to investigate Zoe Kaminski's Trade Authority establishment for illegitimate activities.
She has a few different greetings to use:
- "Please, if you experience any issues in your dealings with the Distribution Center, let us know. We're always striving to improve."
- "Bulk items may require multiple levels of approval, and can take up to several weeks for an official response. We apologize for any delay."
- "I'm pleased to report that our stocks are currently being maintained at 90% or higher. I'm sure we have anything you might need."
- "I'm afraid, due to recent legislative action, I'm no longer able to allocate ships. I can, however, deal in general goods."
If you stop speaking mid-conversation, she will say:
- "I've got lots of orders to fill here, so if we could wrap this up..."
- "All this paperwork isn't going to do itself. I need to get back to it eventually."
- "Hi. Still here. Still waiting."
Once a conversation concludes, she will say:
- "Your patronage is appreciated."
- "I'm glad you came in."
- "Back to it, then."
When beginning a conversation, she may say:
- "Welcome to UC Distribution. Now, before you say a word, I am required to inform you that formal complaints cannot be filed until the customer feedback system is back online."
- "Welcome to UC Distribution. Something I can do for you?"
You can ask her about her job and to see what is in stock:
What is it you do here?
- "You mean besides providing a pleasant face for customers to interact with? It's all in the name: we distribute. Materials and products all around the United Colonies. Never a dull moment, always something going on and four other things we need to be ready for."
What does your store specialize in? [verification needed — Datamined]
- "Oh, sweetie. That's not really how it works here. Officially, we here are a subsidiary of the UC government. Whatever they have a lot of, we sell. Stock varies pretty frequently, but it's decent prices and usually a good selection."
I'd like to see what you have for sale.
- "Oh, well certainly."
- "Yes, of course. Please take a look."
- "I hope we have what you need."
Related Missions[edit]
A Tree Grows in New Atlantis: Help Kelton Frush recover his tree sensors.
Mission-Related Events[edit]
Wen Tseng acquired one of the "eggs" you need to collect for Kelton Frush. She came into possession of the sensor from Jorden Anchali. You will need to obtain it from her somehow, with diplomacy, theft, or simply buying it being viable options. Inquiring about the sensor will give you a few options on how to proceed:
You bought an "egg" from a kid recently. I need it.
That egg you bought from the kid. I still need it.
- "Who, Jorden? That kid is in here every other day with some random thing he found, trying to get credits. Yeah, I took pity on him. Why, what is it?"
You will have a few options on what to tell her:
It's sensitive scientific equipment. Very important.
- "Oh, really..."
It's nothing. Just some junk I dropped the other day.
- "That so? Must mean something to you, if you came looking for it..."
It's none of your business.
- "Well, since I paid for it, it kind of is my business now."
Does it matter? Can't I just have it?
- "I'm wondering why you'd come looking for it."
The first part of her response are the ones above, which then continue with her saying:
- "Well, you can have it back for what I paid for it, plus a little extra. Let's call it a convenience fee, shall we?"
You can choose to simply pay for it. The amount of money she requests is very little.
[Pay 100 Credits] Fine, here you go.
- Inadequate Funds: "You trying to scam me here? Come back when you've got the credits."
- Adequate Funds: "Pleasure doing business with you."
By asking her to give it to you without paying, you can get her to reveal where she stored it Her explanation as to why she will not just give it to you will depend on what you said the device is: [verification needed — Datamined]
Can't you just give it to me?
- "I could, but I did pay for it. I'd like to recover my losses. And it's all the way in the back room. I'd have to walk back there, then back out here..."
- "You did say this was important, after all. Honestly, it's probably worth way more than what we're talking about."
- "You're the one who said it was junk. If that's true, why bother coming back for it at all?"
- "Maybe if you hadn't told me it was none of my business, but here we are."
You can use the Xenobiologist Background to convince her to give it to you for free:
You're obstructing vital xenobiological research. I don't expect you to understand, but this information is vitally important.
- "Jeez, fine. Just take it. It's not worth the trouble."
Finally, you can choose to end the conversation for now:
Forget it.
- "Suit yourself."
Regardless of which approach you take, return to Kelton after acquiring the sensor.
Location Scenes[edit]
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantis01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01 |
- Sarah! It's been a while. You back to sort out some requisition issues for Constellation?
- I'm hurt. For all you know, I'm here to spend time with an old friend and reminisce about days gone by.
- Oh, no you don't. You're trying to take advantage of our friendship so I'll cut you a deal. *Chuckles*
- I never could fool you, Wen. *Laughs*
- Starfield-Things In-UC Distribution
- Starfield-Things In-New Atlantis
- Starfield-Things In-Jemison
- Starfield-Things In-Commercial District
- Starfield-Things In-Alpha Centauri System
- Starfield-NPCs
- Starfield-Human
- Starfield-Human-Female
- Starfield-Female NPCs
- Starfield-Factions-CrimeFactionUC
- Starfield-Factions-NewAtlantisFaction
- Starfield-Factions-Vendor City NA UCDistributionFaction
- Starfield-Pages Needing Verification
- Quest scene subpages