Starfield:Landry Hollifeld

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Landry Hollifeld
(002AD366, 002AD368)
Location GalBank (map)
Editor ID RAD05_LandryHollifeld
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 002AD366 BaseID 002AD368
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies
Landry Hollifeld

Landry Hollifeld runs the front desk at the GalBank headquarters in New Atlantis on Jemison. He will be willing to hire you for freelance assignments to address outstanding accounts.

Related Missions[edit]

SF-qico-Misc.svgDue in Full: Collect delinquent debt for GalBank.

Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis02
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene02

Sam Coe:

Hello, Mr. Hollifeld.

Landry Hollifeld:

Mr. Coe. A pleasure to see you.
I assume you're here about your...


Yeah, I got my payment. What that leaves three left?


That's right. Listen, you've been so good about getting caught up - that the Bank's happy to offer you more credit.
If you need another ship upgrade, or what-not.


No, I'm trying to clean out all my debt. Every last bit.


Good for you!
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