Starfield:Nadia Muffaz
From Starfield Wiki
Nadia Muffaz (00014E4E, 000124AC) |
Location | Settled Systems News Network (map) | ||
Editor ID | UC_NA_NadiaMuffaz | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | 00014E4E | BaseID | 000124AC |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction |
Nadia Muffaz runs the front desk of the Settled System News Network office. You can tell her about your adventures to receive a commission on stories.
Related Missions[edit]
A Light in the Darkness: Sell your story to SSNN.
Primary Sources: Interview residents of the Well for SSNN.
Late Bloomer: Help Kelton Frush calm the tree and save the citizens of New Atlantis.
She has numerous greetings:
- "Journalism isn't dead. It's just in cryoshock."
- "If another tour comes to meet "the" David Barron, I'm going to lose it."
- "Welcome to chaos. That should be our motto."
- "Your stories are a big hit. You lead an... well... amazing life."
- "If you have a new story for me, I'm very happy to pay your fee."
- "You talk and get paid, I spread the news. It's a classic win/win."
- "My source is back. Here to report anything else?"
- "You have that look in your eye. What's the scoop?"
- "I just got a feeling about you. You have a story to tell."
- "If you've seen something interesting, let me know."
- "If it pans out into a full story, you'll be compensated."
- "Do you have a story for me, or not?"
- "You have another story for me?"
- "I really appreciate you handling things in the Well for me."
- "This story could be my big break! Thanks for helping me out."
- "I hope you don't run into any trouble down in the Well."
- "Thanks for helping me out with those interviews."
When waiting for you to respond, she can say:
- "You're... really unusual."
- "I could take a breather, too."
- "Searching the old memory banks, eh?"
Key | Meaning |
🗣︎ | talk more, loop |
X | End and Exit scene |
[QB###] | set quest flag ### before beginning |
[QE###] | set quest flag ### after ending |
[Q:###?] | quest flag ### is set? |
[¬Q:###?] | quest flag ### is not set? |
... | Player | Response |
How's it working for SSNN? | We're short-staffed, overworked, and trying to report on a million things at once. Not to mention there's a constant battle with the Powers That Be to maintain our journalistic principals. So, things are just swell. | |
What's David Barron really like? | Dear lord. Everyone wants to know about Barron. *sigh* He's a smart guy. He cares about what he's reporting. He's way too damned cozy with the UC, and that's a problem for us staying impartial. My biggest beef with him is he's credited with everything he reports, and he doesn't lift a finger to correct that impression. |
Meet Nadia Muffaz[edit]
The first time you speak to her, she will have a unique greeting.
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0050_NadiaMet |
- "Welcome to SSNN, where the news never sleeps."
- "If you're part of the David Barron fan club, try not to inflate his ego too much."
- "He's liable to burst."
... | Player | Response |
[Q:25?] I really like David Barron. | *sigh* Of course you do. | |
David seems like a vain egomaniac. | Sounds like you know him personally. | |
Nice to meet you, too. | Sorry. Long day. Longer night. How about a do over? | |
🗣︎ | What's your problem with David Barron? | We spend hundreds of hours digging into stories, sorting the lies from the damned lies. Then David performs a two minute segment and wins an award. Who'd have a problem with that? |
🗣︎ | Who are you? | A cog in the machine. If you mean literally: Nadia Muffaz. Head researcher of the office. So if we got any facts wrong, I'm the one who files your complaint into the shredder. |
- "Let's take a look at you. You... "
- "You're not from around here. My guess is you work, really work, for a living."
- "I bet you have a story or two. I have a feeling about such things."
... | Player | Response |
[Q:25?] Actually, your intern asked me to do an interview for you. | Tommy? Tommy did something useful? So you must be the captain of the... Frontier? Rumor is there was a firefight at a mining installation. | |
My life has gotten very weird and interesting lately. | Sounds like an old pick up line... But it really has, hasn't it? | |
I'm always eager to help the press. | You'd be the first. | |
I always wanted to be famous. | I can't promise you that. If your story checks out, your name may not be in the final copy. But... I have the feeling you might be one day. |
- [QE50] "I'm interested only in primary sources - so things you've seen and/or done that are newsworthy. No hearsay."
- "So, what do you got for me?"
One Small Step[edit]
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0100_MQ101_OneSmallStep |
- The Crimson Fleet attacked an Argos mining facility on Vectera.
- "Looks like some Crimson Fleet brainiac figured out it's easier to hit stationary targets than dogfighting in the 'Field."
- "And... you are an eye witness with the courtesy to find us instead of being chased down. Refreshing."
- "So what were the pirates doing there? It's not their usual M.O."
... | Companion | Reaction |
Andreja | Oh, yes. I am not quite sure I have heard this entire story. (script note: minor amusement (not too much) knowing the player *should* try and lie to cover up the real story) | |
Barrett | Oh, yeah, that... uh. I don't remember much... Uh, you can take it from here, Captain. (script note: He was knocked out by pirates) | |
Sam Coe | I never did get the full story on this. Wish I had some popcorn. | |
Sarah Morgan | Tell them about the ore. That was quite a lucrative operation. (script note: you're hinting for the Player not to give away anything about Constellation funding the dig site before the Player says anything) |
... | Player | Response |
Constellation commissioned the dig. The Crimson Fleet wanted the proceeds. | [QE111] Bad blood between the fabled Constellation and the Crimson Fleet? Has all the markings of what we in the SSNN call a story. | |
I have no idea. Just glad I survived. | [QE112] Same here. Interviewing corpses isn't my forte. | |
We were mining beryllium, iron, and some rare minerals. Easy credits for them. | [QE113] Rare minerals, you say? That would be worth the price of admission. |
- "So what's your role in all this? Part of a tour group?"
... | Player | Response |
I'd rather keep my name and role out of the story. | [QE121] The old anonymous source. A dance I know all too well. | |
I ran the whole dig. Supervisor <Alias=Player> at your service. | [QE122] I'd tip my hat, but I seem to have misplaced it. Your people pulled a hell of a thing off. | |
I was one of the miners. | [QE123] Huh. I didn't realize Argos Extractors hired such capable crew. | |
[MQ101?] I worked for Argos, now I'm with Constellation. | [QE124] An actual member of Constellation graces my office. Do we bow? Maybe smoke a pipe? |
- "So we've covered the basics. How about any harrowing tales of derring do? "
- "How'd a bunch of miners triumph?"
... | Player | Response |
I took point on defense with my handy mining laser. | [QE131] *whistle* Are those things rated for bad guys? | |
🗣︎ | I killed the whole lot of them single-handedly. | By yourself? Uh-huh. We deal with fact, not fiction here. So try again. |
The mining crew banded together and fought them off. With mining lasers. | [QE132] Huh. Sounds like a good outfit. The heroic miner is a good angle. | |
We had help. Barrett, a member of Constellation, and his robot Vasco. | [QE134] How heartwarming. Constellation banding together with some dusty miners. I like it. | |
I don't really remember, it was chaos. | [QE133] Sounds like you've been through the wringer. I won't press any more. |
- [QE199] "This is a good local story, plucky miners band together and punch above their weight."
- "If you ever get more stories like this, drop by."
- "And take this to cover any incidentals or other creative ways to pad out an expense report. "
No Sudden Moves[edit]
After No Sudden Moves, you can report your robbery.
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0200_MQ202_NoSuddenMoves |
- Captain Petrov's ship, the Scow, was robbed.
- "I already interviewed an ex-pirate about the robbery. But she was as reliable as good coffee around here."
- "So you were there when it went down? What were you doing there?"
... | Player | Response |
[Lie] I was making a delivery. Wrong place, wrong time. | Why do I get the feeling you're often in that situation? | |
[MQ202:420?] [QE275] I was the one robbing him. | Whew boy. Anything you tell me as a source - I won't reveal. But there's limits to my journalistic integrity. But I've heard maybe the Captain had it coming. | |
That's not really relevant. But I was there. |
In my imagination you were delivering a singing telegram. |
- [MQ202:420?] "Tell me about this Captain Petrov. I've heard he was a bit of an eccentric."
- "What was your impression of him? You did meet him before he died?" [or]
- "Tell me about this Captain Petrov. I've heard he's a bit of an eccentric."
- "What was your impression of him?"
... | Player | Response |
Petrov was a hoarder and liked to collect anything strange or unusual. | I would've loved to have seen it. I'm sure it would make a good story right there. | |
He had more credits than sense. Real full of himself. | With bona fides like that he should run for office. | |
He was a character all right. I liked him. | Charlatans and con men need to be likeable for their marks. |
- "No one seems to know exactly what was stolen. But everyone agrees it was valuable."
- "Care to shed some light on it?"
... | Player | Response |
[QE211] Beats me. I got out of there as quick as I could. | I don't blame you. | |
🗣︎ | [¬QE250?] [QE250] A giant golden statue of a giraffe. | Sure, right. Try again. What was stolen? |
[QE250?] [QE212] I'm telling the truth. The statue was huge. It had emerald eyes. It was the craziest thing. | I... huh. I guess, it takes all types? | |
[QE213] It was an unusual Artifact dug up on some planet. | Artifact, you say? I've been hearing whispers about those lately. |
- "Last question. About, and I'm quoting "a zoo gone wild.""
- "The other source swore up and down that alien creatures got out of their cages and went on a rampage."
- "Please, please, please tell me she was telling the truth? It's got to be some Aurora induced hallucination."
... | Player | Response |
[QE221] That's 100% correct. | Some days, it is worth it to get out of bed. I love it. | |
[QE222] Don't believe everything you hear. | I knew it was too good to be true. Oh well. | |
🗣︎ | Why do you want it to be true? | You mean besides the ratings? I just want to live in a galaxy where eccentric millionaires have out of control zoos. But - just give it to me straight. Zoo: fact or fiction? |
- [QE299] "This is just a plain old good story. Check the newsfeed for it later."
- "And here's your payment."
Job Gone Wrong[edit]
After Job Gone Wrong, you can report the bank robbery.
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0300_FC01_JobGoneWrong |
- I have information about the GalBank robbery on Akila City.
- "You certainly get around. I'm surprised that branch has any customers left the number of times it's been held up."
- "But I thought the Rangers had finally managed to get a handle on it."
- "I heard there was a standoff, that true?"
... | Player | Response |
There was a standoff all right. | I'd say I'm surprised, but this is my total lack of surprise face. | |
My first time there, too. Welcome to Akila, don't mind the robbery. | I hear the robbers are provided free of charge. All part of the service. | |
I can't believe that bank has been hit more than once. | Even though the Rangers are based out of Akila City, they are spread thin across the Freestar Collective. |
- "What happened to the robbers? The Shaw gang?"
[¬FC01:540?] | ROBBERS LIVED | |
... | Player | Response |
[QE312] I negotiated with the gang and talked them down. | You did what? I mean, you're well spoken... But a hostage negotiator? I'll do some research and make sure that checks out. | |
They were convinced to let the hostages go. They were arrested. | Oh. That's a nice change of pace. The Rangers got one right for once. | |
[QE313] The Marshal and I worked together and the Gang were all arrested. | I'm sure he was thankful for your assistance. |
[FC01:540?] | KILLED ROBBERS | |
... | Player | Response |
The Marshal made sure they were all taken care of. Permanently. | I can't say I blame him. Armed robbers don't deserve much mercy in my book. | |
[QE311] I mopped all the robbers up. No survivors. | Wait... What? You cleaned them out? Jesus. I'm sorry, but I might have to dig up some witnesses to confirm that. But, well, anyway. | |
If you don't mind, I'd rather not say. | I understand. Experiencing news instead of hearing about it. It's a whole other world. |
- "These things are often... messy. Any customers or GalBank staff get hurt?"
... | Player | Response |
[¬FC01:570?] Thankfully, there were no casualties. Not even any injuries I know of. | That's really good news. Usually... Well, it's a different kind of story. | |
[FC01:570?] One of the bank employees didn't make it. | That's a real shame. Bank employees are just doing their job. And to have this happen... | |
It was a bit of a blur. Sorry. | It's okay. I'll contact GalBank and get those details. |
- "You were there, you were involved in resolving it."
- "Any comment on the Freestar Rangers? Having another high profile robbery in their own backyard is a bit of a black eye."
... | Player | Response |
[QE321] Desperate people do desperate things. The Rangers kept it from turning into a massacre. | Huh. That's really good to know. | |
No comment. | Got it. | |
[QE322] If the Rangers can't protect their own bank, who can they protect? | And there's my quote right there. Very well said. |
- [QE399] "Stories like this always fire up public outrage and appetite."
- "Thanks for the interview, and take this."
Eye Witness[edit]
After Eyewitness, you can report on the Terrormorph attack.
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0400_UC04_EyeWitness |
- I was at the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis.
- "Really. To say you have my undivided attention is an understatement."
- "A lot of people were there. The accounts we've got were chaotic."
- "What was your role in that?"
... | Player | Response |
I personally took out those Terrormorphs. I pretty much saved the day. | [QE411] Wait, wait... I heard someone from Constellation was involved. That was you? This is great. Like embarrassingly important award winning great. | |
Together with UC Security, we managed to put those killing machines down. | [QE412] Sounds like maybe you're being modest. Security isn't exactly trained for that scenario. But all right. | |
I'm in the UC Vanguard and was investigating recent Terrormorph activity. | [QE413] The Vanguard was involved? That's good to know. |
- "The whole city is still on edge over the attack. We were fortunate -- damned fortunate -- that casualties were so low."
- "What was it like in the thick of things?"
... | Player | Response |
Terrifying. It takes a lot of firepower to take out a Terrormorph. | [QE421] That makes what you did even more... well, amazing. | |
I just focused on protecting the civilians and staying alive. I didn't have time to think. | [QE422] Pure instinct, huh? | |
I felt alive. When everything is on the line, every moment seems like a gift. | [QE423] You never quite know how precious life is... until it's under threat. | |
🗣︎ | [UC04:820?] I swear I saw evidence the Terrormorphs have mind control abilities. | You what? Listen, if I were to run a story on anything like that I would need documented evidence. Even a whisper of something like that, well, it could cause a panic. So... how was it like in that fight? |
- "It sounds like New Atlantis, heck the whole UC, owes you a great debt."
- "Any closing comments? I already have a good story here."
... | Player | Response |
I can't sleep at night, because who knows when the Terrormorphs will attack again. | [QE431] If you feel that way... *deep breath* | |
🗣︎ | [UC09?] Everyone needs to know the man behind it: Vae Victis. | What? You're serious? Listen, Vae Victis is dead. Like documented historical event dead. I don't want even to get into it. |
[UC09_Result >= 1?] The Terrormorph Management Division has been created to make sure it never happens again. | [QE432] That's a mouthful. A "thankful you guys are around" mouthful. | |
[¬UC09?] I won't rest until the Terrormorph threat is ended. | [QE433] That makes me feel better. I feel like such a sap, but it does. | |
I have nothing else to say. | Got it. |
- [QE499] "Hey, Constellation, from all of us that live here... Thanks."
- "We use the word hero a lot in news. But you really are one."
Hammer Falls[edit]
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0500_FC09_HammerFalls |
- I have an inside story about the death of Ron Hope.
- "What a sordid mess. We've got some other sources we've been interviewing, but I'd love to get your take on the record."
- "So there was a mercenary company, the First, and they were involved in taking farmlands from Freestar Collective families."
- "Extortion, death threats, murder. All of it. Is that right?"
... | Player | Response |
What the First did was unforgivable. | I genuinely don't know how people like that can live with themselves. | |
Your other source got it right. | Good to know. | |
Sounds like you don't need me. | You kidding? You're the star of this episode from what I heard. | |
🗣︎ | Who's the other source? The HopeTech foreman, Birgit? | Not going to say. I will never, ever, give up my source. If anybody asks about you, they get the same answer. |
- "So all of that, terrible. But Ron Hope, the Ron Hope, was involved with it at the highest level."
- "That all of that suffering was a plot to save HopeTech from going under using the side effects of a fertilizer he developed."
- "Let me be blunt. The other sources say you killed Ron Hope. Is that correct?"
... | Player | Response |
I only killed Ron Hope after he tried bribing me and worse. | [QE521] And all that money, didn't help in the end. | |
Mr. Hope got what he deserved. | [QE522] Not everyone sees it that way, but I got the quote. | |
He wanted to cover up the whole thing. I couldn't let that stand. | [QE523] I can't imagine him getting away with that. | |
I'm a Ranger. I was just doing my job. | Most Rangers don't take down one of the Council of Governors, though. |
- "After all of that, the future of HopeTech is an open question."
- "Their stock has already taken a beating, not sure if it's going to go into free fall."
- "Any comment?"
... | Player | Response |
Who knows what other scandals HopeTech is involved in. There should be a thorough investigation. | [QE531] That's a chilling thought. | |
Despite what Rob Hope did, HopeTech is a great company. I know it'll weather this storm. | [QE532] For what it's worth, I'm rooting for them, too. | |
As a Ranger worrying about Ron Hope's employees isn't my job. Justice is. | [QE533] And you do your job well. | |
I don't have anything more to say. |
- [QE599]"Thanks. If you listen to the news, you'll definitely hear this."
- "And... uh... maybe try not to ice any more CEOs? Just a thought."
Legacy's End (Crimson Fleet)[edit]
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0600_CF08Fleet_LegacysEnd |
- I was there at the big battle between SysDef and the Crimson Fleet.
- "This news is titanic. The ripples from SysDef essentially taken out of the picture... I think we're just starting to see them."
- "So... I'm guessing you weren't with the good guys? Some policies you need to know."
- "SSNN protects its sources, and for me I never - and I mean never - reveal a source. "
- "So anything you say to me won't get back to you."
- "Assuming you're good with that. What was your involvement?"
... | Player | Response |
I'm a member of the Crimson Fleet. | No beating around the bush with you. | |
Let's just say I was there. I know how it went down. | I can work with that. | |
X | Nevermind. It might be best not to talk about this. | If you ever do want to do an interview on this, I'm here. |
🗣︎ | So the authorities won't be able to use this against me? | Anything you say they'll obviously read - but I'll strip out anything that could incriminate you. |
- "So the Vigilance went to the Key and one hell of a space battle ensued."
- "And somehow at the end of that, the Vigilance was commandeered and SysDef has been dealt a massive blow... maybe fatal."
- "Any comment?"
... | Player | Response |
I was the one who captured the Vigilance. It wasn't easy. | [QE621] Jesus. I mean, I imagine that was one tall order. | |
SysDef attacked us. And that cost them dearly. | [QE622] So you did what you had to. | |
SysDef was desperate. The Crimson Fleet came into a huge amount of money. Enough to change the balance of power. | [QE623] That explains it. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why SysDef did such a hare-brained thing. | |
Time and time again SysDef underestimated the Crimson Fleet. And they suffered for it. | [QE624] Well, they are certainly in pain now. My guess is there's a serious chance SysDef will be disbanded. |
- "I have to ask... why? Reading between the lines here, you helped the Crimson Fleet enormously."
- "Piracy is going to get worse, so much worse. Again, why?"
... | Player | Response |
They attacked us, but I'm happy they did. SysDef was a problem that needed to be solved. | [QE631] I'll make sure the story makes it clear that SysDef were the aggressors here. | |
Because at heart, I'm a pirate. And it was great to finally show my true colors. | [QE632] You really did stick it to the man, I gotta say. | |
I wanted my share of the spoils. It's all down to cold hard credits. | [QE633] In my experience a lot of times it all boils down to money. | |
I had my reasons, let's leave it at that. | You got it. |
- [QE699] "I'll talk with publishing, but expect to see this soon. This is just me speaking as a human being here..."
- "But I hope you don't come to regret too much what you did."
Legacy's End (SysDef)[edit]
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_0700_CF08SysDef_LegacysEnd |
- I was there at the big battle between SysDef and the Crimson Fleet.
- "Of course you were. Why wouldn't you be? I swear you're either a trouble magnet... or something."
- "So SysDef finally, and against all odds, really triumphed against the Crimson Fleet. In their own backyard, no less."
- "How were you involved?"
... | Player | Response |
I was working undercover for SysDef. I brought the Fleet down from the inside. | [QE711] So what do you do for an encore? *chuckle* | |
I was a part of the SysDef operation. I worked with Commander Kibwe Ikande. | Directly with him? I got that right? Wow. Okay. | |
Let's just say, I was there for the big fight. | So an eyewitness account. Excellent. |
- "So the Vigilance went toe-to-toe with everything the Crimson Fleet could throw at them."
- "And somehow, almost miraculously, they captured the Key. The Key itself."
- "I have confirmed that with many sources, anything to add?"
... | Player | Response |
I was part of the team that actually captured the Key. | [QE721] Someone seriously owes you a beer. Hell, a keg. | |
SysDef captured a treasure trove, and that left the Crimson Fleet vulnerable. | [QE722] Really? I might have to fact check that - but it would fill in some gaps. | |
It took the coordinated effort of many people for the operation to succeed. | [QE723] So the standard "happy to be a part of the team" boilerplate. I can type that quote in my sleep. |
- "You have to feel good about how everything turned out."
- "Commander Ikande is being hailed a hero. And SysDef's popularity is at an all-time high."
- "Your thoughts?"
... | Player | Response |
SysDef was successful in finally righting the wrongs of the past. | [QE731] The UC did kind of spawn this monster. And like you said, it might finally be dealt with. | |
Commander Ikande deserves those accolades. It was an honor to work with him. | [QE732] That's a common refrain. He was respected before this... but now? | |
Ikande didn't triumph alone. I was instrumental in the victory at the Key. | [QE733] I will make sure the story emphasizes that. People need to know that. | |
I have nothing more to say. |
- [QE799] "And that's all I need. You really do lead an... extraordinary life."
- "And as a, well, possibly embarrassing personal note: thank god for you."
After giving her all of these interviews, you will get a special bonus.
Quest: | RAD02 |
Scene: | RAD02_8000_NadiaEnds |
- "When you first walked into my office, I had no idea you would be at the center of so much."
- "And I got the feeling you're not sharing everything."
... | Player | Response |
I've told you plenty though. | Indeed you have. | |
So what if I am keeping stuff to myself. | I might surprise you... But I understand. | |
Some secrets aren't mine to tell. | I get that. Really, I do. |
- [QE8100]"I talked with the editor and he authorized a special bonus for someone who's worked with us so long."
- "And maybe one day, years from now, you can fill me in on the stories you didn't want broadcast."
- "Take care, Constellation."
Location Scenes[edit]
Quest: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01 |
- Sam Coe.
- Oh no, not you. Nadia?
- You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.
- My heart's with Constellation.
- I need an off-the-record confirmation on some old business dealings your father engaged in.
- I will under no circumstances be an anonymous source. I don't know how to make that clearer.
- Jacob Coe's crimes, alleged, put your checkered past to shame. You have a duty-
- We're done here. Permanently.

- Starfield-Things In-Settled Systems News Network (Office)
- Starfield-Things In-New Atlantis
- Starfield-Things In-Jemison
- Starfield-Things In-Commercial District
- Starfield-Things In-Alpha Centauri System
- Starfield-NPCs
- Starfield-Human
- Starfield-Human-Female
- Starfield-Female NPCs
- Starfield-Factions-CrimeFactionUC
- Starfield-Factions-NewAtlantisFaction
- Quest scene subpages