Starfield:Nadia Muffaz

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Nadia Muffaz
(00014E4E, 000124AC)
Location Settled Systems News Network (map)
Editor ID UC_NA_NadiaMuffaz
Race Human Gender Female
RefID 00014E4E BaseID 000124AC
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction
Nadia Muffaz

Nadia Muffaz runs the front desk of the Settled System News Network office. You can tell her about your adventures to receive a commission on stories.

Related Missions[edit]


She has numerous greetings:

"Journalism isn't dead. It's just in cryoshock."
"If another tour comes to meet "the" David Barron, I'm going to lose it."
"Welcome to chaos. That should be our motto."
"Your stories are a big hit. You lead an... well... amazing life."
"If you have a new story for me, I'm very happy to pay your fee."
"You talk and get paid, I spread the news. It's a classic win/win."
"My source is back. Here to report anything else?"
"You have that look in your eye. What's the scoop?"
"I just got a feeling about you. You have a story to tell."
"If you've seen something interesting, let me know."
"If it pans out into a full story, you'll be compensated."
"Do you have a story for me, or not?"
"You have another story for me?"
"I really appreciate you handling things in the Well for me."
"This story could be my big break! Thanks for helping me out."
"I hope you don't run into any trouble down in the Well."
"Thanks for helping me out with those interviews."

When waiting for you to respond, she can say:

"You're... really unusual."
"I could take a breather, too."
"Searching the old memory banks, eh?"


Key Meaning
🗣︎ talk more, loop
X End and Exit scene
[QB###] set quest flag ### before beginning
[QE###] set quest flag ### after ending
[Q:###?] quest flag ### is set?
[¬Q:###?] quest flag ### is not set?
... Player Response
How's it working for SSNN? We're short-staffed, overworked, and trying to report on a million things at once.
Not to mention there's a constant battle with the Powers That Be to maintain our journalistic principals.
So, things are just swell.
What's David Barron really like? Dear lord. Everyone wants to know about Barron.
*sigh* He's a smart guy. He cares about what he's reporting.
He's way too damned cozy with the UC, and that's a problem for us staying impartial.
My biggest beef with him is he's credited with everything he reports, and he doesn't lift a finger to correct that impression.

Meet Nadia Muffaz[edit]

The first time you speak to her, she will have a unique greeting.

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0050_NadiaMet
"Welcome to SSNN, where the news never sleeps."
"If you're part of the David Barron fan club, try not to inflate his ego too much."
"He's liable to burst."
... Player Response
[Q:25?] I really like David Barron. *sigh* Of course you do.
David seems like a vain egomaniac. Sounds like you know him personally.
Nice to meet you, too. Sorry. Long day. Longer night. How about a do over?
🗣︎ What's your problem with David Barron? We spend hundreds of hours digging into stories, sorting the lies from the damned lies.
Then David performs a two minute segment and wins an award.
Who'd have a problem with that?
🗣︎ Who are you? A cog in the machine. If you mean literally: Nadia Muffaz.
Head researcher of the office. So if we got any facts wrong, I'm the one who files your complaint into the shredder.
"Let's take a look at you. You... "


"You're not from around here. My guess is you work, really work, for a living."
"I bet you have a story or two. I have a feeling about such things."
... Player Response
[Q:25?] Actually, your intern asked me to do an interview for you. Tommy? Tommy did something useful?
So you must be the captain of the... Frontier? Rumor is there was a firefight at a mining installation.
My life has gotten very weird and interesting lately. Sounds like an old pick up line... But it really has, hasn't it?
I'm always eager to help the press. You'd be the first.
I always wanted to be famous. I can't promise you that. If your story checks out, your name may not be in the final copy.
But... I have the feeling you might be one day.
[QE50] "I'm interested only in primary sources - so things you've seen and/or done that are newsworthy. No hearsay."
"So, what do you got for me?"

One Small Step[edit]

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0100_MQ101_OneSmallStep
The Crimson Fleet attacked an Argos mining facility on Vectera.
"Looks like some Crimson Fleet brainiac figured out it's easier to hit stationary targets than dogfighting in the 'Field."
"And... you are an eye witness with the courtesy to find us instead of being chased down. Refreshing."
"So what were the pirates doing there? It's not their usual M.O."
... Companion Reaction
Andreja Oh, yes. I am not quite sure I have heard this entire story.
(script note: minor amusement (not too much) knowing the player *should* try and lie to cover up the real story)
Barrett Oh, yeah, that... uh. I don't remember much...
Uh, you can take it from here, Captain.
(script note: He was knocked out by pirates)
Sam Coe I never did get the full story on this. Wish I had some popcorn.
Sarah Morgan Tell them about the ore. That was quite a lucrative operation.
(script note: you're hinting for the Player not to give away anything about Constellation funding the dig site before the Player says anything)
... Player Response
Constellation commissioned the dig. The Crimson Fleet wanted the proceeds. [QE111] Bad blood between the fabled Constellation and the Crimson Fleet?
Has all the markings of what we in the SSNN call a story.
I have no idea. Just glad I survived. [QE112] Same here. Interviewing corpses isn't my forte.
We were mining beryllium, iron, and some rare minerals. Easy credits for them. [QE113] Rare minerals, you say? That would be worth the price of admission.
"So what's your role in all this? Part of a tour group?"
... Player Response
I'd rather keep my name and role out of the story. [QE121] The old anonymous source. A dance I know all too well.
I ran the whole dig. Supervisor <Alias=Player> at your service. [QE122] I'd tip my hat, but I seem to have misplaced it.
Your people pulled a hell of a thing off.
I was one of the miners. [QE123] Huh. I didn't realize Argos Extractors hired such capable crew.
[MQ101?] I worked for Argos, now I'm with Constellation. [QE124] An actual member of Constellation graces my office.
Do we bow? Maybe smoke a pipe?
"So we've covered the basics. How about any harrowing tales of derring do? "
"How'd a bunch of miners triumph?"
... Player Response
I took point on defense with my handy mining laser. [QE131] *whistle* Are those things rated for bad guys?
🗣︎ I killed the whole lot of them single-handedly. By yourself? Uh-huh. We deal with fact, not fiction here.
So try again.
The mining crew banded together and fought them off. With mining lasers. [QE132] Huh. Sounds like a good outfit. The heroic miner is a good angle.
We had help. Barrett, a member of Constellation, and his robot Vasco. [QE134] How heartwarming. Constellation banding together with some dusty miners. I like it.
I don't really remember, it was chaos. [QE133] Sounds like you've been through the wringer.
I won't press any more.
[QE199] "This is a good local story, plucky miners band together and punch above their weight."
"If you ever get more stories like this, drop by."
"And take this to cover any incidentals or other creative ways to pad out an expense report. "

No Sudden Moves[edit]

After No Sudden Moves, you can report your robbery.

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0200_MQ202_NoSuddenMoves
Captain Petrov's ship, the Scow, was robbed.
"I already interviewed an ex-pirate about the robbery. But she was as reliable as good coffee around here."
"So you were there when it went down? What were you doing there?"
... Player Response
[Lie] I was making a delivery. Wrong place, wrong time. Why do I get the feeling you're often in that situation?
[MQ202:420?] [QE275] I was the one robbing him. Whew boy.
Anything you tell me as a source - I won't reveal. But there's limits to my journalistic integrity.
But I've heard maybe the Captain had it coming.
That's not really relevant. But I was there.
  • [male?] Well, then, let's continue Mr. Not Really Relevant. [or]
  • [female?] Well, then, let's continue Ms. Not Really Relevant. [or]

In my imagination you were delivering a singing telegram.

  • [MQ202:420?] "Tell me about this Captain Petrov. I've heard he was a bit of an eccentric."
"What was your impression of him? You did meet him before he died?" [or]
  • "Tell me about this Captain Petrov. I've heard he's a bit of an eccentric."
"What was your impression of him?"
... Player Response
Petrov was a hoarder and liked to collect anything strange or unusual. I would've loved to have seen it. I'm sure it would make a good story right there.
He had more credits than sense. Real full of himself. With bona fides like that he should run for office.
He was a character all right. I liked him. Charlatans and con men need to be likeable for their marks.
"No one seems to know exactly what was stolen. But everyone agrees it was valuable."
"Care to shed some light on it?"
... Player Response
[QE211] Beats me. I got out of there as quick as I could. I don't blame you.
🗣︎ [¬QE250?] [QE250] A giant golden statue of a giraffe. Sure, right. Try again. What was stolen?
[QE250?] [QE212] I'm telling the truth. The statue was huge. It had emerald eyes. It was the craziest thing. I... huh. I guess, it takes all types?
[QE213] It was an unusual Artifact dug up on some planet. Artifact, you say? I've been hearing whispers about those lately.
"Last question. About, and I'm quoting "a zoo gone wild.""
"The other source swore up and down that alien creatures got out of their cages and went on a rampage."
"Please, please, please tell me she was telling the truth? It's got to be some Aurora induced hallucination."
... Player Response
[QE221] That's 100% correct. Some days, it is worth it to get out of bed. I love it.
[QE222] Don't believe everything you hear. I knew it was too good to be true. Oh well.
🗣︎ Why do you want it to be true? You mean besides the ratings? I just want to live in a galaxy where eccentric millionaires have out of control zoos.
But - just give it to me straight. Zoo: fact or fiction?
[QE299] "This is just a plain old good story. Check the newsfeed for it later."
"And here's your payment."

Job Gone Wrong[edit]

After Job Gone Wrong, you can report the bank robbery.

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0300_FC01_JobGoneWrong
I have information about the GalBank robbery on Akila City.
"You certainly get around. I'm surprised that branch has any customers left the number of times it's been held up."
"But I thought the Rangers had finally managed to get a handle on it."
"I heard there was a standoff, that true?"
... Player Response
There was a standoff all right. I'd say I'm surprised, but this is my total lack of surprise face.
My first time there, too. Welcome to Akila, don't mind the robbery. I hear the robbers are provided free of charge. All part of the service.
I can't believe that bank has been hit more than once. Even though the Rangers are based out of Akila City, they are spread thin across the Freestar Collective.
"What happened to the robbers? The Shaw gang?"
... Player Response
[QE312] I negotiated with the gang and talked them down. You did what? I mean, you're well spoken... But a hostage negotiator?
I'll do some research and make sure that checks out.
They were convinced to let the hostages go. They were arrested. Oh. That's a nice change of pace. The Rangers got one right for once.
[QE313] The Marshal and I worked together and the Gang were all arrested. I'm sure he was thankful for your assistance.
... Player Response
The Marshal made sure they were all taken care of. Permanently. I can't say I blame him. Armed robbers don't deserve much mercy in my book.
[QE311] I mopped all the robbers up. No survivors. Wait... What? You cleaned them out? Jesus.
I'm sorry, but I might have to dig up some witnesses to confirm that. But, well, anyway.
If you don't mind, I'd rather not say. I understand. Experiencing news instead of hearing about it. It's a whole other world.
"These things are often... messy. Any customers or GalBank staff get hurt?"
... Player Response
[¬FC01:570?] Thankfully, there were no casualties. Not even any injuries I know of. That's really good news. Usually... Well, it's a different kind of story.
[FC01:570?] One of the bank employees didn't make it. That's a real shame. Bank employees are just doing their job. And to have this happen...
It was a bit of a blur. Sorry. It's okay. I'll contact GalBank and get those details.
"You were there, you were involved in resolving it."
"Any comment on the Freestar Rangers? Having another high profile robbery in their own backyard is a bit of a black eye."
... Player Response
[QE321] Desperate people do desperate things. The Rangers kept it from turning into a massacre. Huh. That's really good to know.
No comment. Got it.
[QE322] If the Rangers can't protect their own bank, who can they protect? And there's my quote right there. Very well said.
[QE399] "Stories like this always fire up public outrage and appetite."
"Thanks for the interview, and take this."

Eye Witness[edit]

After Eyewitness, you can report on the Terrormorph attack.

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0400_UC04_EyeWitness
I was at the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis.
"Really. To say you have my undivided attention is an understatement."
"A lot of people were there. The accounts we've got were chaotic."
"What was your role in that?"
... Player Response
I personally took out those Terrormorphs. I pretty much saved the day. [QE411] Wait, wait... I heard someone from Constellation was involved.
That was you? This is great. Like embarrassingly important award winning great.
Together with UC Security, we managed to put those killing machines down. [QE412] Sounds like maybe you're being modest. Security isn't exactly trained for that scenario. But all right.
I'm in the UC Vanguard and was investigating recent Terrormorph activity. [QE413] The Vanguard was involved? That's good to know.
"The whole city is still on edge over the attack. We were fortunate -- damned fortunate -- that casualties were so low."
"What was it like in the thick of things?"
... Player Response
Terrifying. It takes a lot of firepower to take out a Terrormorph. [QE421] That makes what you did even more... well, amazing.
I just focused on protecting the civilians and staying alive. I didn't have time to think. [QE422] Pure instinct, huh?
I felt alive. When everything is on the line, every moment seems like a gift. [QE423] You never quite know how precious life is... until it's under threat.
🗣︎ [UC04:820?] I swear I saw evidence the Terrormorphs have mind control abilities. You what? Listen, if I were to run a story on anything like that I would need documented evidence.
Even a whisper of something like that, well, it could cause a panic.
So... how was it like in that fight?
"It sounds like New Atlantis, heck the whole UC, owes you a great debt."
"Any closing comments? I already have a good story here."
... Player Response
I can't sleep at night, because who knows when the Terrormorphs will attack again. [QE431] If you feel that way... *deep breath*
🗣︎ [UC09?] Everyone needs to know the man behind it: Vae Victis. What? You're serious? Listen, Vae Victis is dead.
Like documented historical event dead. I don't want even to get into it.
[UC09_Result >= 1?] The Terrormorph Management Division has been created to make sure it never happens again. [QE432] That's a mouthful. A "thankful you guys are around" mouthful.
[¬UC09?] I won't rest until the Terrormorph threat is ended. [QE433] That makes me feel better. I feel like such a sap, but it does.
I have nothing else to say. Got it.
[QE499] "Hey, Constellation, from all of us that live here... Thanks."
"We use the word hero a lot in news. But you really are one."

Hammer Falls[edit]

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0500_FC09_HammerFalls
I have an inside story about the death of Ron Hope.
"What a sordid mess. We've got some other sources we've been interviewing, but I'd love to get your take on the record."
"So there was a mercenary company, the First, and they were involved in taking farmlands from Freestar Collective families."
"Extortion, death threats, murder. All of it. Is that right?"
... Player Response
What the First did was unforgivable. I genuinely don't know how people like that can live with themselves.
Your other source got it right. Good to know.
Sounds like you don't need me. You kidding? You're the star of this episode from what I heard.
🗣︎ Who's the other source? The HopeTech foreman, Birgit? Not going to say. I will never, ever, give up my source.
If anybody asks about you, they get the same answer.
"So all of that, terrible. But Ron Hope, the Ron Hope, was involved with it at the highest level."
"That all of that suffering was a plot to save HopeTech from going under using the side effects of a fertilizer he developed."
"Let me be blunt. The other sources say you killed Ron Hope. Is that correct?"
... Player Response
I only killed Ron Hope after he tried bribing me and worse. [QE521] And all that money, didn't help in the end.
Mr. Hope got what he deserved. [QE522] Not everyone sees it that way, but I got the quote.
He wanted to cover up the whole thing. I couldn't let that stand. [QE523] I can't imagine him getting away with that.
I'm a Ranger. I was just doing my job. Most Rangers don't take down one of the Council of Governors, though.
"After all of that, the future of HopeTech is an open question."
"Their stock has already taken a beating, not sure if it's going to go into free fall."
"Any comment?"
... Player Response
Who knows what other scandals HopeTech is involved in. There should be a thorough investigation. [QE531] That's a chilling thought.
Despite what Rob Hope did, HopeTech is a great company. I know it'll weather this storm. [QE532] For what it's worth, I'm rooting for them, too.
As a Ranger worrying about Ron Hope's employees isn't my job. Justice is. [QE533] And you do your job well.
I don't have anything more to say.
[QE599]"Thanks. If you listen to the news, you'll definitely hear this."
"And... uh... maybe try not to ice any more CEOs? Just a thought."

Legacy's End (Crimson Fleet)[edit]

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0600_CF08Fleet_LegacysEnd
I was there at the big battle between SysDef and the Crimson Fleet.
"This news is titanic. The ripples from SysDef essentially taken out of the picture... I think we're just starting to see them."
"So... I'm guessing you weren't with the good guys? Some policies you need to know."
"SSNN protects its sources, and for me I never - and I mean never - reveal a source. "
"So anything you say to me won't get back to you."
"Assuming you're good with that. What was your involvement?"
... Player Response
I'm a member of the Crimson Fleet. No beating around the bush with you.
Let's just say I was there. I know how it went down. I can work with that.
X Nevermind. It might be best not to talk about this. If you ever do want to do an interview on this, I'm here.
🗣︎ So the authorities won't be able to use this against me? Anything you say they'll obviously read - but I'll strip out anything that could incriminate you.
"So the Vigilance went to the Key and one hell of a space battle ensued."
"And somehow at the end of that, the Vigilance was commandeered and SysDef has been dealt a massive blow... maybe fatal."
"Any comment?"
... Player Response
I was the one who captured the Vigilance. It wasn't easy. [QE621] Jesus. I mean, I imagine that was one tall order.
SysDef attacked us. And that cost them dearly. [QE622] So you did what you had to.
SysDef was desperate. The Crimson Fleet came into a huge amount of money. Enough to change the balance of power. [QE623] That explains it. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why SysDef did such a hare-brained thing.
Time and time again SysDef underestimated the Crimson Fleet. And they suffered for it. [QE624] Well, they are certainly in pain now. My guess is there's a serious chance SysDef will be disbanded.
"I have to ask... why? Reading between the lines here, you helped the Crimson Fleet enormously."
"Piracy is going to get worse, so much worse. Again, why?"
... Player Response
They attacked us, but I'm happy they did. SysDef was a problem that needed to be solved. [QE631] I'll make sure the story makes it clear that SysDef were the aggressors here.
Because at heart, I'm a pirate. And it was great to finally show my true colors. [QE632] You really did stick it to the man, I gotta say.
I wanted my share of the spoils. It's all down to cold hard credits. [QE633] In my experience a lot of times it all boils down to money.
I had my reasons, let's leave it at that. You got it.
[QE699] "I'll talk with publishing, but expect to see this soon. This is just me speaking as a human being here..."
"But I hope you don't come to regret too much what you did."

Legacy's End (SysDef)[edit]

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_0700_CF08SysDef_LegacysEnd
I was there at the big battle between SysDef and the Crimson Fleet.
"Of course you were. Why wouldn't you be? I swear you're either a trouble magnet... or something."
"So SysDef finally, and against all odds, really triumphed against the Crimson Fleet. In their own backyard, no less."
"How were you involved?"
... Player Response
I was working undercover for SysDef. I brought the Fleet down from the inside. [QE711] So what do you do for an encore? *chuckle*
I was a part of the SysDef operation. I worked with Commander Kibwe Ikande. Directly with him? I got that right? Wow. Okay.
Let's just say, I was there for the big fight. So an eyewitness account. Excellent.
"So the Vigilance went toe-to-toe with everything the Crimson Fleet could throw at them."
"And somehow, almost miraculously, they captured the Key. The Key itself."
"I have confirmed that with many sources, anything to add?"
... Player Response
I was part of the team that actually captured the Key. [QE721] Someone seriously owes you a beer. Hell, a keg.
SysDef captured a treasure trove, and that left the Crimson Fleet vulnerable. [QE722] Really? I might have to fact check that - but it would fill in some gaps.
It took the coordinated effort of many people for the operation to succeed. [QE723] So the standard "happy to be a part of the team" boilerplate. I can type that quote in my sleep.
"You have to feel good about how everything turned out."
"Commander Ikande is being hailed a hero. And SysDef's popularity is at an all-time high."
"Your thoughts?"
... Player Response
SysDef was successful in finally righting the wrongs of the past. [QE731] The UC did kind of spawn this monster. And like you said, it might finally be dealt with.
Commander Ikande deserves those accolades. It was an honor to work with him. [QE732] That's a common refrain. He was respected before this... but now?
Ikande didn't triumph alone. I was instrumental in the victory at the Key. [QE733] I will make sure the story emphasizes that. People need to know that.
I have nothing more to say.
[QE799] "And that's all I need. You really do lead an... extraordinary life."
"And as a, well, possibly embarrassing personal note: thank god for you."


After giving her all of these interviews, you will get a special bonus.

Quest: RAD02
Scene: RAD02_8000_NadiaEnds
"When you first walked into my office, I had no idea you would be at the center of so much."
"And I got the feeling you're not sharing everything."
... Player Response
I've told you plenty though. Indeed you have.
So what if I am keeping stuff to myself. I might surprise you... But I understand.
Some secrets aren't mine to tell. I get that. Really, I do.
[QE8100]"I talked with the editor and he authorized a special bonus for someone who's worked with us so long."
"And maybe one day, years from now, you can fill me in on the stories you didn't want broadcast."
"Take care, Constellation."

Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantis01
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NewAtlantisScene01

Nadia Muffaz:

Sam Coe.

Sam Coe:

Oh no, not you. Nadia?


You always were too hard on yourself. You had the makings of an excellent Ranger.


My heart's with Constellation.


I need an off-the-record confirmation on some old business dealings your father engaged in.


I will under no circumstances be an anonymous source. I don't know how to make that clearer.


Jacob Coe's crimes, alleged, put your checkered past to shame. You have a duty-


We're done here. Permanently.
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