Starfield:Kolman Lang

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Kolman LangVendorFence
(00115442, 0026FDDC)
Location SF-mapicon-Vendor.svg Trade Authority (map)
Editor ID FC_Neon_KolmanLang
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 00115442 BaseID 0026FDDC
Credits Credit.png12,500 (Extra Large)
Other Information
Faction(s) Neon, Trade Authority Neon
SF-npc-Kolman Lang.jpg

Companion Affinity[edit]

There are multiple affinity events that can happen here.

Affinity Stage Andreja Barrett Sam Coe Sarah Morgan

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) Likes (+25 Affinity) Dislikes (-15 Affinity)⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player is speaking to the Trade Authority vendor in Neon. They clearly allude that they'll deal in stolen goods. Player responds by saying that buying and selling stolen goods is illegal.



Player is speaking to the Trade Authority vendor in Neon. They clearly allude that they'll deal in stolen goods. Player responds by saying that "you don't seem to be afraid of getting caught."





Player is speaking to the Trade Authority vendor in Neon. They clearly allude that they'll deal in stolen goods. Player responds that stolen goods are their specific area of interest (saying they dont mind crime).



Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon02
Scene: COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon02_Scene

Kolman Lang:

Barrett?! Oh no, no, no.
Nope. No way. Not again.


Whoa? Come on, Kolman. Don't be like that, buddy.


The hell you don't!


We had a perfectly normal transaction!


Normal!? There were friggin' mercs coming after me!


You said you were willing to handle anything and you got your money.


I meant paperwork not pirates! What the hell!


Well you might want to clarify that in your sales pitch then. That's on you, my friend.


No, no, no. Take that grinning "my friend" crap right out of here.


Can you believe this guy?!
Geez Louise!
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