Specialists are hirable NPCs, much like Companions. Unlike companions, however, they have little to no dialog and no associated story or even name. They primarily exist to fill out your ship crew or outpost. They can be hired for 7000 at bars accross the Settled Systems. Each location will have a randomized set of specialists, with no defined specialist.
NPC | Location | Skills | ||||
Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
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Bars across the Settled Systems |
- Aggie's (map)
- Euphorika — A bar located in the Ebbside in Neon. (map)
Jake's — Jake's is a dive bar located within New Atlantis's Well. It is the most dominant structure in the southwestern section. (map)
Red Mile — A casino on Porrima III, Porrima System. (map)
- Broken Spear — A veteran bar in Cydonia on Mars in the Sol System. (map)
- Madame Sauvage's Place — A restaurant located in the Ebbside in Neon. There are three floors. On the first two floors, a variety of aid items can be bought from Madame Sauvage, as well as found lying around on surfaces. These items include Velocity, which can be given to Gladys Coffin to complete the Fueling Greatness mission. The third floor hosts the Ebbing Strikers gang and can be accessed by speaking with Andrea Sandoval on the first floor next to the bar. (map)
The Stoneroot Inn — A long-standing traditional location for food and lodging. (map)
The Hitching Post — A bar near Akila City's front gates. (map)
Astral Lounge — A club at the base of the Trade Tower of Neon. It is the only place where it is legal to purchase Aurora. (map)
The Viewport — A Cafe/Bar located in New Atlantis. It is a place to get food/supplies, or even hire crew for your spaceship. (map)