Starfield:Anya Griffon

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Anya GriffonWeapons
(00014E4A, 00012486)
Location SF-mapicon-Weapon Vendor.svg Centaurian Arsenal (map)
Editor ID UC_NA_AnyaGriffon
Race Human Gender Female
RefID 00014E4A BaseID 00012486
Credits Credit.png12,500 (Extra Large)
Other Information
Faction(s) United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction, Centaurian Arsenal
Anya Griffon

Anya Griffon is a vendor of weapons and ammo who works at Centaurian Arsenal in the Residential District, New Atlantis.

Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis04
Scene: COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_NewAtlantis04Scene

Anya Griffon:

Miss Andreja, back again. Just window shopping?


Yes. I just like to see my options, especially if there is anything new.


Oh, I know. You're more than welcome to look around, and if anything new does come in, I'll be sure and tell you.


Thank you.


More than welcome. I always appreciate a customer who knows what they want, even if they look more than they buy.
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