Starfield:Starborn (Main Quest)

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Encounter a rival for the artifacts.
Mission Giver: The Emissary
Location(s): Volii System, The Lodge
ID: MQ106
XP: 300
Credits ?: Main Small
Other Rewards: Constellation Space Helmet
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All That Money Can Buy Further Into the Unknown

Official SummaryEdit

"The Player is leaving Neon with WALTER STROUD when their ship is ambushed by the EMISSARY. They identify themselves as the Starborn, and demand the player hand over the Artifact they just acquired on Neon. After evading the Starborn, the player returns to the Lodge, where they hold a meeting to discuss what just happened an theorize who the Starborn could be."

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Get ambushed by a mysterious ship
  2. Surrender the artifact, escape the ambush, or battle the Helix ship.
  3. Regroup at the Lodge

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

While leaving Volii Alpha following the completion of All That Money Can Buy, you will encounter a ship with an unusual design. This ship, called the Helix, will demand that you surrender the Artifact to them. You will have to choose if you give up the Artifact, run, or fight your way out. If you are Starborn yourselves, you will be able to talk your way out of this encounter.

The hail will begin:

"You hold something you have no right to. My people have killed for less, but I will offer you one chance to hand over the Artifact and turn away from this path."
Player Dialogue (Progresses Conversation) Response
[Starborn] You know we can't do that. We're in this search until the end. So you are. We recognize you. I don't know who you're hoping to fool, but you are walking a twisted path. Do you not see the pain you bring? A life should only be lived once.
[Starship Engineering] Your ship. No faction markings. And that's not a material I recognize. You see much. But our ship is created from a power beyond your understanding. Its semblance to your own vessels only aids us in masking our presence. We are the Starborn, and you are unworthy to possess the Artifacts.
[Starship Design] Your ship. Not an existing design. And that's not a material I recognize.
Identify yourselves. The fact that you do not know says much. We are the Starborn, and you are unworthy to possess the Artifacts.
We don't mean you any harm. You say that now, but your kind is not ready for the Artifacts. The Starborn know what you are. What you are capable of.
You're not taking what's mine. Predictable. Don't waste this one chance to show us we're wrong about your kind. If you fight the Starborn, you will lose.

Your companions can interject here:

Starborn Response Companion Response
[Starborn, Starship Engineering, or Starship Design response] Andreja: No one, especially not you, determines our worth.
Barrett: Unworthy?! Oh, no. So we're dealing with self-absorbed fools? Why didn't you say so?
Sam Coe: What gives you the right to determine we're worthy? We're dripping... worthiness.
Sarah Morgan: Excuse me, on who's authority do you get to decide whether we're worthy or not?
The fact that you do not know says much. We are the Starborn, and you are unworthy to possess the Artifacts. Andreja: I do not recall that we asked your permission.
Barrett: Unworthy? Get right out of here with that nonsense.
Sam Coe: Starborn. huh? Humans are worthy. We're worthy.
Sarah Morgan: Ridiculous. You have no right to dictate what we can or cannot do with the Artifacts.
You say that now, but your kind is not ready for the Artifacts. The Starborn know what you are. What you are capable of. Andreja: That is a very broad statement applied to a very select few. I find it reductive and insulting.
Barrett: Oh, good. Glad we got that out of the way early on then. I'd hate for us to have to send you our resumes.
Sam Coe: I can't speak for humanity. But Constellation is worthy. More than worthy.
Sarah Morgan: Ridiculous. You have no right to judge humankind as a group. We're individuals, and we're guided by our own unique morality.
You say that now, but your kind is not ready for the Artifacts. The Starborn know what you are. What you are capable of. Andreja: Stand your ground, yes, but do keep in mind the consequences. There is a line between determination and aggression.
Barrett: We need data more than bruises right now.
Sam Coe: As much as it ticks me off, that ship... is off the charts. We don't want to go toe-to-toe with whatever that is.
Sarah Morgan: Hold fast. Picking a fight with these... beings would be foolish.

Starborn PathEdit

If you chose the Starborn option, Walter will question you about what is going on:

"What are they talking about? What are these riddles?"

You can choose to ask the Starborn for clarification first:

"What do you mean? "Lived only once"?"

Otherwise, you have two options, both of which progress the conversation the same way by having the Starborn agree to back down for now:

What I choose to do is not for you to judge.
[To Walter] Ignore them. They're trying to trick us.
"This universe has a right to exist according to its own rules. Keep your Artifact. As Starborn, we will settle this later."

If you end the conversation prematurely after identifying yourself as Starborn, they will let you leave:

"You are done speaking? Fine. Keep your Artifact. As Starborn, we will settle this later."

Normal Paths: Fight, Flight, Or SurrenderEdit

Walter Stroud will also interject, with the same response every time if you did not choose the Starborn option:

"Tell us. Please. What are the Artifacts? What are they for? Did you make them? What gives you more right to them than humanity?"

The Starborn will respond, and then you and Walter will get a chance to continue:

"Answering your questions is exactly what we cannot allow. Abandon your thirst for knowledge or drown in it."
Player Dialogue (Progresses Conversation) Starborn Response Walter Response Starborn Second Response
At least tell us more about who you are. The more you understand, the more damage you will do. How could just knowing what you are be dangerous? Our distance from you is the whole point. We interfere now because we must.
Call yourselves whatever you want. You're just thieves to me. A sentiment that is shared by my kind about you. We're not the ones making threats. Your moral grandstanding is hollow, as is your position. Make up your mind, or we will act.
Have you been observing humans for long? We are growing impatient. Cease your attempts to stall for time. But you speak our language. We know everything about you. That is why your kind cannot have the Artifact.

Walter will then speak to you directly, and encourage that you retreat from this situation due to the danger this unknown ship poses. You can state that you plan to fight or run, or you can choose to give up the Artifact:

"I'm not liking what I'm seeing on the scans. Energy output from that ship is... far above the normal range. If we spin up the Grav Drive now, we have a chance."
Player Response Walter Response
Full evasive maneuvers. Let's get out of here. We'll get through this. Hold on!
I'm going to jettison the Artifact. They can have it. You're letting them strong arm us? Why?
I'm blasting them into space dust. You really want to risk a straight fight with an enemy we know nothing about? We need to regroup. Bide our time.

If you chose to jettison the Artifact, you will continue the discussion with Walter.

Player Response Walter Response Companion Response
They might have more right to it than we do. Don't be a fool. If the Artifacts were theirs, why would some of them be embedded under layers of rock? The only thing we know for certain is that the Artifacts are important. We can't just give that away. Andreja: Walter is right. We do not fully understand all that is at work here.
Barrett: People have been claiming stuff was theirs when it really wasn't since the dawn of time. We have no reason to believe their claim just yet.
Sam Coe: Whether we have a right to it or not, those Artifacts represent what Constellation is all about. We can't give that up.
Sarah Morgan: I'm inclined to agree with Walter. We don't know what the Starborn will do with the Artifacts. Perhaps we'd be making a terrible mistake.
I'm not risking it. Not even for an Artifact. They're willing to kill for it. Doesn't that tell you something? Don't fall for this. Andreja: Handing it over now seems unwise. There is still too much we do not know.
Barrett: If we give them the Artifact, we might be risking more than a bloody nose. This thing could be the key to... to... who even knows what!
Sam Coe: Prudence may be the right play. As much as I hate it.
Sarah Morgan: Walter's right. This could be a risk worth taking. Handing the Artifact over to them could be a terrible mistake.
We'll get it back. Somehow. *sigh* All right. We'll play the long game. Andreja: You would refuse to fight for it now but expect we can recover it later? I I think that is foolish.
Barrett: I'm all for a daring rescue-the-Artifact mission one day... but if that's the plan then we need to prepare.
Sam Coe: And maybe next time we can face this... Starborn... more on our terms.
Sarah Morgan: That wouldn't be my first choice, but as long as your hell-bent on getting it back, I'll agree for now.
You're right. Evasive maneuvers. Let's get out of here. [No Response] Andreja: You are making the right choice! We will survive this!
Barrett: Haha! Now we're talking! See ya on the flip side!
Sam Coe: Now comes the "fun." I wish sometimes we didn't have quite so much fun.
Sarah Morgan: This is worth fighting for. Give it everything you've got!

Walter will then conclude by saying:

"We'll get through this. Hold on!"

If you surrender the Artifact to the Starborn by jettisoning it, they will tell you to give up on artifact hunting:

"You have shown a rare amount of wisdom. Do not continue hunting the Artifacts. That path leads only to your destruction."'

The Starborn will threaten you if you try to escape:

"We can wait no longer. Prepare yourselves for oblivion!"

And Walter will ask you to flee again:

"Get us out of here!"

Although the Constellation crew will warn you about how dangerous the spacecraft you are facing is, it is completely possible to take in combat. Like in normal space combat, focus on getting into an advantageous position behind it, and evade if the Helix does the same to you. Alternatively, you can power up your grav drive and simply leave.


Now safe, Walter will take the lead and request you return to the Lodge to discuss what just happened. Your companion will also make a comment:

"Well, I don't know about you, but I've never heard of these Starborn, and the speculation part of my brain is in overdrive... We need to regroup at the Lodge. Immediately. Tell Noel to analyze the data off the ship sensors. Everyone's going to want to weigh in on this."
Andreja: "Right. Back to the Lodge first, then review the data second..."
Barrett: "And then we'll consider the ultimate mysteries of the Universe right after that. No pressure."
Sam Coe: "All hands on deck for this. The universe just got a little crazier. Deeper."
Sarah Morgan: "Absolutely. We have much to discuss."

If you chose the Starborn route, Walter will instead question you: I won't pretend that I don't have questions, but you clearly just saved our lives. So... whatever secrets you need to keep, I'll keep them.

Player Dialogue (Progresses Conversation) Walter Response
I haven't always been honest about who I am. Who I was. Say no more. We all came from different walks of life. That's one of Constellation's strengths. All that matters is who you are now, right? And you're one of us. I don't need any more than that.
These Starborn are just playing with our heads, Walter. Don't give what they said any thought. Yes. Of course. Just a ploy by our new enemy, right?

Walter will then conclude the same way as he would in the normal path.

The LodgeEdit

When you return to The Lodge, you will need to speak to Noel to begin the discussion on your discovery of the Starborn. This will begin a meeting of all the hands of Constellation over this, and conclude the first arc of the main mission. Noel will greet you by saying:

"How was Neon? Are you? Are you okay?"
Player Dialogue Noel Response
I need you to look at the data from my ship sensors. Okay. I'll start transferring the data over now.
We were attacked. We need to hold an emergency meeting. Wait. What happened? Who was after you?
Have any strange ships appeared in orbit? No...

Walter will then always respond the same way, and the members will gather to look at your findings after Noel calls for them:

Walter Stroud: "Take a look at the ship's sensor data. I think everybody needs to see this."
Noel: ":"All right. I'll start transferring the data over now. Let me just bring it up on here at the table. Is that... Is that a prototype? No, that material isn't anything we... what the...? Everyone! Come take a look at this."
Vladimir Sall: "That's no faction vessel or Crimson Fleet. Secret military tech maybe?"
Sarah Morgan: "No United Colonies admiral approved that starship design."
Walter Stroud: "They called themselves the Starborn. Demanded we hand over the Artifact. Like we were children playing with their parent's things."
Sarah Morgan: "What do people know? Any offshoot groups go by that name?"
Sam Coe: "None in any corner of the Settled Systems I've seen. Maybe a distant human colony finally popping its head up? Another House Va'ruun?"
Andreja: "I very much doubt that..."
Barett: "We ignoring the obvious here? A heretofore unknown group who just happens to know about the Artifacts? I'm just going to say it. Intelligent alien life. Or extra-dimensional beings. The original creators from the furthest fringes of space."
Matteo Khatri: "Or beyond even that. Is the metaphor of avenging angels coming down to keep humanity from forbidden knowledge not apt here?"
Sarah Morgan: "So. We have a lot of theories, but nothing concrete. Except that they're after the Artifacts. And they're willing to take them by force..."
Player Dialogue Constellation Response
[Diplomacy] Everyone has a valid theory. We'll find the answers together. Sam Coe: You do have a way with words.
Barrett: Ah, I knew our little family was gaining a class act when I shoved that Artifact in your hands.
I'm with Sam. That starship design could easily be human. Sam Coe: Just because we can't ID it, doesn't mean it's not one of ours. It's got shields, engines, all the usual Settled Systems tech.
Barrett: I don't mean to judge your grasp of materials engineering, but I've never seen a starship built out of whatever that is. Although, I bet if you put that ship hull and an Artifact under the same lens, you'd get a match.
To Barrett's point, the Artifacts clearly aren't human made. Barrett: No Settled Systems lab made these things, and I doubt one of them made that ship either.
Sam Coe: So we got some weird extra-dimensional beings that coincidentally decide to build their space-faring vessels exactly like we do? Not so sure about that.
Matteo's metaphor has merit. They acted like they were judging us. Matteo: Or what Walter said, they were acting like a parent. Worried their children are playing with something they don't understand.
Walter: So they're strong-arming us for our own good? That doesn't sound very divinely benevolent to me...

Sarah will then take the lead and start giving out assignments:

"Noel, start analyzing all the data from the ship sensors. The gravitational wave they caused, scans of their weapons, shields. Everything. We're in the dark. We need to learn anything about them we can. Including some way to fight them, if necessary. Until then, we stay the course. Collect the Artifacts. It's even more important now that an intelligence we don't know, or understand, is looking for them."

You will get a chance to respond, although only one question you can ask will lead to extra dialogue first:

Shouldn't we try to locate the Starborn? See if they'll talk?
"That ship could be anywhere in deep space. Even if we got lucky, a single grav jump, and we'd lose them."

The other options will lead to Sarah continuing

Agreed. The only way we learn more is to keep going.
Everyone should get ready for a fight, then. I doubt they'll stop.
"All we can do is be more cautious, but we're not stopping. This could end up being a race we don't want to lose. Vladimir, has the Eye picked up anything new?"

Vladimir will respond:

"Some glints of shine in the dark. Ready to hand them out as soon as you please."

Sarah will then end the discussion:

"All right. Good luck, everyone. And be careful out there."

Companion AffinityEdit

There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.

Affinity Stage Andreja Barrett Sam Coe Sarah Morgan

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) Likes (+25 Affinity) Dislikes (-15 Affinity)⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Companion and the player are ambushed by a group calling themselves the Starborn. They demand the Artifact the player has in their possession. Player says them mean them no harm.[affinity 1]



Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. Player says they might have the greater right to the Artifacts.[affinity 2]

Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. They say fighting the Starborn isn't worth the risk.[affinity 3]


Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. The player says they'll somehow get the Artifact back.[affinity 4]




"You're right. Evasive maneuvers. Let's get out of here."[affinity 5]


Player sides with Sam's theory about who the Starborn are. Barrett disagrees. "I'm with Sam. That starship design could easily be human."[affinity 6]


Player sides with Barrett's theory about who the Starborn are. Sam disagrees. "To Barrett's point, the Artifacts clearly aren't human made."[affinity 7]




Player uses Diplomacy to agree with everyone (Barrett, Sam, Matteo) about their Starborn theories[affinity 8]

  1. Companion and the player are ambushed by a group calling themselves the Starborn. They demand the Artifact the player has in their possession. Player says them mean them no harm.
  2. Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. Player says they might have the greater right to the Artifacts.
  3. Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. They say fighting the Starborn isn't worth the risk.
  4. Player is considering letting the Starborn take the Artifact. The player says they'll somehow get the Artifact back.
  5. Affinity Event for use in dialogue responses to respond to something the player says.
  6. Player sides with Sam's theory about who the Starborn are. Barrett disagrees. "I'm with Sam. That starship design could easily be human."
  7. Player sides with Barrett's theory about who the Starborn are. Sam disagrees. "To Barrett's point, the Artifacts clearly aren't human made."
  8. Player uses Diplomacy to agree with everyone (Barrett, Sam, Matteo) about their Starborn theories

Mission StagesEdit

Starborn (MQ106)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
1(DEBUG STAGE - Start At Lodge Scene)
10(Quest Started - Trigger Starborn Ambush)
15(Helix loads in)
20(Show first objectives; complete previous quest)
We've been ambushed by a group calling themselves the Starborn. They're demanding we surrender the Artifact.
90(NGPlus - Emissary chooses to leave)
100(Player chooses to evade Starborn)
110(Player surrenders Artifact)
120(Starborn Ship enters bleedout)
200(Player is safe from the Starborn)
We've survived our encounter with the Starborn. We need to head back to the Lodge and tell everyone what happened.
210(Walter finishes talking to the player)
220(Player lands at New Atlantis)
230(Player enters the Lodge)
300(Player finishes talking to Noel)
Constellation is holding a meeting to discuss this Starborn ship that ambushed us.
302(Move everyone scene over)
305(Noel at the table)
310(Everyone should walk into the Library)
320(Lodge Meeting non-player scene over)
500(Lodge scene finished)
505(Player still has the Artifact, point them to the Collection)
The meeting at the Lodge is over. I should add the Artifact to the collection before I head out.
520(Player adds the Artifact to the Collection)
1000(Quest Complete)
Constellation has a new rival in our search for the Artifacts. Who are the Starborn and how much do they know?
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage MQ106 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest MQ106.
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