Starfield:A Legacy Forged
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Official Summary[edit]
"The player has discovered evidence that Vae Victis knows about the Lazarus Plant. They return to MAST to confront him and he reveals the truth - he organized the attacks on New Atlantis and Tau Ceti. He requests the player lie for him, however, and tell everyone it was soley Orlase - the Warlock - who triggered the attacks.\n\nThe player can then report what they uncovered to Hadrian and Percival - or lie to them - and then proceeds to share what they found with the Cabinet - or lie to them too.\n\nThe quest then finishes with two other major decisions - how to handle the discovery of the Lazarus plant (destroy it, share knowledge of it, etc.) and how to handle the Terrormorphs - by deploying the Aceles or a microbe."
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Speak with Vae Victis.
- Speak with Hadrian.
- Address the Cabinet.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Confront Vae Victis[edit]
During your visit to Londinion you learned that terrormorphs morph from heatleeches and that this process can be greatly accelerated through lazarus plant. You also learned that Vae Victis is aware of both these facts and that he ordered the bombing of londinion spaceport to keep them his secret. And finally you strongly suspect that the terrormorph attacks on Tau Ceti and New Atlantis were deliberately executed, and Vae Victus is you prime suspect.
So it't time to return to Subsection Seven beneath the MAST Tower in New Atlantis to see if you can get any information out of him.
In Subsection Seven follow the corridor until you are in front of a stack ob crates, the go right. If you have a companion with you the High-Security Guard will, as usual, tell you that they have to wait in this area. Go into the restricted area and activate the intercom.
Vae Victus is already aware that you and Hadrian went to Londinion. Initially he tries to deny your accusations but then confesses that the attacks on Tau Ceti and New Atlantis were indeed his doing. He also need to exhibit his intellect by making you guess his motive. I you guess correctly that his motive would have to be personal you deprive him of a chance to gloat. He then claims that first he wanted to keep the plant's potential a secret because he wanted to keep the information out of enemy hands. He then reveals his final motive to twofold: To execute revenge on the United Colonies because they agreed to his execution albeit all his merits, and making Hadrian into a hero with himself beeing exonerates and installed as her trusted advisor. To that end he would like to put all blame for the attacks on Reginald Orlase. He also reveals that it was Orlease who programmed the knowledge of the Londinion steam tunnels into Kaiser.
Vae Victis has already seen to that information was sent to the cabinet that make Orlease the culprit and withhold his own involvement. He just needs you to confirm these facts to the cabinet and presents the prospect of pushing information about ciminals and other threats to the United Colonies your way.
You can tell him you inclination, but this doesn't lock in your decision for later.
Discussing Options[edit]
After your conversation meet Hadrian and Percival in a conference room at interstellar affairs. It's directly to your left when you enter the Office of Interstellar Affairs. They have good news: Both the microbe and the aceles would be as effective against heatleeches as they would be against terrormorphs, so both plans are still on the table.
The conversation's course then depends on your pervious choice to inform Hadrian that Vae Victus is alive and your choice now to tell the truth or to blame Reginals Orlease. As before this does not lock in your final descision what you tell the cabinet.
You then have a final opportunity to discuss the pros and cons of both the microbe and the aceles. Percival prefers the microbe solution but Hadrian points out that there still is a risk, even if minmal.
The Cabinet[edit]
Go to the cabinet chamber. You will first discuss the attacks and the person behind them. You now can decide if you reveal Vae Victus' involvement or if you shift the blame to Reginals Orlease.
Second you discuss what to do about the lazarus plant. President Abello decides the plant's potential needs to be kept secret but you can suggest to reveal it to the Freestar Collective.
Finally the options to end terrormorps are discussed and the President asks for your recommendation. This decision will affect the composition of Unity you can enter during One Giant Leap.
President Abello then proclaims the founding of the United Colonies Terrormporph Management Division, the TMD, and makes you, Hadrian and Percival the three founding members. To display it's gratitude the Cabinet makes all three of you "Class One Citizens".
When you talk to Commander Tuala you get another 12,000 May be level dependent, he informs you that you now benefit from further discounts in the UC and that the Cabinet gave you Mercury Tower Penthouse. You need to see Aphelion Realty regarding the penthouse.
Companion Affinity[edit]
There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.
Affinity | Stage | Andreja | Barrett | Sam Coe | Sarah Morgan |
⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) ▲ Likes (+25 Affinity) ▼ Dislikes (-15 Affinity) ⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity) | |||||
If you suggest to the Cabinet to reveal the lazarus plant's potential to the Freestar Collective, as it'll prove the UC isn't trying to hide anything.[affinity 1] |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ | |
If you suggest to the Cabinet to reveal the lazarus plant's potential to the Freestar Collective, as the UC doesn't have a great track record and this will ensure good behavior.[affinity 2] |
▲ |
▲ |
⏫︎ |
▲ | |
If you say that they should destroy any trace of the lazarus plant to ensure it can never be used to perform more attacks.[affinity 3] |
- |
▲ |
▲ |
- | |
If you say that they should destroy the lazarus plant and that the Freestar Collective should be involved.[affinity 4] |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ | |
If you choose to use the Aceles to control the Terrormorphs.[affinity 5] |
- |
▼ |
▲ |
▼ | |
If you choose to use the microbe to control the Terrormorphs.[affinity 6] |
▼ |
▲ |
- |
▲ |
- ↑ When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in securing the plant from being used, as it'll prove the UC isn't trying to hide anything.
- ↑ When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in securing the plant from being used, as the UC doesn't have a great track record and this will ensure good behavior - from the UC and the FC.
- ↑ When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that they should destroy any trace of the plant to ensure it can never be used to perform more attacks.
- ↑ When deciding what to do with the Lazarus Plant - a type of flora that can be weaponized to turn a Heatleech instantly into a Terrormorph - the player stated to the UC Cabinet that the Freestar Collective should be involved in destroying the plant to prove the UC has no bad intentions.
- ↑ The player's made the final choice in the UC questline - whether to deploy a microbe to wipe out the Terrormorphs or to deploy a large creature called an Aceles to hunt them down and eliminate the species in a more natural way. The player chose the Aceles.
- ↑ The player's made the final choice in the UC questline - whether to deploy a microbe to wipe out the Terrormorphs or to deploy a large creature called an Aceles to hunt them down and eliminate the species in a more natural way. The player chose the microbe.
Mission Stages[edit]
A Legacy Forged (UC09) | ||
Stage | Finishes Mission | Mission Entry |
1 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to VV's quarters.) | |
2 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to Hadrian and Jakob's scene) | |
3 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to the Cabinet scene) | |
4 | (DEBUG: Jump the player to Tuala's scene.) | |
19 | (DEBUG: All start up stages set this stage.) | |
100 | (P1: OBJ: Quest started!) What we learned at Londinion suggests the Terrormorph attack on New Atlantis might've been intentional. Our only lead, though, is Vae Victis. I need to talk to him and find out what he might know. | |
105 | (P3.75: Player returned to New Atlantis. Turn off UC08 Elder Battle stuff) | |
110 | (P2: VV: Player hit first dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
111 | (P2: VV: Player hit second dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
112 | (P2: VV: Player hit third dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
113 | (P2: VV: Player hit fourth dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
114 | (P2: VV: Player hit fifth dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
115 | (P2: VV: Keeping this available for a new player dialogue option to split up VV's big reveal) | |
116 | (P2: VV: Player hit sixth dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
117 | (P2: VV: Player hit seventh dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
118 | (P2: VV: Player hit 8th dialogue choice. If they drop out, get 'em back there.) | |
119 | (P2: VV: Player got VV to make them an offer. Tag that global and turn off the hoice.) | |
120 | (P2: VV: Player learned VV got his messages out via UC functionaries who didn't realize what they were doing. Unlocks a dialogue option in the Pres scene) | |
121 | (P2: VV: Player told VV they're going to tell the Cabinet it was him. Affects VV hellos.) | |
122 | (P2: VV: Player told VV they're going to tell the Cabinet it was Orlase. Affects VV hellos.) | |
123 | (P3: Player was ambiguious about what they're going to do with the information of VV's involvement in the attacks.) | |
124 | (P3: VV: Player told VV they know about his actions. Have him turn to face the player fully. Set from stage 113 and the "start reveal" phase in the scene itself) | |
125 | (P3: VV admitted he organized the attacks. Mark the player's actor value.) | |
126 | (P3: VV: Player hit the "Weigh in on hiding the Lazarus Plant" phase. Get them back there is they drop out.) | |
127 | (P3: VV: Player asked what was so dangerous VV could keep the Lazarus Plant secret. Changes up his response in that same action) | |
128 | (P3: Player hit VV's "Honors" player dialogue loop. If they drop out at this point, jump them back there.) | |
129 | (P3: Player dropped out of VV's scene at the decision moment. Get them back there when they start it up again.) | |
130 | (P3 (of UCR05): Player asked about the work they'll be doing with VV. Tag the stage in DialogueUCFactionNewAtlantis that marks them as having asked about it) | |
131 | (P4: Player told VV that they have a recording of VV speaking about the Terrormorphs. Changes up his line leading into his begging.) | |
200 | (P1: OBJ: VV: Scene with VV complete. Direct the player to Hadrian and Jakob.) I confronted Vae Victis and he confessed. He organized the attacks on New Atlantis and Tau Ceti as part of a plot to undo the damage done to the Sanon family name. But now, I have a choice: share the truth that Vae Victis is responsible or pin the blame on Reginald Orlase. | |
201 | (P2: HAD: Hit the first player choice in the intro scene. Get the player back there.) | |
209 | (P-Late: Adding a jump back into the "Hadrian does know, but player's offering to tell her about her father" scene before the Cabinet) | |
210 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Player told Hadrian and Jakob that VV commited the attacks.) | |
211 | (P2: HAD: VV Reveal: Player hit second player dialogue choice. Get them back there if they drop out.) | |
212 | (P2: HAD: VV Reveal: Player hit third player dialogue choice. Get them back there if they drop out.) | |
213 | (P2: HAD: VV Reveal: Player hit fourth player dialogue choice. Get them back there if they drop out.) | |
214 | (P2: HAD: VV Reveal: Player hit fifth player dialogue choice. Get them back there if they drop out.) | |
215 | (P3: Player chose one of Hadrian's angry lines int he VV reveal. Unlocks another question in that scene.) | |
220 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Player ratted on VV (Had already knows)) | |
221 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Knows VV: Player hit 1st player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
222 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Knows VV: Player hit 2nd player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
224 | (P1: DIA: HAD: Player told Jakob and Hadrian VV wants to keep the Lazarus plant a secret. Changed up dialogue later in the scene.) | |
229 | (DEBUG: Throw message box informing player that this path isn't yet supported.) | |
230 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Player accused Orlase) | |
231 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Orlase: Player hit 2nd player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
232 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Orlase: Player hit 3rd player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
233 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Orlase: Player hit 4th player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
234 | (P2: DIA: HAD: Orlase: Player hit 1st player choice. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
239 | (P3: Hadrian questions scene started. Turn off her urgent waiting for input lines and turn on the calmer ones.) | |
240 | (P2: HAD: Player hit the final questions phase) | |
241 | (P2: HAD: Player asked how Hadrian and Precival are leaning. Changes dialouge in the Cab Terrormorph scene.) | |
300 | (P1: OBJ: HAD: Player finished conversation with Jakob and Hadrian. Direct them inside to speak to the Council) I lied to Hadrian and Percival and told them that Dr. Orlase was responsible for the attacks. Now, it's time we addressed the Cabinet. | |
310 | (P1: DIA: CAB: Player entered the trigger to start the final Cabinet scene.) | |
311 | (P2: CAB: INTRO: Player hit first player choice.) | |
312 | (P2: CAB: INTRO: Player hit second player choice.) | |
313 | (P2: CAB: INTRO: Cabinet knows that the attack on New Atlantis was dleiberate. Used to change up hellos.) | |
315 | (P2: CAB: Player revealed VV was alive only in the Cabinet scene. Unlocks special dialogue down the road and set the "Had's mad" var.) | |
316 | (P2: CAB: Player told Hadrian it was Orlase, then revealed in the Cab scene it was actually VV. Set "UC09_HadsMad" to track her anger) | |
317 | (P2: CAB: INTRO: Hadrian's the one who stated that it was VV. Changes a line for the Pres in the VV scene) | |
320 | (P2: CAB: Player ratted out VV!) | |
321 | (P2: CAB: VV: Player hit 1stplayer dialogue action) | |
322 | (P2: CAB: VV: Player hit 2nd player dialogue action) | |
323 | (P2: CAB: VV: Player bailed out of the scene. Turn on the proper restart line when they come back.) | |
325 | (P3: Officer takes the tape from the player) | |
340 | (P2: CAB: Player ratted out Orlase!) | |
341 | (P2: CAB: ORL: Player dropped out of scene earlier. Get the appropriate start up line back in there.) | |
342 | (P2: CAB: ORL: Player hit first player dialogue. Get 'em back there.) | |
360 | (P2: CAB: Player started the Lazarus Plant scene) | |
361 | (P2: CAB: LAZ: Player hit first choice. Get 'em back there.) | |
365 | (P2: CAB: LAZ: Player agreed with basic plan – secure and hide info) | |
367 | (P2: CAB: LAZ: Player wants FC to help with securing the plant) | |
369 | (P2: CAB: LAZ: Player wants to destroy the plant in secret) | |
371 | (P2: CAB: LAZ: Player wants to destroy plant with FC's help) | |
380 | (P2: CAB: Player started the Terrormorph scene) | |
381 | (P2: CAB: TER: Player hit the first player choice. Get 'em back here when they return.) | |
385 | (P2: CAB: TER: Player heard about the Vanguard helping do this work. used to change up a line in the wrap-up scene.) | |
399 | (DEBUG: Throw message discussing variations about the other factions) | |
400 | (P1: DIA: CAB: Player chose to have the Aceles deployed) | |
401 | (P1: DIA: CAB: Player chose to have the virus deployed) | |
402 | (P3: Player chose to sterilize the Terrormorphs) | |
420 | (P2: CAB: Player started the wrap-up scene.) | |
421 | (P2: CAB: WRAP: Player hit the 1st player dialogue. Get 'em back there if they drop out.) | |
499 | (P3: Get all the members of the Cabinet up and moving, then close this thing out) |
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering
setstage UC09 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission usingresetquest UC09