This page is currently being completed as part of the Starfield Mission Project. The page is being written in several stages. If you make an addition to this page, please update this template accordingly, but make sure you have observed the project guidelines. |
Official Summary[edit]
"The player gets to attend their first board meeting where the truth about the mole and Masako's plans for Infinity LTD revealed. With the Internal Neuroamp completed, the player finally gets it implanted with the opportunity to test it out. Afterwards, they meet back up with Masako in her office where they are briefed on the plan. The player is given a special "Overseer" program to run on Lucas Drexler and Faye Sengsavahn's computers in order to wipe all references to Ryujin and Project Dominion, while at the same time collecting evidence for Infinity's crimes: unathorized human trials at the Clinic, and hiring mercenaries to take out the innocent workers at CM Station RC-1. Finally, the player will grab the final prototype that Infinity has as the last piece of evidence that Project Dominion ever existed. Before they can return to Ryujin, they need to drop off the slate with the evidence on it at SSNN, ensuring David Barron's interest is peaked so the story will be sure to air. Once the player returns to Masako at Ryujin Tower, they'll listen to the broadcast together which may or may not be in Masako's favor."
Implanting the Neuroamp[edit]
Masako wants you to meet Dalton who has new information about the mole situation. You can talk to Masako to get some more information, either intercept her while she is leaving R&D, or you can find her in the conference room on executive offices floor.
Go to Dalton's office on executive offices floor in Ryujin Tower and talk to him. Dalton has concluded his investigation and found Ularu to be the mole. Masako agreed with his assessment, but they need more concrete evidence before they can bring this matter before the board. Masako has tasked Ularu with writing a program to infiltrate Infinity LTD's servers. It will be your job to infiltrate Infinity and deploy the program. Dalton suspects that Ularu will use this as an opportunity to incriminate Masako. Therefore he wants you to bring Ularu's program to him for analysis before you deploy it at Infinity.
Follow Dalton to the conference room and take a seat.
At the meeting Masako and Dalto play it as if Ularu's plan of framing Imogene is working. After some discussion Veena calls in because she has now finished the prototype internal neuroamp and Masako wants you to go to R&D to be implanted.
Take the elevator to research and development floor and go to the neuroamp division which is north of the square with the tree. Veena is with DeMarcus. Talk to her and then sit in the neurosurgery operating table in the center of the room. Veena will now implant the prototype internal neuroamp. There is no way to avoid this while progressing with the mission.
Talk to Veena to prepare for a test of the internal neuroamp. DeMarcus has volunteered as a test subject. Leave the operation chamber and keep right, up a ladder and go left onto the observation platform. The game informs you how to work the manipulation skill. To make deMarcus open the door to the test chamber bring up your scanner, target and select DeMarcus, select manipulation, then select the Test Room Keycard on the table. DeMarcus will pick up the keycard. If the manipulation fails just try again. Bring up the scanner again, target and select DeMarcus, select manipulation, then select the door controls. DeMarcus will unlock the door and leave the test chamber.
Then climb down the ladder and join Veena and DeMarcus who are already discussing the test. They are quite ecstatic about the results. After you shared your opinion Veena informs you that Masako wants to see you. You can talk to DeMarcus and Veena again to get some more information.
The Briefing[edit]
Go to Masako's office at executive offices floor. Masako is with Ularu. She sends you into Infinity LTD headquarters to end Lucas Drexler's plans with Project Dominion and provides two option for infiltration. Either complete stealth through the roof or an arranged meeting under a false identity. You can voice a preference but that doesn't lock you in into on or the other.
Ularu lays out how her program will delete anything related to Project Dominion from Infinity LTD's systems.
Masako gives you three objectives:
- Find Lucas Drexler's computer in his office on the executice floor and run Ularu's programm on it.
- Access Faye Sengsavahn's computer in research and development and run Ularu's programm on it.
- Obtain the prototype from research and development.
Ularu mentiones a method to set off an alarm to evacuate all civilians from the building. She provides Overseer Program, Operative Suit, Operative Helmet, ID Card: Skyler Lumin and Maintenance Passcode. You can talk to Masako again to get more information.
Now go to Dalton and give him the Overseer Program. Dalton looks into the program and finds that Ularu's programm would plant false evidence that Masako was working with Lukas Drexler. He revises the overseer program and gives you Updated Overseer Program.
You can get some more information from Dalton, and you can go upstairs to get more information from Ularu. You also can get information about Fae Sengsavahn from Veena in her office at research and development floor.
Infiltrate Infinity LTD[edit]
Travel to New Atlantis and go to the commercial district.
Infinity LTD headquarters is between Terrabrew and Outland. You should leave you follower behind as they like to break stealth.
You can enter either through the roof or through marketing department.
Roof Access[edit]
There are a couple of ways to get on the roof.
You can go past Infinity, Enhance!, Outland and GalBank. There is a small door between GalBank and the park around the Varuun embassy. Go through the door and then follow the corridor to your left up some stairs until you emerge on the roof. When you go a bit forward you will see a passage ahead of you with a staircaise next to it. Go through the passage and unlock the door with the provides keycard.
You can use your boostpack to jump onto the roof and find the same passage.
You can ride Infinity's elevator up to roof access.
Any way the game will inform you that you are trespassing.
Go forward if you came through the door or go left if you rode the elevator. You will come to a massive fan.
Opposite of you is a control station with a guard and an off switch for the fan. You can use your internal neuroamp to manipulate the guard into turning the fan off.
It is also possible to jump down the shaft with the fan still on without breaking stealth but it takes some luck.
Maintenance Hallway[edit]
At the bottom of the shaft go south through a passage that leads into the maintenance hallway.
Ahead of you will be some generator, on you right will be a vent that leads into the rafters of the executive level, and to your left is another passage.
Behind that passage the stairs on the left lead up to the fan control station with the off switch and a guard.
On the right you will find Maintenance Systems where you can activate the heating system which will lead to an evacuation of all non/essential personal.
If you want to use your arranged meeting check in at the Infinity LTD front desk and talk to Dezi Zhang.
Then take the elevator to marketing.
When you exit the elevator Aelys Ortiz will welcome you and ask you to wait for [SF:Nina Hart|Nina Hart]].
Have a seat on the couch and Aelys will leave to fetch Ms. Hart.
You are now free to explore the marketing department.
North east of the front desk is a big stairway that leads up to executive level. If you go up here the guards will shoot you on sight.
On the other side of the front desk is Stanley McMillan's office.
North of the front desk you find the marketing theater where a couple of employees are waiting for the triple-booked Nina Hart.
You can find Nina Hart in her office, the middle door in the northern hallway, where she is arguing with Aelys.
East of the marketing theater is a large office with several workstations, the cafeteria, a meeting table and several other things where you can meet Angelo Soldani. On the south side of the room a door leads to a small area with a vent thats leads down into the rafters of the general offices.
West of Nina Hart's office is a bathroom where a hatch in one of the stalls leads into the vent system and up to the rafters of the executive level.
You have several options to approach this mission:
Stealth without using the neuroamp[edit]
This approach is quite difficult. You don't want to bring a companion and you won't need a spacesuit or a weapon. You will need a boostpack in a couple of places and a helmet may be useful so you can turn on your flashlight.
The bathroom in the north-west corner of marketing level has a hatch in the ceiling. Climb into it and up some equipment and pipes until you reach a vent grate that you open.
You are looking down into an occupied office. You need to jump onto the lighting panel suspended from the ceiling.
Go south-east towards another vent grate, but don't go inside there.
You need to climb up onto the construction to your left. From that thing you can jump over to a pipe to the north-east.
Be aware of the client that is walking around above you. If he is facing your way wait for him to move.
From the pipe you need to jump over the railing to the north-west.
The door on the right leads into Lucas Drexler's office. The door is locked with expert security level.
Lucas' Computer is on the desk on the other side of the room. It is locked with novice security level.
Run the Overseer Program, and have a look at Lucas, workspace for some background.
Leave the office through the door and jump over the railing to your left.
Jump down to the light panel below you and go left over the beams and another light panel into the vent that leads back down to marketing. Go left and jump down.
The north-east side of the marketing level has a big room that is a combined office space, cafeteria and conference room. Go through the door in the south west wall and into the vent. Jump down until you are on one of these light panels.
Turn left, go to to the right of the two beams, and and go right where the beam meets another beam.
Right again, left and left again.
You will see a vent grate ahead to the left. Go in there and jump onto the elevator.
You need to jump down all the way the elevator shaft. Jump down from beam to beam or use your boostpack.
At the bottom of the shaft you will find another vent grate to the south-east.
Open it, drop down on the crates and climb on the ledge to you left on this side of the hallway.
Follow it to the corner then follow the pipe to the left.
Jump onto the beam the pipe runs over and go inside the vent in front of you.
Jump down and follow the vent until you reach a hatch in the floor. Open it and jump down into some showers.
Leave the showers and go up the stairs to the north-west.
Faye Sengsavahn's office is around the corner. You need to access the computer on the desk.
Faye moves around her office in a predictable pattern.
She stops at her desk, a screen on a sideboard to your left and her board.
Sneak over to her desk when she is at the sideboard.
To access the computer you can steal Faye's passcode from her or pick the advanced security level lock.
Go into her workspace for some background and run the Overseer Program.
The prototype is in the chamber in the middle of the research and development floor.
The chamber has two red secure access doors, one to the north-east and one to the south-west.
To open these doors you need a R&D ID Card that you can steal from someone on this level.
From the room with the showers go north-west through the door.
Follow the corridor to the right.
At the end of the corridor go ab bit to the right and hide behind the solid wall. This part need some luck.
There are two infinity engineers and an infinity security guard in this area.
You also can see the secure access door to your right.
You need to do three things now and it is probably best if you fall back to this position after the first and second thing.
First, steal an id card from one of the three people.
Second, insert the id card into the id card reader on the far side of the door.
Third, sneak through the door and immediately turn to the right.
Don't close the door, because this door closing would be seen as an extreme breach of security. Also you will want to leave through here.
There is one infinity engineer in the chamber.
The prototype you are after is in the transparent, round chamber the engineer is working on.
She is walking back and forth between the prototype chamber and a shelf in a niche.
You also need to be mindful of the security guard around the door you came through.
This time you need to do four things and it is probably best if you fall back to a hiding spot each time.
A good spot is the north end of the double-sided terminals. Another good spot is behind the prototype chamber.
First you want to close the shutters of the windows. The part of the room the prototype chamber is in has a switch on the right side wall. You can't see the switch from your current position.
When the engineer is at the shelf sneak forward, hit the switch, and fall back.
Second you need to disable the alarm on the prototype chamber. The niche with the shelf also has a computer in it.
When the engineer is at the prototype chamber sneak to the computer, hack the expert level security, and disable the alarm.
Third open the prototype chamber.
When the engineer is at the shelf sneak forward and open the holding chamber.
Fourth take the prototype.
When the engineer is at the shelf sneak forward to the holding chamber and take the prototype out.
It is possible to do three and four in one go, but the extra second in the open that it takes makes a big difference.
Sneaking out of the room is incredibly difficult, if possible at all.
Just run out, go left through the corridor, into the showers and jump up into the hatch. Sneak along the vent, round the bends and climb up. Then go along the beam, jump onto the pipe, go left and around the corner to the right. Go along the ledge. At the end of the corridor you will find the elevator on the right side. Ride up to entrance floor and leave.
Now deliver the evidence to David Barron at the SSNN field office in New Atlantis. You can find him in the Lobby of the SSNN building and give him Updated Overseer Program.
Then travel back to Ryujin Tower, go to Masako's office and tell her what happened. Maeve will call in when the SSNN broadcast is on the air. Masako will then call a meeting and wants you do discuss options with the other board members.
Companion Affinity[edit]
There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.
Affinity | Stage | Andreja | Barrett | Sam Coe | Sarah Morgan |
⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) ▲ Likes (+25 Affinity) ▼ Dislikes (-15 Affinity) ⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity) | |||||
Player used Manipulation (the Internal Neuroamp) to control someone for the first time and loved it. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.[affinity 1] |
⏬︎ |
⏬︎ |
▼ |
▼ | |
Player used Manipulation (Internal Neuroamp) on someone for the first time and said it was too easy, and the tech should be banned. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.[affinity 2] |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ | |
Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, pay with his life.[affinity 3] |
▲ |
⏫︎ |
▲ |
- | |
Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, is put behind bars.[affinity 4] |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ | |
Player tells Masako they never used the Internal Neuroamp (mind control) on their assignment because they weren't going to force people to do things against their will.[affinity 5] |
▲ |
⏫︎ |
▲ |
▲ | |
Player suggests that Ryujin Industries buys Infinity LTD so no one loses their job.[affinity 6] |
- |
▲ |
▲ |
▲ | |
Player doesn't think Infinity LTD deserves to be saved due to their terrible CEO running illegal human trials and hiring mercenaries to wipe out a mining station, but the employees themselves had no knowledge of this.[affinity 7] |
- |
▼ |
▲ |
- |
- ↑ Player used Manipulation (the Internal Neuroamp) to control someone for the first time and loved it. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.
- ↑ Player used Manipulation (Internal Neuroamp) on someone for the first time and said it was too easy, and the tech should be banned. Think of how they'd feel about mind controlling someone.
- ↑ Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, pay with his life.
- ↑ Player is finally going to take down Infinity LTD and says they want to make Lucas Drexler, the CEO behind the illegal human trials and wiping out of the innocent miners/researches at a mining station, is put behind bars.
- ↑ Player tells Masako they never used the Internal Neuroamp (mind control) on their assignment because they weren't going to force people to do things against their will.
- ↑ Player suggests that Ryujin Industries buys Infinity LTD so no one loses their job.
- ↑ Player doesn't think Infinity LTD deserves to be saved due to their terrible CEO running illegal human trials and hiring mercenaries to wipe out a mining station, but the employees themselves had no knowledge of this.
You get a rank in Manipulation when Veena implements the internal neuroamp prototype into your brain. You gain a rank each time you go through this procedure in New Game Plus, even if you do not have finished the previous ranks's skill challenge.
Mission Stages[edit]
Sabotage (RI07) | ||
Stage | Finishes Mission | Mission Entry |
0 | (Debug - General set up) | |
1 | (Debug - Transition RI06 to RI07) | |
2 | (Debug - Transition RIR06 to RI07) | |
3 | (Debug - Meet Dalton at the Executive Conference Room) | |
4 | (Debug - Talk to Dalton) | |
5 | (Debug - Take a Seat in the Conference Rom) | |
6 | (Debug - Attend the Meeting) | |
7 | (Debug - Meet Veena in the Neuroamp Division of R&D) | |
8 | (Debug - Talk to Veena) | |
9 | (Debug - Lie down on the operating table) | |
10 | (Debug - Talk to Veena) | |
11 | (Debug - Test the neuroamp on DeMarcus) | |
12 | (Debug - Talk to Veena) | |
13 | (Debug - Talk to Masako) | |
14 | (Debug - Talk to Ularu) | |
15 | (Debug - Talk to Dalton (To turn in evidence)) | |
16 | (Debug - Travel to New Atlantis) | |
17 | (Debug - Enter the Infinity LTD Corporate Headquarters) | |
18 | (Debug - Run the Program at Lucas' Computer) | |
19 | (Debug - Run the Program at Fay Sengsavahn's Computer) | |
20 | (Debug - Take the Neuroamp Prototype) | |
21 | (Debug - Deliver the Program to David Barron at SSNN) | |
22 | (Debug - Report to Masako at Ryujin Tower) | |
23 | (Debug - Listen to the SSNN Broadcast) | |
24 | (Debug - Talk to Masako) | |
25 | (Debug - Check In at the Front Desk) | |
26 | (Debug - Use the Roof Access Entrance) | |
27 | (Debug - Meet Imogene at the TerraBrew) | |
28 | (Debug - Sabotage the Ventilation System) | |
29 | (Debug - Go to the Observation Deck) | |
30 | (Debug - Find the R&D Uniform and Access Keycard) | |
31 | (Debug - Meet Aelys Ortiz) | |
100 | (QO: Meet Dalton in His Office) I need to meet Dalton to get the latest update on the mole. I can find him in his office on the Executive Floor. | |
110 | (Player entered Dalton comment trigger volume) | |
150 | (RIR06: Return to Dalton at Ryujin Tower) | |
200 | (QO: Talk to Dalton) I need to talk to Dalton to get the latest update on the mole. I found him in his office on the Executive Floor. | |
201 | (Dalton scene re-entry 01) | |
202 | (Dalton scene re-entry 02) | |
205 | (Dalton ForceGreeted or scene already started so don't forcegreet) | |
210 | (Player knows Imogene is innocent) | |
300 | (QO: Take a Seat in the Conference Room) Dalton and Masako want me to attend the meeting where they discuss the mole and their plans for Infinity LTD. I should take a seat and listen. | |
350 | (QO: Wait for Dalton to Arrive) I've taken a seat in the conference room. Now I need to wait for Dalton to arrive and start the meeting. | |
360 | (Dalton arrived at his scene marker) | |
370 | (Player sat down in chair - Freeze controls) | |
400 | (QO: Listen to the Meeting) I need to listen to the Board meeting to see what I can find out. | |
500 | (QO: Meet Veena in the Neuroamp Division of R&D) Veena completed the Internal Neuroamp. I should meet her in the Neuroamp Division on the Research and Development floor. | |
510 | (Player entered Veena's comment trigger) | |
600 | (QO: Talk to Veena) Veena completed the Internal Neuroamp. I should talk to her and find out what's next. | |
601 | (Veena prep scene re-entry 01) | |
602 | (Veena prep scene re-entry 02) | |
603 | (Veena prep scene re-entry 03) | |
700 | (QO: Lie down on the operating table) Veena is ready to perform the operation to implant the Internal Neuroamp in my head. I need to lay down on the neurosurgery table when I'm ready. | |
705 | (Player activated chair) | |
710 | (Player done lying down, start operation scene) | |
720 | (Pass time) | |
750 | (Neuroamp scene is finished) | |
800 | (QO: Talk to Veena) The procedure is complete. I should talk to Veena about how it went. | |
801 | (Veena post op scene re-entry 01) | |
802 | (Veena post op scene re-entry 02) | |
850 | (QO: Go to the Observation Deck) Veena wants me to test the Internal Neuroamp on DeMarcus. I need to head up to the Observation Deck to try to use it. | |
900 | (QO: Test the neuroamp on DeMarcus Sterling) I need to test the Internal Neuroamp on DeMarcus to get him to open the test room door. The door is locked. I need to use Manipulation on DeMarcus to find a key to unlock the door. I should reference the tutorial for Manipulation if I can't remember how to use it. | |
910 | (Player used Manipulation on DeMarcus) | |
920 | (Timer is up - Display quest targets) | |
999 | (QO: Wait for Veena and DeMarcus - Player done testing the Neuroamp) I successfully tested the Internal Neuroamp. I should head back down and see what they have to say. | |
1000 | (QO: Talk to Veena) I successfully used the Internal Neuroamp to get DeMarcus to open a door. I should talk to Veena about the test. | |
1100 | (QO: Talk to Masako) Veena reminded me that Masako wants to speak to me about the Infinity LTD assignment. I can find her in her office on the Executive Offices floor. | |
1110 | (Player entered Masako's office) | |
1115 | (Swap Display Screen screens) | |
1120 | (Player given Simon's option to sabotage ventilation system) | |
1130 | (Player given Imogene's option for uniform and ID) | |
1150 | (QO: Talk to Dalton Part I (To examine the file)) I need to bring the Overseer program to Dalton in his office. He believes it holds the evidence needed to prove Ularu is the mole. | |
1155 | (Wait for Dalton) I gave Dalton the Overseer program that Ularu wrote. I should wait for him to finish examining it. | |
1160 | (Remove Ularu's program) | |
1170 | (Give new program) | |
1180 | (Talk to Dalton Part II) Dalton finished created an updated Overseer program after removing some malicious code that Ularu had added to frame Masako. I should speak to him about what to do next. | |
1185 | (Dalton Forcegreeted) | |
1200 | (QO: Meet Ularu in Her Office) Ularu wanted to talk to me in her office. I should follow her and find out what else she may have to say. | |
1250 | (QO: Talk to Ularu) I need to speak to Ularu about her plans. | |
1251 | (Ularu scene re-entry 01) | |
1252 | (Ularu scene re-entry 02) | |
1300 | (QO: Travel to New Atlantis) I need to travel to New Atlantis to get my assignment underway. | |
1305 | (Companion comment - post plan reaction) | |
1310 | (Player entered New Atlantis) | |
1350 | (QO: Meet Imogene at the TerraBrew) Dalton mentioned that Imogene may have some useful information for me about my assignment. I can find her at the TerraBrew in the New Atlantis Commercial District. | |
1360 | (QO: Talk to Imogene) I need to speak to Imogene and find out what sort of useful information she may have for me. | |
1361 | (Imogene scene re-entry 01) | |
1362 | (Imogene scene re-entry 02) | |
1370 | (Player spoke to Imogene) I need to get inside the Infinity LTD building. I can either use my assigned identity at the entrance or find the roof access door. Once inside, Imogene gave me a locker keycard so I can obtain an R&D uniform and ID which can help me move about easier. | |
1400 | (QO: Enter the Infinity LTD Corporate Headquarters) I need to get inside the Infinity LTD building. I can either use my assigned identity to gain access at the entrance or find the roof access door. | |
1410 | (QO: Use the Roof Access Entrance) | |
1411 | (Player entered side stairwell) | |
1415 | (Player entered with roof access) | |
1420 | (QO: Check In at the Front Desk) | |
1425 | (Player spoke to Dezi) | |
1430 | (QO: Meet Aelys Ortiz in Marketing) I need to enter the Infinity LTD building and meet with Aelys Ortiz, the Marketing department's receptionist. | |
1431 | (Player entered the building via Marketing) | |
1432 | (Player left Aelys without waiting) | |
1435 | (QO: Have a Seat) Aelys suggested I have a seat while I wait for my appointment. | |
1440 | (QO: Wait for Aelys to Leave) I should wait for Aelys to leave before starting my assignment. | |
1441 | (Aelys told player he'll notify Nina) | |
1444 | (Player entered scene with Nina) | |
1445 | (Aelys left - Display Objectives) | |
1446 | (Aelys pathed to Nina/Harper) | |
1447 | (Player entered Nina/Harper Office trigger) | |
1448 | (Player spoke to Nina/Harper) | |
1449 | (Aelys and Nina/Harper scene is done) | |
1450 | (QO: Sabotage the Ventilation System) I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas and Faye's computers and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. I received a maintenance passcode that I can use to sabotage the heating system. This may help clear most of the people out of the building. | |
1460 | (Player sabotaged the ventilation system) I sabotaged the heating system to clear most of the people out of building. Now I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas and Faye's computers and find their Internal Neuroamp Prototype. | |
1470 | (QO: Find the R&D Uniform and Security Keycard) I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas and Faye's computers and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. Imogene gave me the locker keycard of an employee who agreed to help. I can get an R&D uniform and security access card if I can find his locker on the first office floor. | |
1471 | (Player found uniform) | |
1472 | (Player found ID) | |
1473 | (Player unlocked door) | |
1475 | (Player found R&D uniform and ID card) | |
1480 | (Player wore uniform) | |
1490 | (QO: Use Manipulation on the guard to turn off the fans) I need to get past a fan in the ventilation system. I could use the Internal Neuroamp to manipulate the guard and turn off the system. | |
1491 | (Player manipulated Guard (May not be used)) | |
1492 | (Fan switch was activated) | |
1493 | (Skipped fan + Sabotage - Some goals completed) I need to refocus on my goals: running the Overseer Program on Lucas and Faye's computers and finding the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. I've made progress, but still have work to do. I also have a maintenance passcode that I can use to sabotage the heating system. This may help clear most of the people out of the building. | |
1494 | (Don't display optional for fans if trigger is entered if this stage is set) | |
1495 | (Turned off fan + Sabotage - Some goals completed) I turned off the fan in the ventilation system. I need to refocus on my goals: running the Overseer Program on Lucas and Faye's computers and finding the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. I've made progress, but still have work to do. I also have a maintenance passcode that I can use to sabotage the heating system. This may help clear most of the people out of the building. | |
1499 | (Set main Infinity LTD objective stages) | |
1500 | (QO: Run the Program at Lucas Drexler's Computer) I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas and Faye's computers and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. | |
1510 | (QO: Talk to Lucas) I convinced Nina to set up a meeting for me with Lucas which gave me access to the Executive floor. I can find and speak to him in his office, but my main goal is to find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype on the Research and Development floor. | |
1511 | (Lucas scene re-entry 01) | |
1512 | (Lucas scene re-entry 02) | |
1520 | (Player confronted Lucas in scene) | |
1530 | (Player used Manipulation on Lucas) | |
1540 | (Player finished talking to Lucas) I convinced Lucas to give me access to his computer. I can use this opportunity to run the Overseer Program. | |
1545 | (Player chose to attack Lucas) | |
1550 | (Player ran program at Lucas PC) I need to find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype on the Research and Development floor. | |
1555 | (Lucas is dead) | |
1560 | (QO: Find a way into Research and Development) I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas and Faye's computers and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. | |
1570 | (Player used vent entrance) | |
1580 | (Player used vent exit) | |
1595 | (Player entered R&D) | |
1600 | (QO: Run the Program at Fay Sengsavahn's Computer) I need to run the Overseer program on Faye's computer and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. Both should be on the Research and Development floor. | |
1620 | (Player picked up owned R&D card on Faye's desk) | |
1650 | (Faye is dead) | |
1699 | (Player ran program at Fay PC) I need to find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype on the Research and Development floor. | |
1700 | (QO: Obtain the Neuroamp Prototype) I need to run the Overseer program on Faye's computer and find the Internal Neuroamp Prototype. Both should be on the Research and Development floor. | |
1750 | (QO: Find an R&D ID Card) I need to find an R&D ID Card to get inside the neuroamp research room. | |
1755 | (Player has an ID card) I need to run the Overseer program on Lucas' computer on the Executive floor and on Faye's computer on the Research and Development floor. | |
1799 | (Player stole prototype) I need to run the Overseer program on Faye's computer on the Research and Development floor. | |
1800 | (QO: Deliver the Program to David Barron at SSNN) I've completed my assignment within the Infinity LTD building. I need to deliver the slate to David Barron at SSNN in the New Atlantis Commercial District. | |
1801 | (David scene re-entry 01) | |
1802 | (David scene re-entry 02) | |
1803 | (David scene re-entry 03) | |
1804 | (David scene re-entry 04) | |
1850 | (Remove Slate) | |
1900 | (QO: Report to Masako at Ryujin Tower) I've officially completed my assignment. I need to return to Masako at Ryujin Tower in Neon to let her know it's complete. | |
1901 | (Masako return scene re-entry 01) | |
1902 | (Masako return scene re-entry 02) | |
2000 | (QO: Listen to the SSNN Broadcast) David Barron is broadcasting the news about Infinity LTD. I should listen and see what he has to say. | |
2100 | (QO: Talk to Masako) I need to talk to Masako about the SSNN broadcast. | |
2101 | (Masako betrayed scene re-enry 01) | |
2102 | (Masako betrayed scene re-enry 02) | |
2103 | (Masako betrayed scene re-enry 03) | |
2105 | (Masako final scene re-enry 01) | |
2106 | (Masako final scene re-enry 02) | |
2110 | (Player chose lie option and denied involvement) | |
2120 | (Player outed Ularu to Masako) | |
2140 | (Player used Internal Neuroamp on Masako) | |
2150 | (Player demanded credits) | |
9000 | (Calculate Rewards) |
- Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game. - Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
- If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
- On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering
setstage RI07 stage
, wherestage
is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission usingresetquest RI07
