Starfield:Into the Unknown

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Basic Info: Checked by Digmaster

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Quick Walkthrough: Checked by Digmaster

Walkthrough: not present

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Investigate anomalies, search for Andreja, and discover a Temple.
Mission Giver: Sarah Morgan
Location(s): The Eye, random planets[verification needed — see talk page]
ID: MQ104A
XP: 400
Credits ?: Main Large
Other Rewards: Access to powers, Anti-Gravity Field, 2 x Hippolyta [verification needed — Could be random, is LL_Quest_Reward_Chems_and_Aid]
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Official Summary[edit]

"The player meets VLADIMIR SALL, a Constellation member who lives onboard the Eye, a starstation. Vladimir explains how Constellation tracks down the Artifacts and sends the player out to find more of them in the fringes of space. On returning, the player talks to MATTEO and NOEL about the Artifact hunts before being summoned back to the Eye to look at some larger space anomalies with Vladimir. The player investigates an anomaly only to discover a large, alien temple with an elaborate puzzle sequence. A light engulfs the player in the center of the temple and they gain powers, which they demonstrate to Constellation on their return."

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Go to The Eye and talk to Vadimir Sall.
  2. Go to both locations Vladimir sends you for Artifact IOTA and Artifact ZETA. Andreja will be present at one of them.
  3. Return to The Lodge and add the artifacts to the collection.
  4. Talk to Vladimir again.
  5. Investigate the another anomaly at the given location. Upon landing, you will not be able to simply follow a quest marker. Bring your scanner up and rotate around yourself until you see the display starting to distort. Follow that general direction until you find the Temple.
  6. Return to The Lodge and demonstrate your new power.

Companion Affinity[edit]

There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.

Affinity Stage Andreja Barrett Sam Coe Sarah Morgan

⏫︎ Loves (+50 Affinity) Likes (+25 Affinity) Dislikes (-15 Affinity)⏬︎ Hates (-35 Affinity)

Player meets Vladimir Sall for the first time. Player is polite.[affinity 1]




Player meets Vladimir Sall for the first time. Player is amazed with Vladimir's muscles.[affinity 2]


Vladimir asks the player to look for Andreja. Player agrees.[affinity 3]


Vladimir asks the player to look for Andreja. Player says she's probably fine on her own.[affinity 4]




Player sides with science. Andreja only.[affinity 5]




Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player Chooses Science.[affinity 6]




Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player chooses Dreams.[affinity 7]




Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player refuses to take sides.[affinity 8]




Player sides with Noel and Andreja. Andreja Only.[affinity 9]




Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Matteo and agrees that a little friendly competition helps everyone perform better.[affinity 10]

Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Noel and agrees that a competition within Constellation would cause people to undermine each other.[affinity 11]


Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player takes no sides.[affinity 12]



You arrive outside a Temple for the first time.[affinity 13]




The Player enters the center and is given an Artifact Power.[affinity 14]


Player returns from the Temple. Companion was there as well. Player is super excited that it gave them powers.[affinity 15]




Player returns from the Temple. Player is super excited that it gave them powers.[affinity 16]




Player returns from the Temple. Player complains about the puzzles.[affinity 17]




Player demonstrates their new powers. They say the temple did this.[affinity 18]




Player demonstrates their new powers. They brag that they're going to use them everywhere.[affinity 19]


Player demonstrates their new powers. Player says they need to keep the existence of this secret.[affinity 20]


  1. Player meets Vladimir Sall for the first time. Player is polite.
  2. Player meets Vladimir Sall for the first time. Player is amazed with Vladimir's muscles.
  3. Vladimir asks the player to look for Andreja. Player agrees.
  4. Vladimir asks the player to look for Andreja. Player says she's probably fine on her own.
  5. Player sides with science. Andreja only.
  6. Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player Chooses Science.
  7. Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player chooses Dreams.
  8. Noel and Matteo are arguing the value of Science vs Dreams. Player refuses to take sides.
  9. Player sides with Noel and Andreja. Andreja Only.
  10. Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Matteo and agrees that a little friendly competition helps everyone perform better.
  11. Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player sides with Noel and agrees that a competition within Constellation would cause people to undermine each other.
  12. Noel and Matteo are arguing about competing for discovering the Artifacts. The Player takes no sides.
  13. You arrive outside a Temple for the first time.
  14. The Player enters the center and is given an Artifact Power.
  15. Player returns from the Temple. Companion was there as well. Player is super excited that it gave them powers.
  16. Player returns from the Temple. Player is super excited that it gave them powers.
  17. Player returns from the Temple. Player complains about the puzzles.
  18. Player demonstrates their new powers. They say the temple did this.
  19. Player demonstrates their new powers. They brag that they're going to use them everywhere.
  20. Player demonstrates their new powers. Player says they need to keep the existence of this secret.

Mission Stages[edit]

Into the Unknown (MQ104A)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
1(DEBUG - Temple Start)
5(Make sure player can always board the Eye)
10(Quest Start)
Sarah has asked me to go to the Eye, a star station that Constellation owns in orbit of Jemison. I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.
20(Vald gives you the star data)
Vladimir has given me locations he believes could hold Artifacts. He's also asked me to be on the lookout for Andreja, another Constellation member, who was following up on the same leads and hasn't reported back.
22(Traveled to Planet 1)
30(You obtain the Artifact on the first planet)
32(Traveled to Planet 2)
40(You obtain the Artifact on the second planet)
45(Close to Andreja)
50(You meet Andreja)
55(Andreja Intro scene done)
60(You have all the Artifacts and found Andreja)
I've found the Artifacts. Time to add them to the collection back at the Lodge.
70(Player reaches the Lodge after getting the Artifacts)
80(Player enters Library)
100(Player activates the Artifact Collection, trigger return scene)
110(Andreja available as Companion)
120(Only make andreja active)
220(Tell player to talk to Vlad again)
Vladimir picked up some data on the Artifacts I just brought back. I should talk to him.
300(Player talks to Vladimiar - point to temple)
There's a large anomaly on a distant planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts. I need to find it.
305(Player lands at temple planet)
My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.
400(Player arrives at Starborn Temple)
402(Player is inside the Temple interior)
405(Temple Map Marker Discovered)
500(Player solves the Temple puzzle)
600(Track if Companion was present)
The anomaly ended up being some kind of temple. I need to return to the Lodge and let everyone know what's happened.
700(Player returns to the Lodge)
705(Vladimir has forcegreeted)
710(Vlad asks the player to demonstrate their power)
720(Power demonstrated)
1000(Quest Complete)
Vladimir says he can help track down more of the temples in the future for any Artifacts we find.
1010(When Vlad unloads after quest complete, move him back to the Eye and stop the quest)
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage MQ104A stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest MQ104A.
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