Starfield:Johann Baptiste
Johann Baptiste (001874C1, 000C8218) |
Location | |||
Editor ID | UC_NA_JohannBaptiste | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Male |
RefID | 001874C1 | BaseID | 000C8218 |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | United Colonies, NewAtlantisFaction |
Johann Baptiste is a worker at UC Distribution in New Atlantis on Jemison. He has an extremely positive attitude towards the United Colonies, and openly expresses how much he enjoys his job.
He has several different greetings, expressing his enjoyment of working for UC.
- "Working at the Distribution Center can be tiring, but it sure is rewarding."
- "I've met so many interesting people from working at the Distribution Center."
- "I'm on tax duty tomorrow. Can't wait!"
- "It's a privilege to be able to work for the UC government."
- "Service with a smile! That's the UC way!"
- "Wen really keeps the Distribution Center in tip-top shape."
If you start a conversation with him and do not respond, he may say:
- "Everything okay?"
- "I should probably get back to it..."
- "Are you feeling well?"
- "Uh... hello?"
When ending conversations, he will say:
- "Take it easy."
- "Keep on keeping on."
- "Take care of yourself."
- "See ya."
In conversation with him, you can ask him about a few different topics:
Sounds like you really love your job.
- "Of course, who wouldn't? It's such a privilege to be able to work for the UC government, a true force of good. Every day is so exciting. I get to meet so many new people, solve interesting problems, and learn about developing situations throughout the Settled Systems. Yep, there's never a boring day at the Distribution Center."
Did you always want to work at the Distribution Center?
- "Oh, no. When I was growing up, I actually wanted to be a miner on Cydonia, as weird as that may sound. I guess I never wanted to have a "typical" job. Lucky for me, working at the Distribution Center is anything but typical."
I'd like to purchase something.
- "Oh, that's not really my area. I don't have clearance for that just yet. Someday, maybe! You'll want to talk to Ms. Tseng about that."
Related Missions[edit]
An Invitation: Invite prior visitors of Sanctum Universum to return.
Mission-Related Events[edit]
Marcus Lestari will ask you to reach out to Johann on behalf of Sanctum Universum, as he had previously visited them but had not been back in a while. Johann expresses a fair amount of enthusiasm about Sanctum Universum:
Special delivery from Marcus Lestari, of the Sanctum Universum.
- "Really? Nice! I went there a while back. Good to see they still remember me."
Why'd you stop going?
- "I've actually been meaning to check it out again. It's just something interesting to do after work. The people seem nice as well. There wasn't really any reason. I just got busy or lazy, and stopped going. "
What are your thoughts on the Sanctum Universum?
- "To tell you the truth, I don't really have any thoughts on the church itself. I wouldn't consider myself religious. I initially went because it just seemed interesting. I don't think I really know enough about the church to decide if it's bad or good, or even if it's a good fit for me. I guess maybe I should go back to figure that out. Because of my job, I don't really have too much free time to socialize or make friends. Now don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my job! It's the best job in New Atlantis. But still, it can be hard to put myself out there sometimes. That's actually one of the reasons I went to the Sanctum Universum. Just to talk with people and get to know them. It was nice, it really was."
You can choose to end the conversation now, or choose the top dialogue options to explore his and your own feelings about the Sanctum more:
I should be going now.
- "Alrighty, thanks for getting this to me. Keep on keeping on."
Seems like they're really interested in seeing you again.
- "Gotta say that it's nice. You know, having people think about you."
Kinda creepy, right? It's like they're keeping tabs on you.
- "Ha! Creepy? I think it's flattering."
After either of the previous two options, you can then say:
Sounds like a great reason to go back sometime.
- "Yeah, I think I will."
There are probably better ways to spend your time.
- "Maybe, but I'm not really interested in those things, I guess. Something about the Sanctum Universum is just... interesting to me. I can't put it any other way, really. I think I may give it another shot."
Either response will then lead him to ask you:
- "But hey, let me ask you something. Do you believe in all this Sanctum Universum stuff? What do you think?"
Sure, I believe it.
- "Nice, cool. I don't know if I'll believe it myself, but I guess we'll see what happens."
No, it isn't for me.
- "Nothin' wrong with that. I'm not sure if I'll believe any of it either. But what the hell, right?"
I believe that no one can prove it's real or not.
- "Uh-huh. Like Bigfoot. Do you know what Bigfoot is? Some monster that might've lived on Earth and had big feet. You know what, I'll just stop talking."
I don't really even know what the Sanctum Universum is about.
- "Neither do I, honestly. But that could be a good reason to learn about it and give it a shot."
- "Well hey, I'll let you get back to it. Thanks for bringing this to me. Keep on keeping on."
After finishing up with Johann and the other people the Sanctum wanted you to check up on, return to Marcus to report your success.
- Starfield-Things In-UC Distribution
- Starfield-Things In-New Atlantis
- Starfield-Things In-Jemison
- Starfield-Things In-Commercial District
- Starfield-Things In-Alpha Centauri System
- Starfield-NPCs
- Starfield-Human
- Starfield-Human-Male
- Starfield-Male NPCs
- Starfield-Factions-CrimeFactionUC
- Starfield-Factions-NewAtlantisFaction