Starfield:The Eleos Retreat

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The Eleos Retreat
(view on map)
Console Location Code(s)
Ixyll II
Ixyll System
The Eleos Retreat.

The Eleos Retreat is a settlement on Ixyll II that is under construction as a rehabilitation center for convicts.


To edit this section: The Eleos Retreat People

The Eleos Retreat
Greg D'Angelo
Jonah Halftown
Levent Kilman
Monika Blum
Nevan Bohn
Sloan Temitope

Related Missions[edit]

Magazines, Slates, and Terminals

Moby Dick Book Melville's classic tale of revenge and obsession, for a total of 341 pages.
Sanctum Universum, Vol 1 Book Sanctum Universum A Spiritual Guide for After the World's End After entering the retreat, head towards and walk past the infirmary room to the hallway next to the stairs. The book is located in the first room to your left as you enter the section, located in an advanced lock behind a computer on a table.
The New Atlantian 04 Magazine The New Atlantian Permanently grants the recipe for the Beer Brat Platter food item. After entering the retreat, head towards and walk past the infirmary room to the hallway next to the stairs. The skill book will be located in the first room to your left as you enter the section. It will be lying on the nightstand.

Location Scenes[edit]

Quest: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_EleosRetreat
Scene: COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_AndrejaScene01COPY0000

Sam Coe:

Wait. I know you. Didn't I bust you?

Monika Blum:

If you're Ranger Coe, then, yeah, I believe we've had the pleasure.


No "Ranger" anymore. Just "Coe." So, uh, how are you...?


Making the best of what I've got. I joined a cult! You'd love 'em. Called "The Eleos Retreat."


I hope you understand I was just doing my job.


You... don't need to do that. I've come a long way since we last met.
And this place... we're going to help others do the same.


I'm glad to hear it. Sincerely, good luck turning a new leaf here.