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This article is about the city. For the resource, see Neon (Resource).
On the planet Volii Alpha, in the Volii System. | ||
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Neon is a pleasure city built by the Xenofresh Corporation on Volii Alpha in the Volii System, in the Freestar Collective. Originally a fishing platform, the city was repurposed towards drug production after the discovery of a fish with psychotropic properties. This led to the creation of Aurora, universally outlawed throughout the Settled Systems except in Neon itself. Aurora's unique effects have made the city a major tourist site by those who want to experience it. [1]
Neon is built on a massive platform in the ocean. It's main part, called Neon Core, is a large strip of shops, offices and other businesses. The spaceport terminal separates it into Bayu Plaza to the west and Ikuchi Market to the east. The spaceport terminal connects Neon Core to Neon City Spaceport. To the north and south Neon Core is enclosed by Ebbside. Below Neon Core and Ebbside lies the Underbelly.
Neon Gang Culture
Neon is no stranger to criminal elements, as its reputation as a pleasure city has attracted a myriad of shady characters. The Ebbside part of the city is home to a collection of gangs, preying on each other or unsuspecting tourists who venture too far into the shadowy parts of the city. The most notorious of these criminal entities is the Seokguh Syndicate, an organization rumored to have ties to Neon's mayor, Benjamin Bayu. While the extent of their influence remains shrouded in secrecy, persistent rumors suggest that it is Benjamin Bayu who wields considerable control over the syndicate's activities. In addition to the Seokguh Syndicate, Neon is home to two other street gangs: the Ebbside Strikers and the Disciples. These smaller yet no less dangerous groups, like most gangs, consider themselves family.[2]
To learn more of Neon and its history, see the lore article.
To edit this section: Neon Spaceport People
Bayu Plaza[edit]
To edit this section: Bayu Plaza People
To edit this section: Ebbside People
Ikuchi Market[edit]
To edit this section: Ikuchi Market People
To edit this section: Underbelly People
Related Quests[edit]
All That Money Can Buy: Purchase an Artifact from a shady source in Neon.
Shadows in Neon: Follow a lead in Neon, and interrogate an accomplice about the stolen ship.
All for One: Convince Dietrich Sieghart to stop paying Neon Security.
The Audition: Join the Ebbside Strikers.
Display of Power: Tag Neon with the Ebbside Strike's logo.
The Showdown: Help the Ebbside Strikers hit the Disciples back.
Bare Metal: Get compensation for a vandalized robot.
Hard Luck: Help Clover MacKenna get one of her clients out of debt
Loose Ends: Complete the delivery of a smuggled package.
Mob Mentality: Help Tevin Anastas deal with a thug
Relief Run: Deliver medical supplies to "Doc" Manning
Runaway: Protect a runaway from her vengeful father.
Saburo's Solution: Help Saburo Okadigbo deliver flyers to save his company
Unjustified: Help Katherine Luzion find out what happened to her husband
Dirty Laundry: Pick up and sell merchandise for Manaia Adams.
Location Scenes[edit]
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_Neon01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_Neon01Scene |
- Andreja?! Quite a surprise. Thought you were out of the business, didn't need any information anymore.
- You remember correctly. We are simply browsing.
- Oh! Oh, so sorry. You were just a very reliable customer when it came to needing to know things...
- As you say, I am no longer in the position of requiring that service.
- Right. Well, good to see you again all the same.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_Neon03 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Andreja_Convo_Neon03Scene |
- Andreja! Good to see you.
- Hello Kosmos. What is new on the menu?
- Ah, nothing new, I'm afraid. Still, our usuals are pretty good...
- Your usuals are excellent. I am glad to see you are still selling.
- We're hanging in there, thanks to customers like you.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon01Scene |
- Saburo! How's business these days?
- [Q:455 & Q:460 & …?] It could be better my friend, but I'm not complaining. I've worked hard to keep these doors open.
- [¬Q:455?] I'm not going to lie to you, my friend. It does not look good.
Making ends meet gets harder and harder... I need to consider something more drastic, I think. - [Q:455 & ¬Q:460?] I'm hoping it will improve very soon... your friend here has offered some assistance in the marketing department.
- [Q:455 & Q:460 & …?] I know you have.
- [¬Q:455?] It might be riskier not to try something different, right?
- [Q:455 & ¬Q:460?] Sometimes you just need people to know that you're here, right? I hope it works out.
- You have to be a wise businessman to have stayed afloat here in Neon this long.
- Oh goodness. That was a bad joke, my friend. But I thank you for the sentiment nonetheless.
- Of course. And if I run into anybody looking for mining supplies, you'll be where I send them.
- That is what I like to hear, my friend. You're always welcome in my shop.
Quest: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Neon02_Scene |
- Barrett?! Oh no, no, no.
- Nope. No way. Not again.
- Whoa? Come on, Kolman. Don't be like that, buddy.
- The hell you don't!
- We had a perfectly normal transaction!
- Normal!? There were friggin' mercs coming after me!
- You said you were willing to handle anything and you got your money.
- I meant paperwork not pirates! What the hell!
- Well you might want to clarify that in your sales pitch then. That's on you, my friend.
- No, no, no. Take that grinning "my friend" crap right out of here.
- Can you believe this guy?!
- Geez Louise!
Quest: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Neon01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NeonScene01 |
- You. No Blend. No service. No nothing.
- Yannick. Still sore about that bust?
- I do not know what you are talking about. I just don't like the look of you.
- You know, we never were able to prove your involvement.
- Alleged involvement. I am a totally legitimate legal businessman. Pillar of the community.
- A pile of crap is what you are.
- Your friend here, welcome. You... You are not.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_Neon02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SamCoe_Convo_NeonScene02 |
- Mr. Coe. Nice to see you. You here on Ranger business?
- No longer with them, Dexler. With Constellation now.
- The... uh... explorers? That's an odd career path.
- It's better for everyone.
- Well, if you see Mrs. Coe tell her I might have a lead for her.
- She goes by Ms. Hart now. And I'll... pass it along.
- Very sorry to hear that. Mrs - Ms. Hart is something else.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_Neon01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NeonScene01 |
- Oh my goodness! Ms. Morgan. I haven't seen you in quite a while. How are you, my friend?
- I'm doing well, Saburo. Haven't given up the dream, I see?
- Never. I've staked my claim here, so I must stick to the path I've chosen.
- Good, I'm glad to hear it. I wish you the best, Saburo.
- Thank you, Ms. Morgan.
Quest: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_Neon02 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_SarahMorgan_Convo_NeonScene02 |
- Sarah Morgan, welcome back to Stroud-Eklund. Did those engine schematics ever manage to arrive at the Lodge?
- They did, Emiko. Arrived by courier just as you promised.
- Splendid. Then perhaps you're still considering making that purchase? The vessel outfitted for deep space exploration?
- No, I'm afraid I'm still not ready to take that kind of leap just yet. But I'll keep it in mind.
- No problem. If you change your mind, please let me know and I'll draw up the paperwork.
- Neon is the only city in the Settled Systems to power itself with lightning