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This is a list of all keys in the game. You can find keys you collected in the misc section of your inventory. They have no weight and no value and you cannot move them out of your inventory in any way.



Name Location Use Circumventable

1-Of-A-Kind Safe Keycard
UC07_1OfAKind_SafeKey (0009DE5B)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Access Badge
LC044AccessBadgeFloor05 (0022F212)

Admin Office Key
RL018AdminKey (002C2CBF)

Air Traffic Control Tower Keycard
SettleHopeTown_AirTrafficSecurityKeycard (002D3A5D)

Akila Core Manor Key
CityAkilaCityCoreHouseKey (000C368D)

Akila Midtown House Key
CityAkilaCityMidtownHouseKey (000C3690)

Armistice Archive Keycard
UC05_ArmisticeArchiveAccessCard (00219099)

Received from Deputy Elisabeth MacIntyre during Friends Like These. (?) (?)

Armory Key
DR026_armoryKey (0023DF49)

Found in (probably randomly generated) forgotten military base. (Exact location?)

Door to armory at the same base.

Yes: Unlock computer with advanced security level.

Astral Lounge Hotel Suite Key
AstralLoungeHotelSuite_KeyCard (000976DB)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Bayu's Penthouse Key
Neon_BayuPenthouseKey (0003586B)

Pickpocket from Benjamin Bayu. Access to Benjamin Bayu's Penthouse in the Trade Tower. No.

Bunk Room Key
se_KT09_BunkroomKey (003B0665)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Captain's Key
RL039_CaptainsKey (002B68B3)

Captain's Key
se_ck02key (00176531)

Captain's Key
se_KT11_CaptainsKey (002CAD04)

Captain's Room Key
LC088_PlayerHomeKey (000F92F5)

Carter's Locker Code
LC030_LockerCode (001F91FA)

Captain's Safe Key
se_KT12_SafeKey (003B38FD)

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Asp's Bite (random)

Cell Key
DR007_Key (000C71C9)

Storage room near bathroom in generic Abandoned Outpost. A room in the outpost. Yes. Door locked with advanced security level.

Cell Key
LC176_JailKey (0034BE3D)

Vulture's Roost in a bunk room with a six sided table in the center. Door to a cell a flight of stairs down. Yes. Door locked with master security level.

Chief Engineer Sandin's ID
CF04_SandinPass (000A0271)

Acquire from Chief Engineer Sandin on the Siren of the Stars.
See Breaking the Bank.
Access to Environmental Control Computer. No.

CM Station RC-1 Mine Keycard
RI06_CMStationRC1MineKeycard (001A9503)

Provided by Camden Cho.
See The Key Ingredient.
Access the elevator from the barracks to the mines. No.

Coe GalBank Keycard
MQ103CoeVaultKey (001CBF56)

Received from Sam Coe during The Empty Nest. Unlocks Coe family's secure storage lockers in Gal Bank vault. No.

Command Code: Ikande
LC088_Ops_KibwePassword (00270FB1)

Command Code: Toft
LC088_Ops_ToftPassword (0021BB95)

Commander Key
DR032_CommanderKey (0027CDC8)

Commander Key
SE_SD10_MaintenanceKey (0000B0C2)

Comms Building Key
RL002_CommsKey (00155784)

Hephaestus Mine H-363, on a table in the first interior room to the right. Exterior building advanced locked door, interior expert locked door. Yes.

Contraband Locker Key
LC032_ContrabandLockerKey (001B5788)

Londinion security office on a shelf close to the system reboot control and the emergency recorder.

The four locked lockers in the same room

Cryogen Research Lab Key
DR017_LabKey (0027C9A0)

Found on a dead scientist hanging from a ceiling hatch close to the doors. Two doors in the underground facility of generic abandoned cryo labs. Yes, doors locked with expert or master security level.

Cryogen Utility Key
DR017_UtilityKey (003CD06F)

Cydonia Utility Area Key
UC03_CydoniaUtilityKey (0025CD88)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Deimos Staryards Keycard
DeimosStaryardsCorporateOfficeKeycard (003A2370)

Delgado's Password
LC088_Key_DelgadosPassword (001B86F3)

Take it from Delgado after you kill him.
See Legacy's End (Sys Def).
Access Delgado's Computer to end the lockdown. Yes. You can persuade Delgado to deactivate the lockdown himself.

Dr. Farrow's Key
se_KT14_MedicalKey (003B5D2B)

Drill Waste Room Access Key
UC03_DeepMineDrillKey (0025CDDF)

Received from Lou Saavedra after you took care of Percival's debt. See Delivering Devils. Door to drill waste room in the abandoned mines on Mars. No

Dumbrosky's Cabin Key
CF04_CabinKey_Dumbrosky (0009C283)

Pickpocket from Larry Dumbrosky aboard the Siren of the Stars. Dumbrosky's Cabin on the Siren of the Stars. Yes. Door locked with expert security level.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Ecliptic Base ID Card
LC165_ExteriorCard (00187CA4)

Dropped by Guardian Athaliah when you defeat them.
See Revelation.
Insert into ID card reader to enter the base. No.

Ecliptic Base Key
LC165_EngineeringKey (00187686)

Dropped by Guardian Teuta when you defeat them.
See Revelation.
Unlock doors in the assembly hall of the base. No.

Ecliptic Base Password
LC165_EngineeringPassword (00123431)

Ecliptic Specimen Cage Keycard
UC07_Ecliptic_CageDoorKey (001F4292)

ECS Constant Captain's Key
ECSConstantCaptainKey (00006E30)

Pickpocket it from Captain Diana Brackenridge. Unlock the safe in the ECS Constant's captain's office. No

ECS Constant Reactor Terminal Key
MS06_ReactorTerminalKey (002584AE)

Pickpocket it from Amin Kazemi.
See First Contact.
Access Reactor Computer. Not if you want to overload the reactor, but there are other options to proceed with the mission.

Eleos General Store Keycard
ER_GeneralStoreKeycard (000D0881)

Pickpocket it from Monika Blum. Doors to storeroom at Eleos Retreat General Store. Yes. Doors locked with advanced security level / master security level.

Elevator Access Key
DR011ElevatorKey (002B536C)

Take from Paxton Hull after you killed him.
See First to Fight, First to Die.
Doors to loading bay and elevator at Freestar Mech Factory. No.

Elevator Exit Key
LC024FinalElevatorKey (0029D3B2)

Employee Exit Key
UC03_DeepMineQuickExitKey (0025CDBC)

Abandoned mines of Mars in Percival Walker's Laboratory on top of the thresher. See Delivering Devils. Unlocks the elevator to Mars surface in the laboratory. No

Employee Foundry Passcode
BQ01_Key_FoundryTerminal_Employee (00036925)

Pickpocket from Miner at the foundry in Gagarin Landing. Employee #3490's account at Foundry Terminals at the foundry in Gagarin Landing. Yes, there are other ways to get information you need from Foundry Terminals during Breach of Contract.

Employee Key
LC139Key (0007EA4D)

Entryway Key
DR018EntrywayKey (0029C8EF)

Generic deserted biotics lab on a trolley in a workspace below the cafeteria. Door between the workspace below the cafeteria and the big hall. No.

Ervin's Apartment Keycard
BQ01_Key_ErvinsApartment (0001934B)

Barret hands it to you when you are in front of the apartment during Breach of Contract. Ervin's Apartment. No.

Ervin's Foundry Passcode
BQ01_Key_FoundryTerminal_Ervin (00155D19)

In a storage box locked with expert security level in Ervin's Apartment in Gagarin Landing. The storage box is on top of some equipment in a maintenance niche. Ervin Madani's account at Foundry Terminals at the foundry in Gagarin Landing. Yes, there are other ways to get information you need from Foundry Terminals during Breach of Contract.

Euphorika Lounge Pass
City_NE_EuphorikaMemberPass (00089F60)

Buy it from Myka for Credit.png5,000. Door to Euphorika Member's lounge. No.

Executive Level Access Code
MQ105SlaytonElevatorID (00219260)

Slayton Aerospace security office in the Trade Tower of Neon. Elevator to executive level. Yes. During All That Money Can Buy you can find another way to access the executive level.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Facility Key
LC074LabKey (0015C84E)

In The Facility next to Facility Datacore. Door to exit the Facility. No.

Facility Key
LC180FacilityKey (002CC9C0)

Faye's Passcode
RI07_FayePasscode (0016DA4D)

Pickpocket it from Faye Sengsavahn at Infinity LTD research and revelopment.
See Sabotage.
Access Faye's Computer. Yes. Computer is locked with advanced security level.

Freestar Code Machine Key
UC05_CodeMachineKey_Freestar (0024F837)

Pickpocket it from Ambassador Evangeline Radcliff Friends Like These. Insert into Archival Code Generator to generate Freestar Archival Code. Yes: Find another way to get Freestar Archival Code.

Freestar Diplomatic Access Card
UC05_Freestar_EmbassyAccessCard (0021909D)

Received from Deputy Elisabeth MacIntyre during Friends Like These. (?) No

Freestar Embassy Key
UC05_Freestar_EmbassyKey (0024F836)

Pickpocket it from Ambassador Evangeline Radcliff Friends Like These. Unlocks several doors in the Freestar Embassy. Yes: Various doors of varying difficulty can be picked; Other paths through the mission are available that don't require opening locked doors.

Freestar Ranger Deputy Badge
FreestarRangerBadgeDeputy (00201B0B)

Freestar Ranger Deputy Badge
FreestarRangerBadge_Deputy (00201B0C)

Freestar Ranger Badge
FreestarRangerBadge_Ranger (0019A621)

Marshal Daniel Blake hands it to you during The Hammer Falls. (?) (?)

Freestar Utility Access Key
UC05_Freestar_UtilityAccessKey (00219A94)

Frontier Ship Passcode
FrontierShipKey (000191DD)


Name Location Use Circumventable

GalBank Access Card
CF04_GalbankAccessCard (00138F3B)

GalBank Credentials
CF04_GalbankCredentials (00237507)

GalBank Front Door Key
FC01_GalBankFrontDoorKey (0014FC5E)

GalBank Rear Door Key
FC01_GalBankRearDoorKey (0010FE7C)

GalBank Transfer Module
CF_GalbankTransferModule (001F25C7)

You find two of these on the GalBank Legacy. The first one is next to Osterholt's body. The second one is next to Jasper Kryx' body.
See Eye of the Storm.
The first one you need to access the Legacy's vault. You need both to insert into the transfer module locks in the vault control room. No.

Garage Access Door Key
DR014GarageKey (0026C126)

Generdyne Safe Pass
CF06_GenerdyneSafePass (0017ADC6)

Pickpocket it from Ji Nashida in Generdyne Industries offices.
See Absolute Power.
Safe in office. Yes. Safe locked with master security level. You can persuade Ji Nashida to unlokc the safe for you.

Generdyne Staff Key
LC039_StaffKey (00249C9A)

Generdyne Storage Room Pass
CF06_GenerdynePass (0001BE3B)

Handed to you by Ayumi Komiko
See Absolute Power.
Door to Generdyne Systems storage room. No.

Generic Security Keycard
GenericSecurityKeycard (003A3FF9)

Gov. Hurst's Condo Key
CY_GovHurstCondoKey (000173C8)

Pickpocket it from Governor Glen Hurst. Unlocks Hurst's Condo in Cydonia. Yes. Door with advanced security level.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Holbrooke Claim ID
CF04_ClaimID (0009C32A)

Convince Sheila Holbrooke to give it to you.
See Breaking the Bank.
Access Safe Room Computer in the purser's office on the Siren of the Stars and open the safe in the vault. No.

Holbrooke's Cabin Key
CF04_CabinKey_Holbrooke (0009C280)

Pickpocket from Sheila Holbrooke aboard the Siren of the Stars. Holbrooke's Cabin on the Siren of the Stars. Yes. Door locked with expert security level.

Hold Key
SE_SD05_Key01 (000414CE)

Holding Cell Key
LC044JailKey (0022E16E)


Name Location Use Circumventable
Imogene's Passcode
LC044_ImogeneKeycard (00005ED6)
Pickpocket it from Imogene Salzo. Access Imogene's computer. Yes. Computer is locked with master security level.
Access personal reports on Imogene's computer. No.

InfinityLTD Keycard
InfinityLTDKeycard (0030002E)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Jacob's Office Key
MQ103JacobOfficeKey (00319B0E)

Received from Jacob Coe during The Empty Nest if you persuade Jacob to give you the maps. Door to Jacob's office in Coe Estate. Yes. You can choose another way to get the maps.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Kay's Apartment Key
CityNewAtlantisKayMasonApartmentKey (003A5ECB)

Pickpocket it from Kay Mason. Door to Kay's Apartment in the Well. No.

Kendrick Lane's Passcode
RI06_DrLanePasscode (001ECDF9)

LocStoryMysteryContainerKey (001C4A76)

LocStoryReservedRoomContainerKey (001C4A77)

LocStoryMysteryDoorKey (001C4A78)

LocStoryReservedRoomDoorKey (001C52F3)

REOverlayContainerHidden_Key (0037C3BD)

Kulkarni's Apartment Key
Botany02_KulkarniAptKey (001BBF33)

Pickpocket from Chief Engineer Upsana Kulkarni. Unlocks Kulkarni's apartment in Orion Tower. Yes. Door locked with novice security level.

Kumiho's Keycard
RI05_KumihoContainerKey (001EDF67)

Kumiho's Office Key
LC115_KumihoKey (0022F21A)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Lab Key
DR006ControlRoom (0019CEAF)

Lab Key
DR006FormanWorkStation (0019CEE0)

Lab Key
DR006LivingQuarterKey (0019CEE2)

Lab Key
DR021UnloadingAreaKey (001A480E)

Lab Key
RL048LabKey (001FE660)

Lab Key
RL064MainKey (002CA0BB)

Laboratory Key
LC074LabKey2 (00043D71)

Laboratory Key
LC179LabKey01 (0013FD11)

Level 1 Storage Key
RL040StorageKey (002CC2DF)

On the ground below the hand of the dead worker propped up against the smoking loudspeaker at Abandoned Griplite Manufacturing Plant

Living Quarter Key
RL089LivingQuarterKey (002115BB)

On a table in the control area in a generic Abandoned Mineral Refinery. Doors to the living quarters. Yes. Door locked with advanced security level.

Locked Compartment Key
SE_AG01_Key (002DE38C)

Locker Key
FC03_ArmoryLockerKey (0026FE96)

Locker Keycard
RI07_LockerKeyCard (0015DF43)

Lodge Key
LodgeKey (00293A7D)

Received at the end of One Small Step.

Some doors at the Lodge.


Lucas Drexler's Office Key
LC051DrexlerKey (0027AD54)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Main Access Key
LC061_MainAccessKey (0028D735)

Maintenance Access Keycard
RI07_SkylerLuminID (0015DF4A)

Maintenance Key
DR032_MaintenanceKey (00272F0E)

Maintenance Key
RL032_MaintenanceKeyDUPLICATE000 (002C8DE6)

Maintenance Key
RL032_MaintenanceKey (002C8E08)

Maintenance Passcode
RI07_MaintenancePasscode (0015DF49)

Provided by Ularu for you infiltration of Infinity Ltd's headquarters.
See Sabotage.
(?) (?)

Maintenance Shaft Key
LC115_MaintenanceKey (003AD7DC)

Maintenance Terminal Code
LC030_VentilationRoomPassword (001F91FB)

Maintenance Tunnel Key
MQ204WellKey (0014AFDC)

Marco's Keycard
LC133Marco_VaultBedroomKey (001EB7CD)

Take from Marco Graziani.
See On the Run.
Several doors on the Fortuna. Yes. Doors are locked with expert security level.

Mercury Penthouse Key
CityNewAtlantisPenthouseKey (000C368B)

Received from Zora Sangweni if you talk to her after A Legacy Forged. Grants access to the elevator in Mercury Tower and unlocks Mercury Tower Penthouse. No.

Moara's Ship Key
MQ102MoaraShipKey (0031D723)

Take it from an ecpliptic's corpse on Moara's Ship during The Old Neighborhood. Unlocks the door to the cockpit. No.

Moon Base Key
MQ301MoonBaseKey (0021D5EA)

The Emissary hands it to you at the end of In Their Footsteps. Airlock to Nova Galactic Research Station.
See Unearthed.


Name Location Use Circumventable

NASA Maintenance Key
LC017NASA_ArchiveStairwellKey (0026D276)

In NASA Launch Tower, it sits on a desk next to NASA Research Computer in the room the Artifact is held in.
See Unearthed.
(?) (?)

Nasa Access Code
MQ301NasaKey (003612E8)

NASA Office Key
LC017NASA_ArchivistOfficeKey (0026D914)

NASA Vault Key
LC017NASA_VaultKey (0026D27A)

NAT Station Emergency Key
UC04_ContrabandLockerKey (0023F92B)

NAT Station Emergency Key
UC04_NATEmergencyElevatorKey (002AADC1)

Nina's Suite Keycard
RI02_NinaRoomKey (002AAC2B)

Pickpocket from Nina Hart or pickpocket or buy from Boone Morgan at the Astral Lounge.
See Sowing Discord.
Unlock the door to Nina Hart's VIP suite at the Astaral Lounge. Yes. The door is locked with novice security level, there are other ways to obtain a keycard, and there are other ways into the room.

Nishina Pantry Keycard
MQ207C_PantryKey (0022D3A5)

Handed to you by Rafael Aguerro at Nishina Research Station.
See Entangled .
Unlocks the door from the work room to the pantry at Nishina Research Station. No.

Nishina Particle Lab Keycard
MQ207C_ParticleLabKey (0028AD05)

On a desk in the facilities section of research level of the alternative universe's Nishina Research Station.
See Entangled .
Unlock doors in the facility section of research level of Nishina Research Station. Yes. Doors are locked with master security level.

Nishina Utility Closet Keycard
MQ207C_UtilityClosetKey (0029A932)

On a table between two Robotics Lab Computers in accelerator robotics at research level at Nishina Research Station.
See Entangled .
Unlock the door to the utility closet in the accelerator room. No.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Office Key
DR018OfficeKey (0029C8E7)

Generic deserted biotics lab.
In a storage hall on a shelf next to an industrial workbench.
On a shelf in the workspace below the cafeteria on a shelf.
Door to a small storage room off the workspace below the cafeteria.
Door to an office off the storage hall.
Yes. Door locked with master security level.

Osterholt's Safe Code
LC107_EngineeringSafeKey (000F0F8A)

Access Maintenance Issue 0602-10-ERL at GalBank Legacy's Engine Room Computer. Safe in engine room control room. Yes. Safe locked with master security level.

Outpost Key
LC127SafeKey (000EDD9A)

Locker in dormitory at Ransacked Research Outpost on Bessel III. Unlocks safe in dormitory. Yes. Safe locked with expert security level.

Outpost Key
POISD006ScienceKey (0020D5D7)

Outpost Key
LC127OutpostKey (00228C71)

Ransacked Research Outpost on Bessel III, on a box on the roof of the main building. Door to dormitory. Yes. Door locked with advanced security level.

Outpost Main Key
DR012ControlRoomKey (001F5114)

Outpost Main Key
RL036MainBuildingKey (0029AB03)

Outpost Master Key
RL010_MasterKey (00286AB1)

Outpost Storage Room Key
RL036StorageRoomKey (0021C592)


Name Location Use Circumventable

Paradiso Hotel Room Key
FFParadisoZ04_RoomKey (001C3890)

Handed to you by Chief Sugiyama.
See Wanted Guest.
Unlock door to Corbin Carpenter's premium suite on 5th floor of Paradiso resort. No.

Personal Safe Key
RL037SafeKey (0004B591)

Peter Brennan's Password
City_CY_RedTape02_PeterPassword (00235518)

Received from Peter Brennan. See Red Tape Runaround. Peter Brennan's Computer No.

Petrov's Vault Key
LC012Scow_MQ202VaultKey (002C6D13)

Pickpocket from Captain Petrov aboard The Scow.
Take it from Petrov's desk in his quarters.
See No Sudden Moves.
Door to Petrov's vault. Yes. Door locked with master security level.

Private Quarters Key
LC165_PetrovsKey (00120B2A)

Prototype Access Code
MQ301PrototypeKey (00025E16)

Purser Murata's Pass
CF04_PurserPass (0009C206)

Pickpocket from Chief Purser Murata aboard the Siren of the Stars. Acces Purser's Workstation. Yes. Computer is locked with advanced security level.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Receptionist's Access Pass
CF06_ReceptionistPass (0018279D)

Red Devils HQ Key
UC03_RedDevilsHQKey (00257EB6)

Received from Percival Walker during Delivering Devils. Elevator from RedDevils HQ to th surface. No

Reisha's Office Key
CityAkilaLaredoOfficeKey (0000A4A1)

Pickpocket from Reisha Lance at Laredo Firearms.
See A New Narrative.
Unlock door to Reisha's private office. Yes. Door locked with novice security level.

Restricted Equipment Key
LC126_BossChest_Key (002E8DD4)

Rooftop Key
LC179LabKey02 (0013F866)

Rooftop Key
LC092RooftopKey (0022C26E)

Room 1 Key
LC176_RoomKey01 (0034BE3F)

Room 2 Key
LC176_RoomKey02 (0034BE40)

Room 3 Key
LC176_RoomKey03 (0034BE41)

Room 4 Key
LC176_RoomKey04 (0034BE42)

Room 5 Key
LC176_RoomKey05 (0034BE43)

R&D ID Card
RI07_RDKeycard (0015DF42)

Pickpocket from someone at research and development level at Infinity LTD headquarters.
See Sabotage.
Open the doors to the prototype chamber. Yes. There are other ways into the chamber.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Safe #2 Key
se_jm03_safe04_key (002AF5FC)

Safe #12 Key
se_jm03_safe03_key (002AF5FB)

Safe #16 Key
se_jm03_safe01_key (002AF5F9)

Safe #20 Key
se_jm03_safe02_key (002AF5FA)

Safe Key
LC118BeagleSafeKey01 (0034BF01)

Safe Key
LC118BeagleSafeKey02 (0034BF02)

In The Beagle's cargo area on a crate. A safe in a laboratory next to a science crate. (?)

Safe Room Key
se_jm03_Room_key (0028E7CE)

Scow Aux Weapons Key
LC012Scow_ArmoryKeyDUPLICATE000 (001B3D38)

Pickpocket from Tao Xun aboard The Scow.
On a Keyholder in a storage area.
See No Sudden Moves.
Door to a storage area. Yes. Door locked with expert security level.

Scow Lower Level Key
LC012Scow_LowerLevelKey (0027AB05)

Scow Security Key
LC012Scow_SecurityKey (0027CBB9)

Pickpocket from Tao Xun aboard The Scow.
See No Sudden Moves.
Side door to Scow's security office.
Door to downstairs security office.
Yes. Door locked with master security level.
Door locked with novice security level.

Scow Service Key
LC012Scow_ServiceKey (0027AB00)

Pickpocket from a Scow Crew working on a panel next to a cart.
See No Sudden Moves.
Door to a small service room opposite to Petrov's quarters.
Door to a small service area above the storage room unlocked by Scow Aux Weapons Key.
Yes. Door locked with advanced security level.
Yes. Door locked with expert security level.

Scow Zoo Password
LC012Scow_ZooPassword (000F55E0)

Bribe Erin September, Raptor and Bull to spill Captain Petrov's secrets.
See No Sudden Moves.
Unlocks Zoo Control. Yes. Computer locked with master security level.

Sealed Mines Key
SealedMinesKey (002CD24E)

Search and Rescue Key
LC099SearchRescueKey (00168A02)

Nova Galactic Staryard on a counter next to a sink at the back of the medical wing. Unlockes a door to a small ward. Yes. Door with advanced security level.

Secure Wing Access Key
RI06_SecureWingAccessKey (001A94FF)

Handed to you by a security guard at The Clinic.
See The Key Ingredient.
Ulock the door to the secure wing. Yes. There are other ways to get into the secure wing.

Security Passcode
RI07_SecurityPasscode (0000B09D)

Security Password
UC02_SecurityTerminalPassword (00273395)

Seokguh Syndicate Keycard
RI05_SeokguhSyndicateHideoutKey (0019B082)

Pickpocket from Franchesca Moore.
See Guilty Parties.
Door to larder in Frankie's Grab & Go. Yes. If you have Benjamin Bayu's permission to enter the syndicate hideout you can tell Frankie to open the door for you. Also there are other options available to get into the hideout.

Service Elevator Entrance Key
RL067_ExitKey (0005B4F4)

Simulator Admin Systems Keycard
LC007_LockeCaveKey (00261255)

MAST Vanguard pilot simulator, on a yellow tool trolley below the simulator on the north side. Access advanced tools at the debug console inside the simulator. See Supra et Ultra. Yes: Unlock computer with advanced security level.

Shaw Gang Cave Key
LC007_LockeCaveKey (00261255)

Take of a Shaw Gang member or take from a box in Empty Nest cave. Gate in Empty Nest cave. Yes. Gate locked with advanced security level and you can jump over it.

Slayton's Office Key
LC008Slayton_OfficeKey (0025DA2C)

Slayton Utility Key
LC008Slayton_UtilityKey (002CE16C)

Sleepcrate Key
FCNeon_SleepcratePlayerHomeKey (00370989)

Receive it from Izna Sundararaman after you purchase your sleepcrate. Door to Sleepcrate Unit A-003. No.

Stanley McMillan's Access Card
RI03_AccessCard_Stanley (00295EFF)

Pickpocket it from Stanley McMillan.
See Top Secrets.
Access Stanley's Computer at Deimos Staryard corporate quarters. Access Project Dominion on Stanley's Computer. Yes. Both are locked with novice security level.

Starview Access Pass
CF04_StarviewPass (000A0275)

Received from Larry Dumbrosky when you meet him on the Siren of the Stars.
See Breaking the Bank.
Doors to Starview Ballroom. No.

Stash Box Key
FC02_Key (0027B7B4)

Stolen Items Locker Key
NeonSecurity_StolenItemsContainer_Keycard (00071D61)

On a desk in the office at Neon Security HQ. Stolen items locker in evidence room at Neon Security HQ. Yes. Locker locked with expert security level.

Stolen Safe Key
DR019_SafeKey (0013A214)

On a table in command center of Retrofitted Starstation during Failure to Communicate. Four doors of stolen safe. No

Storage Key
RL037Key (0004B588)

Generic Abandoned Weapon Stations, on the highest scaffolding in the center of the facility. (?) (?)

Storage Key
POI030_StorageKey (002ACB17)

Storage Room Key
se_KT09_StorageKey (003B0657)

Suite Master Key
LC092SuiteMasterKey (0017E6CA)

Supply Closet Key
POI043Key (002BAE4C)

Supply Container Key
OE_RewardContainer_Key (000F3CFB)

Supply Storage Key
FFKeyZ02_SupplyStorageKey (001B6151)

Pickpocket it from Gennady Ayton at The Clinic.
See Doctor's Orders.
Unlock a supply storage in a small room in the south wing of the facility. Yes, supply storage is locked with expert security level.

Swist's Cabin Key
CF04_CabinKey_Swist (0009C282)

Pickpocket from Klaudia Swist aboard the Siren of the Stars. Swist's Cabin on the Siren of the Stars. Yes. Door locked with expert security level.

SY-920 Control Center Password
LC043_SY03FlightTestPassword (0004525A)

Persuade or pickpocket Dr. Gabriel Vogel in engineering bay 4 at SY-920's.
See The Best There Is.
Access Flight Control Computer. (?)

SY-920 Docking Port 8 Keycard
LC043_SY03DockingPortKey (0025439F)

Persuade or pickpocket Dr. Gabriel Vogel in engineering bay 4 at SY-920's. You can pickpocket it from some other pesonnel too.
See The Best There Is.
ID card reader at docking port 8. (?)

SY-920 ID Card
LC043_SYIDCard (0006AA66)

Find it when you pick up Ensign Akasaka's Uniform, Ensign Ziremi's Uniform or Ensign Ngata's Uniform at SY-920's.
See The Best There Is.
ID card reader to access elevator to command level. No.

SY-920 Maintenance Keycard
LC043_MaintainenceKey (000DF3A0)

Pickpocket from UC Cargo Hauler at SY-920's cargo bay II.
Pick up Elijah's from the fork lift on the lower level.
See The Best There Is.
Door to mainenance area. Yes. Door is locked with advanced security levels and there are other options available.

SY-920 Security Station Keycard
LC043_SY02SecurityStationKey (00188C9A)

SY-920 Security Station Password
LC043_SY02SecurityStationPassword (0006ABC4)

Pickpocket from Lieutenant Messina.
See The Best There Is.
Access to security computers at command bay checkpoint. No, but there are ways to proceed with the mission without accessing the security computers.


Name Location Use Circumventable

TA Lobby Key
RL082FrontKey (002B8FE7)

TA Warehouse Key
RL082StorageKey (0016887A)

TA Warehouse Key
RL082BackKey (002B8FEA)

Terminal Key
REOverlayTerminal_Key (0037C3B4)

Test Room Keycard
RI07_TestRoomKey (0018B5E3)

On the table in the test chamber in Ryujin's R&D division.
See Sabotage.
DeMarcus uses it to open the test chamber door. You don't use it yourself.

The Beagle Lab Key
LC118BeagleKey (0023EB49)

In The Beagle's cargo area on a table.
In a laboartory on The Beagle's on a counter next to a science crate.
(?) (?)

The Warlock's Cabin Key
UC06_OrlaseCabinKey (00212A00)

Tia's Password: drowssap
City_CY_RedTape01_HRKey (00237407)

Received from Trevor Petyarre during Red Tape Blues. Deimos HR Computer in Deimos staryard corporate quarters. No.

Topher's Key
City_NA_Well_TopherApartmentKey (003A2CFD)

On the corpse of Topher Ugowat in his apartment.
Bug: Topher's corpse disappears after an in-game week. Once it is gone, the key can not be obtained.

Topher's safe, located next to his bed in his apartment.


Tower Maintenance Access
MQ105SlaytonOfficeID (0017DA1B)

Tower Key
OEJP031Key (0010FBDA)

Trade Authority Storeroom Key
UC03_CydoniaTradeAuthorityVaultKey (0025CD87)

Steal from Oktai Enbayar at the Trade Authority in Cydonia. Door to the upstairs storage room at the Trade Authority in Cydonia. Unlock door with master security level.

Trade Tower: Sky Suite Key
FCNeon_TradeTowerPlayerHomeKey (00370988)

Trident Engineering Key
LC102EngineeringKey (00150A8C)


Name Location Use Circumventable

U3-09 Facility Keycard
MS01_MedicalKey (00197E12)

Received from Corporal Lezama in the makeshift infirmary in Research Station U3-09 during Groundpounder. Door to the station's staircase and Dr. Moussa's office door. No.

U3-09 Security Keycard
MS01_SecurityKey (00197E11)

Received from Sergeant Dasari in Dr. Moussa's office in Research Station U3-09 during Groundpounder. Door between office and hallway, door between research 02 and reception and exit door. No.

UC Citizen ID: <Alias=Player>
UC05_PlayerCitizenshipID01 (0021712D)

Received from Deputy Elisabeth MacIntyre during Friends Like These. (?) (?)

UC Military ID
UCMilitary_ID (001A403F)

UC Security Keycard
UC_Security_Keycard (001661A6)

UC Security - Well Key
City_NA_Well_UCSecurityKey (000A6574)

UC Vigilance Brig Password
LC088_Vigilance_Brig_Password (00270FA3)

Ularu's Keycard
RI05_UlaruKeycard (0019A33C)

Pickpocket it fron Ularu Chen. Access the workspace on Ularu's Computer. Yes. Wokspace locked with master security level.

Unit A-102 Key
Neon_EvictedSleepcrate_Key02 (00063394)

Received from Izna Sundararaman when you pay for access to the second evicted sleepcrate. Door to Sleepcrate A-102. No.

Unit A-107 Key
Neon_EvictedSleepcrate_Key03 (00063395)

Received from Izna Sundararaman when you pay for access to the third evicted sleepcrate. Door to Sleepcrate A-107. No.

Unit B-101 Key
Neon_EvictedSleepcrate_Key04 (0006339D)

Received from Izna Sundararaman when you pay for access to the fourth evicted sleepcrate. Door to Sleepcrate B-101. No.

Unit C-203 Key
Neon_EvictedSleepcrate_Key01 (0006338B)

Received from Izna Sundararaman when you pay for access to the first evicted sleepcrate. Door to Sleepcrate C-203. No.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Va'ruun Code Machine Key
UC05_CodeMachineKey_Varuun (0024F869)

Pickpocket it from Ambassador Qasrik Bal'Mor during Friends Like These. Insert into Archival Code Generator to generate Va'ruun Archival Code. Yes: Find another way to get Va'ruun Archival Code.

Va'ruun Embassy Entrance Override
UC05_Varuun_EmbassyAccessKey (0021909C)

Received from Deputy Elisabeth MacIntyre during Friends Like These. Unlocks side door to Va'ruun embassy lobby. No

Va'ruun Storeroom Keycard
UC05_VaruunEmbassyStoreroomKey (000AFEA5)

On a shelf in Ambassador Qasrik Bal'mor's quarters at the Va'ruun Embassy. There is a section with two red cots. The shelf is above the left cot. Unlocks a storeroom close to Ambassador Qasrik Bal'mor's quarters. No

Vectera Control Room Key
LC001_ControlRoomKey (001C5532)

Office in building at Argos Extractors Mining Outpost on Vectera. Opens door to control room in the same building. Yes. Door locked with novice security level.

Vera's Cabin Key
CF04_CabinKey_Vera (0009C281)

Pickpocket from Gabriel Vera aboard the Siren of the Stars. Vera's Cabin on the Siren of the Stars. Yes. Door locked with expert security level.

Vicente's Key
CityNewAtlantisSalinasKey (0019D9C8)

VIP Wing Keycard
FC06_ClinicVIPWingKeycard (001D7EF4)

Convince Titus Cassidy to give it to you, pickpocket it from him or steal a spare from his safe in his office.
See Surgical Strike.
Door to the VIP wing. No.


Name Location Use Circumventable

Warehouse Key
FC04_WarehouseKey (0020A927)

Pickpocket, bribe or persuade Syndicate.
See Shadows in Neon.
Seokguh Syndicate hideout in Neon: Warehouse. No.

Weapon Rack Key
DR020WeaponRackKey (0000485E)

Well Apartment Key
CityNewAtlantisWellApartmentKey (00119AA8)

Workshop Key
RL048WorkshopKey (00181B09)


Name Location Use Circumventable

CF06_GenerdyneExecutiveElevatorKey (0003425A)

UC05_Freestar_ElevatorKey (003D9C72)

VanguardCourseElevatorKey (003CD066)