Starfield:Sowing Discord

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SF-qico-Ryujin Industries.svg
Sabotage a deal between Infinity LTD and Quantum Synergies.
Mission Giver: Imogene Salzo
Location(s): Neon, Ryujin Tower, Astral Lounge
ID: RI02
XP: 250
Credits ?: (?) The credit reward may be reduced per performance plus Credit.png1,000 if you are Neon SR
Other Rewards: a stealth mission reward
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Official Summary[edit]

"Ryujin (and Imogene) is happy with the player's progress after completing three minor jobs (RIR01, RIR02, and RIR03) and wants to see how they do on a more visible, corporate level. The player goes to the Trade Tower to the Astral Lounge to disrupt a deal between Infinity LTD and Quantum Synergies. They'll need sway the two Quantum Synergies executives, Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz, against the deal with Infinity LTD, and then swap out Nina Hart's (the representative for Infinity LTD) presentation with a fabricated one."

Quick Walkthough[edit]

  1. Talk to Imogene Salzo.
  2. (Optional) Read Dossier: Arthur Cruz and Dossier: Zola Adisa.
  3. Convince Quantum Synergies to kill the deal with Infinity LTD.
    1. Persuade Executive Director Zola Adisa.
    2. Persuade Financial Manager Arthur Cruz.
  4. Replace Nina Hart's presentations slate with an altered version.
  5. Talk to Imogene.



Imogene wants you to deal with a couple of high level executives in the Astral Lounge. Because of the connections between Ryujin, Benjamin Bayu and the Astral Lounge, Imogene wants absolute discretion on this job. Ryujin's techs failed to uncover a potential deal between Infinity LTD and Quantum Synergies until right before a critical meeting between the two. The technician responsible has already been fired, but you need to make sure that deal fails. Infinity LTD is one of Ryujin's aspiring competitors, they have products in several similar fields except ships and neuroamps. The deal suggests that Infinity LTD would like to get into the ship business as Quantum Synergies specializes in ship operating software. Ryujin would like to delay that by acquiring them as a partner. You have two goals on this job:

  1. Talk to Quantum Synergies' executives Executive Director Zola Adisa and Financial Manager Arthur Cruz to deter them from entering the deal with Infinity LTD and, if possible, steer them towards a partnership Ryujin Industries.
  2. Switch Infinity LTD's representative Nina Hart's presentations slate with an altered version provided by Imogene.

Imogene provides Dossier: Arthur Cruz, Dossier: Zola Adisa, Nina's presentation (fake) and a fitted business suit. You can optionally read to dossiers, which will be useful for persuasion checks later in the mission. You can talk to Imogene again to get some further details, but she will get quite annoyed. Leave Ryujin Tower and go to the Astral Lounge at the opposite end of Neon Core.

Influence Quantum Synergies against Infinity LTD[edit]

Zola Adisa is on the dance floor level of the Astral Lounge in a niche to the south of the dance floor. Talk to Zola and persuade her by utilizing the talking points Imogene gave you. Arthur Cruz is in vip booth 1 of the Astral Lounge. You need to ride the vip elevator which is on the north side of the dance floor. Vip Booth 1 is the first door on the right-hand side when you exit the elevator on the upper level. Talk to Arthur and persuade him by utilizing the talking points Imogene gave you.

Switch Nina Hart's presentation[edit]

Nina Heart has reserved a vip booth in the Astral Lounge. From the upper exit of the vip elevator, your back to the elevator, you need to go left, round a corner and past a Neon Security guard, and into the area behind the cords on the right side. It's the southern of the two booths which is to your left. Nina's presentation sits on a glass table. Replace it with the fake presentation. There are three ways to get into the suite:

  1. Pick the door's novice security level lock.
  2. Pickpocket Nina's Suite Keycard from Nina Hart.
  3. You can go into the booth to your right, open the ceiling hatch, climb up, and climb down into Nina's booth through the second hatch.
  4. Buy a "replacement" keycard from Boone Morgan at the bar on the dancefloor level.
  5. Pickpocket Nina's Suite Keycard from Boone Morgan.

If you want to talk to Nina Heart you can find her in a niche in the north-western corner on the dancefloor level, between the vip elevator and the exit. If you encourage her to take advantage of the free drinks she will relocate to the bar and you will get an extra commendation later. Close to the niche you can also find Angelo Soldani, a colleague of Nina's.

Wrapping it up[edit]

Return to Imogene in Ryujin Tower to complete the mission.

Companion Affinity[edit]

There are multiple affinity events that can happen during this mission.

Affinity Stage Andreja Barrett Sam Coe Sarah Morgan

If you kill Zola.[affinity 1]

If you kill Authur.[affinity 2]

If you are apologetic for killing people in the Astral Lounge to Imogene.[affinity 3]

If you are unapologetic for killing people in the Astral Lounge to Imogene.[affinity 4]


If you make light of killing people in the Astral Lounge to Imogene.[affinity 5]

  1. The player killed Zola Adisa, a Quantum Synergies exec that they were supposed to sway against a deal with Infinity LTD.
  2. The player killed Arthur Cruz a Quantum Synergies exec that they were supposed to sway against a deal with Infinity LTD.
  3. Imogene is mad at the player for killing people at the Astral Lounge. The player chooses an apologetic response.
  4. Imogene is mad at the player for killing people at the Astral Lounge. The player chooses an emotionless response saying it couldn't be helped.
  5. Imogene is mad at the player for killing people at the Astral Lounge. The player chooses to respond with an unapologetic joking response to make light of the situation,

Mission Stages[edit]

Sowing Discord (RI02)
Stage Finishes Mission Mission Entry
0(Debug - Start quest with no transition)
1(Debug - Start Quest with RIR03 transition)
2(Debug - Move Player to Astral Lounge)
3(Debug - Add Credits)
5(Debug - Return to Imogene)
10(Start Quest)
100(QO: Talk to Imogene)
I need to speak to Imogene about my next assignment.
101(Imogene scene re-entry 1)
102(Imogene scene re-entry 2)
103(Imogene scene re-entry 3)
104(Imogene scene re-entry 4)
105(Imogene scene re-entry 5)
110(Imogene gives allowance)
150(Give Suit/Dossiers + Set Stages for next steps)
My latest assignment is to sabotage a deal between Quantum Synergies and Infinity LTD. First, I need to sway the Quantum reps, Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz against the deal. I should reference the dossiers Imogene gave me for talking points.
200(QO: Talk to Zola Adisa)
201(Zola - Scene re-entry 1)
202(Zola - Scene re-entry 2)
210(Player chose direct route)
220(Player at Zola's Speech Challenge)
250(Zola SC: Pass)
255(Zola SC: Fail)
290(Player talked to Zola - Check for quest progression)
295(Zola Done - Dead or Alive)
299(Player Killed Zola)
300(QO: Talk to Arthur Cruz)
301(Arthur - Scene re-entry 1)
302(Arthur - Scene re-entry 2)
303(Arthur - Scene re-entry 3)
310(Player chose direct route)
315(Arthur mentioned meeting)
320(Player at Arthur's Speech Challenge)
350(Arthur SC: Pass)
355(Arthur SC: Fail)
390(Player talked to Arthur - Check for quest progression)
395(Arthur Done - Dead or Alive)
399(Player Killed Arthur)
400(QO: Read the dossiers)
410(Player read Zola Adisa's dossier - Check for quest progression)
420(Player read Arthur Cruz's dossier - Check for quest progression)
430(Player selected a non-dossier SC option)
500(QO: Switch Nina Hart's Presentation)
I did my best to influence Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz against the deal with Infinity LTD. All I have left to do is swap out Nina Hart's presentation with the fabricated one that Imogene gave me.
510(Player triggered Nina and Angelo's scene)
520(Player unlocked Nina's door)
530(Player convinced Nina to drink)
535(Player convinced Nina to take it easy)
540(Player interacted with Angelo)
550(QO: Find a Way into Nina's Suite)
Nina's suite is locked. Perhaps I can obtain a keycard or find an alternate route inside.
560(Player talked to Boone Morgan and paid bribe)
561(Boone SC: Pass)
562(Boone SC: Fail)
563(Player used Ryujin Discount)
565(Player talked to Boone Morgan and did not pay bribe)
566(Player paid Large bribe)
567(Player paid Medium bribe)
568(Player paid Small bribe)
570(Player got Nina's room key)
I was able to get a keycard for Nina's suite. Now I can swap out her presentation with the fabricated one that Imogene gave me.
575(Player swapped presentation)
580(Player got past Boone's intro and saw payment/persuade options)
585(Player entered Nina's room)
I found a way into Nina's suite. Now I can swap out her presentation with the fabricated one that Imogene gave me.
599(Player Killed Nina)
600(QO: Return to Imogene)
I did my best to sway Zola Adisa and Arthur Cruz away from the deal with Infinity LTD, and I swapped out Nina Hart's presentation. I need to return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower and let her know it's done.
610(Player apologetic for killing people in the Astral Lounge)
620(Player NOT apologetic for killing people in the Astral Lounge)
630(Player making light of killing people at the Astral Lounge)
699(Player Killed Angelo)
9000(Calculate Rewards)
  • Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the Radiant Mission system, and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all entries may appear in your log; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the mission is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with missions that have multiple possible outcomes or missions where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
  • If an entry is marked as "Finishes Mission" it means the mission disappears from the Active Mission list, but you may still receive new entries for that mission.
  • On the PC, it is possible to use the console to advance through the mission by entering setstage RI02 stage, where stage is the number of the stage you wish to complete. It is not possible to un-complete (i.e. go back) mission stages, but it is possible to clear all stages of the mission using resetquest RI02.
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