Starfield:Environmental Control Computer

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Environmental Control Computer
Editor ID CF04_Computer_LifeSupport

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Environmental Control
Life Support Access (Go to Life Support Access menu.)
Emergency Procedures Trident Operations Manual SOTS-02-20.40

In the event of an Alpha (LSU-01) life support failure, Beta (LSU-02) will automatically activate. In the highly unlikely event that Beta (LSU-02) has failed, Gamma (LSU-03) will automatically activate. If a catastrophic failure has occurred, and all three units are offline, an automated order to deploy environment suits will be broadcast throughout the ship.

Please contact the Chief Engineer on duty for further details, or refer to Section 20 in the Trident Operations Manual.

Lockdown Procedures Trident Operations Manual SOTS-02-21.30

If any life support unit fails, an automated emergency lockdown procedure will be placed immediately into effect. All passengers will be ordered to calmly proceed to their cabins until such time as the Captain of the ship deems the emergency to be resolved. If the Captain has been incapacitated, please recognize the proper chain of command as per Trident Operations Manual SOTS-01-02.07.

In addition, all interior door lock mechanisms for passenger cabins and all mustering areas will be set to "unlocked" to allow for uninhibited crew access. Emergency lighting and audio announcements will remain in effect for the duration of the event.

Life Support Access
Open Life Support Access ***LIFE SUPPORT ACCESS :OPEN:***

For safety reasons, Life Support Access cannot be sealed without approval from the Chief Engineer on duty. See Trident Operations Manual SOTS-02-23.43 for details.

Close Life Support Access ***LIFE SUPPORT ACCESS :OPEN:***

For safety reasons, Life Support Access cannot be sealed without approval from the Chief Engineer on duty. See Trident Operations Manual SOTS-02-23.43 for details.