Starfield:Random POI

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List of Random POIEdit

Place Type Description

"Adjacent Points of Interest"


An object placed alongside other points of interest. They may sometimes contain loot.

"Crater Pond"


"Crystal Overhang"


"Overhanging Rock"


"Palm Orchard"


"Unmarked Archways"


  Abandoned Biochem Laboratory

Science Lab      

A procedurally placed point of interest.

  Abandoned Bionics Lab

Science Lab      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets. The lab was used for the testing of the ballistic endurance of robots, although some scientists felt the goal of this lab was fishy.

  Abandoned Cryo Lab

Science Lab      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Deimos Scrapyard

Industrial Outpost      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Farm


  Abandoned Fuel Depot

Industrial Outpost      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Hangar

Industrial Outpost      

A large industrial point of interest filled with hostiles.

  Abandoned Industrial Compound

Mining Base      

  Abandoned Maintenance Bay

Industrial Outpost      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Manufacturing Plant

Industrial Outpost      

  Abandoned Military Post

Military Base      

  Abandoned Mine

Mining Base      

  Abandoned Mine

Mining Base      

An occupied mining base with lookout tower and a deep cave.

  Abandoned Mineral Refinery

Industrial Outpost      

An Abandoned Outpost with an underground Helium-3 Extraction Site.

  Abandoned Mining Platform

Mining Base      

A exterior POI that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Mining Rig

Mining Base      

  Abandoned Muybridge Pharmaceuticals Lab

Science Lab      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Abandoned Pipeline Terminus

Industrial Outpost      

  Abandoned Research Tower

Science Lab      

A research tower taken over by Ecliptic troops.

  Abandoned Robotics Facility

Science Lab      

  Abandoned Shipping Depot

Science Lab      

  Abandoned Weapon Station

Military Base      

A Military Point of Interest that can sometimes be identified from orbit.

  Aeriform Life

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Aeriform Life trait.

  Amphibious Thicket

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Amphibious Foothold trait.

  Autonomous Dogstar Factory

Industrial Outpost      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Autonomous Farm


  Biochemical Depot

Industrial Outpost      

  Biochemical Silo

Industrial Outpost      


Natural Landmark      



A small, natural point of interest found on almost every landable planet.

  Charred Ecosystem

Planet Trait POI      

A field of hot springs and geysers found on planets with the Charred Ecosystem trait.

  Civilian Outpost

Civilian Outpost      

Is a random POI.

  Clemens' Truth

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship and site of mass ritual suicide.

  Collapsed Mine

Mining Base      

  Collapsed Observation Tower

Military Base      

  Colossal Shards

Natural Landmark      

  Communication Station

Industrial Outpost      

  Conductive Ridge

Planet Trait POI      

  Construction Site

Industrial Outpost      

  Coral Pond

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Coralline Landmass trait.

  Covered Crater

Natural Landmark      

A small underground area that spawns randomly on certain planets.

  Crash Site

Crashed Starship      

A crash landed ship in pieces found randomly on some planets.

  Crystal Columns

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Sonorous Lithosphere trait.

  Crystal Crater

Natural Landmark      

  Crystalline Matrix

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Crystalline Crust trait.

  Crystalline Minerals

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Prismatic Plumes trait.

Crystalline Pools


  Decrepit Military Installation

Military Base      

Decrepit Power Station


  Deep Ocean Deposits

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Boiled Seas trait.

  Derelict Achilles

Derelict Ship      

A derelict Class A Achilles ship, where the only person on board, a worker, killed themselves after an encounter with "weird leech things" during their time off.

  Derelict Asp's Bite

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship filled with corrosive gasses.

  Derelict Atlas

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship filled with corpses of Workers that were attacked by pirates looking for a ship named "Caitlin".

  Derelict Bireme

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship taken over by a xenowarfare experiment.

  Derelict Bright Star

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship filled with extreme heat.

  Derelict Celestial

Derelict Ship      

A derelict Class B Celestial ship where the crew succumbed to radiation poisoning, due to the Rad. Scrubbers being faulty.

  Derelict Croatoan

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship where an asteroid field led to the crew's death.

  Derelict Econohaul II

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship involved in a theft from a UC Warehouse.

  Derelict Freestar KFIR III

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship with a dead captain and crew which talks like robots.

  Derelict Lil Muv

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship that was damaged by EM radiation.

  Derelict Metropolis

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship where the captain killed the crew after a failed mutiny.

  Derelict Mule

Derelict Ship      

A derelict Class A Mule where the ship's O2 systems failed.

  Derelict Nebula

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship where robots have killed the entire crew.

  Derelict PCH

Derelict Ship      

A non-functioning B Class model PCH ship, where the crew were killed by ship maggots they were smuggling.

  Derelict PCH

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship where the crew were killed by radiation poisoning

  Derelict Privateer

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship where the crew were killed by the new turret technology they were testing.

  Derelict Shadid's Fortune

Derelict Ship      

A derelict heavily damaged ship where the crew was saved by a passing ship.

  Derelict UC Longsword III

Derelict Ship      

A derelict ship with a mysteriously dead crew linked to "The Pale Lady"

  Deserted Biotics Lab

Science Lab      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Deserted Bunker

Military Base      

A randomly placed point of interest

  Deserted Colony War Barracks

Military Base      

A large exterior point of interest filled with hostiles.

  Deserted Ecliptic Garrison

Military Base      

An under construction Ecliptic Garrison.

  Deserted Freestar Collective Garrison

Military Base      

A Military Point of Interest that can sometimes be identified from orbit.

  Deserted Mineral Plant

Industrial Outpost      

An abandoned Helium-3 mine and refinery taken over by hostiles, which can be placed as a random point of interest.

  Deserted Relay Station

Industrial Outpost      

  Deserted Research Outpost

Industrial Outpost      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Deserted Robotics Lab

Science Lab      

  Deserted UC Garrison

Military Base      

  Deserted UC Listening Post


An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Deserted UC Listening Post

Science Lab      

  Diseased Biosphere

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Diseased Biosphere trait.

  Ecological Consortium

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Ecological Consortium trait.

  Electrical Substation

Mining Base      

  Experimental Weapon Range

Military Base      

A randomly placed point of interest

  Exposed Root System

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Exposed Root System (Primordial Network) trait.

  Forgotten Mech Graveyard

Mech Graveyard      

A deserted battlefield with leftover mechs from the Colony War.

  Forgotten Military Base

Military Base      

An exterior point of interest that can be identified from orbit on many planets.

  Fortified Encampment

Military Base      

Name of location changes from "Outpost" to "Fortified Encampment" as you explore the POI.

  Fracking Control Center

Industrial Outpost      

  Fracking Station

Industrial Outpost      

  Frozen Crevasse

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Frozen Ecosystem trait.

  Fuel Depot

Industrial Outpost      

  Fueling Station

Military Base      

  Gravitational Anomaly

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Gravitational Anomaly trait.



A ship owned by a couple celebrating their wedding anniversary.

  Hillside Bunker

Military Base      

A small, unoccupied outpost.

  Hillside Cave


  Ice Outcropping

Natural Landmark      

A large, naturally occurring ice formation that spawns randomly on certain planets.

  Industrial Outpost

Industrial Outpost      

A friendly industrial outpost with a Mission and Bounty board and a number of United Transport Workers.

  Industrial Post

Industrial Outpost      

  Industrial Rig

Industrial Outpost      

  J. Lemaire's Ship


  Lone Hab

Civilian Outpost      

  Lone Hill

Natural Landmark      

A small lake on a hill occupied by alien creatures.

  Lopez's Farm


A small independent settler base.

Lush Grove

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Psychotropic Biota trait.

  Makeshift Encampment

Civilian Outpost      

A small pile of storage crates occupied by inexperienced Homesteaders.

Melted Glacier


  Meteor Shower Impact Site

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Pelted Fields trait.

  Meteorite Crater

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Bolide Bombardment trait.

  Military Base

Industrial Outpost      

  Military Encampment

Military Base      

A randomly placed point of interest

  Military Post

Military Base      

A randomly placed point of interest

  Military Training Post

Military Base      

A randomly placed point of interest

  Mining Camp

Mining Base      

  Mining Outpost

Mining Base      

  Natural Archways

Natural Landmark      


Natural Landmark      

  Observation Deck

Industrial Outpost      

  Observation Platform

Military Base      

  Occupied Cave


  Overgrown Science Post

Science Lab      

  Party Cruise


A ship having a party for the whole galaxy to enjoy.

  Pipeline Control Center

Industrial Outpost      

  Pipeline Control Tower

Industrial Outpost      

  Pipeline Junction

Industrial Outpost      

A small industrial POI with a number of Strong Arm Workers and a provisioner with a few things to sell.

  Pipeline Station

Industrial Outpost      

A small worksite occupied by robots.

  Pipeline Substation

Industrial Outpost      

A small industrial POI with a number of Strong Arm Workers and a provisioner with a few things to sell.

  Pipeline Terminus

Industrial Outpost      

A randomly encountered industrial outpost that is not occupied.

  Power Station

Industrial Outpost      

  Pressurized Cave


  Processing Plant

Industrial Outpost      

  Radio Tower

Industrial Outpost      

  Remote Industrial Site

Industrial Outpost      

  Research Station

Science Lab      

  Rock Formations

Natural Landmark      

  SSNN Sloop


A SSNN ship which asks survey questions.

  Satellite Relay

Industrial Outpost      

  Science Outpost

Science Lab      

A small field-lab occupied by MAST scientists.

  Secluded Encampment

Civilian Outpost      

A Civilian Point of Interest that can be randomly placed on some planets.

  Sentient Microbial Colony

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Sentient Microbial Colonies trait.

  Ship Landing Site


  Shipwreck Hab

Crashed Starship      

  Sludge Pools

Natural Landmark      

  Solar Farm

Industrial Outpost      

  Spaceship Debris

Crashed Starship      

A large crash-landed ship found in a deep crevasse.

  Stone Pillars

Natural Landmark      

A naturally formed landmark occupied by an elite alien creature.

  Stone Spire

Natural Landmark      

  Storage Depot

Mining Base      

  Storage Platform

Military Base      

  Storage Site

Industrial Outpost      

  Storage Yard

Industrial Outpost      

  Storm Crater

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Solar Storm Seasons trait.

  Subsurface Seas

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Slushy Subsurface Seas trait.

  Sunken Grove

Natural Landmark      

  Supply Station

Military Base      

  Supply Train

Industrial Outpost      

An ambushed supply train POI that can be randomly found on multiple planets.

  Surveyor Ship


A ship run entirely by a robot collecting organic materials

  Tar Pits

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Extinction Event trait.

  Thermal Crater

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Energetic Rifting trait.

  Thermal Rise

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Energetic Rifting trait.

  Unfinished Hangar

Industrial Outpost      

  Volcanic Vents

Planet Trait POI      

A point of interest found on planets with the Gaseous Font trait.

  Wildlife Research Post

Science Lab      

  Wind Farm

Industrial Outpost      

Is a small, outdoor point of interest occupied by Ecliptic Mercs.

  Wind-Powered Farm
