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The Settled Systems is home to untold alien species. And while none of them have yet proven sentient, that never deterred you. So you sought out and studied them for whatever gifts they offered.
Starting Skills
SF-skill-Lasers 1.png

Lasers 1
Personal laser weapons are in widespread use across the Settled Systems, and specialized training can greatly increase their effectiveness.
SF-skill-Surveying 1.png

Surveying 1
Humanity now has access to untold alien worlds, and the ability to decipher all that data while on the ground has become an essential skillset.
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Fitness 1
In space, the greatest community commodity is oxygen, and the increased lung capacity gained by a regular physical fitness regimen is essential to survival.

Xenobiologist is a Background in Starfield.

Dialogue Usage[edit]

Sometimes you can use your Xenobiologist background in conversation:

  • The projected effectiveness of the pathogen clearly favored that solution.
  • We can prove that removal of the apex predators would have only temporarily disrupted the nearby ecosystem.
  • This place has been marked by a predator. It won't stop.
  • The things we do for field research...
  • The rare extremophile that was left in a dark box for twenty years...
  • The pathogen was obviously the most effective vector for addressing the problem.
  • Less risk using an existing organism than making a new one. The Aceles is the wiser choice.
  • You're obstructing vital xenobiological research. I don't expect you to understand, but this information is vitally important.
  • Many alien parasites feed on wood and other plant life. Some of these species are native to Jemison. Could they be the cause of the tree's liquefaction?
  • I believe there was a journal article describing the Terrormorph attacks there. A real loss.
  • An anomalous Terrormorph sample. Specimen was found on Tau Ceti II.
  • Yes. Doing nothing with even the limited knowledge we have would be irresponsible.
  • A standard Terrormorph never should've been on Tau Ceti. We could be facing a true threat here.
  • Terrormorphs are a top rung of the food chain. Tell me they were manufacturing heavy weapons here.