Starfield:Walter Stroud

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Walter Stroud
(00005998, 00005996)
Location SF-mapicon-The Lodge.svg The Lodge (map)
Editor ID Constellation_WalterStroud
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 00005998 BaseID 00005996
Other Information
Faction(s) Constellation
Walter discusses business with the player.
Walter Stroud
(00005998, 0010A3CF)
Editor ID LC165_Lodge_WalterStroud
Race Human Gender Male
RefID 00005998 BaseID 0010A3CF

Walter Stroud is a member of Constellation, a resident of the Lodge, the husband of Issa Eklund, and the co-owner of Stroud-Eklund. He joined Constellation in 2321, and serves as Constellation's financier. He also holds a seat on the Freestar Collective's Council of Governors.

Walter is a pragmatic and savvy businessman with a passionate interest in space exploration, citing Constellation founder Sebastian Banks as a personal hero. He is a member of the House of Enlightenment, and has a friendly rivalry with fellow Constellation member and Universal theologian Matteo Khatri.


  • "That means there's a set." --Walter's enigmatic remark follows the mesmerizing sight of the artifact autonomously assembling itself. His response, filled with subtle insight, suggests that he possesses knowledge beyond what he openly discloses regarding the artifacts. The observation indicates that there may be more to these artifacts and their purpose, alluding to Walter's hidden understanding of their nature and potential significance.
  • "Anything goes, as long as you have the money." --Walter confidently expresses this statement to the player, implicitly indicating his alignment with a libertarian capitalist ideology, where the acquisition of wealth determines the boundaries of what can be achieved. He views this unrestricted economic system as a moral virtue. Additionally, his disclosure offers a glimpse into his personal ambitions, as he serves as the primary financial supporter of Constellation, highlighting his desire for influence and control within the organization.

Constellation Scenes[edit]

Barrett and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo11_WalterBarrett
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene11


  • Hey, Walter! Did you follow up on that investment tip?
  • Well, Mr. Stroud? Did you investigate that company I mentioned?
  • So, Walter. That tip I gave you. Panned out, didn't it?


  • It appears you may have provided information that Stroud-Eklund could profit from in the future, yes.
  • You know very well I don't publicly disclose my investment strategies. But.... yes, it looks very promising.
  • It's possible that I may have found your information useful.


  • Told you!
  • Ha! I knew it. You didn't believe me, but I was right.
  • Ha ha! No need to thank me, Walter. Just slip a few credits under my pillow when you can.


  • All right, where exactly do you get your sources? I have to know!
  • You can gloat all you want, so long as you tell me how you came by that information in the first place.
  • Barrett, seriously, how do you find these things out?


  • Oh, I know a guy. And he knows a girl, and she went to a conference in Neon. We all had a few drinks, traded some stories, and here we are.
  • Bumped into a fellow in Paradiso. He was there on vacation, I was running a lead. We got to talking. Turns out he's got connections. I guess I do, too.
  • Why, Walter! I'm offended. What kind of man do you take me for? You have your methods, I have mine.

Cora and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo06_WalterCora
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene06_WalterCora


  • Hey Mr. Stroud, got a second?
  • Can I ask you something, Mr. Stroud?
  • Mr. Stroud, I've got a question.


  • Of course, Miss Coe.
  • By all means, Miss Coe. Ask away.
  • Hmm? What can I do for you, Miss Coe?


  • You're rich, so you own a lot of stuff. Like, a lot, a lot. What's your favorite thing?
  • Since you have your own company and you're rich, you must own a lot of things. Do you have a favorite?
  • You're the richest person I know. Do you have a favorite thing that you own?


  • That's an interesting question. I'm afraid I don't really think about it too much in terms of what specific things I own, though.
  • I hate to disappoint, but I tend to not dwell on material possessions any more than necessary.
  • Well, I... I don't really look at it like that. My success has allowed me a great many experiences, which I value more than possessions.


  • Oh. That's too bad. I thought maybe you'd say, like, a moon or something.
  • Really? Huh. If I was rich I'd have a list of my favorite things.
  • Not even, like, a spaceship, or a giant vault full of gems? Huh.

Matteo and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo04_MatteoWalter
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene04


  • Well, Khatri? Pilfered any priceless antiquities lately?
  • Stolen any sacred relics recently?
  • So, Matteo. Swiped any new religious texts?


  • Very funny, Walter. You know Constellation's been keeping me busy.
  • Haha, I don't have much time for that kind of thing anymore. So much to do around here, you know?
  • You really aren't going to let it go, are you? I'm so busy with our work here that I don't think about it much these days.


  • I know you too well to believe that. You've got to have a line on something.
  • Right, sure. You're telling me you haven't been on the lookout at all?
  • I wasn't born yesterday, you know. I'd bet you have your eye on something.


  • If you must know, there's rumors of an 18th century English translation of the Bhagavad Gita I was following up on.
  • Well, okay... fine. I had heard that Buddha's Tooth may still exist. Was trying to find out if there's any truth to it.
  • All right... There's a chance that a 15th-century edition of Aquinas' Summa Theologica is out there. I've been asking a few questions in my spare time.


  • Ha! I knew it. Well, best of luck.
  • Maybe this one will turn out better than the last time, eh?
  • Let me know how it turns out...

Noel and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo05_WalterNoel
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene05


  • Walter, I hope I'm not overstepping here, but...
  • You mind if I ask you kind of a personal question, Walter?
  • Walter, you don't have to answer this, but I was wondering something.


  • You sure spend a lot of time on Constellation business. Doesn't Issa miss you?
  • You're around the Lodge a lot. Like, almost all the time. Doesn't that bother your wife?
  • You don't seem to spend much time at home. How is that not a problem for your wife?


  • Ah. Yes, well... My wife and I have something of an understanding.
  • That is a rather personal question, but I'll indulge it.
  • It's true, I am away from home quite a bit.


  • I have been informed that when I am home, I remain preoccupied with Constellation's work, which renders me "cantankerous."
  • I'm told that when I'm not here, I am distracted by what I might be missing, and wind up "crabby." Or my personal favorite, "irascible."
  • Apparently I become rather cranky when I am not able to participate in Constellation's little adventures.


  • My wife has therefore decided it is best if I can dedicate my time to our business here for now. For both our sakes.
  • My darling Issa has concluded that it is in both of our best interests if I can spend my time working from the Lodge as often as possible.
  • It has been determined that for the long term health of our relationship that I am better off here, rather than simply making things worse at home.


  • Huh. Well, if it works for you...
  • Okay then. I guess if you're both okay with it...
  • Wow, all right. Whatever works for the two of you, I guess.

Sarah and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo02_WalterSarah
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene02


  • Another round of invoices coming in soon, Walter.
  • Hope you've got your pen at the ready, Walter. Bills to sign and all.
  • You mind putting your signature on some documents? The money-related kind?


  • Never ends, does it? Dare I ask what I'm paying for now?
  • It's almost as if you think I'm made of credits. What is it this time?
  • Ugh, I suppose. What am I paying for now?


  • Fuel isn't free, I'm afraid. This Artifact hunt is keeping us busy.
  • Artifacts won't find themselves, and us going after them means fuel, repair costs, the occasional payoff...
  • Progress requires funding, I'm afraid. And we're making good progress these days.


  • Sometimes I think you only keep me around because I pay for everything.
  • Good thing you've got me around, Ms. Morgan. Who knows how you'd get by on your own.
  • Of course, of course. I'm just a walking bank account, aren't I?


  • Nonsense, Walter! Your sparkling personality is why we love you. The credits are just a bonus.
  • You don't fool me for a moment, Walter. You love it, and you know it.
  • You and I both know you have the credits to spare, and you love every minute of this.

Vasco and Walter[edit]

Quest: DialogueUCTheLodge_Convo10_VascoWalter
Scene: DialogueUCLodgeConvo_Scene10


  • Hello there, Vasco.


  • Greetings, Walter Stroud. How may I assist you?


  • Oh, no - I don't need anything. Just, ah, just checking in. Seeing how you're doing.


  • At present, all systems are functioning well within established parameters.


  • Right. Well then... Keep up the good work.


  • Affirmative.
  • Of course. I have been given no alternate instructions.
  • Yes Walter Stroud. I will.


  • Walter Stroud is voiced by Armin Shimerman.
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