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< Starfield: Places(Redirected from Starfield:Cydonia - Central Hub)
On the planet Mars, in the Sol System. | ||
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Cydonia is the largest mining operation in the United Colonies. The resources mined here are used to supply Deimos Staryard.
To edit this section: Cydonia People
Related Missions[edit]
Missions Starting Here[edit]
The Bounty That Got Away: The Tracker Agent wants me to help put a sensor at the top of the old Mars launchpad tower to help her track down one of her lost bounties.
Freight Fright: Recover a lost cargo shipment.
Heart of Mars: Find the legendary Heart of Mars.
Media Sponge: Purchase Dragonstar Force Books for Mitch Benjamin on Cydonia
Psyched: Deliver psychological evaluation questionnaires to employees in Cydonia.
Red Tape Blues: Help Trevor Petyarre get a request for new mining equipment approved.
Red Tape Runaround: Get a delivery of new mining equipment approved.
Red Tape Reclamation: Recover a stolen shipment of mining equipment.
Refurbished Goods: Acquire some equipment via not entirely legitimate means for Denis Averin
Runaway: Protect a runaway from her vengeful father.
Space Frog from Outer Space: Help a little girl spread some joy in Cydonia.
Special Delivery: Deliver some birthday presents.
Start-Up Stopped: Find a lost ship and missing pilot.
- Top of the LIST
Other Missions[edit]
The Old Neighborhood: Take a trip around the Old Neighborhood.
Deep Cover: Go undercover to infiltrate the Crimson Fleet.
Delivering Devils: Deliver a Terrormorph tissue sample to Dr. Percival Walker.
Location Scenes[edit]
Quest: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_Cydonia01 |
Scene: | COM_Companion_Barrett_Convo_CydoniaScene01 |
- Well, hell. Barrett. You're back.
- Been a while, hasn't it, Jack?
- Last time I was in here... well. Let me think...
- You broke a chair.
- And a bottle of top shelf gin.
- And you ordered a round of peanut butter schnapps for everybody.
- Oh, I don't remember... but uh... I definitely believe you.
- Your tab is still open.
- Oh... uh. Well. Yep.
- Here... just settle the tab then.
- Don't tell me the amount. I don't want to know.
- I'm adding a tip.
- Before you close it out... add one last shot of that schnapps, will ya?
- No can do. Never reordered it. Had to scrub for weeks to get out the stink of squirrel farts.
The generic population of Cydonia has numerous comments they may make.
- Can you believe people used to think the nearby mountain was a face on the surface of Mars? Ridiculous, huh? Doesn't look anything like one!
- That Terrormorph attack in New Atlantis... I sure hope nothing like that ever happens here!
- I heard they reopened that Red Devils HQ, even got some of the same crew running it. I sure hope they know what they're doing.
- Phew, what a long day.
- I heard they found another new fresh water deposit in one of the mines. So much better than paying those ridiculous import prices.
- "Go to Mars!" they said. "The pay is great!" they said. So's the crippling depression.
- Before you say anything, no Mars is nothing like Earth. Heck, even Earth is nothing like what Earth used to be.
- What a day, huh?
- Ahh, there's nothing like fresh air filters, am I right?
- Howzit?
- Hey there.
- How goes?
- I swear that warning klaxon still startles me every time.
- I hope no one tears down the little green guy posters I've been seeing. They add a lot of charm to this place.
- I wonder what's up with all the drawings I've seen popping up on the walls lately. I've got to admit. They're pretty cute.
- So I guess Woodard is acting governor now?
- I can't believe Governor Hurst just stepped down so suddenly. I wonder what really happened.
- There's nothing like seeing old Sol coming through the big window in the morning.
- Mars isn't for everybody.
- Most visitors can't wait to get off this rock.
- It's not easy living in Cydonia.
- Just passing through, or here to stay?
- I wish there was more to do around here. Drinking gets old.
- It's hard not to worry when your spouse is the one doing all the hard work down in the mines.
- Sometimes it feels like the UC forgets we're out here, but there'd be no UC if it hadn't been for Mars.
- Cydonia's not so bad. Honest work, good pay. I can't complain.
- Red and orange. Everything's red and orange as far as the eye can see. It can start to wear on you.
- The miners have a secret about something they call the "Heart of Mars." I overheard one of 'em talking about it at the bar. Laylah, I think it was?
- Keep your eyes peeled for signs of Terrormorph activity. After what happened to our forces in New Atlantis, we need to be extra vigilant.
- *sigh* Almost break time. C'mon, you can make it.
- Watch out for the robots. They're surprisingly sneaky.
- Do your part to keep Cydonia graffiti-free.
- Ever been to Akila? Those security uniforms are way cooler than anything we've got.
- Cydonia can have a depressing effect on some people. Make sure to get yourself help before it becomes a problem.
- Used to think I was Vanguard material... until I discovered that space travel turns my stomach in knots.
- Be careful down near the mines and enter any active sites at your own risk.
- I know we're supposed to clean up vandalism, but I just can't bear to take down some of the drawings I've seen recently.
- I heard you helped out Mitch. I know he won't give up looking for the rest of those books.
- My buddy Mitch keeps asking if I can help him out with something, but I just don't have the time.
- Heard you helped us book that Hank Ferraro guy. Good job.
- Always nice to kick back at the Broken Spear after a long day.
- Careful near the railings on the upper levels. It's a long way down.
- Crime's at an all-time low around Cydonia. Let's keep it that way.
- Keep a look out. Notify us if you see anything suspicious.
- The Community Center on P1 is a good place to connect with others, or fulfill any spiritual needs you may have.
- You look hurt. Might want to head on over to Reliant. Dr. Flynn will get you patched up.
- The UC Exchange is a great place to buy your weapons, just... make sure to keep them holstered at all times.
- If you're going to use the elevators or stairs to reach the other levels, try to keep them clean. I hate filing litter reports.
- Just because the governor's office is right out there on the main level, doesn't mean it's not secure.
- The Luxe condos aren't anything special, but plenty of people call them home.
- The miners pretty much run the lower levels here.
- I'm still shocked about Governor Hurst. Rumor is, he got into some shady stuff, but they won't tell us what.
- Stay away from the Sixth Circle unless you're a miner. Or at least, don't come crying to me if anything happens to you.
- That Tracker Agent was looking around for help with something. Told her I couldn't do it, but maybe someone else can?
- Found a clutch of Heatleeches, uh, breeding in the utility section the other day. Not going to be able to get that image out of my head for a while.
- Just a heads up. UC Science Division's apparently going to be coming through to sweep for Leeches. You know those little bastards are Terrormorphs?
- I have no idea what they're doing training us out here like Red Devils when the Terrormorph Management Division doesn't even need us like that.
- If Terrormorphs ever show up here like they did in New Atlantis, we'll be ready for 'em!
- You hear about that new Terrormorph eradication program they got going? Shame it's not the same as the Red Devils of old times.
- Civilians like you should keep to the city interior, and not interfere with our training.
- Today, it's live fire exercises. Tomorrow, hiking miles over rough terrain. Not looking forward to that.
- Glad I'm training out here and not on somewhere like the surface of Titan.
- Stay clear of the range during live fire exercises. It should be obvious why.
- You never know where you'll be sent out, so it's good to get some surface training.
- The military life may be tough, but damn it, I'm going to make my family proud.
- We'll be ready in case there's ever another colony war.
- I'm just proud to serve the UC.
- Word of advice, don't mess with marines.
- I don't care what anyone says, this is still a tough assignment.
- They may have disbanded the Red Devils long ago, but we can still be an elite fighting force.
- Always be ready for anything. That's why training is important.
- Why'd I have to be stationed on Mars, of all places?
- If you can tough it out on Mars, you can tough it out anywhere.
- Glad there ain't no wars, but we still need to be prepared.
- Can't wait to get shipped off to another base.
- Proud to be a UC Marine. Oorah!
- The Red Devils used to train here on Mars. Imagine being part of that.
- It's nice to have a robot assistant.
- Hey, sorry. I'm trying to concentrate on something.
- You should have seen the ship that came in yesterday. Looked like it fought the whole Crimson Fleet!
- Don't worry. If your ship comes through here, we'll take good care of it.
- I can't be responsible for you when the sparks go flying.
- Howzit going?
- Watch your step. This is a work site.
- We've got some of the best mechanics in the business here.
- Careful, we're working on some delicate stuff around here.
- What do people put these poor engine parts through?
- Three things this job's got plenty of - dust, leeches... and distractions.
- UC brass has pledged Cydonia's going to be a zero Leech city. Sure. So long as they send us the help to find the things.
- Thought we had struck oil, but it turns out it was just another deep water deposit. That would have been wild.
- Don't want to catch yourself with a loose grip on your equipment when one of those particle detonations goes off.
- I sure hope this hearing loss isn't permanent.
- People always ask me what I think about mining. It rocks! ... God, I'm so tired.
- Hey, careful around the equipment. Don't want to lose an arm or something.
- What's up?
- Hey.
- I could use a break.
- We have the tech to instantly jump across the universe, you'd think someone would have invented a way to keep rocks out of boots.
- Every time I see those drawings of the little creature with the space helmet, it reminds me that you can find joy anywhere, even Cydonia.
- I can't believe Deimos has a psychologist on staff. What's up with that?
- You can make a real good living working the mines here on Mars.
- Hurst was alright as far as governors go, but I hope Woodard does more for us miners.
- Hey, I heard a rumor that you're the one who made the new equipment possible. Thanks.
- I still can't believe we finally got all those new mining tools. I was getting tired of my old ones breaking down all the time.
- The new equipment is great. I finally feel like I'm working at full speed.
- Working the deep mines... that's where you make the big bucks.
- Sometimes I wish I had taken an easier job.
- Am I glad I got this job instead of mining some dead rock out in the middle of nowhere.
- Mars is ripe with resources, which means there's always going to be plenty of work.
- Can't believe we're still pulling up huge mineral deposits after all this time.
- Mining takes all types: young upstarts, former military, ex-cons. If you can lift a tool, and haul ore, you can mine.
- This here's the most important work in the galaxy. We mine the resources that make spaceships possible.
- This life ain't easy, but it pays the bills.
- A friend offered me a nice cushy office job, but I'm making double out here in the Cydonia mines. Jokes on them!
- Things can get pretty glum around here. If you ever need a little joy, go talk to that Renee kid. She's always trying to make people happy.
- Laylah's been going on about the Heart of Mars again. When's she going to give it a rest?
- Sometimes I feel like I deal with robots more than people in this job.
- No major breakdowns or incidents today, thankfully.
- Just doing the same thing I do everyday... supervising these machines so they don't break down.
- Uch... Don't you hate it when your suit rides up?
- Careful not to fall around here. We'd have to shut everything down to get you out.
- Hey, howzit?
- What a day.
- How about that Martian weather, huh?
- The machines are running smoothly today... Crap, I hope I didn't jinx it.
- They've got it way easier on the inside. Try spending all day in a spacesuit and you'll know what I mean.
- Error: Greeting procedure 005799BF not found.
- Please remain two meters away for your safety.
- Welcome to Cydonia. Stay out of my way.
- Report any injuries I may cause to my supervisor.
- Consider this unit always on the job.
- Pardon me.
- Hello.
- This unit is not designed for pleasant conversation.
- Worker robot coming through.
- Please move, to avoid injury.
- Tampering with a certified Deimos mining robot is forbidden. I would not recommend it unless you wish to test my defensive capabilities.
- Iron deposit detected. Initiating evisceration protocols to remove mass from human body. Hah. Just kidding. My programmer had a sense of humor.
- If you are looking for spare parts, look elsewhere. I need mine for structural stability.
- Only a qualified supervisor may change my directives.
- I'm under orders not to engage with non-personnel.
- The "Hours without Incident" board will reset should the player attack an NPC.
