Starfield:Anna Imani
Anna Imani (0024049A, 00255D12) |
Location | Luxe Condominiums (map) | ||
Editor ID | UC_CY_AnnaImani | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | 0024049A | BaseID | 00255D12 |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | United Colonies, CydoniaFaction |
Anna Imani is a resident of Cydonia who lives in the residential section. Unlike many other Martians, she is not a miner, able to afford to support herself and her son Taye Imani from money provided by Deimos Staryards Inc after her husband died in a mining accident.
She has several different greetings:
- "Not a lot of work for someone like me around here, but it's okay."
- "I just want what's best for my boy."
- "It's been years since the Staryard accident took Keith from us. It never gets any easier."
- "I should consider myself lucky I don't need to work. But some days, I'd kill to go back to banking... or anything related to my field of study."
- "As soon as my boy, Taye, is old enough to work, we're out of here."
- "I heard you helped that little girl, Renee, put up her drawings around town. What a sweet thing to do."
If you do not choose dialogue options in conversation, she will say:
- "You're awfully quiet..."
- "I'm not boring you, am I?"
- "Sorry... You were saying?"
When saying goodbye she will say:
- "Goodbye."
- "Oh, uh, see ya."
- "So long."
When you speak to her, she will assume her son Taye asked you to talk to her about her depression from her husband's death:
- "Oh... Don't tell me my son Taye invited another stranger to come talk to me again. Did he? That boy means well, but he's gonna drive me crazy some day."
I met him. He said you were having a rough time.
- "Heh, gotta hand it to him. He's got his ways of looking out for me.
No, he didn't send me. or [Lie] No, he didn't send me.
- "Oh. It's just that he does this all the time. Tries to get someone to come check in on me. He's got a good heart, just not the best methods.
Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.
- "No, no, it's okay. I don't leave the condo much. It's nice to have another adult to speak with.
The previous comments will then all lead to this line:
- "My son means well, and I know he's just trying to look out for me. My husband - his father, isn't with us any more. It's been hard ever since."
Taye sounds like a good kid. You're raising him well.
- "He is. I'm doing my best. Thanks for stopping by to chat."
What happened to your husband?
- "Keith died in a mining accident a few years ago. It wrecked me. Here I was, stuck on Mars, suddenly alone with a young child. I... still haven't really recovered from that. I don't really know what to do."
I think you're doing all you can. I'm sure Taye appreciates it.
- "I know he does. I just wish I could do more for him. Thanks for the chat."
[Offer 20000 Credits] Maybe this will help you and your son towards a better life. [verification needed — Is it always 20,000 Credits?]
- "Oh! Oh my... Are you sure? That's... my gosh, it's so generous! Thank you so much. I'll be sure to put it away into savings for Taye. Maybe we can afford a better education for him, or get off this planet someday. Then he won't have to work in the mines like his daddy. Thank you so much! If I can ever find a way to repay you, I will."
If you decide to give her money, your companions may comment on it. Sam and Barrett will be especially impressed, and choose to donate money as well:
- Sarah Morgan: "How incredibly kind. I'm continuing to learn things about you. Good things."
- Sam Coe: "Wow. Seeing you care that much about about a stranger and her kid... You know what? I'm in, too. Here you go, ma'am. Ain't much, but I know every little bit helps."
- Barrett: "How about that. You're just full of pleasant surprises. I can't imagine how hard this is for you and your kid. Here, let me add my own bit. Family is the most important thing in the Universe."
- Andreja: "That is exceedingly kind of you."
Anna will tell Sarah and Andreja:
- "You're truly lucky to have a friend who shows such generosity to a total stranger. I'll never forget this."
For Sam and Barrett, she will say:
- "I... you're going to make me cry. I've never known such generosity. Thank you both so much!Thanks to you, Taye will grow up knowing kind people like you exist out there. I'm sure that's going to have a positive impact on him."
Why don't you leave Cydonia?
- "When Keith died, Deimos settled with us. Per the settlement, they agreed to buy this condo and allow us to live here rent-free until Taye turns 18. Finding work that I can do as a single mother, here on Cydonia has been almost impossible. What little money we do get from the settlement every month goes directly towards what we need to live. To be fair, Deimos provides us with a sustainable lifestyle. They take care of health expenses, food, and more, but it's not enough to pick up and move."
What do you do for work?
- "Now? Nothing. I haven't worked in almost 10 years, not since we moved here for Keith's job. I had originally been offered a job here at the local GalBank branch as its manager. But, not a week before I was to start, they announced that the Cydonia branch was to be fully automated instead. It was never meant to be permanent anyway, but then when Keith died, I needed to take care of Taye full time. Not many jobs here for a single mom."
How does your son cope with all of this?
- "Taye's good. He obviously misses his daddy, and he's bright enough to understand the situation we're in. He keeps talking about how he wants to get a job and help move me out of here. He's a good boy. I don't know what I'd do without him. I just hope he doesn't have to get a job in the mines. I couldn't stand the thought of losing two of my guys to that life."