Starfield:Laylah Pulaski
Laylah Pulaski (00255CD4, 00255D0C) |
Location | Deimos Miner Quarters (map) | ||
Editor ID | UC_CY_LaylahPulaski | ||
Race | Human | Gender | Female |
RefID | 00255CD4 | BaseID | 00255D0C |
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | United Colonies, CydoniaFaction |
Laylah Pulaski is a miner on Cydonia for Deimos Staryards Inc.
From 8PM to 5AM she can be found in the Deimos Miner Quarters. For the rest of the day she can be found working in the mine.
She wears a Yellow Labor Jumpsuit. She also has a Deimos Spacesuit, Deimos Space Helmet, and a Deimos Tunnel for hostile conditions. She keeps a Cutter for mining on her, and a Rescue Axe for self defense. Laylah Pulaski has a standard amount of Credits, and can carry Aid Items.
If you stop speaking mid-conversation, Laylah will say:
- "Okay... are you just going to stand there?"
- "What's wrong, out of words?"
- "Hey... you okay there?"
Laylah ends conversations by saying:
- "Leaving? Already?"
- "Hey, see you around, I guess."
- "Yeah, okay, bye."
Laylah can greet you by saying:
- "Rivkah's been hacking up a lung lately, but she won't take my recommendation to go to Reliant. Hope she's okay."
- "You've got to have a sense of humor, or else work, and everything else is dull."
- "Whoo, I'm beat. But that's what happens when you work harder than anyone else."
- "So glad they're now stocking our drink cooler with more options! And Rivkah said it was a dumb request. Who's dumb now?"
- "Hey, you know why they call this the "Red Planet?" Because it's not a moon! Thank you, I'll be here all week!"
- "I bet my supervisor I could haul up double my normal quota. Guess owes me drinks for the rest of the month?"
- "It's taken a few years, but I finally feel like I'm settling in here."
The first time you speak to Laylah, she will say:
- "Huh. Didn't think we had any new miners on account of the positions being full up."
- Oh, I'm not on the job. I'm just checking things out around here.
- "Well, that's a little weird. But, as long as Trevor's okay with it, I can't say that I mind."
- Well I am a miner, just not here. Don't worry. I'm not here to take your job.
- "Oh. I wasn't worried. Concerned maybe. Because we haven't had any positions open for a while, and some friends of mine were turned away recently. I just wanted to make sure nothing funny was going on."
- Actually, I'm helping Trevor with something.
- "Ah, well say no more then. Trevor's a good guy and I know he's been worried about some stuff lately, so it's good someone's able to help."
- [Lie] I was just hired. I'm your new boss. You have to do what I say now.
- "Yeah, okay "boss." If you really were the new boss then you'd know I tend to handle a lot of the new announcements around here, and I'd definitely know about you. But nice try!"
- You seem awfully defensive.
- "Defensive? No... I mean, okay, maybe I'm just a little concerned that we'd be hiring new people when some friends of mine were recently turned away. But that's all."
Regardless of your initial reaction, she will then continue:
- "Anyway, I'm Laylah. When I'm not mining, I'm tinkering with Noam, our unofficial mascot. I fill that computer brain of his with all sorts of nonsense and announcements. Of course, if you're here to chat, I'm always happy to talk shop, especially if you're interested in talking about the Heart of Mars."
- Have you been here in Cydonia for long?
- "This is only my second contract, so I think I've been here for what... 4 years now? It's great. I love it here. I'm working on getting those red eyes that are all the rage these days, you know? You'll hear a lot of these other chumps complaining about Cydonia. They say it's boring, or dangerous, or whatever."
- So you program Noam?
- "Yeah, Noam's been down here forever. He's also been broken forever. Can't actually walk or do work, and we don't have it in the budget to fix him. No one's had the heart to junk him, but when I started, I gave him a new purpose. I programmed him to tell us local news and announcements. I modeled his responses after my own sarcastic sense of humor. It proved to be popular, so I did what any aspiring comedienne would do and gave him a bunch of stupid jokes to tell. People love it! Or, at least that's what they say."
- Red Eyes? Why would you want to turn your eyes red?
- "Oh, you must have seen 'em around. Something in the Martian dust turns your eyes red if you work down here long enough. It's kind of a badge of honor thing around here. People know you're hot stuff when you've got red eyes. Also, it freaks people who don't know about them. Except for little kids. They always seem to think it's awesome. Either way, it makes for fun social gatherings."
- Red Eyes? What do you mean by that?
- "Why? I mean, who wouldn't want cool, blood red eyes? It's kind of a badge of honor thing around here. People know you're hot stuff when you've got red eyes. Also, it freaks people who don't know about them. Except for little kids. They always seem to think it's awesome. Either way, it makes for fun social gatherings."
- Got any good mining tips?
- "Ohhh, very funny. Who sent you to ask? Was it Rivkah? Nah... she seems to know what she's doing... I bet it was Hank, wasn't it? He always acts like he's top dog, but we all know he couldn't mine his way out of a wet paper bag."
You have multiple responses to this question:
- [Lie] Uhh, what if it was Hank? Awkward, given the circumstances.
- "Ehh... A little. Look, I don't like to speak ill of the dead, but Hank was a special kind of jerk. But, it does sound like the sort of thing he'd ask someone to do for him since he was so self-conscious about his own performance."
- [Lie] Yeah, it was Hank. What a loser.
- "Haha, I knew it! Listen, don't let him in on it. He tends to get real mad. I think he's self-conscious about his performance, and that goes for more than mining, if you know what I mean."
- You know what, I'm wasting my time. I bet I know more than you anyway.
- "Hey! Wait. Seriously? Did you just set me up for that? Wow. Harsh. In that case, I definitely don't want to share my secrets."
- No one sent me, I was just just asking. Miner to miner.
- "Oh, you're a miner, too? Funny, I didn't think there were any new contracts starting. Which means... you must work for a rival company. And if you think I'm going to divulge trade secrets, you've got another think coming! Look, I won't report you, because we've all been there. But, I'm not going to help you either. I like this job, and I don't have any intention of losing it over something like this."
Related Missions[edit]
Heart of Mars: Find the legendary Heart of Mars.
Mission-Related Events[edit]
You may hear people mention a Heart of Mars, with the rumors pointing back to Laylah. If you ask her about it you can set out to find it:
- You mentioned something about the Heart of Mars. I'd like to know more.
- "Oh, so you're interested in the Heart of Mars, are you? Word is there's a cave out in the Martian wastes with a gleaming node of the purest titanium ore you've ever seen. It's worth quite the load of credits. But, some say the Heart of Mars is cursed. Hundreds have gone in search of it, never to return, and every one of them met a grizzly fate. Maybe, just maybe... you could be the first to succeed, though. You know, if you think you've got what it takes. No judgement if you're too scared."
- Why haven't you tried to claim the Heart of Mars?
- "Fair question. I'm not really the adventurous type, to be honest. And, frankly, I don't need the money. So I don't really feel the need to involve myself with the prospect of a potentially deadly cursed chunk of titanium."
- Why's it called the Heart of Mars?
- "Because in Roman mythology, Mars was the God of War. His heart is cold, but tough, like Titanium. One of the miners started calling it that long ago and the name stuck. Seems fitting enough."
- Cursed ore? Are you pulling my leg?
- "What? No! I mean. Maybe the curse part isn't real... But who am I to say? Look. I've told you what I know. You can either choose to believe me or not. All I can say is that if you manage to find it and avoid the curse, you'll be a legend around here!"
- Interesting, but not right now.
- "Suit yourself. Let me know if you end up summoning the courage, and I can tell you where to find it if you change your mind."
- It all sounds kind of far-fetched, but I'm willing to check it out.
- "I know. Cursed rocks and all. I don't know for sure if it's really cursed, but it is probably still dangerous out there, so be careful. I'll give you the location of the cave. Good luck!"
- Me, scared? I'm not scared. I'll get that Heart of Mars and show you!
- "That's the spirit! You sure didn't seem like the type to be scared off by tales of cursed rocks. I'll give you the coordinates for the cave. Good luck out there, and be careful!"
- If anyone can find this Heart of Mars, it's a geologist like me.
- "You seem pretty confident. Who knows, maybe you'll really be the first? You'd certainly make history around here if you find it and live to tell. I'll share the coordinates of the cave with you. Remember to be wary out there, and best of luck!"
- Starborn: I'll bring you the Heart of Mars. Try not to act too surprised when I return.
- "Okay, hotshot. We'll see about that! I know it sounds easy, but that curse is no joke. I'll get you those coordinates for the cave. Be careful out there, and heh... Good luck!"
This mission is extremely simple, just requiring you to visit the cave she sends you to and return with the Heart of Mars. When you show it to her, she will confess it was a hazing ritual, and she messed up by sending you to the wrong cave. It is strange that you actually found something that matched the description.
- I found the Heart of Mars. Got it right here.
- "What? Hold on. You're telling me you actually found the Heart of Mars? It's supposed to be a harmless prank that we send newbies to go find! It's not supposed to actually exist! Yet, here it is. Or at least something resembling the legend. The only way this could happen is if... damn it! If I gave you the wrong cave coordinates. Well, whatever you found, it's still impressive. You showed me up on this one. Feel free to keep it, since I'd say you earned it."
- Laylah Pulaski: "Noam, leave a message."
- Noam: "Leave a message. Okay. For whom?"
- Laylah Pulaski: "All miners. Tell them: "Anyone who wants to attempt to drink me under the table tonight at the Broken Spear is welcome to try. Bring your credits.""
- Noam: "Okay. Are you sure you want to leave this message for all minors? I should remind you that local laws frown on underage drinking."
- Laylah Pulaski: "Not minors, you dumb scrap heap. Miners! With an "e!" Are you trying to get me arrested?"
- Noam: "No one has instructed me to do that today, but there's always time."
- Trevor Petyarre:"Hey, uh, Laylah."
- Laylah Pulaski:"Yeah, boss, what's up?"
- Trevor Petyarre:"You're the one that's been working on Noam, right?"
- Laylah Pulaski :"Oh. Yeah, that's me, I've been adding the news and trying to spice up what he says a bit. You like it?"
- Trevor Petyarre:"Well, I appreciate the effort, but... does he really need to tell jokes? I had to remove some of the more uh... risque ones."
- Laylah Pulaski :"Oh, shoot! Um, yeah, don't worry. I'll tone it down a bit. I just thought people could use a laugh."
- Trevor Petyarre:"No worries, mate. I get it. Just try to keep it clean from now on. Thanks."
- Gauri Limsong:"Laylah, I heard you were messing with Noam again. You know he's a robot. He can't discern between truth and lies. "
- Laylah Pulaski :"Yeah, but it's funny!"
- Gauri Limsong:"Well, last time, you told him to make an announcement as loud as he could that there was free beer over at The Sixth Circle."
- Laylah Pulaski :"Aw, I was just having fun. Don't be so serious!"
- Gauri Limsong:"Yeah, well, now he's telling anyone who asks about it that it's going on your tab."
- Laylah Pulaski :"He what?! Oh, crap! There's no way I can afford all that!"
- Gauri Limsong:"Hahahaha!"
- Laylah Pulaski :"Wait, you're messing with me, aren't you?"
- Gauri Limsong:"Yeah, big time."
- Laylah Pulaski :"Hah, you almost had me there, nice job!"