Setting | The Settled Systems |
Time Period | 2330 AD |
Developer | Bethesda Game Studios |
PC and Xbox Series X Release Date |
September 6, 2023 |
Starfield is a role-playing game from Bethesda Game Studios that released on September 6, 2023. It is the first new franchise created by Bethesda Game Studios in 25 years. Like previous games from Bethesda, the game is playable from a first-person perspective with you being able to interact with most objects you encounter. You are able to make various choices to define your character. The game focuses heavily on exploring space, with the Constellation Starship Frontier.
Official Description
Starfield is the first new universe in 25 years from Bethesda Game Studios, the award-winning creators of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4. In this next generation role-playing game set amongst the stars, create any character you want and explore with unparalleled freedom as you embark on an epic journey to answer humanity’s greatest mystery.
The year is 2330. Humanity has ventured beyond our solar system, settling new planets, and living as a spacefaring people. From humble beginnings as a space miner, you will join Constellation – the last group of space explorers seeking rare artifacts throughout the galaxy – and navigate the vast expanse of the Settled Systems in Bethesda Game Studios’ biggest and most ambitious game. [1]
Starfield takes place in a fifty light year area around our Solar System, a region known as "The Settled Systems".
In the year 2310 AD, the two largest factions of the Settled Systems, the United Colonies and Freestar Collective began a conflict known as the Colony War. Today an uneasy peace has been established, but the Settled Systems remain dangerous.
Politically and militarily, the United Colonies are the more powerful of the two superpowers. They make their capital in the city of New Atlantis.
The Freestar Collective controls three star systems, and has Akila City as their own capital. Compared to their rival, the Freestar Collective is a loose confederation united in their mutual focus on personal freedoms. Ashta are a dangerous alien species that inhabit the region just outside of Akila City, forcing the Freestar Collective to maintain walls around the city.
There are numerous threatening groups, such as Ecliptic Mercenaries, Crimson Fleet Pirates, House Va'ruun zealots, and violent spacers.
Neon is a pleasure city built by the Xenofresh Corporation while trying to establish a fishing platform on an aquatic world. After discovering a fish with psychotropic properties, they repurposed the operation into the production of the unique drug Aurora. Aurora has been universally outlawed everywhere but the city of Neon, making the city a popular attraction for those wishing to experience Aurora's effects.
In the year 2330 AD you are a new member of the organization Constellation, "the last group of space explorers", dedicated to exploring the Milky Way. The player character makes a discovery that is the "key to unlocking everything".
Mission Information
- Missions — Figure out what is out there, fight pirates, deliver cargo, and countless other situations await you
- DLCs
- Shattered Space — The first story expansion for Starfield
- Creations — List of microtransactional downloads for Starfield
Character Information
- Backgrounds — The different pre-defined pasts you can choose
- Skills — The abilities you can obtain
- Traits — Optional defining aspects of your character
Gameplay Information
- Activities — Miscellaneous activities available during the game
- Afflictions — Afflictions you can contract in Starfied
- Artifacts — Unique and powerful items that can be found throughout Starfield
- Combat — Information about combat in Starfield
- Controls — A table of the various controls used to interact with the game, for all game platforms
- Crime — Information about the laws of Starfield and how to stay on the right side of the authorities
- Difficulty Settings — Information about how the different settings affect gameplay.
- Houses — Information about houses you can buy
- Items — Where to find specific items and their related attributes
- Making Money — Some tips and tricks aimed at helping you earn a few more credits
- New Game Plus — You have reached the end, but you can keep going
- Outposts — Constructing your own off-world colony
- Persuasion — Getting what you want with words instead of bullets
- Powers — All you need to know about the mysterious powers in Starfield
- Stealth — Information on the art of stealth and its uses
- Ships — Information on the starships that will take you through the Settled Systems
- Research Laboratory — What secrets can you uncover?
World Information
- Creatures — A bestiary of all the friendly and hostile creatures found in the game
- Factions — The organizations that exist in the field of stars, including the factions you can join
- Maps — Are you familiar with your whereabouts? Chart your course.
- NPCs — Listing of all non-player characters in the game
- People — Listing of all the named people in the game
- Places — Listing of all the places found in the game
- Random Events — Listing of all the random events found in the game
- Services — A listing of all the services (general merchants, horse merchants, houses, trainers, etc.) provided in the game
Guides and Secrets
- Easter Eggs — Funny, out of place, or reference-related non-bug findings
Technical Information
- Technical Support — Hardware and system software issues and their practical solutions
- Console Versions
- Xbox — Information specific to the Xbox series version of the game
- Game Updates
- Starfield Patches — Official patches for Starfield by Bethesda Softworks
- PC Version
- PC System Requirements — Minimum and recommended system requirements for the PC version of the game
- Console — Information and list of commands for the in-game console
Mods and Modding
Starfield Mod is the namespace for Starfield mods and modding, including technical information such as file formats. <onlyinclude>
- Mods — Content and gameplay information about player-created mods for Starfield
- Verified Creator Program — Paid mods available via the in-game Creations menu
- Included DLCs — Free DLC that come with game updates
- Modification — Information about installation and management of player-created mods
- Getting Started — An introduction to mod management tools
- Modding — Technical information about creating your own mods for Starfield
- Starfield Creation Kit — The official Starfield modding application
- Form Reference — Attempt to document the Types and associated forms in the Starfield CK
- File Formats — Information on the file formats used for game data and save files
- Modeling
- Setting up 3ds Max 2021 for Starfield — A guide to setting up 3ds Max 2021 for Starfield modding
- Adding Collision with 3ds Max 2021 — A guide to building basic collision with ArtTools & 3ds Max
- NifSkope — Tool for viewing and manipulating .nif files
- Starfield Geometry Bridge — Blender Plugin for working with Starfield .nif files
- Papyrus
- Papyrus - New Features — Noteworthy changes to Papyrus for Starfield
- Papyrus Syntax Reference
- Debugging Papyrus with VS Code — A guide to setting breakpoints and debugging your scripts
- Textures
- Converting Textures to DDS with AssetWatcher — A guide to converting your textures to DDS, easily
- Archiving Textures with Archive 2 for Xbox and Game Pass — How to archive textures using Archive 2 for Xbox/Game Pass
- Starfield Creation Kit — The official Starfield modding application
- Utilities and External Sites
- BAE - Bethesda Archive Extractor -- Works with Starfield BA2 files.
- Champollion PEX Decompiler -- Use 1.2.2 or later to decompile PEX scripts into PSC.
- Texconv -- Windows command line program to convert DDS files.
- Starfield Voice Tool (Nexus | GitHub) -- Lets you browse, play and export voice lines from Starfield
- NifSkope -- Starfield compatible release of NifSkope from fo76utils fork.
Previews and Reviews
- Concept Art — An archive of concept art created during the game's development
- Pre-Release Content — Shots from the game prior to its release
Miscellaneous Information
- Achievements — Awards you can receive for your efforts
- Game Credits — Details on exactly who did what to create the game
- Development Team — A list of the developers who created the game
- Voice Actors — List of the actors who provided voices for Starfield's NPCs
- Glitches — Different things you may have noticed about Starfield that just weren't right
- Loading Screens — Information that appears while the game loads
- Music — Information about Starfield's soundtrack
- Trading Cards — Steam Trading Cards you can obtain by playing the PC version
- Wallpapers — Official wallpapers, available in various sizes
See Also
- Unused Content — Content that is unreleased, scrapped, or unavailable to the player through normal gameplay
- ↑ Steam Store Page description.