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Activities by Type[edit]

Mission pointers[edit]

New Atlantis[edit]

  • Talk to the bartender at Viewport Acquired when you overhear UC Security complaining that the bartender keeps complaining to them.
  • Talk to Sergeant Yumi Acquired when you have not begun Keeping the Peace and you overhear UC Security mentioning that Sergeant Yumi is looking for reliable people to help the guard.
  • Talk to Sergeant Yumi Acquired when you have finished Keeping the Peace, you have not begun A Break at Dawn and you overhear UC Security mentioning that Sergeant Yumi is looking for you.
  • Talk to Sergeant Yumi Acquired when you have finished A Break at Dawn, you have not begun Search and Seizure and you overhear UC Security mentioning that Sergeant Yumi is looking for you.
  • Talk to the scientist by the Tree Acquired when you overhear UC Security mentioning a scientist staring at trees.
  • Speak to Commander Tuala about joining the Vanguard Acquired by speaking to the Vanguard officer after the recruiting ceremony the first time you go to MAST.
  • Investigate brown-outs in the Well Acquired when you overhear UC Security mentioning brown-outs in the Well.
  • Talk to Representative Chisolm Acquired when you overhear Representative Chisolm arguing with Officer Wilkes at the spaceport. Resolved when you talk to Chisolm.
  • Talk to an embassy diplomat Acquired when you offer your help to Representative Chisolm when he is denied entry into New Atlantis by Officer Wilkes.
  • Talk to Representative Chisolm Acquired when you convince Officer Wilkes to drop his attitude and allow Chisolm into the city.
  • Deliver a TerraBrew cappuccino to Donna Rain Acquired when you tell Donna Rain that she looks tired. It resolves when you give a TerraBrew Cappuccino to Donna.
  • See your Parents at Pioneer Tower When you leave The Lodge for the first time.


Akila City[edit]


Paradiso / ECS Constant[edit]

The Eleos Retreat[edit]

New Homestead[edit]

The Key[edit]

Repeatable Activities[edit]


  • See you Parents at Pioneer Tower Acquired when you have the Kid Stuff trait and leave the Lodge for the first time. Resolved when you visit you parents for the first time.
  • Location of the ECS Constant Acquired when you fly away from the ECS Constant after you have finished First Contact with Option B.
  • Retrieve waiting followers Acquired when a mission requires you to temporaryly leave your follower behind. Resolved when you return to your follower.
  • Visit Vladimir's house Acquired when you talk to Vladimir about retiring from the Crimson Fleet. Resolved when you go to Vlad's Villa on Syrma VII-a.
  • Collect you new ship Acquired at the end of Overdesigned. Resolved when you make your new Kepler R or Kepler S you home ship for the first time.

Resource Deliveries[edit]

  • Deliver 150 Copper to Tobias Acquired when you first talk to Tobias at Crucible. You receive credits on delivery.


  • Speak to Zora at the Aphelion Realty office Acquired when you receive your citizenship at the end of Friends Like These. Resolved when you speak to Zora Sangweni.
  • Visit your new home in the Well Acquired when you purchase Well Apartment. Resolves when you unlock the apartment for the first time.
  • Visit your new penthouse in New Atlantis Acquired when you talk to Zora Sangweni after you completed A Legacy Forged and take ownership of Mercury Tower Penthouse. Resolves when you unlock the penthouse for the first time.
  • Visit your sleepcrate unit in Neon Acquired when you purchase a sleepcrate. Resolves when you unlock the sleepcrate for the first time.


Solomon's Trove[edit]


  • Talk to the ship services technician Acquired when you land at New Atlantis for the first time during One Small Step. Resolved when you talk to the ship services technician at New Atlantis spaceport.
  • Talk to Noel about quarters Acquired after you talked to Sarah Morgan when you first arrive at the Lodge. It resolves when you talk to her about a place to stay.
  • Follow Noel Acquired when you talk to Noel at the Lodge about a place to stay. It resolves at you room after Noel gave you a tour.
  • Start an outpost on a planet Acquired when you talk to Vasco at the Lodge for the first time.
  • Craft of modify an item Acquired when you talk to Walter Strout at the Lodge for the first time.
  • Complete a research project Acquired when you talk to Walter Strout at the Lodge for the first time.
  • Check out the Constellation Mission board Acquired when you ask Noel at the Lodge about other types of exploration work besides artifacts. It resolves when you access the Constellation Mission board in the Lodge's basement.
  • Use hand scanner to place an outpost beacon
  • Check out your ships inventory Acquired when zou board your ship for the first time after you land in New Atlantis. Resolves when you take something out of the inventory.