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< Starfield: Items: Notes(Redirected from Starfield:Slates)
DataSlates are a type of note.
Title | Author | Description | Location |
A Cosmic Absurdity xx129B5C |
A Letter to Sylvia 0037B2E1 |
A letter to a dead man's beloved | ||
A New Partnership 0009C298 |
Sheila Holbrooke | A response to Sheila's blackmailer. | |
Abhay Cherian's Data Slate 0020C62A |
Abhay Cherian and Gabriel Davis | ||
Adella Faheem's Slate 0022D799 |
Adella Faheem | A ship manifest for Adella Faheem | |
Alex 00181B10 |
A recording of an incident on The Colander | ||
An Accident Waiting to Happen xx129B5F |
An Invitation 00216D48 |
Naeva Mora | An invitation to join the Crimson Fleet | Given to you if you choose to fight your way out of UC Vigilance during Deep Cover |
An Opportunity... xx164C97 |
Aniversary of Catimine Hills 00208175 |
Aqueous Hematite Data 00257EB9 |
Atmospheric Data 001EFF0F |
Attention First: Hallowed Ground xx0x000B2E86 (732806) |
Attention First: The Time Has Come 002FCC74 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Best Laid Plans 0024CC0C |
Jasper Kryx | Crucial evidence on the Legacy | |
Big Score xx0x00042E28 (273960) |
A slate left by a pirate irritated that they found nothing of value on the ship. | ||
Bloody Jurgen's Slate 002DE37C |
BorealUS - Music Slate xx0x0009B1D6 (635350) |
Brochure Rough Draft xx0x0007FA44 (522820) |
Broken Everything 0010BCCB |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Can't breathe xx0x000414D1 (267473) |
Capt. Hogan's Log - The Hooch 001F6877 |
Capt. Log - 05/28/2305 xx0000B0C1 (45249) |
A captain staying on course but fainting. | ||
Captain Okongwu's Slate 00374076 |
Captain Okongwu | In which the captain describes how EARS has malfunctioned and will not respond to voice commands as expected. | |
Captain Stefanie Vo's Slate 0036D865 |
A captain's notes on the events after the asteroid collision | ||
Center Wing Notes 002063B3 |
Note left by previous caretaker, talks about the green house | ||
Checklist 0032B31C |
Chris Ricci - Personal Slate 001D9DF5 |
The Storage Supervisor's slate, talks about the robots injuring someone. | ||
Ciao For Now xx150BF9 |
Cipher Key xx045162 |
Cleanup Plan xx03F078 |
Closing the Store xx176169 |
Clover MacKenna's Diary xx0x000A3127 (667943) |
CeltCorp (map), found in a cubicle in the north-eastern corner of the office. | ||
Code Review 001C24C8 |
Colin Flaggerty's Last Words 001AFF6A |
Confidential - Do Not Distribute xx16C5D5 |
Confiscated Recording xx16C5D3 |
Convention Details 00202D2F |
Cool seaweed jokes xx148602 |
Corrupted Slate 0016D467 |
Cosmic Joke xx0x000626EE (403182) |
Crimson Fleet Orders 001F0C38 |
Customer First Policy 00208174 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Daily Devotion xx15F0E9 |
Dear Andres xx0x0007FA41 (522817) |
Deck Officer Galatas's Slate 003738A0 |
Design Proposal - Frank Yilmaz xx0x0007FA36 (522806) |
Details of the Arrangement 001A7208 |
Disciples' Slate 00229E57 |
Dr. Barakova's Journal 0028AD01 |
Dr. Tatiana Barakova | The personal journal of Nishina's resident doctor, from the alternative universe. | |
Dr. Barakova's Journal 0028ACEF |
Dr. Tatiana Barakova | The personal journal of Nishina's resident doctor, from the original universe. | |
Dr. Ito's Log - Entry 1 001D9DF7 |
A slate from the Chief of staff, talks about an intern running their custom program on automated workers to improve efficiency. | ||
Dr. Ito's Log - Entry 2 001D9DF3 |
One of the Chief of Staff's slate, talks about someone dying from an allergic reaction, complete restock of medical supplies, a complete inventory of everything on the station themselves, and the meal replicators having being made well aware of allergies in their programming. | ||
Dr. Williams' Log 001F0C37 |
Drying Seaweed Guidelines xx153C98 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Ecliptic Note 0038E968 |
Ellie's Offer to Wendy 002BAAA5 |
Emergency Transmission 01 002BABEC |
Emergency Transmission 02 002BABED |
Emilio's Slate 00261A4C |
Encrypted Zealot Slate 2032 xx012154 |
Enhance! Patient Files xx0x000D060F (853519) |
Warner Connell | Pages upon pages of confidential patient information. | |
Ensign Albright's Slate 00374D31 |
a slate from a crew member suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion. | ||
Ensign Lindholm's Slate 00374D32 |
a slate from a crew member who doesn't care about the mission anymore, and who misses their husband and daughter. | ||
Entrance and loot register xx14730F |
Entrance and loot register xx00AE5D |
Equipment Review xx0x0007FA67 (522855) |
Energy Systems Office (map), on a desk on the left side of the room | ||
Eren's Slate 0021EA41 |
Evidence Against Ularu Chen 001EDDDA |
Seokguh Syndicate Hideout (map), held by Imogene. | ||
Expedition Log 1 xx0E47F9 |
Expedition Log 2 xx0E47FA |
Expedition Log 3 xx0E47FB |
Experiment Results 0038E971 |
Explorer's Note 0032B31F |
Explosives Warning 001EFF0E |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Facility Worker's Note 0038E96E |
Fading fast. xx0x0000B514 (46356) |
The dying words of a Sysdef Marine on board the Derelict Celestial. | ||
Farewell to Arms xx129B5E |
Father's Journal 001AB28A |
Final Words xx15C272 |
Fit for a King xx129B5D |
For Claire Mensah, New Atlantis xx0x00042D58 (273752) |
Roy Mensah | [The slate gives instructions to deliver it to a woman named Claire Mensah in New Atlantis. It contains various messages of a dying man to friends and loved ones, this last of which is an audio log to his wife and son.] | |
For Saanvi 003A2CF2 |
From Management 001F58E0 |
Fullerton Review: Follow Up 00208176 |
Funding Notice xx162C2F |
Mourning Ship Cockpit (map) |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
GBLR001: Adrift 0012812C |
Legacy Computer | A crew adrift faces certain death | |
GBLR002: The Plan 0012812D |
Legacy Computer | A solution to one impending issue prolongs the lives aboard the GalBank Legacy. | |
GBLR003: Damage Report 0012812F |
Legacy Computer | The damage report for the GalBank Legacy is overshadowed by one inescapable fact. | |
GBLR004: Aftermath 00128132 |
Legacy Computer | A commendation for saving the GalBank Legacy in the battle that also stranded it. | |
GBLR005: Euphoric Escape 00128134 |
Legacy Computer | Baccara separates from the rest of the crew. | |
GBLR006: Lost Soul 00128135 |
Legacy Computer | Osterholt reaches his breaking point aboard the GalBank Legacy | |
GBLR007: Running on Empty 00128136 |
Legacy Computer | The crew of the GalBank Legacy faces starvation | |
GBLR008: Poker Game 00128137 |
Legacy Computer | The remaining crew of the GalBank Legacy spends some of their last moments together | |
GBLR009: Aguilar's Farewell 00128138 |
Legacy Computer | The last survivor of the GalBank Legacy says goodbye | |
GBLR010: Kryx's Arrival 003158DB |
Legacy Computer | Jasper Kryx arrives on the GalBank Legacy, and finds himself facing the same fate of its late crew | |
GBLR011: The Waiting Game 003158DD |
Legacy Computer | Jasper Kryx hopes for rescue from the GalBank Legacy | |
GBLR012: No Return 003158E2 |
Legacy Computer | Jasper Kryx is informed that he is being left to die on the GalBank Legacy | |
Gabriel Vera's Transaction Log 00237508 |
GalBank Statement 002C5C43 |
Get Ready! xx13C151 |
Good job with the straws xx0x000A1372 (660338) |
Goodbye. xx0x0000D5A7 (54695) |
Groat Supply xx147304 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Heller's Personal Log 1 xx0x0000D590 (54672) |
Heller | Heller logs the mining operation at Vectera | |
Heller's Personal Log 2 xx0x0000D593 (54675) |
Heller | Heller logs the mining operation at Vectera | |
Heller?s Personal Log #1 0000D590 |
Heller?s Personal Log #2 0000D593 |
Help me xx1472FD |
Homesteaders Complaints 0010BCCF |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
I did what you told me xx0x00042E26 (273958) |
A slate on a worker stating they hid whatever the pirates were looking for, and that they disabled all the ships systems. | ||
I'll Show Them 0037B2DF |
I'm a genius! 001F0C34 |
Ideas for Noam xx0x0007FA40 (522816) |
Insomnia xx0x0002290F (141583) |
Interloper 00181B0F |
Invitation Slate xx0x000B2126 (729382) |
Is Juno a Liar? xx0x000B2650 (730704) |
Ismail, Kasmah xx0x0003B6B4 (243380) |
It Came From Phobos xx0x0007FA42 (522818) |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Jackie's Audio Log xx0x0000BA10 (47632) |
An audio log complaining about one of the sisters, Lydia, in the Six Sisters Mining business. | ||
Jacob Coe: Out of Retirement xx0x0009328C (602764) |
| ||
Jane's Big Plan xx0x0007FABE (522942) |
Jane's Goods (map), on a shelf behind counter. | ||
Jin's Personal Journal xx0x0007FA3E (522814) |
a personal journal owned by one of the ECS Constant colonists, talks about the indentured servitude, and stowing away on a ship to leave Paradiso. | ||
Jinan Va'ruun - A Dedication xx16C5DC |
Jinan Va'ruun - All Must Serve xx16C5D8 |
Jinan Va'ruun - An Admission xx16C5D6 |
Jinan Va'ruun - From the Scriptures xx16C5D7 |
Jinan Va'ruun - I See You xx16C5D9 |
Jinan Va'ruun - Serpent's Crusade xx16C5DD |
Job's Done 0027B7B9 |
Johnny's Slate 002DC63B |
Messages Johnny Orwell sent to Rick Loiselle | ||
Just one more turn... xx0x00030100 (196864) |
An engineer prioritizing a game over fixing the failing O2 systems. |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Kelton's Audio File 00168568 |
Key to the Supply Chest xx0x000626ED (403181) |
Key to the Supply Chest 000626ED |
Key to the Supply Chest 0032B317 |
Key to the Supply Chest 0032B318 |
Key to the Supply Chest 0032B319 |
Key to the Supply Chest 0032B31A |
Kieran Cooper's Slate xx0x000D04B1 (853169) |
Kumiho's Slate 001EDF69 |
Seokguh Syndicate Hideout (map) |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
New Homestead: Live History 00165BF3 |
No Data 002DCF50 |
Noises on the Ship xx0x0001AFAF (110511) |
Note 001AB28E |
Note from Jun Carter 00202D31 |
Notes 0036C4E1 |
Notes 0036C4E4 |
Notes on Ervin's Plant 0017DA48 |
Notice about the vault xx0FCFA2 |
Notice of Closure xx162DB9 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Obsidian Alloy 0036C4EC |
Obsidian Analysis 0036C4DD |
On Space Mining 00243E1F |
Opportunity 001EFF16 |
Orm Water Treatment Notice xx11864C |
Orphanage: Bell xx0DB496 |
Orphanage: Chores xx0DB494 |
Orphanage: Chores xx1508A5 |
Orphanage: Grandpa xx0DB495 |
Orphanage: Lessons xx0DB493 |
Our Last Resort 00181B0E |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Packaging and Storage Guidelines xx153C93 |
Paradiso Resource List 002584AA |
Paradiso: A Guide to Hospitality xx0x0007FA3F (522815) |
Paradiso Hotel (map), next to the Concierge Computer at the front desk when entering the hotel. | ||
Party Supplies 0017E6CD |
Passenger Greyson's Slate 003738A2 |
Peter Brennan's Daily Planner xx0x0007FA3A (522810) |
Deimos Corporate Quarters (map) | ||
Pfc. Russo's Log - Noise 001F62A7 |
Pocket Atmosphere 001EFF10 |
Potential Smuggler Ships xx0x0008D0E9 (577769) |
Classified AEGIS Agent | ||
Praise the Great Serpent xx130AC3 |
Priority Update xx151C7E |
Promotional Campaign Ideas xx169619 |
Pvt. Brown's Log - Boredom 001F62A6 |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
RE: Company Growth 001F4A54 |
RE: Company Property 001F4B97 |
RE: Modulator Installation xx010EF7 |
RE: Sonny's big mouth 0017E6CE |
RE: This mess is crazy 001F2552 |
Rafiq Hamza's Slate xx0x00098EC8 (626376) |
Reassignment 0036C4EA |
Recruitment and Retirement 001020EF |
Refugee Diary xx1472F7 |
Regarding Stocker xx0x0007FABB (522939) |
Regarding Volk FDxxE2F9 |
Trackers Alliance HQ (map), on desk behind KoiOS | ||
Reigen's Log: Don't Leave Things in the Cooking Pit! xx03F075 |
Reigen's Log: Let's Organize! xx03F073 |
Reigen's Log: Let's Play Music! xx03F074 |
Reigen's Log: Plants xx0CB008 |
Reigen's Log: Too Many Notes! xx03F076 |
Reigen's Log: Vase xx0CAFA7 |
Reliant Pilot's Data Slate 0020C61D |
Remembrances of the Fang xx1578FB |
Repair Notes 002063B2 |
Note left by previous caretaker, talks about a robot | ||
Repair Order 002E89AE |
Repairs Report 001EFF18 |
Report on Constellation 0015DA23 |
A 2283 SSNN news report about Constellation's near-collapse. | ||
Rescue Protocol 00349673 |
Ricardo Bosch's Notes xx0x0000CCCB (52427) |
Rolfe's Reply 001F6879 |
Runner's Diary 0037B2DE |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
UC Captain's Log: Balewa 0015DA22 |
UC Marine's Slate 000FAD92 |
A UC Marine | ||
UC Specialist's Slate 000FAD8D |
Unknown Diary xx14DCDC |
Urgent Task 001EFF0A |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Vassilis' Hymn xx0ADAB6 |
Vector's log - Sonny 0017E6CC |
Victor Compound 0026319F |
Volunteers Needed xx15F0EB |
Title | Author | Description | Location |
Wanted xx0x000EA0BD (958653) |
We Tried xx007773 |
Wherever you are xx1472F9 |
Why? 0032B31D |
Wife's Letter 00349675 |
Wing B Notes 0025DB8D |
Woman in a Nightgown xx0x0001AFB0 (110512) |
Words from the High Council xx15F0EA |