Starfield:Just one more turn...

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Book Information
ID xx0x00030100 (196864)
Editor ID SE_SD06_Slate01
Type Slate
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Mule (random), dead scientist onboard the Derelict Mule.

Just one more turn...
An engineer prioritizing a game over fixing the failing O2 systems.

Hey Boss,

Yeah I'll be right on it. I'm about done wrapping up this game.

Just one more turn...

DATE: 04/11/2336


Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have let you on this ship. Everyone said you were an idiot but your engineering skills are legendary. So listen, the O2 systems been failing for a while and you are the only person on board that can fix it. Get off your ass and fix it!