Starfield:GBLR008: Poker Game

Book Information
ID 00128137
Editor ID CF07_LegacyLog_Slate008
Up GalBank Legacy Recording
Prev. GBLR007: Running on Empty Next GBLR009: Aguilar's Farewell
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Slate
Related to SF-qico-Crimson Fleet.svgEye of the Storm: Retrieve Kryx's Legacy.
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg GalBank Legacy (map), next to Mayfield's corpse in the crew quarters.

GBLR008: Poker Game
by Legacy Computer
The remaining crew of the GalBank Legacy spends some of their last moments together

Access to this recording is restricted to employees of the GalBank Corporation. Any unauthorized attempt to reproduce, publish, duplicate or broadcast this recording without express permission from GalBank will result in prosecution.

Legacy Computer: "Crew recording initiated."
Mayfield: "Full house."
Kellner: "Damn it, Mayfield. You must be cheating. There's no way anyone can be that lucky."
Mayfield: "Oh yeah, I'm so lucky. Tell you what... I'll trade all that "luck" for a sandwich. Deal?"
Simmons: "Yeah, sure. It's been... what was it? Three? No... two weeks since the food supplies ran out. If we had... sandwiches to trade, we'd be eating them ourselves. *Light chuckle* *Coughs*."
Aguilar: "Simmons, go get some rest. You sound awful."
Simmons: "Yeah, I'm just going to take a nap or something. I... can't even read the cards anyway. Sorry, everyone. Can't keep my eyes open."
Aguilar: "It's okay. Go on. I'll... come check on you in a while."
Mayfield: "So... another round? Aguilar? Kellner? Captain?"
Liang: "You three go ahead, I'm just going to lean on Kellner here and watch. Oh, and let's cut the "Captain" nonsense. Call me Liang."
Mayfield: "All right, Liang's out. I'm dealing the rest of you in."
Legacy Computer: "Crew recording terminated."