Starfield:Tommy Bitlow - Inside Sanctum Universum!

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Book Information
ID 00114584
Editor ID City_NA_Z_SpreadTheNewsDataSlate_Sanctum
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Slate
Related to SF-qico-Misc.svgSpreading the News
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-New Atlantis.svg New Atlantis Spaceport (map), given by Tommy Bitlow at the start of SF-qico-Misc.svgSpreading the News

Tommy Bitlow - Inside Sanctum Universum!
An article proposing many conspiracy theories about Sanctum Universum.

The Sanctum Universum. An establishment cloaked in mystery. Is it truly just another peaceful religion? Or is it something far, far darker?

[The article goes on for another fifteen pages. Many conspiracy theories involving the church are proposed, yet none are backed up with even a shred of evidence.]