Starfield:Derelict Bright Star

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SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg
Derelict Ship:
Derelict Bright Star
Console Location Code(s)
Unknown (?)

Derelict Bright Star is a derelict ship filled with extreme heat.

The objective of the Derelict Bright Star was to map Freestar movements. They had already been mapping the Freestar's movement for two years without issue. The tech used to map their movements was pretty old, and used an algorithm to fill in gaps in the data, but Captain Steinbeck felt they had a good idea of where the Freestar's Fleet patrols, should they need to intercept any communications between the ships. Captain Steinbeck instructed the ship's crew to find a location where they can listen in on any hails without being detected, using the magnetic disturbances from a nearby star to help.[1]

While looking for a location, the ship was hit with a huge burst of energy, in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections from a nearby star. This overwhelmed the shields; damaged the engines, damaged all the ship's systems, and started venting excess heat into the ship.[2] Dr. Suruki explained to Captain Steinbeck that they needed to dock somewhere soon, or the crew will suffer from dehydration and heat exhaustion. Dr. Suruki did the math and found that, they could not enter a planet's atmosphere to land, because the friction from the atmosphere would generate intense heat around the ship, and the ship's backup thermal shields would not hold up under that stress. Suruki suggested to Steinbeck that they should dock at a nearby Freestar station, but Steinbeck refused.[3]

After half the crew had already collapsed, Captain Steinbeck finally agreed to dock at a Freestar Station,[4] he wiped the intel they stole and set course, but a week's time had already been lost. Due to this loss of time, the ship's engines now had the danger of overheating, giving them a 5% chance of making it to port, and a 10% chance of getting picked up along the way.[5]


Captain Steinbeck
Dr. Suruki
Dr. Wilson
Ensign Albright
Ensign Lindholm

Magazines, Slates, and Terminals

Ensign Albright's Slate Slate A slate from a crew member suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion.
Ensign Lindholm's Slate Slate A slate from a crew member who doesn't care about the mission anymore, and who misses their husband and daughter.
Captain's Computer (Ship) Terminal Is Captain Steinbeck's computer onboard the Derelict Bright Star, talks about the mission directive and the events leading up to the ship becoming derelict.
Dr. Suruki's Computer Terminal Is Dr. Suruki's computer, a new doctor onboard the Bright Star, talks about the events leading up to the ship becoming derelict.
System Diagnostic Computer Terminal Is the Derelict Bright Star's diagnostic computer. Shows all systems as Offline or having No Status, and mission data not being found.
