Starfield:LaMarr Nichols' Slate

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Book Information
ID 00374077
Editor ID SE_KT10_TurretAttack_Nichols
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Slate
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Derelict Ship.svg Derelict Privateer (random)

LaMarr Nichols' Slate
In which Nichols describes his attempts to bring humor to the ship.

The Captain did not like the fact I filled up the registry with uh... less than flattering nicknames. But seriously though, how was I supposed to know that thing was bugged beyond repair?

Bottom line, I'm just trying to inject a little levity into the job. Everyone here can be so DOWN, all the time, and there's no reason for it.

We got the best job in the world, trying out new tech in the void of space, surrounded by the greatest light show in the galaxy. I need to remind folks of that. Especially my man Josef. Everything dude touches turns into a funeral, and we can't have that, not on my watch.

I just gotta figure out a way to make my guy smile.