Starfield:Abhay Cherian's Data Slate

Book Information
ID 0020C62A
Editor ID RL039_DataSlate_AbhayCherian
Value 0 Weight 0
Type Slate
Found in the following locations:

SF-mapicon-Mining Base.svg Abandoned Mining Platform (random)

Abhay Cherian's Data Slate

Abhay Cherian: Gabe, can you see down to the main deck? Is there anyone alive down there?

Gabriel Davis: I don't know, man. I can't hear anything.

Abhay Cherian: Those crabs are just gonna to [sic] keep coming.

Gabriel Davis: Where the hell are they coming from?! We checked the ocean. There is no life down there!

Abhay Cherian: ...I think we brought them up here.

Gabriel Davis: What?!

Abhay Cherian: Yeah...You know that barrier we've been trying to punch the drill trough for the past week? Well, this morning we broke through. But it wasn't oil that came up. It was those creatures. I was here in the control room. Hundreds of those creatures climbed out of the drill tube.

Gabriel Davis: Oh shit. That was the explosion?

Abhay Cherian: ...Yeah.