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SF-logo-Stroud Eklund-logoOnly.png
SF-logo-Stroud Eklund.png
Trade Tower in Neon
Notable Members

Stroud-Eklund is a starship manufacturer from Neon that develops a wide range of ships. Stroud-Eklund is co-owned by Walter Stroud and his wife Issa Eklund, who both work as co-CEOs.


Stroud-Eklund ships and components are sleek and professional. Externally, they are characterized by a grey-with-orange-highlights color scheme, side-access dockers and landing bays, concealed engines, subtle curves, and extensive Stroud-Eklund branding. Internally, their hab modules are sleek, clean, high-tech, and brightly lit.

Known Modules[edit]


Name Value Hull Mass Crew Cargo Weapon Mounts Notes
Viking CP-100 6500 5 4 4 200 2 -
Viking CP-110 7200 5 5 4 220 2 -
Viking CP-200 8400 5 8 4 240 2 -
Viking CP-210 9900 5 10 4 260 2 -
Viking CP-220 12000 5 12 4 280 2 -
Kon-Tiki B-300 15100 5 15 4 300 2 -
Kon-Tiki B-310 19200 5 17 4 320 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 2
Kon-Tiki B-400 (?) 5 23 4 340 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 2
Kon-Tiki B-500 (?) 5 28 6 360 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 3
Kon-Tiki B-600 (?) 5 35 6 380 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 4


Name Dimensions Value Hull Mass Crew Passengers Notes
Storeroom Port A 1x1 1050 5 5 - - Unique to Stroud-Eklund
Storeroom Port B 1x1 1050 5 5 - - Unique to Stroud-Eklund
Storeroom Port C 1x1 1050 5 5 - - Unique to Stroud-Eklund
Storeroom 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
Companionway 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
All-in-One Berth A 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
All-in-One Berth B 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Armory 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Captain's Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Computer Core 2x1 1350 5 8 1 - -
Control Station 2x1 1350 5 8 4 - -
Infirmary 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Living Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Science Lab 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Workshop 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Battle Stations 2x2 1550 5 10 6 - -
Brig 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Cargo Hall 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Computer Core 2x2 1550 5 10 2 - -
Living Quarters 2x2 1550 5 10 - 3 -
Cargo Hall 2x3 1800 5 12 - - -
Mess Hall 2x3 1800 5 12 - 3 -
All-in-One Berth 3x1 1550 5 10 - 2 -
Engineering Bay 3x1 1550 5 10 1 - -
Cargo Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - - -
Mess Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - 3 -


Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Connect-Pro Docker Top 1075 2 2 Can only be attached to the top of the ship
Connect-Pro Docker Port/Stbd 1075 2 2 Flippable/Can be used on the starboard or port side.

Landing Gears[edit]

Name Value Hull Mass Lander Thrust Notes
Accu-Lander 11 650 1 2 2 Flippable/Three variations: Starboard, Portside, and Center

Landing Bays[edit]

Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Stability Pro 1000 1 2 Flippable/Exit on the side

Structural Parts[edit]

Name Value Mass Notes
Braking Engine 625 5 -
Cap A 750 6 Flippable/Variations: Starboard and Portside, Fore and Aft, Top and Bottom
Cap B 625 5 Flippable
Cap C 1000 8 -
Cowling 1LA 625 5 Flippable/Variations: Starboard and Portside, Top and Bottom
Cowling 3LA 1625 10 Flippable
Bracer A 500 3 -
Bracer B 500 3 -
Engine Mount 625 5 Flippable
Mid Bracer 625 5 -
Nose Cap 2B 2000 10 Flippable
Nose Cap B 1000 8 Flippable
Nose Cap C 1000 8 Flippable
Nose Cap D 1000 8 Flippable
Nose Cap E 625 5 -

Related Missions[edit]

