Starfield:Nev Papadopoulos

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Nev Papadopoulos
(00167865, 00299D13)
Location SF-mapicon-Starstation.svg Stroud-Eklund Staryard (map)
Editor ID MS05_NevPapadopoulos
Race Human Gender Female
RefID 00167865 BaseID 00299D13
Other Information
Faction(s) CrimeFactionFreestar

Nev Papadopolous is a resident of Stroud-Eklund Staryard, an employee of Stroud-Eklund, and a marketing expert assigned to the Kepler Project.

Papadopoulos feels out of her depth on the Kepler design committee, and is not very confident that her input will be useful. Her proposal, based on her market research, is to design the Kepler as a recreational craft for families.

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