Starfield:Taiyo Astroneering

Taiyo Astroneering
SF-logo-Taiyo Astroneering.png
A Division of SF-icon-ryujin.png Ryujin Industries
Ryujin Tower in Neon
Taiyo's main show room in Ryujin Tower

Taiyo Astroneering is a known manufacturer of modules for starships. It is a subsidiary of Ryujin Industries.


Taiyo is known for their ships' distinctive appearances - sleek and all-white with prominent curves. Internally, they are clean and sterile.

Known ModulesEdit


Name Value Hull Mass Crew Cargo Weapon Mounts Notes
Samurai 3900 5 6 2 200 - -
Samurai Enhanced 4650 5 7 2 220 - -
Daimyo 5900 5 10 2 240 - -
Daimyo Enhanced 7450 5 12 2 260 - -
Shogun 9600 5 14 2 280 - -
Shogun Enhanced 12800 5 17 2 300 - Requires Starship Design Rank 2


  • Due to the curved design of Taiyo ships, all hab-modules have multiple variants (Top A/B, Mid, Bottom A/B).
Name Dimensions Value Hull Mass Crew Passengers Notes
Companionway 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
Storeroom 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
All-in-One Berth 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Armory 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Captain's Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Computer Core 2x1 1350 5 8 1 - -
Control Station 2x1 1350 5 8 4 - -
Infirmary 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Living Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Science Lab 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Workshop 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
All-in-One Berth 2x2 1550 5 10 - 3 -
Battle Stations 2x2 1550 5 10 6 - -
Brig 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Cargo Hall 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Computer Core 2x2 1550 5 10 2 - -
Engineering Bay 3x1 1550 5 10 1 - -
Cargo Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - - -
Mess Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - 3 -


Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Extender Port 200 900 2 3 Flippable/Top or Bottom

Landing GearsEdit

Name Value Hull Mass Lander Thrust Notes
Pinpoint 3G 1300 3 1 1 Flippable/Three variations: Starboard or Portside; Fore, Mid and Aft
Pinpoint 4G 1375 3 3 2 Bottom
Pinpoint 4G 1375 3 3 2 Starboard/Portside
Pinpoint 4G+ 1375 3 3 2 -

Landing BaysEdit

Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Ship Bed 200 1700 3 1 Flippable/Fore or Aft

Structural PartsEdit

Name Value Mass Notes
Equipment Plate 500 1 Allows you to add a weapon mount to the chosen slot
Braking Engine 625 5 Fore, Bottom
Braking Engine 625 5 Flippable/Starboard or Portside
Cowling 500 4 Flippable/Variations: Fore or Aft, Top or Bottom
End Cap 625 5 Flippable
Forward Sensors 625 5 -
Mid Cap 500 5 Flippable/Variations: Starboard or Portside, Top or Bottom
(Nose) Cap 1000 5 Flippable/Variations: Starboard or Portside, Fore or Aft
Side Cap 500 1 Variant with weapon mount
Slope Cap 2500 10 Flippable
Spine 500 3 -
