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They're trucks, in space
HopeTown on Polvo
Notable Members

HopeTech is a starship manufacturer from Polvo that specializes in affordable freighters. HopeTech was founded by Ron Hope, who is renowned for his tireless efforts in building the company from the ground up. HopeTech is the primary employer on Polvo, and indeed is absolutely critical to the planet's economy.

HopeTech main manufacturing plant is the center of HopeTown, the largest settlement on Polvo.


HopeTech specializes in cheap, affordable "junkers" that prioritize function over form. Externally, their ships are blocky and utilitarian, and tend towards a brown and brass color scheme. Internally, they are cluttered and dimly lit.

Known ModulesEdit


Name Value Hull Mass Crew Cargo Weapon Mounts Notes
Armstrong 10 3850 5 5 2 200 - -
Armstrong 10R 4550 5 6 2 220 - -
Armstrong 20 5750 5 9 2 240 - -
Armstrong 20E 9800 5 15 2 280 - -
Armstrong 20R 7300 5 11 2 260 - Requires Starship Design Rank 1
Overseer 300 12800 5 17 2 300 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 1
Overseer 300E 18200 5 22 2 320 2 Requires Starship Design Rank 2


Name Dimensions Value Hull Mass Crew Passengers Notes
Storeroom 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
Companionway 1x1 1050 5 5 - - -
All-in-One Berth 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Armory 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Captain's Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Computer Core 2x1 1350 5 8 1 - -
Control Station 2x1 1350 5 8 4 - -
Infirmary 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Living Quarters 2x1 1350 5 8 - 2 -
Science Lab 2x1 1350 5 8 - - -
Workshop 2x1 1350 5 8 - - Doesn't have a research station
Battle Stations 2x2 1550 5 10 6 - -
Brig 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Cargo Hall 2x2 1550 5 10 - - -
Computer Core 2x2 1550 5 10 2 - -
Cargo Hall 2x3 1800 5 12 - - -
Mess Hall 2x3 1800 5 12 - 3 -
Engineering Bay 3x1 1550 5 10 1 - -
Cargo Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - - -
Mess Hall 3x2 1800 5 12 - 3 -
Cargo Hall 3x3 1850 5 14 - - -
Storeroom Fuselage A/B/C/D 1x1 1050 5 5 - - Unique to HopeTech; blends into the Design of the Armstrong cockpits
Companionway Fuselage A/B/C/D 1x1 1050 5 5 - - Unique to HopeTech; blends into the Design of the Armstrong cockpits
Hab Cross Brace 1x1 1300 5 14 - - Unique to HopeTech
Hab Spine 1x1 1300 5 14 - - Unique to HopeTech


Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Hope 11 Docker Fore 1000 1 2 -
Hope 11 Docker Port/Stbd 1000 1 2 Flippable

Landing GearsEdit

Name Value Hull Mass Lander Thrust Notes
Hope 5 750 2 1 1 -
Hope 55 1500 3 3 4 Flippable; Requires Starship Design Rank 1
Hope 6 750 2 3 2 Flippable/Variations: Starboard/Portside, Fore/Mid/Aft

Landing BaysEdit

Name Value Hull Mass Notes
Hope 4 1000 1 1 -

Structural PartsEdit

Name Value Mass Notes
Bumper A 500 2 -
Cap A 500 4 Flippable/Variations: Starboard/Portside, Fore/Mid/Aft
Cap B Mid 750 5 -
Marker A 500 1 -
Nose A 500 1 Flippable/Variations: Fore(between Port and Starboard)/Port/Starboard
Nose B 500 1 Flippable
Pipes 500 2 Flippable
Pipes A/B Mid 500 4 -
Radiator 1000 8 -
Riser A 1000 5 -
Riser B 625 3 -
Thruster 625 5 -

Related MissionsEdit
