Starfield:Pain Tolerance

Pain ToleranceEdit

Pain Tolerance
Form ID 0x002CFCAE
Editor ID Skill_PainTolerance
Category Physical
Skill Tier Advanced
Rank Stats
  • Rank 1 - Physical damage is reduced by 5%.
  • Rank 2 - Physical damage is reduced by 10%.
  • Rank 3 - Physical damage is reduced by 15%.
  • Rank 4 - 5% chance to ignore physical damage when you're health is low.
Rank Challenges
  • Rank 1 Requirement - Spend a total of 4 Skill Points in the Physical tree.
  • Rank 2 Challenge Progress - Take 250 points of physical damage.
  • Rank 3 Challenge Progress - Take 500 points of physical damage.
  • Rank 4 Challenge Progress - Take 1000 points of physical damage.
Crew Stats
  • Rank 1 - Physical damage is reduced by 10%.
  • Rank 2 - Physical damage is reduced by 20%.
  • Rank 3 - Physical damage is reduced by 30%.
Pain hurts - but only if you're not strong enough to take it.
Pain Tolerance

Pain Tolerance is an Advanced Physical skill.

Pain Tolerance is unlocked by spending a total of 4 skill points in the Physical skill tree.

Skill IncreasesEdit

The fastest way to quickly progress through the skill rank challenges would be to (?).


These companions have ranks in this skill:

